• Published 30th May 2015
  • 5,446 Views, 119 Comments

Dark Secrets - SwiftShad0wWing1

Rainbow Dash isn't your ordinary pegasus. She has a secret ability that ponies thought only unicorns and alicorns could posses. Magic! Not magic like Twilight's though, Rainbow's is stronger. And dark magic.

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Chapter 5

Twilight and Shining were both pacing the length of the room. One was thinking of ways to catch their mystery culprit and the other was thinking of what to do with her. Twilight was mumbling things to herself about how to subdue the mare. "Maybe we could set up traps throughout the city and around the castle?" There was little logic to the plan and the purple unicorn could obviously tell the others thought so. She sighed as saw their looks, "No, she uses shadow teleportation. She's obviously a power unicorn if she can teleport and use the shadows to move."

Rainbow Dash looked up at the word unicorn. How surprised would they be to find out Sombra's daughter was a pegasus and not a unicorn, thought the cyan pony. She decided to speak up, as she was only one who hadn't contributed to the plan yet. "Her magical essence is strong, but from what you said, it seems like she s holding back her power." Everypony looked at her in surprise. She realized she had just sounded like an egghead unicorn. "What? My dad was a unicorn, I know a thing or two about magic." There was some truth to that, her dad was after all the most powerful unicorn during that era, if one didn't count Starswirl the Bearded.

"Rainbow's right," Shining stated although he sounded unsure, "Whoever this pony is, she is very powerful, maybe even as powerful as Twily. We have to be careful. I want a guard with each of you at all times. Preferably a unicorn with skilled magic." Rainbow was about to protest but decided against it. That didn't stop her from grumbling under her breath though.

They met their guards after dismissing the meeting. Twilight would be followed by a guard who went through training with Shining Armor. He had a dust colored coat and light brown main with a red streak; his name was Morning Strike. Pinkie's guard was, thankfully, a patient stallion by the name of Golden Ray. He was a rather tall unicorn with a sandy yellow coat and golden mane. Finally Rainbow Dash's guard. He was a stern on stallion. His name was Steel Streak His fur was a dark gray, almost black with a jet black mane that had a single white streak in it. His blue eyes were cold and said he didn't tolerate nonsense. This is gonna be a long day, Rainbow thought had she left the castle, Steel Streak close behind.

Author's Note:

HOLY SHIT I AM SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE EVER! I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND IF YOU HATE ME! I have no excuse for not updating except for after I moved and got everything settled I kinda forgot my account and fimfiction existed. I will try to update more now that I remember about it. (No promises)
So enjoy this LONG overdue chapter, and I will immediately get started on the next.