• Published 14th May 2012
  • 1,437 Views, 26 Comments

A Twinkle and a Sparkle - xzillerationer

The tale of Twinkleshine's odd romance with a certain Ms. Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Chapter 6:
I decided to ask Twilight on the date that Moondancer suggested I ask her on the next day at my house. Well, her being at my house was kind of sort of not quite an official date, but we were just mostly hanging out, swapping, ahem, stories about, well, stuff. I’ll just go with that.

Either way, we were both sitting on my couch that was at least pristine compared to Moondancer’s stained monstrosity, and I was attempting to style her mane into something that wasn’t the way she’d worn it every single other day of her life, with varying success.

“And done!” I said, levitating a mirror up to Twilight’s new mane.

“Oh wow! It’s beautiful!” Twilight replied, grasping the mirror in her magic and moving it around to see her new hairstyle. “What’s it called?”

“Well, I’ve heard it was called a ‘ponytail’ now and then. Lyra actually taught it to me, now that I think about it. It’s a bit odd, since we already have tails.” We both glanced back at our respective tails at that remark. Actually I looked at Twilights velvet violet tail, but I’m allowed to do that now, aren’t I?

“Well I think it looks great! Where did you learn to get this good?”

“Well, when I was younger I played with my prancy dolls a lot. And Moondancer always wanted to look good for the colts in school, so she kept asking me. I don’t know why.” I laughed a little.

“Well, obviously you’re good at it, I mean I love this look. I think I’ll do it more often.” I didn’t think that what I did with her hair was all that special or difficult, despite looking stunning on her, but I held my tongue.

“Well obviously I have to repay the favor!” Oh no. Oh Dear Princess Luna crying on the moon at night, no!

“I’m...okay. Really.”

“No, I insist!” Twilight said, getting up and leaning into me. I faked a smile, and, well, she could tell I was faking. Twilight was definitely in playful mood, and I was loving every minute of it.

“B-b-bu!” Twilight put a hoof on my mouth, this was happening. “Fine.” I said in a glance of playful anger.

Twilight smiled ecstatically, and clapped her hooves. Her bright mood was quite contagious, and quickly had me giggling along with her. I sat down on the floor, waiting relatively patiently as my girlfriend played with my hair. You know, there are many perks of having a girlfriend. Having her play with your mane, which is honestly really relaxing, is never really brought up. I layed back a bit, only to jolt upright in a bolt of sudden pain.

“Ooh, sorry, honey!” Twilight said, clearing the knot she’s made around my horn. Wait, she called me honey.

“Since when have I been your honey?” I asked, smirking.

“Since now. And please, stop fidgeting, it isn’t making this any easier.”

“Maybe you should be a bit more careful with your hooves.” I said, wincing as Twilight threatened to pull out a rather large chunk of my hair. We both giggled a little, and I leaned back, smiling. This apparently didn’t help with Twilight’s valiant efforts to complete my new hairdo, resulting in a . Well, she wasn’t finished just yet...

er once again pulling my hair a bit harder than my liking. Not that I like her pulling my mane, but, uh, well, you knew what I meant.

In the middle of this rather tear inducingly painful experience, Twilight thought it was, for some reason, the best time to ask me a question.

“So, do you think now would be a good time to ask me to meet your parents?”

“Well, we’re comfortable, relaxed, and I knew this was gonna be a pressing issue.”

Okay, I wasn’t exactly on bad terms with my parents, but my parents have always been...erm, not quite open minded. They were a bit against my experimenting of my younger day. That may have had something to do with my experiments involving creating a life sized illusion of a manticore in the living room, but I digress. That’s not to say they can’t change, it’s just...they wanted me to become a doctor, or a teacher, or some other job that’s held in high regard. Instead, I became an illusionist, and a damn fine one at that. Just ask Twilight.

“I suppose we could...” I said, looking down as to not show her how nervous I was.

“Why so nervous? I thought you were on good terms with your parents?”

“Well, I am, but they’re kinda...” I looked down a little.

“Oh. Not approving of...us?”

I immediately shot up at this. “No, not like, well, I’m sure they’re gonna be fine with you. I mean, you’re just kinda pretty much the best filly in all of Equestria! You’ve saved the world, twice! At least once intentionally!”

“Well I am pretty cool, I guess.”

I pulled her off the sofa, and onto the floor. After a quick peck, I told her. “Not guess, are.”


