• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 1,170 Views, 4 Comments

Phases of the Moon - Kipakuta

Princess Luna's return and adjustment to modern society.

  • ...

New Moon

"Welcome Home, Little Sister." Celestia said as the chariot came to a rest within a covered alcove.

"Sister, I do appreciate the offer," Luna said. "But is Nocne Mesta not mine abode?"

Celestia shook her head. "Consider yourself as my guest, until such time as you have fully recovered." She pointed at the palace at the base of a large ornate castle. "I have several rooms set aside for visiting dignitaries. You may use one until I can set up a room in the castle proper."

"I do recall your own quarters being the second floor, and center front." Luna tapped her chin in thought.

"You may use that room if you wish." Celestia lead Luna into the palace. "I have since moved to the 7th floor rear, of the castle."

"What has become of my lands since mine absence?" Luna asked, following through the hallways.

"When I had to...discipline you," Celestia began. "I sundered your connection with the mana lines. It was sloppy, and Father always insisted that such an act was unbecoming of a proper unicorn."

"You did not have time to be delicate about it," Luna replied.

"The sudden surge of mana created a sort of stationary hurricane," Celestia explained as they ascended a stairway. "The weather refuses to be controlled, and ponies report that the wild mana can be felt in their bones."

Luna winced. "The land may as well be forfeit."

"Why do you say that?"

"If it has been left with wild magic for such a long time, I cannot imagine that anypony would want to dwell there."

"But ponies are reclaiming the land," Celestia said. They stopped in front of an oak door with brass accents. A quick test of the lever handle revealed that it was unlocked and unlatched. "Looks like it's unoccupied." Celestia said with a grin.

They stepped into a small foyer and Celestia turned a dial next to the door. Light emanated from a decorative orb in the ceiling, gradually brightening the room. Luna looked around the room, scrutinizing the details. A desk was placed against the left wall. It had a center drawer, left and right cabinets, and a panel in the center, that could be lifted up. inside the panel were a few writing implements and a ledger that had several pages torn out.

Opposite the desk, were a pair of doorways. One lead into a small pantry-like area, the other lead to a room that contained a large bathing trough. The rear of the foyer lead to the bedroom, which was illuminated by sunlight entering through the large windows. The white and cyan motif of the bed covers, rug, curtains, and wallpaper, made the already bright room seem even brighter.

Luna turned to Celestia. "We will away to the local weaver, and purchase appropriately colored material to use as a padding, so that I may rest comfortably on the floor of your domicile."

Celestia chuckled. "I suppose I could let you spend the night in my room. But you will not be sleeping on the floor."

"Surely you cannot have a bed built within a few hours. Such a thing would take at least a full day."

"Trust me." Celestia winked

- - -

"This is a marvel of engineering." Luna rubbed a hoof along the frame. "To fold a bed and secret it within a sofa, yet retain the functions of both."

Celestia watched from her own bed as Luna toyed with the converter. she had spent the last half hour switching it between the bed and couch forms, examining the mechanisms and processes. "Are you planning to play with it all night, or use it for its intended function?"

Luna blushed. "Apologies, but we are fascinated by how advanced beds have become."

"It's alright. if you'd like, I can have one delivered to your room, in addition to the regular bed."

Luna lifted the purple blanket and dark blue cover sheet. "Worry not about me, I only require the one." She settled on the mattress. "And I must thank the palace staff for the feast. Twas a medley of scents and flavors that I missed dearly."

Celestia slid off her bed and trotted over. "Tomorrow, you may tell them such. I will formally introduce you to the castle staff and guards."

Luna smiled, pulling the covers over her barrel. "I thank you Celly."

"Would you like me to read you a story tonight, Lulu?"

"I do not wish to impose-"

"Luna, I'd be delighted," Celestia brought over a small stack of books, held within a golden aura. "I have a few that my students liked." She held up one of the books. "How about 'Night at the Museum?'"

"A museum? Yes, I suppose I do need to learn about the cultural changes that have happened in mine absence."

Celestia smiled. "This was one of Dawn Clouds' favorites." She opened the book, then began reading aloud.

- - -

"Was that really necessary?" Celestia asked.

"Sister, Were I to take the mold from a rotten timber, and shape it into a equine form, it would be more of a pony than that action-taking bed-warmer."

"He's our nephew, like it or not."

"I do choose not," Luna fumed as she trotted up a set of stairs.

Celestia followed her. "Luna, don't you walk away from me."

