• Member Since 4th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 24th


She/Her (Trans). Occasional Writer, Storm Chaser, SFM Artist and Former Special Events Staff at Ponyville Ciderfest. PFP by LincolnBrewsterFan.


Ugin the Spirit Dragon has been banished from his home at the claws of Nicol Bolas. Now, alongside the former Dragon Lords of Tarkir, he must adapt to a new form and a new home. But as Bolas' power grows and his eyes become set on his next target, the former Dragons of Tarkir must protect their new home plane of Equestria from him and his council of elder dragons. Good things they aren't alone...

....six little ponies are here to help.

Co-written by Mkchief34

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Ugin, Silumgar, Ojutai, Dromoka, Artarka. and kolaghan have some explaining to do!

5803292 oh definitely...I can just see it now...

Applejack: Um....what's a Sultai?

Not sure about how you're portraying Ugin's character here. It just seems... off to me. Like he isn't confident enough. Also there are numerous typos. It's still good though, with some potential for great character interactions. Let's see where it goes. Oh, and according to canon, Kolaghan never talks. Just thought I'd remind you for later. :twilightsmile:

Can i take this over? It hasnt been updated in a while, and I really like the idea!

6386090 if you want to do sort of a round robin thing with it we can. I have been really f**king busy with school and some Source Film Maker work that I haven't really been able to write as much as I was hoping but the next chapter or two are meant to be the other mane six encountering one of the other dragon lords that ended up in Equestria ( was thinking maybe Rarity/Silumgar, RD/Kolagahn, AJ/Atarka, Pinkie/Dromoka and Fluttershy/Ojutai).

Send me a message at my "work" email applejackspizzeria@gmail.com and we can talk about it more there.

I now have a round robin with the author. Hopefully and update will be out soon!

6448396 yep will add you as coauthor later tonight after test

6448570 Thanks! Chapters ready! I shared it with you on google docs
A few things
Should the Dragonlords be pegasi or Alicorns?
Should Sarkhan be in this? Because I included him in.

6448711 ooh i didn't think about Sarkhan...I'll leave it up to you but at the very least if you make the dragonlords alicorns, make their horns like their dragon versions, like with atarka make hers antlers

6448781 I made them Pegasi. It seemed more natural for them. Most dragons can't use magic, so I thought making them pegasi would make them more loyal to their original forms. That Okay?

6448792 yeah that is fine, and since they have mana alignments and some abilities we can add them in as we go.
5941947 yeah I know. if I do anything with her "talking" it might just be a natural understanding between her and Dash that she is able to interpret as speech.

6448792 also just going to do a quick bit of editing to the chapter to fix a few mistakes before I post it. I will let you know when it is up and will add my changes in a different color

Update: edited and added a few notes. Go over it and make any changes you want then I will post it. I'll do the same thing when I have my chapter ready for you to review and edit

6448835 Made the edits and reworked the dialogue. Ready for you to edit!

6450822 editing now, but it will probably be late tonight before it is finished I have class and I have to work soon after.

6450849 SOunds good. take all the time you need!

6451032 Hey I need you to send me the chapter stuff again I had a PC wipe a while ago and lost a lot of stuff and apparently that was on it

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