• Published 13th May 2012
  • 3,197 Views, 121 Comments

Infinite Horizons - Zervziel

The possibilities are endless, the worlds unending, and the horizons infinite.

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Chapter 6: Guest Chapter starring Vren55.

About a year ago, if Alternia had been told that her very universe was merely one among many other universes and possibilities that were scattered around a massive multi-dimensional universe, she would have laughed.

Now, as she exited the turbulent currents of the warp stream, into a broad hallway teaming with ponies, many of which were unnervingly familiar, she couldn’t help but be a bit nervous The disguised changeling queen numbly stepped to the side as a group consisting of yet another Twilight, her brother Shining Armor, Princess Cadance of all ponies as well Rainbow Dash and an orange pegasus she was surprised to recognize as a teenage Scootaloo. Oddly enough, the younger pegasus seemed to edge away from her hero as she walked.

Also accompanying the group were two earth pony stallions Alternia didn’t recognize. One stallion possessed a golden mane and coat. His apple cutie mark hinted at being a member of the extensive Apple family. The other pony was a bulky gray earth pony, whose cutie mark wasn’t visible from where she was standing, as they passed by.

Immediately afterwards, Alternia found herself being pulled into a clean room with off white walls, the Twilight she was following nowhere in sight. One wall was a window where a brown earth pony waved at her before tapping at the console in front of him, the window fading to the same shade of white afterwards.

In an instant, a magical pulse dispelled her Celestia disguise as the startled queen was levitated off the ground by a field of some sort. Before Alternia could react, she was sprayed with jets of soap and water from what seemed like every direction. Half blinded by the soapy attack, she was unable to deflect a more direct assault on her dignity as robotic arms telescoped from the walls and grabbed the protesting changeling, scrubbing her from snout to flank and from horn to hooves. Smaller, gentler arms even made sure to clean inside the holes in her legs and wings.

Eventually she was released by the arms. Opening her mouth to protest the unwanted cleansing turned out to be a bad idea as she was blasted by what seemed to be the combined strength of all of Saddle Arabia’s scorching winds. One searing windstorm later, the changeling staggered through a door opposite of the one she entered as the technician gave her and Twilight a hearty wave before opening the other door to allow what seemed to be a ball of animate pink fluffy to shuffle into the room.

“Sorry about,” Twilight giggled. “Sanitation is taken pretty seriously around here. Everypony has to undergo a cleansing process upon returning to the Station.”

As if to emphasize her point, a bedraggled looking Shining Armor emerged a couple doors down, his mane and tail a fluffy mess. The two mares couldn’t help but smile at his plight as the former guard wrestled with a brush in an attempt to make his appearance somewhat passable.

Now that she was clean Alternia followed her guide outside of the building only to be greeted by the sight of a city several multitudes larger than even Canterlot. Gigantic towers of metal and glass reached for the evening sky as pegasi and the occasional alicorn flitted by. Also soaring through the sky was a great multitude of apparently self-propelled metal chariots of some sort, hauling everything from young joyful ponies to cargo.

On instinct, Alternia looked to the sky to check on the sun only to stop and stare in awe. In place of the sun, a massive spiraled, cylindrical construct dominated the slowly darkening sky, stretching so far as to actually fade into the distance on both ends.

It wasn’t until then that her guide’s words when Twilight first came to retrieve the queen came back to her. Though Alternia was seeing it with her own eyes, she still had trouble believing where she was. According to Twilight, she now stood on a facility wider in diameter than the orbit of the Earth around the sun, that spiraled upwards and inwards like an immense unicorns horn.

That alone was hard enough to conceive, much less envision. However that wasn’t the most fantastical part of what the cross-dimensional Twilight had told her. No, that had been the “fact” that the entire spiral shaped shaped structure was anchored to the horn of an alicorn the size of a galaxy.

Alternia had laughed as anypony would at such outlandish claim, but now, staring up at the horn that pierced the heavens, she could understand why the pony had possessed that knowing grin even as she had laughed.

“Your Majesty, we’re ready to go when you are.”