Luna stopped and turned around. "FIRE HIM!"

Celestia sighed then looked over her shoulder, then looked back to Luna. "You already gave him a black eye and bloodied nose, how much more do you need to do to him?"

"That is as much royal favour as I am inclined to give out." Luna replied with a hmph. Celestia was about to say something, but the sound of a pony clearing their throat interrupted.

"Begging your pardon, your highnesses, but how do you fire a prince?"

Lune peered at the green unicorn at the base of the stairs. "Tis simple, really. First, we must prepare a siege weapon. Once it is in the ready to fire phase, we will then place the offending pony in the ammunition receiving area. Then we will activate the weapon. The pony is thus fired."

The unicorn stifled a laugh. "And what was Prince Bluie's offense?"

"A suggestion that We would be joyous to receive a companion of his choosing, after mine exile. We were considering the offer, but then he added that it was to be paid for with 'Royal Favour.' We are not some mere peddler of private goods."

"Of course not, My Princess." The unicorn said.

"Would you excuse me a moment, Lime." Celestia descended the stairs. "I must see about our nephews well-being.

Lime sidestepped, allowing Celestia to pass."Your Highness, The staff would like to know your preferences for room arrangements."

"Our preferences?"

Lime carefully approached Luna. "For example, would you prefer a morning or afternoon cleaning, should we include throw pillows and a comforter when making your bed, what kind of flowers would you like on your nightstand, do you need a sleeping mask?"

"Ah, those." Luna motioned for Lime to follow her. "We would first like to minimize the number of ponies who have access to our quarters. We mean no disrespect to thee or the rest of the palace staff, but We do feel rather protective of our privacy."

"I understand." Lime replied. So many people gawking and talking, asking questions, and you don't get much time to yourself. I'll put in a request for your privacy."

"Secondly, We are in need of somepony who is willing to teach us about modern customs and devices."

"That sounds like a much needed service." Lime replied. "Some ponies have trouble setting the microwave clock."

"How novel, using the oscillation of water as a means to measure the passing of time."

Lime frowned. "I, uh, see where your Highness is coming from." she said. "A few questions if I may."

The pair trotted down the hall towards Lunas' room. "Do not inquire as to the cause of our exile. but know that we have been away for a millennium."

"Right right. To set a reference point. A lot of technological advancement happened in the years of 66-290, mostly in the military. The invention of the crossbow for example, changed the way that war was conducted. The ideas were later adapted to a number of different devices."

"So the peace was shattered, and war happened again after we had left." Luna sighed.

"Well, at that time, we were being invaded by dragons and gryphons."

"We do wish to hear how sister resolved this." She entered her room and motioned for Lime to follow her.

- - -

Luna looked from the stack of letters, to the pink Alicorn on the other side of the desk. "So you are to be my minder then."

"Correct." Cadance said. "And as you can see , I have many letters of commendation."

"I have many letters of commendation." Luna mocked.

Cadance snorted. "It's like that, is it?" Luna repeated the statement, adding a nasally tone to the words. "I'm Princess Luna and I eat cave moss." Cadance smirked.

"Well played, dear niece." Luna picked up one of the letters. "I have been informed that you were previously the caretaker for my sisters' protege."

"Oh yes," Cadance leaned back in the chair. "I absolutely enjoyed looking after Twilight Sparkle."

"What have you been doing the last couple of months?"

"I have also spent the last three years as a private confidant for Princess Celestia," Cadance said. "Since Twilights' departure, I have been focusing on that role."

"Her lady in waiting, as it were," Luna smirked. "I would not mind such a thing myself."

Cadance nodded. "As I am not allowed to divulge the things I am told, You may trust me with your secrets."

"Princess Cadenza."

"Please, call me Cadance, your highness."

Luna nodded. "Very well, Cadance," She slid the stack of letters to one side. "As the Alicorn of Love, your special talent is fostering romantic feelings between ponies, correct?"

"It's more like rekindling a fire," Cadance replied. "If there's no love to begin with, then my talent is useless."

"Wouldst you be able to tell if there is genuine love between two beings?"

Cadance nodded. "Yes, I am quite adept at sensing such things. For example, you love your sister as family, yet at the same time, there's a sense that you aren't welcome. Am I reading you correctly?"

Luna averted her gaze. "And what of your own views on the matter."

Cadance walked around the desk ,and draped one wing over Luna. "I say, Buck all haters. If they wanna waste their time being miserable, don't let them rain on your parade."