“Okay perhaps my wording was off a bit, but you know what I mean.”

We both giggled, realizing that our faces were a bit closer together than either of us had intended, so we decided to take advantage of that. Not that I was against that, though.

After a bit of discussion, checking our schedules, and quite a bit of distracting each other, we were able to finally decide on days to meet each other’s parents . A week of work left me unable to see Twilight much, so her meeting my parents was the first time I’d seen her this week.


“Y-yes Twilight?”

“Are we going to go in? We’ve been staring at the door inquisitively for about ten minutes now. Again.”

Oh, right. “Sure.” We trotted up to the door, and knocked.

My mom opened the door, and proceeded to say. “My, Twinkleshine, what brings you here today?” My mom was a curious unicorn, she had a similar coloration to me. Her cutie mark, however, was in home decor. Because of that, my old house was filled with, well, decor, I guess. Nice looking decor, actually. It’s like she had a special talent in it. Really nice, despite the fact that I’m not quite sure what the word decor fully means. I loved living there with all my various knick and knacks and tiskets and taskets and trinkets and widgets.

“Is dad home?” My dad was another pony altogether. He was dark colored, and a unicorn. His special talent was...making home decor. He made them, my mom put them up. It’s like they were made for each other or something.

“Oh! That’s today, isn’t it? Yes, he’s home, why don’t you come in?” Apparently she didn’t notice Twilight, cowering behind my back. I swear, she can be such an introvert sometimes.

I nodded towards her, and we went into my living room, and sat down on my leftseat. My parents sat down on the couch, my mother holding an antique bone tea set in her hooves, despite the fact that she could just as easily levitate it over. She has a habit of doing things the old fashioned way, which might be one of the reasons I was reluctant of setting up this meeting in the first place. What if she decides to act on that old fashioned ritual of burying fillyfoolers alive just to hear them scream into the night. Mom told me that those colts at school were lying about that, but she could have had just been saying that to calm my nerves. That was around the time I had started to figure out my inclination towards mares, even if I didn’t want to admit it, even fully to myself.

Smiling brightly, my Mom sat down on a wooden chair across the table from where Twilight and I were seated, right next to my Dad in his recliner, and offhandedly commented “So, you wanted to introduce us to your special somepony?”

I stared down at my hoof, focusing all of the willpower I could to make it stop shaking like a leaf that sees the running of the leaves drawing near, and managed to vocalize “Uh, Yes. Mom, dad, meet...erm...”

“Twilight Sparkle.” the amazing mare next to me said brightly, holding out her hoof to my mother across the table. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you.”

A slight darkness clouded my mother’s face for a second. “That’s odd,” she said, “Twinkleshine’s not told us anything about you. Not that we talk much at all these day, with her off on her own chasing her dreams and whatnot.” She took a sip of her tea, and went to set it down on the table.

“Also, Twinkleshine, dear, do you think you could make the table not invisible for a moment? Although I do love you showing off your non dangerous magic spells, I would prefer to be able to tell where the table ends and the floor begins.”

I looked down at the table, and confirmed that it was, in fact, non opaque. I quickly ended the spell that I had not realized that I had cast,/ and mentally smacked myself for not keeping my magic under control. I should have remembered that occasionally cast minor illusions when nervous. Well, not always when I’m nervous. There was that one time during Thanksgiving a few years back that I unknowingly created an extraordinarily convincing illusion of a manticore right as Grandma carried in the main course, but all of us had unanimously agreed that not a single detail of what exactly had transpired that day would leave that room, therefore I can’t elaborate on the circumstances.

“Oh, uh, sorry about that.” I grinned and turned towards Twilight, then I glared at her to make her stop snickering. It’s not like SHE could turn the table invisible. Well, she probably could, but that’s not the point.

“It’s quite alright. I can understand, that you’d be incredibly nervous at your parents meeting your...marefriend.”

“I don’t know why you’re so nervous, Twinkleshine, I mean, you’re dating a mare that’s saved the world...twice!” My dad commented. He seemed happy, overjoyed that his prized daughter finally found someone in her life to make her happy. Although he had wanted grandkids. I suppose, with modern advances in magic, we actually could make a filly, although it would be a test tube filly. Not sure how he’d feel about that. Wow, that’d be a small pony. So that’s how they fit inside mares, wait, no, not good, if we have a kid it’s gonna have to come out of me. No thanks, isn’t it supposed to be painful? I guess I could let Twilight do that, then. But I don’t want her to go through pain! Maybe we shouldn’t have a filly.

