• Published 30th May 2015
  • 7,445 Views, 260 Comments

Equestria's Ginyu Force - Theyellowninja13

A group of friends go to a Comic con, dressed up like the Ginyu Force from Dragonball Z. There, they meet a merchant that sells them Ginyu Force medallions. When they buy them, they get sent to Equestria. Now they've broken out of their stone prison

  • ...

Black Water Mist

Author's Note:

This is a crossover with shagohad12's The Equestrian Edda. I suggest looking at some of his stories. In fact, The Equestrian Edda is a sequel to the story that inspired me to make my first Displaced fic, which was Metroid, Displaced in Equestria.

I hope you enjoy!

“That all you got you overgrown kitten?!” Jeice yelled, as he easily dodged a swipe from a manticore. He then grabbed the manticore’s tail when it swung at him, before spinning around and letting go, causing the manticore to be slammed into a tree. Before it could recover, Jeice jumped on it’s back, and jabbed his hand through the back of it’s neck, effectively killing it. “Alright, guys, who wants Manticore meat tonight?!” He asked, as he held up the dead manticore.

“I know I do!” Recoome exclaimed. And with a flash, we all used Instant Transmission to head to our base.

After an hour or so, we were sitting at our table, eating cooked manticore, which is actually quite delicious. Jeice was the one who cooked it, as he was quite a good chef before we got Displaced.

“Good meal as always Jeice.” I said as I took another bite of meat.

“Thanks Cap.” He responded, and we sat back in silence, as we ate. Well, silence until Recoome chewed on something hard.

“Ow!” Recoome yelled, as he dropped his utensils in surprise, before reaching up, and tried to pull something out of his mouth. When he succeeded, he held it out for us to figure out what it was. It looked like a soda can with green and black stripes. We all just stared at it, surprised.

“Why was that in Recoome’s meal?” I asked Jeice, who was just as baffled as I was.

“I don’t know Cap! Maybe it somehow got inside the Manticore!” Jeice replied. I grabbed the object from Recoome, and looked it over.

“Feels like some kind of Displaced token. But the question is who could it be?” I rubbed my chin in thought.

“Maybe it belongs to a game character or something?” Guldo pointed out.

“No.” I told him. “The coloration feels familiar. Let’s take it outside and call forth whoever it belongs to.” They all nodded, and we quickly walked outside, before closing up the entrance to our base. We kept walking until we got to a small clearing. “Alright, lets do this.” I held out the token, and spoke. “We call forth whoever this token belongs to!” I yelled hoping that it would work.

Suddenly, a burst of green light went off and a rather tired looking young man appeared. "I swear to Yggdrasil, I'm going to break my tokens..." He sighed, looking around. "What is it this time?"

“Well, your token interrupted our meal.” I carefully responded. Something feels off about this person. His ki is hard to locate, as if he were some kind of god. “And we were also curious about who the token belongs too.” Out of the corner of my eye, I see Guldo freeze up, as if he saw a ghost.

"Oh great...the milk force..." He said before sitting on the ground, looking exhausted.

While I did feel anger at being insulted like that, I was more worried if he was okay. “Are you okay? I’m sorry for summoning you if you were in the middle of something.” This time, Burter froze up out of the corner of my eye.

"No its just...this is the...fifth time I've been summoned in a row and I'm just...tired..."

I cringed at that. “That must suck.” I was about to say something else, but both Recoome and Jeice froze up as well. “Okay, what the hell is wrong with you, men?! Out with it!” I yelled at them, wondering why they’re freezing up.

“Cap, look.” Jeice managed to say, as he pointed a finger at the sky. I looked, and I saw a layer of evil looking purple mist slowly covering the tips of the Everfree Forest. As soon as I saw that, I froze up as well.

“Black water mist.” I said, and I noticed it was coming this way. Fast. “Crap! Guldo, can you make that barrier you were practising?” I quickly switched to leader mode.

Guldo noddded, and thrusted his hands out, creating a barrier around the entire clearing. The black water mist quickly passed by, unable to get into the barrier. I stood there, looking at it, waiting for it to pass by. After a minute, it did, and Guldo lowered the barrier.

“Captain, if the black water mist is here…” Guldo pointed out.

“Then Garlic Jr. is as well.” I continued, before looking at the Displaced we summoned. “Look, can you help us with this? I don’t think we can deal with this on our own. We’re trying to protect Equestria.”

"Yeah, I can do that..." He said nodding, "In exchange for some scans." He said, pulling himself to his feet, wobbling a little.

“Scans?” I asked, before noticing the peculiar watch on his wrist, and I smacked my forehead. “Oh! You got Displaced with the Omnitrix! That’s why those colors on the token felt familiar! But yeah, you can have some scans. But be careful, I’m going to assume that even if you turn into a different form of any of us, you might start spewing random Japanese, or TFS moments. It happens to all of us from time to time.”

“Hey Captain, why does he need scans of us?” Recoome asked, confused.

"I scan everything," our guest explained, "That reminds me...is Recoome human?"

“Nope. The wiki classifies him as a mutant, but it doesn’t seem to be true. Jeice is the only one who has a race we know. He’s sometimes a Brench-Saijin, and sometimes a Space Australian.” I answered.

"Stupid DBZ..." He grumbled, moving to each of us, the Omnitrix scanning us with a yellow beam. "Ok introductions, my name is Jason Hughes, one of the last four Jotun and ruler of jotunhiem."

I suddenly smiled at the word ‘introductions.’ “Men…” I said, and suddenly the Ginyu Tokusentai song started playing as we started posing. “GINYU!”





“And together, we are…”

“THE GINYU FORCE!” We all yelled at once, as the music stopped. We then got out of our poses.

