• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 1,171 Views, 4 Comments

Phases of the Moon - Kipakuta

Princess Luna's return and adjustment to modern society.

  • ...

First Quarter

The first sign that something was amiss, was when the chest of drawers walked past Luna in the hallway. She blinked, then found herself starting into a pair of yellow and red eyes.


Luna scrambled backwards. "Thou?!"

"Thou? Is that any way to greet an old friend, Princess?"

Luna snorted. "Thou art no friend of ours, Discord."

"I thought you of all ponies, would be sympathetic to my plight, Luna." Discord hovered over her, grinning from ear to ear. "We both know what it's like to be overshadowed by our sisters. Why should they get all the love and attention?"

"When last we met, thou attempted to kill us." Luna replied, projecting a barrier around herself.

"I freely admit my mistake." Discord circled Luna. "You are an incarnation of my antithesis, and I did find you repugnant at first, but now I see this other side of you." He pressed against the barrier. "A scared little filly who was given powers far beyond her comprehension."

"Thou dost prattle overmuch." Luna charged up a force spell and projected it at Discord. He dodged. The spell smacked into the ceiling and dissipated.

"That's quite a temper you have there, Princess." Discord chuckled. "When did you become so assertive?"

"I am the Sword of Equestria." Luna said through gritted teeth.

Discord snapped the fingers of his lionpaw. "Funny thing about swords. They're really effective at cutting things."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Luna backed away. Discord vanished, leaving her alone in the hall. "Do not ignore Us, thou murmuring monstrosity!" She glanced to the floor and gasped. The hallway carpet had pieces cut from it, which matched the exact size and shapes of her hooves. She lightly dragged a hoof across a spot, and marveled as the material was severed cleanly under her touch.

- - -

Celestia lowered one of the many scrolls that she was levitating. "For the first time in centuries, The nation is experiencing a deficit."

"Aye, We shall have to raise the tax rate to recover the castle treasury." Luna said, as she dipped a mop in a bucket.

"There will be protests." Celestia said, as she read through another scroll.

Luna wiped a small area of tile. "Perhaps we may lower expenses, by liquidating some of the less productive members of the Peerage."

"I can't simply revoke Titles of Prestige. Parliament has to properly review any charges of misconduct."

"Sister, I did not misspeak."

Celestia held a hoof to her mouth and chuckled. "Neither the Hashashin, nor the Shinobi, will work pro-bono."

Luna dipped the mop again, then wrung it out. "An idea, Dear sister."

"Go ahead."

"The United Colonies are in need of raw materials for their construction. These same materials can be found in the dross that Discord has left behind in the surrounding area. The Diamond Dogs are also in need of a boost to their image in the eyes of ponykind."

"So you would have the Dogs perform salvage duty?"

"'Twould also allow us to gauge how committed they are to being citizens of Equestria. This does fall under the purview of 'Duty for the Well-Being of the Nation.'"

"I will convene the Alpha Pack and put the idea before them."

Luna nodded then began wiping another area of the floor. "How fares Cadance?"

"She's still a little upset over Discords prank on her."

Luna winced. She felt a sense of sympathy. The Draconequus had shut down most of the junior Princess' senses, leaving her with only her empathy so that she could feel the terror of other ponies. That, in addition to the extensive damage done, had lead to a suspension of the wedding plans. "I do hope that she recovers."

"So do I, Luna." Celestia wrote something on one of the scrolls. "For now though, she is undergoing therapy in Cloudsdale."

- - -

"Princess Luna," Celestia addressed her sister, who stood before the throne. "Due to the improvement of your public image, as well as your efforts in the recent clean-up, and your assistance with the United Colonies, I am hereby releasing you from your parole. You may leave the castle freely."

"Thank you, Sister," Luna bowed. "I have long anticipated this day, when I would once again come and go at my leisure. And how fortunate that it be on this day, a celebration dedicated to Myself."

"Yeeeaaah. About that," Celestia began. "Luna, I think we should talk."