My assumption that my dad would be un accepting in my lifestyle because of his wish for grandkids was utterly shattered by his next comment. “So, you two mares are officially dating as a fillyfooling couple?” He asked, somehow sitting even further back in his recliner. “Now that I think about it,” he mumbled, more to himself than anypony else, “that actually could be kinda hot...”

“Well, actuall-”

Twilight cut me off. “Yes, yes we are.”

“I wouldn’t think you would have to be told by me how hot you are, with little Shiny here to do that for me.” The look of sudden shock on Twilight’s face gave me the impression that she was answering his first statement, not his second.

The glare Mom gave him at that point must have resurfaced some of the repressed thanksgiving memories in his mind, because he actually stopped his train of thought where it was for once.

“So how long have you two been dating for?” My mom said, attempting to break the awkwardness before it could linger.

“A few months, guess.” I responded. Okay, maybe it was a little bit longer than that, but with Twilight, I’ve barely noticed the time fly by.

“About that, yeah.” Twilight said, looking over towards me, then back at my parents.

We continued on, and the mood lightened up throughout the day. Finally, later in the day my parents had to excuse themselves, they work the night shift at a local home decor shop. This left me and Twilight alone in my old house. I used to dream about bringing her here all the time, but could never get the courage to.

“So this is my old bedroom.” I said, leading Twilight into just that. I showed her my rock collection, my Wonderbolts themed bed, my Ultra Deluxe Nightmare Moon night light,which were quite inaccurate. I’m fairly sure Nightmare Moon wasn’t neon yellow.

Hopping onto my bed, Twilight said. “Today was interesting, though I did enjoy meeting your parents.”

I laid down carefully next to her, and snuggled over to her side. “It certainly was interesting.”

“Why so glum?”

I just thought today would’ve gone better”

Twilight cuddled up closer to me, and placed a kiss on my cheek. “Today went great! What didn’t go well?”

“Well, I don’t know I guess.”

“Well stop guessing then.” Twilight leaned in closer, I smiled.

“Alright. Suppose today went well, what do we do now? The day is over.”

“What spells do you know to make it dark?”

“A few, what do you have in mind?” I asked.

I cast a spell that snuffed out the candles illuminating the room as we locked lips. A sharp wave of euphoria wash over both of us, and the time slowly seemed to slip away. I couldn’t see Twilight, yet I saw everything. My other sense worked overtime to make up for the total darkness, my sense of touch feeling Twilight’s soft coat, my nose catching the the enticing scent of her strawberry shampoo. My sense of hearing the words that made it all worth it. “I love you, Twinkleshine.”

I“I love you too, Twilight Sparkle.”

Next thing I know I was woken up by a very maternal figure. “Get out of bed, Twinkleshine, time for breakfast.”

“M-mommy?” I asked, yawning a bit, cracking my neck.

“No, Twilight.”

“Also, I don’t need to see you two so close. I know I’ve caught you with worse, but at least those were illusions.” My mom said, with a smirk as she walked through the hallway, most likely going to bed after a long shift.

Twilight slumped into the her pillow, obviously trying to hide her blush, as my mom giggled off down the hallway. Struggling to hold in my smile, I patted Twilight on the shoulder. “Come on, it was just a joke.”

“Do your parents always make such inappropriate jokes?!” Twilight said to me indirectly through the pillow.

I thought thoughtfully for a moment. “Yeah, and I guess that explains why they never had a problem with me hanging out with Moondancer.” I never really thought about that, I mean, Moondancer isn’t exactly the pony you would want your star children to hang out with. She was a great friend and all, but she can be kinda...yeah.

“Well I guess that’s alright, I mean, they raised you perfect!” Twilight said, almost pouncing on me.

I laughed and continued. “Yeah, and well, I’m not so perfect, I might have that minor attent-OOH, I SMELL BLUEBERRY PANCAKES!”

Twilight burst into laughter. I looked at her with almost puppy dog eyes. “Go get some, I’ll be down in a minute, just gotta use the little filly’s room.”

I tackle hugged Twilight, gave her a quick hard kiss, then bounded down into my kitchen. Seeing my mom preparing us breakfast as though we were schoolfillies reminded me of my time...as a schoolfilly. I quickly hugged my mom and grabbed a couple pancakes with my magic, and sat down just as Twilight came into the room. “I take it she likes pancakes?” Twilight asked.