“Thank you, Twilight. I believe we are short enough on time. Take me to this Lady Shard,” said Alternia with a disarming smile. Twilight, nodded, but said nothing else.

Even as they turned to leave, yet another door swung open as a draconequus pranced out with a towel around his waist and horns, singing heartily into a rubber platypus as his tail scrubbed his body with a microphone. “My little pony, my little pony! Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhhhhhh!”

While Alternia trotted after this version of her faithful student, she she couldn’t help but look at all the different examples of advanced technology present in the space station. As curious as she was however, she could see from the tense trot of this alternate Twilight that it would not be a good idea to ask questions about the facility’s technologies. That, and the curiously hostile stares of various ponies, convinced the changeling to remain silent as she

Alternia wasn’t sure how the two of them would reach the tip of the gargantuan station that Twilight had once referred to as Central Core, until the pony lead her to something called a teleportation facility. Alternia could only guess it’s purpose was for traveling long distances without tiring the caster to the point of death. What the changeling wasn’t ready for was the very rough ride that entailed being disintegrated before being shot through a miniature wormhole to a receiving teleportation facility. Upon materialization, the changeling was never so happy to have followed alternate Twilight’s advice about not eating anything before leaving.

As soon as she was finally able to concentrate on anything but her mercifully empty stomach, Alternia was once again taken aback by the sight. Before her was a massive cylindrical structure that protruded down from a vast metal sky. Central Core certainly lived up to it’s name as large highways protruded from it like spokes on a wheel, some even stretching to the sides of the station. As she stared Alternia recognized the view of a city from above.

“In case you’re wondering, you’re technically standing at an angle perpendicular from where you were before.” Twilight quipped only to blush as the changeling gave her a patient look. “ Oh sorry! I forgot you’re the one who taught your universe’s Twilight gravity magic.”

Without a word, they walked inside, weaving in out of the constant stream of ponies coming and going from the structure.

Upon entering through an atrium faced with soaring glass windows, the pair found themselves in a series of winding hallways, their journey to the center of Central Core occasionally interrupted by security checkpoints, Twilight and Alternia found themselves in front of a large wooden double door. To the right of the doors was the desk where a secretary would normally sit.. However at this time, the secretary had her head and shoulders buried in a drawer, her dark furred rear and blue ethereal tail waving in the air as she searched for something.

Before Twilight’s hoof could descend upon the desk bell, a low rich feminine voice emanated from the drawer.

“Lady Shard is ready to see you now.”

The door handles glowed a dark blue as the doorway opened to admit them, revealing a mammoth desk piled high with mountains of paperwork. A dark steel-blue alicorn, with a light blue mane and tail was resting her head on the desk gazing pitifully at the small mountain of work that was the in-box A whirling space vortex marked her flank. It was Lady Shard. And behind her, Alternia was surprised to note was the actual tip of the Horn, stretching up to the ceiling behind the Lady’s desk. Her eyes traveled from the pointed monolith to lock with the weighted gaze of a creature whose determination to see her cause to the end knew no bounds.

“I'm going to be blunt with you, Ms. Alternia," Lady Shard began, as she raised her head from her desk. “We have a bit of a situation here on my station. Our resident changeling hives… kingdom or whatever they call themselves in your home universe are getting a bit restless and are objecting to our current conditions about feeding and our treatment of them in general.”

Alternia frowned. From her limited interaction with The Order of Destiny, the organization that maintained these separate realities and protected them, she had got the sense that they were not used to asking for help. The situation must have been incredibly dire if Lady Shard herself had requested her presence.

The administrator tapped a hoof on her desk, causing a holographic display to appear in the air between them. It showed a large dark castle surrounded by a sizable plot of land bordered by large metallic towers. Between the towers buzzed small silvery drones as they skirted a faint blue outline of a shield. Every now and then a changeling would step past the bounds only to have one of the drones start following it. Alternia resisted the temptation to frown, but she must have shown some sign of emotion, because Shard stood up.