"Sister Celestia, I am well aware that the citizens of cities and towns outside of Canterlot still fear my dark image. I must endeavor to show them that that mare no longer exists."

"I worry that you may not like what you find out there."

"Fret not," Luna shook a hoof. "Once they see that 'tis I who has come to them, and not Nightmare Moon, they will surely welcome me with open hooves. I wish not eternal night, but a long one full of merriment."

"Perhaps you would be better served by remaining in Canterlot," Celestia tapped a hoof on the base of her throne. "The ponies here are more used to your presence, and you can get a better feel for what Nightmare Night entails."

"Aye, The citizens here are used to me, they may not provide an accurate depiction of the holiday. Already I have seen how they have deviated from what I have read in books."

"Even so," Celestia said.."I worry that they may prompt you to relapse."

"It has been a year or more since anypony bore witness to Nightmare Moon, 'Tis past time to heal the rift and let bygones be bygones."

"You may feel that way."

"And I will persuade the ponies to do likewise," Luna chirped. "After all, is Gaiety not my middle name?"

"The one you chose." Celestia replied.

"'Tis the spirit of Jollity that guides mine hooves," Luna said. "And that selfsame Jollity will be shared freely tonight."

"So where is your destination?"

"I shall away, to Ponyville."

- - -

"Fair Librarian," Luna addressed the pony on the other side of a long counter. "What materials canst thou provide us with, in reference to 'Fun'?"

"We have many books about activities and pastimes." The librarian replied.

"We wish to learn about the idea itself."

"Ah, You'll find the encyclopedias over in our reference section," The Librarian pointed to an arraignment of shelves that filled one of the quadrants of the first floor.

"Thank thee, archivist." Luna said before trotting over to the shelves. Navigating the Encyclopedia Equestria took a few minutes. The thick tome labeled 'Fr-Fy' bore several creases in its spine, and numerous pages had curled corners. There was a slight smell of aged paper as she browsed, and Luna admired the colorful photos that accompanied the articles.

The article on 'Fun' took up five and a half pages, not counting the pictures. Most of the article was a detailed explanation of the idea, along with occasions and activities. She wrote some of the ideas on a spare piece of scrap-paper. The history and etymology of the word was covered in three paragraphs near the end of the article, almost as if added as an afterthought.

"I know this idea," Luna mused to herself. "'Tis the kind of amusement that Ringtail and I would engage in." She smiled. "As the former Bearer of Jollity, Is it not my duty to encourage 'Fun' amongst the citizenry?"

With the written list as a guide, Luna scouted among the other volumes. Luna had to fetch additional sheets of scrap-paper as more and more ideas were added: activities, events, idioms, occupations, and utensils for fun

"Your Highness." The archivist said. "It's 4:30."

"Pardon?" Luna looked from her latest book to the pony who stood a stride away from her. "Have we been browsing long?"

"Looks like you pulled a 'Twilight Sparkle.'" The archivist chuckled.

Luna closed the book, gathered the strewn paper, then stood up. "As it is written. 'Time flies when one is having fun.' But we are not familiar with thine idiom."

"It's sort of an inside joke around the castle." The archivist said. "Celestias' student, Twilight Sparkle used to spend day after day, engaged in researching one subject or another."

"Ah, thou art making a jest out of Miss Sparkles intense focus on her reading."

"I mean no disrespect to her Majesty, or to Miss Sparkle." The archivist accompanied her back to the check-out desk.

"'Tis all in good fun." Luna replied.

"Sounds like somepony had a productive day."

"Aye, 'twas most enlightening," Luna swept a hoof through the air. "Though we shall have to apply what we have learned, in order to fully understand."

"I'm sure there will be plenty of time for that tomorrow."

"Aye. Our duties take precedence, then shall we have time for leisure."