“Oh you have no idea, she cried the first time we didn’t have them for breakfast.” My mom replied, laughing.

“I can quit whenever I want!” was what I attempted to say through a mouthful of about five and a half round golden freshly cooked delicious blueberry pancakes.

“Sure you can, sweetie.” My mom cooed.

Twilight awkwardly sat down at the extra chair, and pulled the plate full of pancakes sitting in front of her closer to her, and therefore slightly further out of my grasp.

I looked at Twilight, then it hit me. “Hey, mom, didn’t Amethyst say she was dropping by this morning?”

“Oh yes, she said she was going to, but got held up.”

“Isn’t Amethyst your sister?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, but she lives in Ponyville so I don’t get to see her much.” I shrugged, she was my baby sister after all.

“So, Twilight, when am I going to meet your parents?” I asked as I finished my first round of pancakes.

“Eschuz muh?” Twilight said, it being her turn to be caught with a mouth completely full of gooey pancake goodness. She swallowed, and then tried again. “I thought we were just meeting your parents for now.”

“Yeah, but you got to meet my parents, so now I want to meet yours.” I said, absentmindedly fiddling with my fork as I waited for the next round of pancakes to finish cooking.

“Alright, how about next weekend?” she said, placing a quick kiss on my cheek after glancing to make sure both my parents were looking elsewhere. From the muffled sound of my mom’s laughter, I would guess that the check was anything but thorough.

“This is a bit weird.” I mumbled to myself as mom flipped the third perfect pancake onto a waiting dish.

“Excuse me?” Twilight said, leaning towards me to make sure she heard me correctly.

“Well, you’re sitting in Ammy’s seat.” with the look of confusion, I figured I would have to elaborate a bit. “My sister, Amethyst Star normally sits there, so I keep on glancing over to her seat and being surprised to see you. You have met Amethyst, haven’t you?”

“Well, I may have seen her here and there before, but I don’t think we have ever actually held a conversation.” Twilight said.

“I guess that’s something else for our to do list: Hang with Ammy.” The conversation was brought to a sudden but delicious end as my second plate of pancakes landed in front of me. Any other attempts at speaking were immediately doused with several gallons of maple syrup.

I found myself at Twilight’s old place the next weekend, with her in tow. Nothing of note really happened in that week, or at least nothing that I’d be willing to talk about, so I won’t go into it.

“Well, this is it.” Twilight said, standing in front of the door, looking slightly nervous. “Shall we go in?”

“Sure.” I said, as we walked up to the door stoop, and knocked on the door.

Almost immediately, as though he were waiting, Night Light, Twilight’s father, opened the door. “Twilight!” He said, noticing his daughter. “Come on in! Who’s your friend?”

As we walked through the hallway, Twilight spoke up. “This is Twinkleshine, I told you about her on the phone, dad, remember?”

“Oh yes, your mother couldn’t make it today, she got stalled at work.”

Oddly enough, Twilight’s mom, Twilight Velvet worked for Princess Celestia, although given her daughter’s position, it wasn’t that odd. She got stalled because of a boat load of extra paperwork. Apparently Canterlot had just made it legal to own a Changeling as a pet, but you needed a license to do so. And everypony wanted a pet changeling to call their own. Also, apparently there was a large court battle over exactly how many ponies can name their changeling “shifty”.

A stifling silence overcame us as we sat still in the room. I was on the left seat with Twilight, her dad was sitting on the couch. Desperate for something to break the silence, I decided to speak up. “So, Mr Light, this is a very nice left seat left.”

“Yeah, I remember reading all day on this when I was a filly. It was so comfortable.” Twilight perked up. “Also, you know it’s called a loveseat, not a left seat, right?”

“Yeah, that’s what I said, wasn’t it?” I insisted, despite the scarlet blush creeping up my face saying otherwise. Thankfully, Night Light decided to change the topic. It couldn’t get any more embarrassing than this.

“So, despite what little Twiley there would have you believe, she sadly never visits unless she has a reason. So what is it this time?” Well, I guess it could get worse. Twilight saw my blush go from “light rose” to “DEAR PRINCESS CELESTIA WHY DID I EAT THAT PEPPER” level, and spoke for me.

“Let me be blunt.” Twilight said, taking a measured breath to prepare for what she was going to say next. “We’re together.”

