• Published 30th May 2015
  • 5,442 Views, 119 Comments

Dark Secrets - SwiftShad0wWing1

Rainbow Dash isn't your ordinary pegasus. She has a secret ability that ponies thought only unicorns and alicorns could posses. Magic! Not magic like Twilight's though, Rainbow's is stronger. And dark magic.

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

So this story is just a test run. I repeat, a TEST RUN! If people like the story I will continue it.

Let me know how to improve my writing and/or story! :pinkiesmile:

A lone figure was sitting on a cloud facing north, her prismatic mane blowing in the faint breeze. Her gaze was settled on the northern horizon where somepony with only her gifts could see the sparkle of the Crystal Spire in the moonlight. It was only a month ago that she and her friends had defeated the mad King Sombra. The pegasus knew she should feel at least some guilt or sorrow, but she felt none. He had been a cruel tyrant, and Rainbow Dash had seen first hoof what damage he could do. She flexed her cyan wings before jumping off the cloud into a glide. With the wind helping her along, she flew towards her cloud home at the edge of Ponyville. "Maybe with him gone I can tell my friends," she whispered, her eyes turning crimson for a millisecond.


"RAINBOW DASH! DASHIE WAKE UP! IT'S SUPER-DUPER IMPORTANT!" A high pitched voice reached Rainbow's ears as her eyes cracked open. She groaned as the sunlight filtered through her curtains in strips across her face. However, hearing her friend calling to her, she got up and walked over to window. She opened the curtains and took in a deep breath of fresh air.

Sticking her head out the hole she spied her bouncy friend Pinkie Pie, "What's up Pinkie?"

"Twilight wants us to meet at the library because, she said that Princess Celestia wanted to talk to us! What do you think it's about? *GASP* Maybe she wants to create a holiday just for us since we save the day all the time!" The party pony started to ramble on about what the holiday should be called.

"Right... Meet you there Pinks." Without waiting for a reply the mare pulled her head back into her house. I'll tell them about it after our meeting with Celestia. The pegasus shivered at the thought of what the Sun Princess might do if she found out Rainbow's history and what she could do. Pushing the thought to the back of her mind she prepared to take flight.

Rainbow leapt from the edge of her cloud home and took off in an easy glide. The wind ruffling her feathers slightly, she tilted her wings for a lazy loop. She didn't want to crash... again. As she continued on her flight, a large oak came into view. Its leaves bright green and shifting in the breeze that her wings created as she flew by. A few feet above the ground she pulled her wings to her sides and landed gracefully on her hooves. Before she could even knock Pinkie opened the door and pulled her inside.

"Everyone here?" Twilight asked as Dash blinked from the sudden speed that was used to pull her through the door and into the center of the room. Everypony mumbled something to signify that they were present. "Good, the princess said it was important so we have to hurry," and without any other warning her horn lit up. Her magic encased all of them and with a quiet pop they were all teleported to Canterlot Castle.


After the dizziness faded Rainbow realized they were in the throne room. All three princesses were present and waiting their arrival. "Greetings my faithful student," Celestia said with her usual smile, but it quickly faded to a more serious face.

The lunar princess glanced at her sister before she spoke to the six ponies - and one dragon, "We have discovered something that we thought had vanished long ago. Before Nightmare Moon took over our mind, there was another princess. Sombra's daughter. We thought she had died in the war Sombra brought to us, however, her magical signature was picked up at the Crystal Empire."

Oh shit... Was all that ran through Rainbow's mind as her friends gasped in shock.