• Published 4th Apr 2015
  • 457 Views, 5 Comments

Natureshy: RotE Episode 11 - Dream Volt

Fluttershy deals with deer, Discord, and some strange magical pony she's never met before.

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Walking through trees

Trixie disappeared from the circle, appearing on the rock Acorn said was far enough away. She left a cloud of smoke when she vanished, and there was an explosion of fireworks that blinded me for a second before she appeared. Rarity and I both clapped our hooves together. Acorn just nodded, while Sky just stared.

"But…" began Sky "You were lying. You were so nervous you didn't use your name and talked like a normal pony. You…"

Trixie interrupted her with a loud laugh. "Hah. All an act. The greater and more powerful Trixie knew this would work all along."

I like card games. You can stay really quiet, sometimes not saying anything at all if the dealer understands your signals. Dash and Pinkie are really bad at that, but I don't mind talking when it's just them anyway. It was always a little scary when Rarity and I used to play bridge with those friends of hers, even though they usually just ignored me since I didn't have any gossip. I was really good at reading tells. For a while I won all the time, but then I realized that probably isn't very nice. Now I try to make sure everypony gets at least a few wins. Applejack still has the most obvious tells in existence, but right then Trixie was close. Her eyes, one ear, and her mouth all twitched in some really odd ways when she said that.

"Yes, however could I doubt that." Acorn then laughed. "Okay, so surprisingly she really did do it so…"

"It's not that surprising. Trixie was a prodigy at a young age. She mastered the teleport years before most would."

"Ah, just like Twilight." Said Rarity "Did you know she figured the spell out when she was a mere seven years old?"

"Seven? I can't believe that little…" Trixie shook her head. "I mean Trixie admits it's impressive, and she was somewhat older, but she also had a life, not being some book obsessed shut in with no friends."

I frowned. "That was mean."

"I suppose, but Twilight referred to herself as such once." Said Rarity

"That might be accurate." Said Sky "But that doesn't mean one should repeat it."

"Fine, Trixie apologizes. The point is while the last time Trixie cast the spell was a disaster she was once quite the accomplished teleporter. Then she began having some problems, which Wynn said weren't her fault."

"You made them worse." Said Acorn

"Trixie is aware of that. She is also aware there is no reasonable way Trixie could have known that. The point is Trixie is now better than ever. Hmmm, in fact in a proper league sanctioned duel Trixie might even be A class like Sparkle."

"Huh?" Acorn, myself, and Sky echoed

"Oh it's a rather barbaric sport." Said Rarity, shaking her head. "Because of the rules most powerful unicorns are A class since after that point more power no longer matters. Skill is still a big factor. However Trixie I would strongly suggest you not duel Twilight, it would end badly for you."

"But as far as Trixie can tell she's never been in a sanctioned duel. Perhaps…"

"You can continue scheming, but we're done talking about it." Said Acorn. "Now as I said, the final test it to get all of you teleporting."

Rarity looked down and sighed. "Then we are doomed to fail. Twilight has tried to give me instruction but…"

"All the standard teleport spells failed?" Acorn laughed "Of course they did. It's clear you need something a bit less direct. I think I know just the spell. It's more about folding the fabric of space and time to meet your needs, rather than moving directly."

"Well I must admit I like the sound of fabric but that is not the sort I am adept with."

"It's what we deer use. It's very subtle, though it has some limits as well, especially when it comes to buildings. Let me show you what I mean."

Acorn then walked forward and to one side of the small clearing that was really only half clear, quite a few trees interrupting it. Then she moved from one side to the other in the blink of an eye. It was like the space in between forgot to be there for moment. It made my eyes water a little looking directly at it happen

"Oh." I said

"I see the point yes, but it's still perplexing." Said Rarity

"Trixie certainly doesn't see how you did it."

"I still don't get what you even expect me to do." Said Sky

"Wait, so none of you caught that?" said Acorn

We all nodded.

Acorn sighed. "Great, I missed something important. Whatever, lets see if we can at least speed things along for Fluttershy. Next lesson, moving though trees."

"Trixie can do that well enough already."

"I doubt that." Added Sky

Trixie shook her head. "If you have to explain the joke…"

Then Acorn walked though a tree as if it wasn't even real. Trixie teleported next to it, she still left behind a little cloud of smoke, but appeared with nothing but a bright sparkling flash. It was probably more practical. Trixie then tapped the tree, it really was solid. Then Acorn came out the other side, and smiled.

"Trixie saw a lot that time, but she is certain she is not capable of learning anything from it. That magic makes no sense."