“Well, that’s nice.” Night Light said, completely unphased.

“Excuse me?”

“Well, if you weren’t here together, how could you both be here at the same time?” he said, laughing at his own joke.

“No, we’re marefriends!”

“Of course, it’s always good to have strong ponies of the same gender as friends.”

“No, not like that. We’re dating!” Twilight seemed to get exasperated.

“Really? Congratulations!” Twilight smiled.

“You figured it out?”

“Well, yes, with the way you’ve been walking and talking, it wasn’t difficult to figure out that you’re dating a very special somepony. Who’re the lucky stallions?” He still wasn’t picking it up.

Twilight sighed. I took her hoof and told her this.“Hold on, honey, I have an idea. Mr Light, I am currently dating your daughter.” To finish it off I gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

“Oh, oh my.” Twilight’s dad said, almost disappointed.

Both of our smiles dropped as we heard Night Light say those three words. It wasn’t until he clarified for us that they came back. “I don’t see why I didn’t see it before, congratulations. I knew Twilight would find someone suited for her.” We both smiled. “So, Twinkleshine, what made you want to date Twilight here?”

I went even redder. I was the redderest. That isn’t even a word and I still managed it. “Oh, well, she seemed good at the time.” I put on a fake grin. Twilight smacked my shoulder, with a similar grin on her face, so I continued. “Well, to be blunt, she’s beautiful, smart, funny, and sweet.”

My listing off of positive adjectives was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. A white unicorn with white striped hair poked her head around the corner, looking slightly meekish. “I sure hope I’m not interrupting anything.” She said, slinking into the room.

“No, not at all.” Night Light said nonchalantly. “Our daughter was just telling me about how she’s a fillyfooler.”

“Oh, if that’s all.” She said, taking a seat next to Night Light on the threadbare couch. “From your reactions, one would think the changeling army was back or something of that nature. I’m Twilight’s mother, Twilight Velvet. May I assume that you are my daughter’s significant other?”

“Erm, yes. I’m Twinkleshine,” I smiled brightly, in both relief and reluctance. “I’ve been dating your daughter for a few months now.”

My suddenly extended hoof was met with another hoof, in a cordial hoofshake. “Nice to meet you, Twinkleshine.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” I said, following Twilight Velvet’s example of high diction.

Night Light mumbled something along the lines of “I can see the pleasure is all yours,” which was followed by a quick discreet kick from his wife under the table.

“So, Twilight, Twinkleshine,” Twilight Velvet said, being the good host by keeping an on topic and appropriate conversation going, “I know you two have been acquainted with each other for several years, but from what I saw, it was simply an occasional friendship. Would you care to tell us how did this turn of events transpired?”

“Well, I uh, well, I have always kinda sorta maybe mostly had a tiny crush on her.” My white coat was now the color of a freshly ripened tomato. I was stumbling around my words and producing a flurry of verbal diarrhea, which is about as bad as it sounds.

“What was that, Twinkle?” I cringed at Mrs Velvet’s improper usage of my name. Obviously picking up on how uncomfortable I was, she decided to change the topic. “So, Twinkleshine, what do you do for a living?”

“Well, I’m currently in between jobs, but I’m an entertainer. I perform shows and such. Right now I get my bits doing odd jobs and performing at parties, usually for fillies.” I pointed towards my cutie mark, showing off the three stars.

“Oh, you’re a performer? Like The Great and Powerful Trixie?”

At hearing her name, I visibly grew nervous. I started sweating, blushing, and cringing all at the same time. “Uh, yeah, but I’m so much better.”

“Oh? Would you care to demonstrate?”

I knew a few spells, I mean, more than your average unicorn. Mainly because my cutie mark is in magic. “Sure, I guess.”

I flared up my magic, and after a bright flash, all the furniture was invisible. All of it, even the coffee mugs. Wait, they’re not furniture. Whoops. Well, the coffee wasn’t invisible, so there ended up being a floating, well, not really floating, more sitting in an invisible cup, an invisible cup of liquid. Twilight Velvet continued to sip the coffee anyway, seemingly not at all caring that the cup was nonexistent. Another bright flash, and I stood up. “If you’ll join me outside, I have a monster to tame.”