“I'll admit it's definitely overkill for a monitoring system,” Shard admitted, as she turned away from the changeling. “But it's necessary. Unfortunately, old hatreds don't disappear as soon as a pony walks through one of our portals. Ponies are still afraid of changelings and in turn changelings are getting restless and don't like being segregated so much. While there are a few integrated communities across the station, they are relatively few and far between.”

Turning back, Shard’s eyes met Alternia’s and the changeling froze, transfixed by the sheer desperation in Shard’s gaze. “That's where you come in. You've successfully ruled Equestria for a millennia after the Celestia of your world pressganged you into the role. Even after you were found out, you worked to keep the peace between as well as finding alternate ways of feeding. While I can't guarantee those methods will work at all on some of the changelings, I could very much use your help.”

Alternia nodded in understanding. She was beginning to see why she of all the alternate Celestias and changeling queens had been requested. The problems she had solved in her universe had given her a unique set of experiences that she could use to help Shard… who was beginning to look a little demented.

Suddenly the alicorn was directly in front of her and seized the changeling by the shoulder, her eyes becoming wild and her voice gaining a hysterical edge. “I've got the council of Celestias and Lunas and that daft republic breathing down my neck with talks of a cleansing order and the Queen's Collective are doing the same to have the restrictions lifted. I do not need this on top of four universes going dark in one solar cycle alone!”

To Alternia’s immense relief, the alicorn relaxed her grip and backed off, embarrassed. “Sorry about that.”

“Apology accepted,” said Alternia as calmly as possible. Shard was a terrifying figure, but Alternia could sympathize with her. Dealing with one Celestia was maddening enough, dealing with an entire council of Celestias and a collective of Chrysalis’s? Alternia wondered how this pony managed not to go insane.

The deadly serious expression returned to the administrator’s features. “My question still stands. Are you game?”

Alternia paused contemplatively. “I’ll need an escort of at least five ponies, a quill, inkwell and a lot of paper or parchment.”

“Done. Anything else?” asked Shard.

“Yes. Assemble both the Queens Council, the Council of Celestias and Lunas.”

Shard heaved a sigh. “Those two groups are like water and oil. It’ll be difficult but I can do that. Just what are you planning, Alternia?”

The changeling queen gave the administrative pony an unintentionally toothy smile. “I’m going to have a talk with some Princesses and Queens.”

Rainbow tapped her hoof on the floor outside Shard’s office in anticipation, making a clink-clink sound. Shard had summoned her and the Paladins for some reason that had yet to be elaborated. Whatever it was, the mission had been labeled high priority and Rainbow was eager to get into the action.

“Rainbow, could you please stop that? I’m trying to read,” asked an exasperated Twilight. The unicorn gave the cyber-pegasus an irritated look before she turned her attention back to her book on the various celestial mechanics found across the multiverse.
“Aw, lighten up egghead. Aren’t you at least a little eager to be on this mission?” asked Rainbow.

“You’re a mite too eager, Rainbow,” remarked Braeburn as he lay back. Rainbow snorted and turned to the others. Slate, the large muscular earth was using the time honored skill of any guard pony, sleeping whenever and wherever. From the dull look in his eyes and the fact he had locked his legs in place, the cyborg couldn’t help but suspect he was also making use of the time honored tradition of sleeping on the job.

Princess Cadance had followed Twilight’s example and was also reading a book she had brought from the Paladin’s barracks. As for their last member, Scootaloo… As her gaze met the young mare, Rainbow saw her squirm. Even though this older Scootaloo had been told Rainbow was trustworthy, the orange pegasus still treated Rainbow as if she was expecting to be attacked at any moment. Heaving a sigh, the cyber-pegasus returned to lying back against her chair.

Her head still in the drawer, Shard’s secretary opened the office doors to admit the team. However, as they walked into Shard’s office they froze at the sight in front of them.

