• Published 14th May 2012
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A Twinkle and a Sparkle - xzillerationer

The tale of Twinkleshine's odd romance with a certain Ms. Sparkle.

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A Twinkle and a Sparkle:

by Xzillerationer and Cuttincows


As I walked up to Moondancer’s magnificent mansion, I felt a small twinge of nervousness. I shook this off as what I was going to talk to her about, not with actually me being nervous with her. I had known her since magic kindergarten, when we would wait for the bell to ring to let us out of class, letting us hang out for a few short hours with our best friend, Twilight Sparkle.

Oh, speaking of Twilight, I kinda sorta have a crush on her. Okay, maybe fully. Hopefully Moondancer isn’t out with some colt again, or partying with Pinkie again, or whatever else she does when she’s not home. She’s probably at some party with both some colt and Pinkie Pie. Celestia, that mare can party. I’ll never forget my night with HER...back on subject! Twilight, the mare of my dreams, the girl I literally dream about, not that it’s weird or anything. I mean, don’t most people normally dream about their soul mates, not to imply I think Twilight is my soulmate. Well, she kinda is, but I don’t know if she feels the same way. Well, I do but, shoot, I’m rambling again.

Back to Moondancer, I took a steady breath, and knocked a couple times on her door. That was my code, the secret phrase I used whenever I had some super duper important to tell her that no other pony-save maybe Twilight-wait, definitely not Twilight. Anyways, it was a secret phrase word that I used, and she usually responded in a...unique way. Shambling to the door, as if she just hopped out of bed, which probably had some colt in it, but you couldn’t see it over the pile of toys that she used for...for lonely nights. She probably wouldn’t want me to tell you the gritty details, but you get the idea.

She came to the door, looking hung over. I sighed, a usual, considering it’s Wednesday. She drinks a lot. She just can’t lay off the Sweet Apple Cider. You could say that seaponies really like drinking water, but you could also say that Moondancer really likes drinking cider. Thank Luna for the day after spell, and thank Moondancer’s mother for birthing her as a unicorn capable of using this spell. I mean, her father was a pegasus, her grandfathers, both of them, were earth ponies, and I’m pretty sure she’s royalty to some degree. That would explain how she hasn’t worked a day in her life, or flunked out of magic school. Wait, buck, I’m getting off topic again.

She came to the door, and I did my secret knock, which consisted of me smacking the door with a rather large branch she precariously left on the railing. I’m still amazed that it never falls. Perhaps it was magic? Anyways, she slid open the door, and said to me, “I think you’re reminiscing again, you stood outside the door inquisitively for over ten minutes.” Oh shoot, I was.

I remembered what I came there for, and put on a nervous demeanor. Moondancer, instantly recognizing this, shot me a sly look, “Yes, Twinkleshine?” Realizing I’m going to have to reply, I try and beat it around the bush. “Oh, uh, you know. I came over for a friendly visit...” I was hopeless. She knows me far too well. She reached out her hoof, and pulled me forcefully through the door, slamming it behind us. She pushed me down into a chair, pulled one up for herself, and asked, “What exactly do you need my particular branch of expertise for today?”

Smiling casually, I had hoped to just avoid the topic altogether now that I’m here. I didn’t need to talk to her about it. I could just let it well up inside, gradually eat away at me. “Oh, well, I have this friend, and she’s got this colt problem.” I saw Moondancer smile all giddy like, and put her hoof on her chin and lean in. She’s getting something juicy out of me. “Uh huh, you sure this gal is into colts?” She did it. She pried it out of me. Oh god, it came spilling out of me, I bawled my eyes out, she even ran out of tissues! Okay, maybe not that much. It was more of a “Okayyesitsmepleasehelpmeimhorribleatthissocouldyouprettypleasehelpmewiththisonetinythingjustthisoneceforonlythisonetimeonly” kinda cry, and her hooves.

She gave her usually pretentious look, pouting, pretending to be lost in thought. Ha, Moondancer lost in thought. Good one, I’ll have to remember that one for later. Anyways, she finally gave in, and replied to me, “Oh, alright. Tell me her name.” I caved in, I told her. I told her how I always liked Twilight, even back when I just thought it was cooties. “Alright, have you considered my three step plan?” Moondancer asked me. I was stunned, how could I forget the three step plan?

Moondancer turned to me, and in her most serious voice, said “Step one: get a date.”