- - -

It seemed as though the Hearths' Warming Celebration had begun before the clean-up from Nightmare Night was finished. Celestia had begun gradually shortening the days, and the longer nights provided Luna with ample opportunity to put on a display, as well as allowing the land to cool. This in turn would allow the mana flow to slow and pool, replenishing what had been depleted by growing crops. As the weeks passed, the preeminence of the holiday became more evident. Snowbanks appeared about the city, small at first, but growing larger each day. Teams of carolers would go about the city, singing songs of holiday cheer and collecting donations for charitable purposes. Strings of colored thaumelectric lights decorated houses and storefronts. Donut Joe, along with other bakers, had started selling holiday themed donuts and pastries. The Haymart theatre on the 2nd terrace, was billing a play that reenacted the founding of Equestria, with the key roles to be played by the Bearers of the Harmonic Elements.

Upon entering Ravens', Luna marveled at a large artificial pine tree that extended up a column of space, nearly touching the roof of the fourth floor.Under the lowermost branches was a display featuring heavily hyped toys. She also noticed a stallion dressed in a thick red wool suit with white trim. He had been made up to appear portly, and possessed of a long white beard. Next to the ornate padded bench that he sat on, was a huge sailcloth bag filled with stuffing and tied close. Some temporarily hired ponies had the unenviable task of keeping a line of foals, calves, chicks, and pups, and their parents, in order. She knew from recent research that 'Hearth-keeper' was a common presence during the Autumn season, and that the pony that the legends were based on, had been a Knight of the Order of Prosperia.

Some of the youths had noticed her, and pestered their parents, pointing in her direction. "We bid thee a good day, Citizens," Princess Luna called as she queued. "This be not an official visitation, but we must say that it warms our heart to see our citizens so joyous at our presence."

"Thank you, your Highness." some of the parents said.

"Are you gonna ask Hearth-keeper to bring you something, Princess?" a juvenile Dog asked.

"Nay, Hearth-keeper doth bring much joy and merriment already," Luna smiled, reaching over to tousle the Dogs' head fur. "Nor would we want to displace others gifts with our own demands."

"That's rather generous of you," The 'Hearth-keeper' said. "I have a feeling that I'm going to need a bigger sleigh before Hearths' Warming Eve."

"Would you also not need to hire more caribou to pull it?"

"I think I'm gonna need extra cookies and milk to feed them." 'Hearth-keeper' looked to the line. "Whaddya say kids?" There were numerous assents.

"'Tis settled then. Shall we see to it that our own larder is well stocked." Luna chuckled. She exchanged farewells with the assembly, then left to wander the mall.

- - -

Dear Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna.

Thank you for the holographic recording of the most recent Hearths' Warming Eve play. I only regret that Shining and I couldn't be there to watch in pony. It warms my heart to see how my little Twily has grown. One could almost mistake her for the actual Clover the Clever. Most of the other Element Bearers filled in their roles well, though I mean this as constructive criticism, Fluttershy didn't seem to have enough of a forceful presence. I know that you didn't want to exclude her from the group, and that her obvious relationship with Rarity is an echo of the real Princess Platinum and Private Pansys' fling. I also have to give Spiky a round of applause for his role as the narrator, though I wish I could have smacked that one heckler pony. Perhaps your Highness's would look into the development of interactive holography.

In other news, Counselor Violet Rose says that my rate of improvement is positive, and that I am on track to be discharged. Though I don't want to diminish Violets' efforts, I know that the bulk of my recovery is due to Aunt Luna patrolling the dreamscape and removing my nightmares. For that I am grateful, and I will be sure to repay you somehow. I already have an idea for gifts, but I can't say much about them in this letter.

Sincerely, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Alicorn of Eros, Dauphin of the Lost Crystal Empire, Heart Knight of the Order of Sophia, Heart Knight of the Order of Aluria, Heart Knight of the Order of Prosperia, Wing Knight of the Order of Tenacia, Wing Knight of the Order of Justia, Flank Knight of the Order of Inspiria.