The familiar form of Lady Shard was standing alongside a changeling queen. Twilight and Cadance immediately tensed and ignited their horns. Meanwhile Slate and Braeburn sprang forward into a battle stance, ready to intercept if the tall changeling decided to rush the casters instead. Scootaloo and Rainbow however, were intrigued. Both came from home universes that hadn’t been introduced to changelings and while they had heard of them, this was the first time they had seen one. Still at the sight of their teammates’s reactions, the younger pegasus leapt into the air while Rainbow Dahs extended a foreleg. With a series of mechanical clicks, the limb split open on unseen seams before dividing and expanding. Upon finishing this startling transformation of her own, the barrel of the pegasus’s built in weapon began to give an eery blue glow.

As soon as she was done changing and charging her weapon Rainbow had to resist the urge to pull back the weapon as she realized the changeling bore an eerie similarity to Princess Celestia. Like an alicorn, she was tall, slender, with a graceful frame that was only broken by the holes in the lower part of her legs. Instead of skin though, the changeling had a glossy black carapace and two translucent insect wings replaced feathers. Her horn was long, but crooked instead of straight like a unicorn’s.

But perhaps the strangest thing about the changeling to all of the ponies and especially to Twilight and Cadance, was the changeling’s attire. She bore a silver crown studded with black opals as well as a neckpiece and hoofshoes also of silver, also adorned with black opals. The regalia had an eerily similar design to the ones worn by Princess Celestia and Luna.

As the agents took in this sight, Lady Shard stepped forward as she used her magic to point Rainbow’s weapon at the ground.

“Stand down, agents. This is the changeling queen Alternia. You will be escorting her for the duration of her stay,” said Shard.

“But Lady Shard, she’s a changeling queen!” protested Twilight.

“And she’s our best chance to making sure that the Queens Council doesn’t break out in rebellion and to prevent the Council of Celestias and Lunas from purging every changeling in the station, Ms. Sparkle.” the administrator snapped in a cold tone. The agents cringed at the irate alicorn, but to their surprise, the changeling stepped forward.

“Lady Shard, if I may, I would like to “brief” my escort. I will explain my… unique situation and my mission to these agents myself,” said Alternia. The changeling smiled and winked at the flabbergasted Shard. To everypony’s surprise, the Lady simply bowed to Alternia after a moments hesitation, who then proceeded to lead the agents out of the alicorn’s office and down the hall, turning the corner just as Nightmare Moon finally got her head out of the drawer it had been stuck in.

“At ease, Paladins. I am Queen Alternia, but you may call me Alternia,” said Alternia, inclining her head politely. The ponies watched the changeling suspiciously, slightly less wary, but still on guard.

“Queen Alternia, with all due respect. Why are you here and why do you need our help?” asked Cadance icily. She remembered all too well the day the changelings had descended upon Canterlot like a horde of ravening locusts.

“To be honest, Princess Cadance. Its more of how I can help the Order and Lady Shard.” Alternia then proceeded to explain the hostile situation with the changelings and the ponies on the station. It was a conundrum that Twilight and Cadance were familiar with as having often interacted with the Shining Armors who had designed the monitoring system. Yet nopony had realized just how badly the situation had deteriorated so far.

Twilight was confused and more than a little angry. “So where do you come in?” she demanded in a suspicious tone.

Alternia smiled. “Twilight, in your years on this station, have you come across changeling versions of yourself or your friends?”

The unicorn blinked. Now that she thought of it, while corresponding with various other Twilight Sparkles, she had in fact heard of missions where agents had interacted with such changelings. These stories had been slightly disturbing to Twilight. Some Twilights hadn’t even known they were a changeling at all until events revealed this to them, often with nightmarish results. Others had been infected later on and turned into changelings.

There was also a final category of changelings that was most unique in her humble opinion. These were changelings that in their universes, had been the ponies they replaced. She and Cadance had met one of these changelings, a ‘Cadance’ who for all intents and purposes, was the same pony that Shining Armor had fallen in love with. This changeling ‘Cadance’ had replaced the original pony when the latter was killed. The changeling version had been accepted by her friends and families and had eventually married Shining Armor.