We all walked outside to see a massive manticore. Several ponies were running away screaming, and a couple guards were even forming a barricade down the street. Twilight Sparkle prepared a magic spell, but I continued to walk forward as if monsters that could rip me apart with a glance were a daily occurrence for me. as her parents were cowered in the entrance of their home, I shot a blue bolt of pure magic at it. The bolt struck the beast in a searing slash across its chest, causing the manticore to rear up in agony, and take a swipe at me. I deftly left over the massive paw, and countered with another bolt from midair, this time burning a hole straight through its right wing, causing it to splay uselessly along its back. The beast attempted to pin me with a sudden roaring leap, but I easily caught it in midair with a levitation spell, holding the beast aloft for all to see. I focused another beam on my pinned midair opponent, this time focusing on strength and breadth of the bolt. The beam struck straight and true, covering the entire body of the manticore, allowing any onlooker to only see a bright white outline of the beast. Even that quickly vanished in the moment the beam was maintained, leaving only floating slightly glowing dust when the spell was terminated, which quickly dispersed into the wind. Twilight Sparkle looked somewhat confused.

“Wha-what!?” She said, looking, for want of a better word, utterly bamboozled. I smiled.

“It was an illusion, all controlled by me.”

Night Light clapped her hooves, grinning ear to ear. “Very good!” she glanced at her daughter, who had a very unamused look plastered across her face. “What? Raising you gave me a thorough appreciation for shows of magic.”

“Don’t worry.” I said, seeing her concern. “I had it fully under my control the whole time. It never could’ve hurt anypony. It was only a mere construct of light. The worst it could’ve done is give you a minor headache.”

“Yes, but what if it was real?” Twilight said, growing further upset. “All I saw was a beast that not only could’ve ripped you limb from limb, but also had managed to get this far into Canterlot proper without being stopped. Then I see you, the mare I care about the most, run in head first, heedless of the danger. To combat this monster.” Oh, no. I could see that she was on the verge of tears. That was never a good sign. Wasting no time, I trotted over to her, placing my head over her shoulder.

“I’m sorry.” I said, for once actually meaning it, unlike that time at thanksgiving, or when Grandma came over for a surprise visit, or, ahem, I’m getting a bit off track. “I shouldn’t have used that spell here, or without telling you. I thought that if I showed you and your parents how I was able to handle myself, you would both be utterly impressed. It seems that it created the opposite effect, making you more worried than ever. Will you accept my apology?”

“Of course I do.” Twilight said, embracing me back. “Just never do anything stupid like that against anything actually dangerous, okay?”


Twilight Velvet took this moment to step out of the house. “Well, I know an impressive feat of magic, and that was quite the impressive feat of magic. Who else was impressed?” With that, she raised my hoof above our heads like a wrestling champion. The crowd that had gathered to watch my fight with the manticore all gave a hearty cheer, stamping their hooves on the ground in a frenzy.

“They do realize that was all an illusion, right?” I asked Twilight’s mom.

“No idea, but we can let you have the fame. Just go with it” Maybe Twilight’s mom wasn’t that bad after all? Twilight gave her another of her trademark thoroughly unimpressed glares.

Almost on cue, Princess Luna appeared in the night sky. I could barely see her, so I pointed it out to Twilight. “Look, It’s Princess Luna!”

Landing with a heavy thud, the Princess of the Night drew a sword with her magic. “Oh, hello Twinkleshine, hello Twilight Sparkle. I came because I heard there was a manticore that needed slaying.”

Both me and Twilight smiled. “Oh, no, my dear Twinkles took care of the nasty old manticore.”

I shot Twilight a glance. “Since when have you called me Twinkles?”

“Since now.”

“So, how didst thou vanquish the beast?” Luna asked, her classical accent edging into her voice.

“With magic.” I said as I started trotting away, a nod of my head for Twilight to follow behind.

“But how?” Luna yelled, flapping to catch up to us.

“It wasn’t real, it was an impressive illusion made by yours truly.” I grinned, finally able to have something to brag about.

“Ah, in that case I shall return to the castle. I still have...err, chores to catch up on.” Luna said, starting to fly way. Both Twilight and I gave parting waves to her.

Twilight said goodnight to her parents, and we started off towards my house. Not my parents house, my house. The one I own. You know what I mean.

About half way there, however, it started snowing a little. “Look, Twi, it’s snowing!” I commented.

“Woah, it’s beautiful!.” Twilight was obviously mesmerized, catching a snowflake in her hoof, smiling widely as it slowly melted, the crystalline features of the flake slowly dissolved into a puddle in her hoof.