"Of course not. It's pure nature magic. Now, Silent Sky, Fluttershy. Give it a try."

"Both of us?" asked Sky

"Yes. It shouldn’t even be hard."

"Is this a natural ability of deer?" asked Rarity

"Among others. It's very useful to avoid a predator by going though a tree instead of around it. Also I just showed you our other trick."

"Hmmmmm." Rarity then put a hoof on her chin.

"Uh, do you mean now?" I asked

"I’m sure she does."

Sky had flown over to a tree, and pressed a hoof against it. Then she closed her eyes. I think she began to mutter something to herself. Then she went though just like Acorn did, but a little faster since she was flying. Acorn's eyes went wide.

"Okay, that was far faster than I expected."

"I was reminded of a few techniques I've read about, and to some degree even cloaking my own aura. Instead of focusing on not existing, I focused on the tree not existing."

Acorn just stared for a few moments. "Well that's certainly interesting. I figured you should get it eventually since you are her sister but..."

"I'm going to do worse, aren't I."

"Better." Said Sky "Try. No fear. No restraint. No regrets."

I smiled. Daddy said that all the time. Besides trees can't hurt me. No matter how scary they look and these look nice. I looked at the tree but I didn't think of it like it was nothing. That seemed sort of mean. No, it's like a cloud. It can be solid, but it's also easy to pass though. It doesn't have to be a barrier. Sometimes I mess that up but I could always fly though clouds just fine, it was only gripping them that was a problem. So I just did it. It was easy. It felt, strange. Like a cloud, but there was a faint warmth. It was a living thing and it let me though because I wanted to go. I then went though a few more trees. It felt nice, calming. I smiled. Then I heard stomping. Rarity was the one stomping her front hooves rapidly.

"Bravo Fluttershy." Rarity was smiling broadly "Bravo."

"Yes, Trixie is fairly sure such strange magic is beyond her. Yes, fairly sure. But she can tell your butterfly like self's mastery of the skill is unparalleled like Trixie's own mastery of magic. Very much unlike your dark sister's clunky attempt."

Sky groaned. "You just said you don't understand it it's not like…"

"Just because Trixie can't do such a thing doesn't mean that when Trixie sees vastly superior spellcraft she can't recognize it?"

Acorn raised an eyebrow looking at Trixie. "You can see the difference, can't you?"

"It's not really even the same thing I'm sure. I'm a pegasus not…" began Sky

"Doesn't matter." Said Acorn "It is a little rough, but workable. Fluttershy's technique is just so much better it makes you look bad."

"Fine. It's not as if I have ever doubted my sister is amazing, I only question Trixie's motives."

"I know you say that Sky but…" I began

"No. You are."

"Oh uh, I…" I then sighed "Okay."

Sky sighed. "And one day you may even believe that truth yourself."

"Enough of that cheeriness." Said Acorn. "Now Fluttershy, we get to the hard part. This your sister probably can't do. Also no I can't show you because I can't do it either. Honestly my uncle is the only deer I know for sure that can, so why he asked me to give it a try helping you I have no idea, but that's the way it is."

"Then how will you teach her anything?" asked Rarity

"Yes, Trixie doesn't get it."

"Well my guess is I won't have to. That makes no sense, but it's also the only logical answer. It doesn't really have a proper name, but it's like shadow walking, but with trees so tree walking seems about right. It just sounds wrong somehow."

"Shadow walking?" asked Sky

"Yes, you walk into one shadow and emerge from another. Supposedly it's very dangerous, but I forget why. Tree walking is safe but also more difficult. You walk into one tree, and using the connection to the world all trees share walk out of another."

"The connection all trees share?" asked Rarity

"Uh, you mean they all have roots in the ground?" I asked

"Exactly. Obviously it's a metaphysical connection only, but this is magic we're talking about. Go on. Give it a try. Worst that happens is you go out the same tree."

"Uh, okay."

I tried a few times, and that's all that happened. It still felt nice, but I think there was something else I needed to know. I was going to keep trying, but then a loud roar startled everypony, not just me. Trixie seemed to be the most effected, her hat had fallen off, ears back, and her eyes tiny pinpricks.

"Hmm, odd." Said Rarity "That roar sounds vaguely familiar."

"No, it can't be." Said Trixie, voice trembling. "I won't accept it. I can't."

"Oh my." I then brought my hooves to my mouth. "She sounds hurt."

"Wait is that…" began Sky

"An Ursa cub, yes." Added Acorn.


Trixie then ran the opposite direction out of the clearing. I flew off in the direction of the sound. An animal needs me.