Something clicked in Twilight’s mind and she glanced back up at Alternia. This changeling seemed way too familiar… so familiar in fact, that she was sure it was somepony she knew very well. The way this Alternia spoke, the way she carried herself and her Equestrian styled regalia just screamed of that pony, but it couldn’t be…

Cadance had come to the same realization, but was far more vocal to voice it.

“Princess Celestia?” gasped the alicorn.

Alternia grinned. “Almost correct. In my world, after Luna fell to Nightmare Moon’s influence, Princess Celestia was too badly wounded to return to her duties and had to go into a healing sleep. I happened to come across Celestia and was… persuaded to impersonate her, to be her proxy. For a thousand years, I ruled in Celestia’s stead, when I really was a changeling queen and sister to my world’s Chrysalis.”

Some of the ponies gasped, and Alternia allowed them to calm down before she continued. “Eventually I was revealed to my friends and family at Shining Armor and Cadance’s wedding by the love-enhanced spell, but they accepted me for whom I am after a few difficulties. With their help and support, I forged a peace between the changelings and ponies of Equestria using what I knew of changelings and what lessons I had learned as Celestia.”

“Which would explain why Lady Shard called you to help us. You’ve solved a similar situation before and you can speak to both Celestias and to queens,” finished Twilight, her eyes wide.

“Indeed. Now we must hurry. I believe Lady Shard said the meeting would be held in the Grand Council Chambers?” said Alternia urgently. The ponies nodded and the group set off.

The Grand Council Chamber was huge. Hundreds of balconies made up the walls spherical chamber. There was also one additional balcony, but this one was jutted out into the empty space in the middle of the chamber by a walkway. It was this walkway that Alternia strode confidently down, her escort trailing meekly behind her, even Rainbow was silent. And there was good reason for it.

Twilight couldn’t help but shiver as she saw the discerning looks of so many Celestias, the glowers of so many Lunas and the leery gazes of the Chrysalises. She had watched these councils debate and argue, sometimes fire spells at one another. But never had she walked out onto the central podium, with BOTH councils present.

“Courage, my—, I mean, Twilight Sparkle,” whispered Alternia. Twilight glanced up at the smiling changeling in surprise. It was Celestias smile she saw on Alternia’s face, and yet, not Celestias smile. All the same, it gave a small degree of comfort to the unicorn.

Without further hesitation, Alternia stepped up to the microphone in her balcony and looked up. There were so many Celestias, Lunas and Chrysalises. Alternia was scared, but she knew had to at least try if she wanted to have a chance at pony and changeling relations and knew that she had to speak. There was nopony else who could do this.

“Greetings to you all, Celestias, Lunas, Chrysalises and Changeling Queens. I am Alternia—”

“That name means nothing to us!” roared one of the Celestias. She was joined by the jeers of a few of the other Celestias and Lunas. Most of the alicorns, the changeling queens and Chrysalises however, simply waited with exasperated expressions. So, Alternia raised her voice again, cutting over the cacophony like a knife through butter. Her voice clear, yet courteous.

“I am Alternia, sister to Queen Chrysalis, Oathsister of Princesses Celestia and Luna. I ask you all to listen to what I have to say.”

That silenced the entire assembly. The changeling queens began to murmur in awe to one another as did many of the the Lunas and Celestias.

“Thy world’s Luna must have been a fool to make an oath of sisterhood with thee!” laughed one of the Lunas. Once again, the council chamber fell into disorder as some of the ruder Celestias and Lunas took their chance to throw insults at the changeling queen standing in the middle of the chamber. Albeit, the majority of the assembled alicorns remained silent, examining Alternia contemplatively. Unfortunately, there were enough of the hecklers that Alternia simply couldn’t continue speaking.

Alternia frowned and her eyes narrowed.

“As a Changeling Queen and one of the three ruling princesses of my universe’s Equestria. I think it will be wise that listen to what I have to say.”

The changeling’s voice was quiet, but the iron tone in the her voice seized the councilmembers attention and sealed their mouths. Yet, while the tone of Alternia’s voice demanded respect, it what she said that astounded everypony. A changeling queen, a RULER of Equestria? That was impossible! In all of the alternate realities that had been explored and contacted, nopony had ever heard of an Equestria willingly consenting to be co-ruled by a changeling princess!