"Aye, buck them." Luna smiled.

"Louder." Cadance prodded.

"Buck them!" Luna said.

There was a knock on the door. "Buck off!" Cadance and Luna said together.

- - -

"I am deeply disappointed in both of you." Celestia looked down from her throne, at the pair. "We are supposed to be exemplars of Harmony.

"Auntie Celestia, I was just-" Celestia raised a wing to silence her.

"I can only shudder to think of what kind of influence you had on my protege." Celestia addressed Cadance.

"Your Majesty, I would never teach Twilight Sparkle such crass behavior."

"A pity then," Celestia held a hoof to cover her mouth. "Because she's getting a crash course from the Apple Family."

"Your Majesty, may I be excused?" A blushing pegasus guard wondered. "I think I caught them at a bad time."

"Yes, you may be excused, Miles Cranberry." The pegasus quickly trotted out of the room. "Princess Cadenza, please return to your quarters, and write me an essay on how a Knight of harmony should behave."

Cadance bowed, then left. Celestia turned to Luna. "And I am disappointed in you, because you should hold to a higher standard."

"Yes Sister, I was caught up in the moment." Luna replied.

"Seriously? is that the best you can do? 'Buck off?'"

Luna perked her ears. "Stopfen eine Kartoffel in deinen Arsch und essen. Farcir une pomme de terre dans le cul et le manger. Stuif prátaí i do asal agus é a ithe."

"Thy words have all the depth of a rain puddle." Celestia replied. Luna winced."Shall I lend thee a sack of uncounted bits, so that thou canst afford a suitable lexicon."

"You...did call me 'Thou.'" Luna said. She lowered her head. "I can take the insults of education and character." She looked up to Celestia, trying to hold back her tears. "But to be addressed in the formal tone? Why Tia?"

The remaining guards shifted nervously as Celestia got off the throne. "I do not want to hear my sister using such base epithets. Is that understood?"

"Aye, Sister." Luna said quietly.

"Good, now Buck off!"

After Luna ran out of the throne room. one of the guards cleared her throat. "Your Majesty?"

Celestia looked to the guard. "Relay to the chef, that we are all having potatoes tonight."

"Yes your Majesty, but what about-"

"Chancellor Sandy Spurs, we will be in our study until dinnertime. We have some writing to do. Please cancel all appointments, and retrieve us when dinner is prepared."

"Of course, your Majesty." The brown pegasus replied.

- - -

"Thou vainglorious beast! I am truly thy superior in all things. Thou would not stand a chance against me, were we to clash again!"

"Luna, please do not taunt the statue."

Luna looked to her sister. "He is contained and unable to do anything to retaliate."

"For now, yes, but the spell is weakening." Celestia used a wing to guide Luna away from Discord. "We may have trapped him, but he is still able to hear everything that happens around him. I fear that he may be free soon."

"What of the Elements of Harmony?"

"The bearers will need to strengthen their friendships, Twilight Sparkle included." Celestia levitated a few letters from her saddlebag. "I know you wanted to help out and be responsible. I have some letters that need to be delivered."

Luna took the letters with her mouth, and slipped them into a pocket of her saddlebag. The walk from the Castle Gardens to the post office allowed her to reflect on her recent action. She and Celestia had only ever used the Elements of Harmony three times, and now they had lost their connection with the Alicorn sisters. If the spell on Discord was weakening, that meant that the other two spells were likewise declining. Luna shuddered. She had no desire to face Sombra, or Tirek, a second time.

The Palace Post Exchange was the drop-off and delivery point for all mail to or from the Palace compound. The Royal Guard had couriers to handle military mail, and some contracted pegasi handled the distribution of mail around the rest of the palace, but didn't object to personal pick-ups on occasion. Mailing a letter was simply a matter of making sure that it was properly labeled and postage paid for, then either placing it in a large red metallic box, or presenting it to the clerk on duty. "Good day, fair citizen." Luna exclaimed as she approached the counter. "'Tis our sincere hope that thou wouldst treat this correspondence with care."

"Oh, of course." The clerk replied, as Luna passed him the scrolls. "As we say around here. Neither snow nor rain, nor gl-" He paused, realizing who he was addressing, "llllare of sun, will stay our couriers from completion of their appointed rounds."

Luna smiled. "Wouldst there be any articles addressed to either Celestia or Ourself?"

