• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 2,892 Views, 38 Comments

SpiderMan 2099: Equstria's Future - MonsterCat2212

SpiderMan from the year 2099 has been stranded on Equis by Tyler Stone owner of Alchemax. While looking for a way back home he must stop a certain end to Equis without his help. Will the furture of Equstria collapse or will SpiderMan save it future?

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Ch2: Rise of Dragons

"Sister this interagation is going no where!" Luna screamed. The princesses had SpiderMan trapped in a magical barrier, he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. "I agree" Celestia said, SpiderMan was sitting down in the magic bubble looking at the sisters annoyed. 'There has to be a way out of here maybe if I examine the bubble?' SpiderMan moved his head around looking around. Luna laughed at SpiderMan futile examines.

"Your examines are funny, but useless."

SpiderMan didn't listen to the princess and sniffed the air. All he could smell where the princesses. Miguel sighed, he looked up at the ceiling, SpiderMan punched the bubble. To Celestia's surprise SpiderMan made the prison nearly explode. SpiderMan's spider-sense began to blare and he looked behind himself to see a dragon appear out of smoke. The dragon stood tall with a robotic arm and red and blue eyes, its scales where made out of a indestrutable alloy that SpiderMan couldn't describe.

"So your the 'human' I've been hearing about." the dragon said. "My warriors tell me that you could jepodize my plan. THAT WONT HAPPEN!"

With amazing strength the dragon punched the bubble to a breaking point. The princesses got between him and SpiderMan. The dragon enhaled and blew amazing wind strength knocking the ponies away, with staggering speed the dragon grabbed SpiderMan by the throat and slammed him into the ground. SpiderMan clawed at the monster, the dragons scales where stronger than the regular dragons scales. SpiderMan kicked the dragon's throat making the dragon loose his grip.

"Call me Raven the Ruler of Equstria!! HAHAHA!!" SpiderMan rolled his eyes and said, "Ya know you should be called Raven the Loud Mouth!"

SpiderMan kicked Raven in the forehead, the dragons scales protected his skin. Raven grabbed SpiderMan's ankle and threw him through Twilights tree house, SpiderMan quickly recovered only for Raven to punch him square in the face. The attack launched SpiderMan through multiple building. He eventually landed finally and breathed heavily, 'I'VE NEVER BEEN PUNCHED THAT HARD BEFORE!!' SpiderMan felt his nose bleeding from the punch Raven gave him. SpiderMan felt his suit tear but it didn't matter he had to give it his all! With all his strength SpiderMan reared his fist back and punched Raven in the face. The dragon shrugged the punch off and walked toward SpiderMan, "Hey Raven heres web in your eye!" SpiderMan tensed both his arms shooting webbing out of both of them.

"I'll tell the princesses you did your best" Raven said coldly as he grabbed the webbing, the dragon then spun around carrying SpiderMan in the air with him. Raven then let the webbing go and made SpiderMan fly into a building. Raven then grabbed the hero by the head and slammed his face into AppleJack's cart, SpiderMan kicked Raven far enough to give him a breather, SpiderMan grabbed the cart and flung it at Raven. The dragon with his tail sliced the cart in half. Twilight came to see the bloody hero and gasped, Celestia and Luna where amazed by the hero's bravery but knew he couldn't stop the King of Dragons. "Princesses DO SOMETHING!!" Twilight screamed out.

"Twilight there's nothing we can do" Luna said smoothly and calmly. Twilight gave the princesses a confused look and ran off to find the other Elements of Harmony.

"Rainbow Dash you want to jump in!" AppleJack asked the cyan mare. "That's Raven the King of Dragons even I know not to mess with him!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, Raven grabbed SpiderMan by the neck and whispered,

"I could give you a quick death. But I enjoy watching you squirm BUG!!" Raven then threw SpiderMan into Rainbow Dash, the mare pushed off the bleeding hero. "ahhh shock *coff*" SpiderMan jumped to his feet and used his remaining spider strength into these last attacks. SpiderMan kicked Raven in the stomach and followed by punching him in the face knocking the dragon down, SpiderMan jumped on top of the dragon and punched him in the face with all his might.

'I've cheated death before. I won't die not TODAY NOT TO SHOCKING DAY!!'SpiderMan grabbed Raven by his snot and slammed him into the ground. 'NO WEAKNESS I'M NOT DIEING NOT TO A... SpiderMan punched Raven in the gut. DIRT ROTTEN DRAGON!!!!' Miguel used his last bits of strength to destroy Raven slamming him back into the ground SpiderMan noticed something around the dragons neck, it couldn't be....a FRAGMENT!! SpiderMan yanked the object off the dragons neck and looked to see the dragon turn into a regular dragon.

"You have no power YOUR A WIMP!! A SHOCKING NORMAL!!" SpiderMan screamed tackleing the dragon, Raven grabbed the hero's mask and pulled it off. "GIVE ME MY FRAGMENT PIECE YOU DUMB HUMAN!!!" Raven kicked SpiderMan with his normal dragon strength and grabbed the fragment, Raven then used his fragment power and punched SpiderMan in the face knocking out one of his teeth. SpiderMan web pulled his mask and placed it back on his face, Raven ran up to a building and with all his strength grabbed the base of the building and flung it at SpiderMan, looking behind himself he saw the Elements of Harmony where formed behind him he had to take the hit. SpiderMan pushed his arms out tensing them making them shoot webbing at the building. SpiderMan used his talons to dig into the building, SpiderMan could feel his feet digging into the ground and heard the breathing of ponies behind him.

"ENOUGH!!!!!" Raven ran straight through the building and slammed SpiderMan into the ground, head butting the hero he grabbed his arms and tried to rip them off until he was hit with a magical rainbow beam. SpiderMan looked to where the beam came from and saw the Mane 6 had saved his life. SpiderMan could feel himself be brought in a aura as he was laided before the ponies.

"THIS ISN'T OVER YOU HUMAN!!!!!" Raven said before flying off, SpiderMan could feel his world fade to black as he feel unconscious.