“Thank you. Now, I am sure you know quite well why you were brought here today. But why was I asked, you may wondering. So I will tell you a little more about myself.”

To the council, Alternia explained her relation to Chrysalis and how she had been brought to rule Equestria as Celestia. After a brief description of her thousand year rule, Alternia told everybody how her identity was revealed at the Royal Wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, and how she had been accepted after proving herself. She then told of her efforts to create a peace between changelings and ponies, and the success she had finally achieved. Finally, Alternia spoke of her own ascent to the throne of Equestria and how she now ruled in peaceful cooperation with her world’s Celestia and Luna.

“So far, our peace and my rule as Equestria’s changeling queen has lasted for three long years. There have been hardships that were faced in forging this peace.” Alternia seemed to wince as she said this.

“I suffered much pain and hardship, but fellow changelings, fellow rulers of Equestria, there is one great lesson from my story. It is that no matter how hard it may be, how difficult it may seem at times, how much hate, Equestria, her ponies and the changelings can coexist! Ponies can learn to love changelings and changelings can learn to love ponies! Among you all, there are different ponies and changelings and perhaps the methods of feeding are different. Yet if I, a mere changeling queen, and her friends forged a lasting agreement between these two hostile races, how hard would it be for an entire council to do so?”

Alternia’s gaze scanned over the entire room of alicorns and changelings, sitting in rapt attention and shook her head slowly.

“Councilmembers, you’ve already lost too much to let this conflict come between us. Celestias, you have no sun. Lunas, you have no moon. Chrysalises and queens? You’ve got nothing but the carapace on your back and whatever changelings you managed to save. What could have possessed you all to turn on each other when we’ve just lost four alternate realities in the past year to the Red Queen?” demanded Alternia. It was as if a whiplash had cut through the room. Every Celestia looked ashamed, each Luna distraught and all the queens cringed.

“To those who called for the complete removal of each other’s races with some cleansing order, how could you be so cruel and so short sighted? Celestias and Lunas, can we not learn about the mysteries, the strengths of the changelings and their ways of deception and the subtlety in which they operate in the shadows? Suggesting a cleansing order only shows fear of difference, fear of trying something new and fear of forgiving others, or does forgiveness only apply to your sisters and not to strangers?” snapped Alternia.

Several Celestias and Lunas who were seated next to each other glanced guiltily towards each other. Others simply nodded in agreement. Still there were others who looked coldly indifferent, warily eyeing both Alternia and the assembled Queens. However their number were fewer than before, the changeling princess’s words winning many of the assembled leaders over. Encouraged by this, Alternia forged onwards.

“Chrysalises, I know you're living in confining and chafing conditions, but from what I have heard, you’ve all done nothing to encourage friendship with the ponies! Ponies, whose bonds have allowed them to succeed against numerous trials, time and time again. Instead, you sequester away in your own hives, demanding for more and more, like greedy parasites. What will ponies say when they talk of the once great changelings? That they withered away, while hiding in the shadows like cowards unable to take a step forward into a better world?”

Alternia’s disappointment seemed to permeate throughout the room, every one of the rulers felt some degree of remorse and self-pity at the changeling’s speech.

“But it is not too late, Celestias, Lunas, Chrysalises and queens. You can change this. You may not have a sun to move or a moon to raise, or hives that may be shades of their former selves. But all of you, are still rulers and role models to your ponies and changelings.”

Alternia turned to the Celestias in the council chamber. “Do we not have, the bravest, most glorious Celestias that shone all over Equestria?” Several Celestias nodded sagely to one another and to their sisters, their smiles returning to their faces. More than a few of the majestic white alicorns looked rather embarrassed, while a great many simply looked amused at the changeling’s choice of words.