- - -


- - -

During the clean-up from Discords' rampage, Luna had noticed that one of the first floor meeting rooms had gone unused. While it was still cleaned and maintained, there was a sense that no-pony had actually used the furniture. Celestia herself took a while to recall why she had it set aside in the first place. Luna had asked to use the room for her own use, and had been granted her request.

Seated around the low cherrywood table, were three pegasi, a unicorn, a hippogryph, a kirin, and Princess Luna herself. Also in attendance were a quartet of servants, with food carts. "While this day had originally been set aside to focus on the Harmonic Element of Sympathy, we cannot find fault with how the citizenry choose to celebrate." She swept a hoof in a circle. "Hearts and Hooves Day is said to be a celebration of love, but there is no specified definition of 'love' in the description."

"Your Highness." Lime Sherbet spoke. "It usually means romantic love, such as the kind that your niece is connected with."

Luna waved her off. "That is how most choose to celebrate it, but We are not most." She Indicated Lime Sherbets' husband and uncles. "Indeed, we see romantic love present here, in both its' raw form, and refined. Rosy Cranberry blushed while Luna motioned to the other two guests. "Art we not all products of our parents love for each-other?"

"This is true, Your Highness," The hippogryph, spoke. "As Princess Celestias' Minister of interspecies relations, I can say that I have seen many displays of such love."

"Well Spoken, Honourable Pinfeather. And this leads to a second form of love. Between parent and child."

"Your Highness refers to the idea of Storge," Peppermint Pinfeather continued. "While it's true that family is important, it's more than just parental love."

"Oh yes." Lime Sherbet added. "My uncles." She pointed to Golden Stare and Rosy Cranberry. "I'm sure your Highness is well acquainted with them by now. We've had our disagreements, but we've never stopped loving each-other."

"Chevalier Stare remains as stoic as ever," Luna chuckled. "Yet the subject of his affection be easily flustered." There were a few chuckles from Lime, Peppermint, Dark Skies, and the servants. "We are not here to mock, but to support such love."

"Yes, of course." Peppermint cleared his throat. "Didn't the old Ipponian philosophers speak of two other types?"

"Aye, and those types are present in here as well. "Emperess Tai Li, Honourable Peppermint, as hybrids, you are the result of good relations between ponies and other species. The western dragons, and northern gryphons respectively."

"It is as you say, your Royal Highness." Tai Li spoke. "The August Jade Empire has long been a setting where those of burnished scales, and those of swift hooves, have found mutual adoration."

"Aye, Agape, the love without reservation. The one that transcends all barriers." Luna sighed, "We do speak overmuch, but We would be remiss if We did not address the fourth."

"I don't mind so much, your Highness." Dark Skies said. "Usually a big flowery speech before dinner is tiresome, but your Highness, and Your Imperial Majesty," He gave a small bow to Tai Li. "Are entertaining."

"This distant hatchling of the Jade Dragon humbly accepts the assessment of one who is skilled in arts both martial and marital."

"Aye." Luna grinned. "Destrier Dark Skies has at least two achievements of glory," Lime blushed as the pegasus draped a foreleg around her and kissed her on the cheek."But let that pass." She turned to the servants. "Philia. The Camraderie between ponies of a group. Whether it be in a war zone, in a business, or even as members of the same community. It is a love and dedication to others in a like situation. Such friendship as it called, can make even the most loathsome task seem like a trifle." She held a hoof to her mouth as the four ponies blushed. The others seated at the table chuckled.

The servants remained quiet as they set out the dishes and tableware. Food and drink were offered, first to Luna, Tai Li, and Peppermint Pinfeather, then to Golden, Rosy, Dark, and Lime, with the servants serving themselves afterwards. Conversation remained lighthearted. There was no Princess of the Night, No Jade Emperess, No Minister of Interspecies Relations, no Palace Guards, no Servants. There were just a hippogryph, a kirin, and nine ponies, having supper in a private room.