“I’ve always loved snow, ever since I was a little filly. I used to play in it for hours, my parents had to literally drag me in from outside. Well, not literally. Okay, maybe once they did, but that was because I think I hurt myself and couldn’t walk in on my own. Oh, yeah, that’s why, I slipped and fell off my slide. I ended up breaking my leg, and I was bedridden for a week.” Twilight frowned at this. “I was okay shortly after, though, I’ve always been a fast healer. Oh look at that we’re here.”

“Wow, that was fast.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, so, I’m curious, why’d you say yes? I mean, back then you barely knew me, and I don’t really see what you’d see in me. I mean, you’re Princess Celestia’s personal student, and you’ve saved the world, what, three time?”

“Two times.” Twilight corrected me.

“You’ve saved the world two times, and here I am, a mare barely out of college with no job yet, and no shows lined up either.”

Twilight stared at me, deadpanned. She continuously opened her mouth to speak, then shut it, unable to figure out what to say. When she finally did speak, it was amazing. “Because I always did like you, I just, She sighed, I put my hoof around her to comfort her. “I never was able to build up the courage to ask you about it.” She grinned. “Though I never did find anypony quite like you, Twinkles.” I smiled, and nuzzled her, before giving h

Although I couldn’t see the moon I had a sneaking suspicion that it was late. I figured I might as well invite Twilight to stay the night. “Hey, Twilight, since it’s so late, wanna just sleep here?”

Though I could tell she was tired, she decided to put on a game. “Oh, like a slumber party?!” She grinned widely.

“Yes, a slumber party with less sleeping, and more making out.” I smiled too; this was fun!

“Sounds like fun!”

I quickly used my magic to undo the locking spell I had started placing on the door after I had lost my tenth consecutive key.

“So, when does the slumber party part start?” Twilight asked with a tilt of her head.

“Well, I don’t know.” I said in a lightly joking fashion. “How does right now sound?” My train of thought was rudely interrupted by my marefriend suddenly locking lips with me, her momentum pushing both of us through the opening door behind us. The enjoyable moment was ended several hours before either of us would want it to be by a light blue aura grabbing hold of the ajar door and closing it with an audible click.

"So you're having a slumber party and you didn't invite me? For shame, big sister." And that would be Amethyst Star. My sister.

"You kinda ruined the mood Ammy, you know that, right?" I sighed and stood up. I used my magic to turn the lights on to reveal a purple unicorn, her being the aforementioned Amethyst Star.

"I know, I just really though it was fun.” I sighed and helped Twilight up. “Anyways, I bring good news.”

With a less than enthused attitude, I decided to reply “What would that be?” while taking a seat on my loveseat, NOT leftseat, and inviting Twilight to join me.

“I got you a show. An important pony in Canterlot wanted to see an illusionist to perform, and I just happened to be there to tell him you were available.”

My eyes lit up with glee; this was my big chance, finally getting a real audience. If this went well, I would a HUGE chance of succeeding further down the road. “What?! When and where!?”

“Next Thursday, at the Canterlot Theatres. I’ve heard rumors that Princess Celestia may be attending.”

Twilight lit up too, and hugged me tightly. “Celestia is going? This is gonna be huge!”

“What about Princess Luna?” I asked, curious if she’d also be attending.

“I don’t know, but I could probably find out.”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll ask her myself. Wait a minute, how the buck you even get in here in the first place?!”

“You act like I didn’t live with you for 18 years. I know all the spells you use to lock your doors, diaries, et cetera.” She laughed that evil evil laugh of hers, and trotted out the door, closing it behind her.

“She annoys the hay out of me at times, but she’s a good sister.” We both had a good laugh.

“All I have is a brother, and he annoys the everliving hay out of me at times too. But he’s alright.”

“Oh, yeah, I was at the wedding, remember?”

“Wait that was you? Wow, how’d you get invited to be a bridesmaid?”

“Oh, you know, since Princess Cadence was under control of the changeling, she just picked three random ponies. I happened to be one of them. Shame I sway so very easily under such powerful magic.” We both laughed for a good minute, letting the laughter taper off to the occasional giggle.

Scooting closer, I put my hoof around Twilight. “So, Ms. Sparkle, where were we?” I said, smiling as I flipped the lights off with my magic.

This was gonna be a good night.