Next Alternia faced the Lunas. “Do we not have assembled, the most elegant, creative and innovative Lunas who wove the heavens like no other?” Many Lunas raised their heads haughtily, their mouths carving into satisfied smirks while a select few simply facehooved in exasperation to their counterpart’s haughty antics

Finally, Alternia regarded her own kind, her gaze boring into the eyes of every queen. “Do we not have the most adaptable and determined changeling queens, in this chamber?” The queens cheered, hundreds of buzzing wings and hoof claps filling the chamber. The Celestias and Lunas were not far behind as they banged their hooves on the rails of their balconies in agreement and approval. It got so loud that Alternia had to raise her hoof for silence.

“So, answer me, council members! Will you work together, to forge a new destiny for your lost subjects? To take on this challenge to make friends out of old enemies? Answer me, council members, will you be willing to open more integrated changeling and pony towns? To organize joint missions to strange new worlds and to go where no pony or no changeling has ever gone before? Will you band together against all the odds, against all the trials, even if it seems unattainable, because you, as Celestias, Lunas, Chrysalises and Changeling Queens, will never let a challenge go unanswered?”

The changeling queen in the middle of the chamber smirked. “Because I am challenging all of you to do better than I have done in my own world. I challenge you all to beat me and to shove your success in my face and into the face of Lady Shard! I challenge you all, changelings and ponies, to work together because I know you won’t back down and I know you will succeed!”

Alternia didn’t just end with her speech though. As soon as she finished, she immediately presented a suggested outline of procedures and options for increased pony and changeling interaction. This included adding changelings to the Agent ranks, additional pony settlements and the manipulation and reproduction of the Crystal Hearts that had been brought to the facility. Questions had followed Alternia’s presentation and she went into great detail when answering all of them.

By the end, everybody was exhausted, pony and changeling alike. Almost dead on their hooves with the exception of Rainbow Dash, the team escorted their charge out of the Grand Council Chambers only to stop short at the sight of what seemed like a battalion of battle ready agents kitted out for war.

Ponies ranging the entire spectrum of earth pony to alicorn stood ready, protected in advanced armor and wielding weapons whose function Alternia could only guess at. Teams of these armed ponies were stationed at each entrance as if waiting for the worst to happen. Cautious, Alternia approached one particularly tall unicorn as he directed squads.

“Excuse me, sir, but may I ask what all this is about?” Asked Alternia, as she waved a hoof to indicates the agents.

The helmeted unicorn turn a black-mirrored gaze on her. “Just call us Plan B, marm. If negotiations are done in there Lady Shard would like to see all of you in her office.”

Thankfully the trip back to the administrator’s office, was mercifully uneventful. As before, the office doors swung open to admit the team as they approached.

The first things the Paladin’s noticed as they entered was a small holographic copy of their changeling charge. The holographic Alternia was in the middle of her speech before the image image froze in place as Shard paused the playback as she turned her attention to the real Alternia.

“I must say, Lady Alternia, that was quite impressive,” she said, with a grateful smile. “You’ve managed to convince a rather large portion of both parties to actually try to work together. I can’t express how hard it is to get those two groups to agree on any one thing much less agree to a major reform. There are still a few hold outs, but I can deal with them.”

Alongside the changeling, the Paladins were nodding their heads in agreement. Alternia blushed slightly at the praise.

“I merely tried to make a point with the councilmembers. It is now up to both them and you to make something of it. Here’s the copy of the suggestions that I worked out with you earlier and that I presented to the council,” said the changeling, handing Shard a stack of papers. The alicorn carefully slipped them into a plastic folder and into a special place on her bookshelf for safe keeping.

“Once again I thank you, Lady Alternia, for the service you have rendered The Order of Destiny. I can have your guide from earlier or you can take this team as your escort your home universe,” said Shard. Alternia nodded, but before she turned to the waiting agents, she grinned mischievously at the administrator..

“The pleasure was mine, Lady Shard. Although I must remind you one thing…” Shard couldn’t help but frown at the changeling, slightly confused. The changeling chuckled and she slowly sauntered out of the office. Before she left, Alternia looked over her shoulder.