- - -

(This task would proceed at a greater pace were we not interrupted so frequently.) Luna thought as she felt someone step onto the balcony. Her sister, Maid Lime, Chancellor Spurs, and one of the newly hired staff, a Diamond Dog named 'Rosy Quartz.' had stopped in to check on her, offering to 'assist' her in some way, mostly to get her down to the Gala. “We told thee, we art sufficiently entertained. There be no need to check upon us constantly. Tell our sister we shalt be busy with this for a long interval.”

“I am afraid I am not who you think I am. I’d imagine you were expecting Golden Stare, or similar. No, just a Gala visitor.”

Luna turned her head quickly, with the smallest bit of surprise on her face. A caramel colored stallion, with a slicked black mane and tail. His attire certainly looked like it could be formal, but Tai Li had informed her about the Shinobi. “Oh! Goodness! Who art thou? And how didst thou get past the guards? Gala guests are not permitted to be in this part of the castle.”

“Your sister called it when I first got here. The old, reliable Schwarzwälder Kaltblut Fire Drill. Just act like you know what you’re doing, or that you belong wherever you are and ponies are likely to just let you go ahead. All I had to do was trot along like I knew where I was going, nodding my head if anypony noticed, looking straight ahead if they didn’t happen to see me. I think they assumed I was some kind of new worker or perhaps I had a pressing appointment with someone. You’d be surprised how often it works. It didn’t work at the front gate, but that Golden Stare guy is something else. Princess Celestia actually let me in, however. She’s quite a kind soul. And… my name is Bad Apple; don‘t let that change your opinion of me, though. Not my choice.”

Luna quickly reviewed everything she had learned about the shinobi. unlike their portrayal in popular media, real ninjas dressed to fit into their surroundings. She would have relaxed more around this pony if he had worn the stereotypical full body black suit with concealing face mask. “Thou seemst very calm for somepony meeting a princess. Thou art not stuttering, thou art not scraping, thou art neither worshipful nor afraid. That makes thee seem a whit suspicious.”

“It’s a little bit control, and a little bit practice. It may not seem like it, but I was born and raised around money. We were what they used to call the codfish aristocracy, though all our money came from apples, and we never had title, much as it would have made my mother happy to have that to parade over the county.” Bad Apple shook his head, looking sadly down before he looked up again at the telescope. “So, Gala going on downstairs. And here you are, on a balcony, looking at the stars. Why not come down and dazzle everyone with your presence?”

In her time before, Luna bore the Element of Honesty, and she had a tendency to speak her mind. A lie, even a minor one, wasn't something she was familiar with crafting on the fly. “We, ah… we have a thousand years of review to perform. Even if the finest astronomers in the entire Principality have been working upon this, this is our night. And though we trust them, we still wish to make certain everything they have written down is accurate. Thou wouldst be surprised all the mistakes one may find. As well, we… " She needed a distraction. "We love these new baubles! Marvel at these new wonders!”

Perfect, she could talk about her new gift. The telescope, given to her by her niece, upon the Latters' return to active duty the previous day. As she kept the pony in conversation, her suspicions gradually faded. Had he been a real shinobi, he would have shown some sign by now. No good ninja would waste so much time talking.

- - -

Luna stotted along the hallways of the castle. She was not normally known for such behavior, she had not done so since her coronation, but she did it now. And she would do it despite the silly rules that her sister had in place. Even if the rules were to keep ponies from knocking over the numerous trinkets on display. Silly sister, a mere decorative knick-knack meant nothing. Just like the looks she was getting from the palace guards and staff. The current Bearer of the Element of Jollity stotted, and as the former bearer, why not Luna? Let them stare. Let them fume in their inadequacy, they would never know love like hers. Her castle, her rules. Well, Sisters castle, but she was a guest, and Celly would forgive her. As would the servants. She felt a little guilty about bumping into some of them, and offered apologies. She could do this all day, and all night if she wanted. She had nowhere to be, so she went where she wanted. And right now, she was hungry...


"Your Highness?" One pony approached.

"Halt. Be those apples?" She bounded over to line of large baskets, and peered into one.

"Oh, uh, Yes your Highness."