"Give me a few minutes to check, your Highness." The clerk departed and headed into the sorting room. Luna looked around the room. Embedded in the wall that separated the sorting room from the lobby, was a panel that contained a few dozen small numbered locked doors. While a Post Office box was available for rent to anyone regardless of status or species, they were mainly used by the servants and small businesses. A counter along the opposite wall, held a few chained pens. A stamp dispensing unit next to the entryway provided proof of postage for the different classes of mail.

"Princess?" The clerks' voice snapped her out of reverie. "We were going to deliver this later, but since you're here now..."

"Thank thee, Citizen." Luna said as she sorted through the mail. She quickly separated her magazine subscriptions out, and slipped them into one slot of her saddlebag. She checked the names and labels on the rest, and was about to put them together when she caught the scent from one letter. "What is this?"

"Pardon Princess? Is something wrong?" The clerk peered at her with a worried expression.

Luna held the letter close to his nose. "'Twould seem that some cologne company mistook Celestia for a Prince, and sent samples of their latest product," She waved the letter a bit and smirked. "Dost thou think that this scent is fitting for one of her stature?"

"I didn't think it was unusual," The clerk replied. "She often gets letters with that particular scent."

Luna sniffed the letter. "It is wrong to open another ponys' correspondence, yes?" The clerk nodded. "But we may speculate freely." She placed the letter into a second slot, then the rest of Celestias' mail into a third. "We bid thee well, citizen."

"Right, You take care now, Princess, and be sure that your sister is the one who opens that letter."

"We will make sure that she does so." Luna called back. Once outside, she galloped back to the castle. "Who is this, dear sister? A coltfriend. Of that we are certain." She ignored the quizzical looks from the staff that she passed. "We must find this one, and send him an invitation."

""Aunt Luna?" Luna blinked and started at the pink Alicorn that was exiting from one of the rooms.

"Ah, niece Cadenza-Cadance. Yes, Cadance, that is what you wish to be called." Luna slowed to a trot.

"You were saying something about sending someone an invitation?" Cadance prodded.

"Oh? I was speaking my mind?" She glanced to her saddlebag, then back to Princess Cadance. "Has anypony ever sent you a love letter?"

"Oh, does somepony have a secret admirer?" Cadance grinned, approaching Luna.

Luna took the letter from her saddlebag. "'Tis not I,"

Cadance read the name on the letter after catching a whiff of cologne that emanated from within the envelope. "Aunt Celestia?!"


"You know what this means." Cadance winked.

Luna grinned. "Yes, 'tis the kind of morsel that those tawdry snobs of the city, can only dream of. Let us away to plot and plan. After I deliver it, of course."

Cadance glanced down the hallway. "Right, see you in a minute."

- - -

Luna stepped off the stone walkway, and onto a paved road. "Behold Canterlot, thy Princess of the Night has returned." She declared. After one thousand years, and five months."

"Has it really been five months? It seems like just yesterday I brought you here." Celestia replied as she followed.

Luna sniffed the air, then cantered over to one of the nearby shops. "See? They already welcome us. Our first destination shall be." She read the signboard. "Donut Joe's."

"An excellent choice." Celestia used her magic to open the door, then entered. Luna followed close behind. Inside, the few customers bowed, stopping only when Celestia motioned for them to rise.

"Welcome back Princess." A voice called over from behind the counter."

"Donut Joe, I'd like you to meet my sister." She motioned to Luna, who was peering into one of the display cases.

"See anything you like, your Highness?"

Luna turned to look at Joe. "We wish to sample some of thy wares."

Donut Joe thought for a moment. "Maybe I could spare a doughnut to cut into samples."

"This dark one with the blue icing. Be this rye?"

Donut Joe took the selected item from the display rack. "It's chocolate. Let me cut you a small piece." Using a plastic knife, he carved a thin slice, then placed it on a napkin to serve to Luna.

Luna gave the slice a cautious sniff, before picking it up and placing it in her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully then swallowed, before looking to Celestia. "Sister, why is he not employed in the Castle Kitchens?"

Celestia chuckled. "It would be selfish of me to keep this master baker from the rest of Canterlot."

"Aye, you were always the generous one," Luna smirked. she looked to Donut Joe. "We will take this one."

"They're cheaper if you buy them in sets of twelve." Celestia said.

"Then we will take a dozen of this chocolate. But do vary the toppings, Such flavor combinations will be a rousing repast for the royal palate."

"Sure, that'll be ten Bits." Donut Joe said as he levitated out a chocolate doughnut each from eleven other trays, and placed them in a pink cardboard box, along with the blue iced one.