• Published 12th May 2012
  • 1,418 Views, 16 Comments

Pandora - brandsca123

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Thunder and lightning filled the sky as dark clouds poured rain from the skys on the war torn earth. Countless bodies of both Humans and Shades littered the ground as the two races fought for control over the planet. Gunfire echoed in the air as human soldiers shot bullet after bullet into the dark bodies of the Shades.

The Shades are a race of beings that lived deep beneath the earth waiting for a time when they would strike back against humanity. They were human like in appearance except they had no eyes or a nose or any other facial features, save for a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. They had claws that were as sharp as daggers and skin as hard as steel. They growled and roared as they charged at the humans and ripped them apart.

Screams of fear and death filled the air as both sides suffered many casualties, but in the end humanity won. However the war had killed off nearly every single life form on the planet and the humans were left with a dying planet. It was then that they agreed upon themselves to build an arc to hold the remaining humans in a deep sleep while the planet repairs itself.

Thus Pandora was born, it was placed in a remote area on the planet where it could be safe from any remaining Shades. Another ark was built to hold the key to unlocking Pandora and one human stayed behind to hold that key.

Now deep within the planet humanity sleeps, waiting for a time when they will awaken and live once more.

Time went by and the planet rebuilt itself and new life forms appeared and soon they became the dominant species. As for humanity, they still sleep deep within the earth forgotten.