"A change. We shall make this a theme ingredient. We wish to see what artistic skill the royal chefs possess. We shall give thee one hour to prepare." She bounded out of the room. "And do not use the green ones."

While the chefs were busy, Luna decided to visit the chancellor. At the top of the stairs to the fourth floor, She found her sister. "Looks like somepony is in a good mood."

"Aye, I am most joyous today. Have I not felt like this since we first vanquished the Chaotic Tyrant."

"And this wouldn't have anything to do with last nights visitor."

"Do not mock my feeling, Celly." Luna pouted, "Such a love as this will be spoken of for generations, if not centuries."

"You were always the passionate one." Celestia said. "Just be careful with your heart."

"Aye. Will you join me for supper, Dear sister?"

"Oh, you have something planned?"

"Tis a surprise." Luna grinned, before stotting down the hall.

"Luna, no pronking in the castle!" Celestia called after her.

There was the sound of a large vase shattering on the floor. "Apologies Tia." Luna called back.

- - -

"How was Whinnybago?" Celestia asked Cadance.

"It was alright," Cadance answered, "Not the most appealing place. Glad to be in Canterlot, again."

"So will your parents be attending your wedding?"

"I suppose they will, everypony who's anypony will be there." Cadance said.

"I did hear that your carriage was detained by a landslide in the Oatby pass." Luna said.

Cadance rolled her eyes. "It was an annoying delay, nothing more. If it's all the same with you, I'd like to go to my room."

"Very well then." Luna said. "Maid Lime, please fetch my nieces' luggage."

"Nono, that's alright," Cadance said, levitating a collection of suitcases, and a large wooden chest. "I'd like to take it myself."

"If you insist," Luna replied. "Shall I inform Dear Twilight and her friends, that they are to attend."

"Yes, fine, do whatever." Cadance snipped as she trotted away.

Luna watched her leave, "She seems to be greatly agitated."

"Your Highness, if I may." Lime began. Luna nodded. "Weddings are often stressful for everyone involved. It's a very special day for Cadance, and I think she wants it to go perfectly."

"We take then, that thou wast a choleric nag towards thine own husband?"

"Dark Skies volunteered to go into combat against a dragon flight." Celestia said.

"Have, done!" Luna guffawed. "We have seen that the last such pony and dragon conflict was remembered in the play 'With Fire and Spear.'"

"Yes, well, fortunately, we all came to our senses and had a wonderful time." Lime said.

"If you will excuse me, I have a letter to write." Celestia said.

"Indeed, I shall return to mine own abode, sister. Maid Lime, perhaps there is something that needs thy attention."

"Perhaps there is," Lime Sherbet said. "A particularly troublesome stain lurking somewhere in the castle, I shall find it, and rout it." She hurried down the hallway.

Luna chuckled to herself as she ascended a staircase. (Day by day, she is becoming more of a companion. She seems to be gaining my wit, and I find that her presence is a clarity compared to my phantasmal existence.)

Upon entering her room, she noticed trash strewn allover the floor: Banana peels, dried leaves, ripped paper, pieces of cloth, wood chips, and wadded tissues. "Is this some elaborate prank? We are not amused." She used her aura to scoop up some of the detritus, but dropped it again when she felt her anger subside. It had been a faint sensation, and one could easily mistake it for resignation, had it not been for a ripple in the local mana field. "Aha! Thou hath shown thyselves." She channeled her magic, forming a red sphere that expanded.

As the growing bubble brushed over the rubbish, flares of green fire revealed tiny white-colored chitinous ponies with diaphanous wings, antenna, and holes in their legs, manes and tails. "Pixies? Here?!"

The tiny creatures quickly scattered, fleeing through the open window. "They will report back to their Queen, but which one?" Luna shuddered. While the creatures, known to others as 'Gremlins' were irritating but harmless, they weren't forgiving of having their magic dispelled. A visit by larger and more unscrupulous fae was imminent. She left her room and headed for the Officers' barracks.