“You owe me one. Now come along, Paladins. I would like to introduce you to my sisters, and perhaps your counterparts. Don’t worry, Rainbow, yours is just as awesome as you are,” remarked Alternia cheerfully, noting the skeptic look on the pegasus’s face.

Twilight brightened up as and Cadance couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous as they realized what this meant. Rainbow and Scootaloo couldn’t help but chuckle, while Slate and Braeburn groaned.

As for Shard, her expression was completely unreadable. However, as the office door closed behind Alternia and her escort, the changeling thought she heard a low groan.

Author's Note:

Surprise chapter everyone!. This time round we have Alternia, the main character of Vren55's story, Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen, who pays the Order of Destiny a quick visit to smooth out some wrinkles that had popped up in pony/changeling relations.

This chapter was cowritten between us with Vren providing the main structure with me filling in some extra info along the way. When you get the chance, swing by and give his story a quick read. Link is above.

Comments ( 27 )

Well this was a pleasant surprise. Glad to see a new chapter, very much enjoyed it.

4005441 The idea for this has been floating around for a bit, though it wasn't until recently that Vren and I finally sat down and finished things up.


I read your guest chapter on Vren's story.

Why does the description of the station, Agents and councils remind me so much of Mass Effect?

4006598 Don't know. Never played ME

4007650 What do you mean?

Well, this was awesome. Simple as that.:moustache:

4007731 Thank me for that lol and I'm glad this story got a bump after I wrote the chapter.

4006897 I felt I had to do at least one callback to John DeLancie's role in Star Trek.

4037206 Teams are typically 4-5 canon ponies to one OC. Recruits are mostly pulled from Equestrias that have been successfully evacuated, but as seen in the main story, they can be taken from universes at the point when they'd normally die permanently. You usually want a story-verse in mind so you can set events that are happening out of the line of the story right. If borrowing, make sure to ask the author first and let them know what's up. That way they can be credited too.

As for the canons, try and keep the amount of Cadances, Celestias, Lunas, and Twilicorns to a minimum as they draw way too much attention being alicorns. For the most part the agents want to remain unnoticed (their gear includes a semi-powered suit with nano-mimicry abilities, so they can hid outside their usual race (i.e. Rarity hiding as a pegasus. The built in flight controls and stabilizers make up for the lack of experience flying)

4006598 I planned the council chamber design by borrowing from both Star Wars galactic senate and star treks federation council chamber (Star Trek:enterprise). Most of the settin was Zervs though so i don't know why It looks line ME

4536863 Which, as I said before, is weird because I've never played ME. That and my knowledge of it is pretty much "Dude/dudette named Shepherd does shit in space"

4536863 Hey man, check your email.

4560275 which one ? Gmail hotmail? Try skyping me I added you after all. But it's late I'm afraid and I prob won't get back to you

4560275 nvm I'm checking my fimfiction account now

4560316 I was talking about gmail.

Any new chapters soon? Or next year?

5636825 Actually working on it now. Lost some progress when my computer went belly up a week ago so I'm kinda catching up.


Considering the long time since this message was posted, are you planning on finishing this fic anymore?

6397646 Actually I am. Recently had to scrap a good portion of the new chapter, but I do plan on finishing it.

I really really want to learn more about Tenebris Ultra and Lucem Ultra, especially the multiverses they are/contain within them.

Tracking beacon activated, in case you decide to continue it. Neat idea.

Will this ever get continued?

I too am curious as to when or if this might get more attention in the future. It looks promising I must say.

IDK when you'll continue this, but I've found it very nice to read. I am that kind of person that loves "What If?" scenarios (and the movie "The One", which, considering its plot, have you considered making an arc with it? You would have to explain why Slate isn't an OP earth pony though) and this kind of story is rarely seen, at least nowadays.

Also, if you want some more universes/stories to use for your story, I have one or two stories that you could find interesting (for more details, you can PM me)

Regardless, I enjoyed what I read. Best wishes.

The story description and incomplete tag are eyeing each other from across a dimly let bar as mariachi music begins to play.

ya know what song would go well with this? the last goodbye

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