"Ok...question...got a sensu bean?" Jason asked, not batting an eyebrow at us.

“No. Celestia and Luna destroyed the last senzus a thousand years ago. But if you need energy, I can give you some of mine.” I offered.

"No...I got it," he reached into his pocket, pulling out a strangely familiar fruit. "I was hoping to save this but now is as good a time as any." He quickly wolfed it down, grunting as his body bulged with muscle for a brief moment before returning to normal.

“...Okay…” I said, surprised, before sounds of fighting and destruction from Ponyville reached my ears. “Crap! Forgot about the black water mist! Ponyville’s been infected!” I was about to blast off towards Ponyville, but I stopped to look at Jason. “I’m assuming you can fly? Stinkfly or Heatblast prehaps?”

"Omnitrix, Second Sight," he commanded, shifting into Mewtwo, "As you can see, I scan a lot of things."

“Then you can probably teleport, which should make things easier. See you at Ponyville.” I said, before tapping my fingers against my head, and using Instant Transmission to arrive above Ponyville several times faster than light. I heard my men appear behind me, as I looked upon the destruction of Ponyville. Ponies were beating up each other in the streets. Blasts of magic of every color lit up the sky. Pegasi were slamming into each other. I looked closer to see each of Mane Six fighting each other. Applejack was trying to choke Rainbow Dash. Twilight was trying to stop Pinkie Pie, who’s mane was flat, as she tried to stab her. Even Fluttershy was commanding animals to attack the others.

“Just look at the destruction and chaos Cap.” Jeice pointed out. I heard a snapping sound, and Discord appeared next to us.

“I’m trying to stop whatever is happening! But it’s like thye’re breaking through my chaos!” Discord said, as he looked like he’s been through a washer. “What is this stuff?”

“Black water mist. Garlic Jr. is using it to take control of everyone who breathes it in. It makes one crazy. Oh, and make sure not to get bit. That’s how it spreads without breathing it in.” I answered, as I waited for Jason to show up. “There has to be a way to stop them from killing each other. The flight to the Lookout would take an hour at the least. I’m sure as hell not Instant Transmissioning my way there. You never know when Mr. Popo is having a ‘booty call.’ And knowing him, he would have one while the Lookout was being attacked.”

"I miss much?" Jason asked, appearing next to me, "Oh that's just lovely..."

“Do you know anything we could do to stop them for an hour or two? If we can get the cure out into the winds, they’ll turn back to normal. I’m worried someone is going to die.” I asked Jason. Right as I said that, I fired a small beam of ki at Applejack’s rope, before it could completely kill Rainbow Dash.

"Omnitrix, Gutrot," Jason commented, shifting into a green suited, purple skinned being covered in nozzles. "Might want to cover your faces." He moved away, orange gas starting to shoot out of the nuzzles, ponies dropping like flies when the growing cloud hit them.

“What was that?” I asked, never seeing an alien like that before.

"Knockout gas," Jason explained, "This is Gutrot, he can produce and emit gases."

I nodded. “Okay, makes sense. Now that that’s taken care of, we can stop the source. The Lookout is in that direction,” I pointed to the west. “But make sure you don’t teleport. Last time we teleported there, we say things we shouldn’t see. Things no creature should see.” We all shivered at the memory. “Do you have an alien that can fly as fast as light? If not faster? Because I don’t want you to get lost on the way there. Creatures under the effects of black water mist can be incredibly dangerous.”

"Well, I got two, and they seem appropriate, Omnitrix, Keel," he commanded, shifting into a tall, humanoid with spikey black hair and a monkey tail.

“A Saiyan?” I asked, surprised. “Who is that one based off of? Any Saiyan from the show?”

"I helped a Displaced Majin Buu take down Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Broly. I don't recommend it, I got shoot into a planet, which then exploded." He said shuddering.

“Super Saiyan 4 Broly?” I asked in disbelief. “You do realize that you can’t take down Broly right? He always reappears. Plus Super Saiyan 4 isn’t really canon any more. Got replaced with Super Saiyan God, and Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.” A thought suddenly occurred to me. “Oh man, if we have to battle Freiza, we would be screwed. Or if we had to battle Beerus. Even if we had to battle Dumplin we would be screwed.” I shook my head, getting rid of the thought. “Can’t worry about that now. Have to save world. Just follow us, and we’ll show you the way. Ginyu Force! Move out!” We all took a pose that made us look like we were about to run, and then we all burst away from our starting spot, flying at speeds well over light speed.

Within an hour, I saw the Lookout in the distance. We all stopped in the air, and looked around for trouble. The Lookout was a mess, trees were destroyed, flowers torn from the ground, the floor and walls crumbling. We quickly landed, and I called out for Mr. Popo. “Mr. Popo! You here?! We could use your help!”

“Making toast!” Was the response. I sighed in relief at that.

“Well, at least Mr. Popo is still here, and not having a ‘Booty call.’” I spoke to everyone, before I felt five energy sources exit the building. “Oh great, the Spice boys.” I muttered as Garlic Jr. was monologueing. Then, to my surprise, Piccolo appeared next to them, and looked like all the other Z-fighters did we when battled them. “Men, take care of the Spice Rack, I’ll battle Garlic. Jason, can you take care of Piccolo? Don’t mind fighting him though, all the Z-fighters are evil in this world. King Kai says to kill them.” Then, in a blink of an eye, I charged after Garlic, flying right by the Spice boys, before delivering a powerful punch to his face.

Garlic was blasted into a wall, and before he could recover, I fired an energy barrage at him, not letting him have a moment to change into his stronger form. I kept up a barrage of punches, kicks, and blasts, trying to make sure he won’t transform. “Gonna need a place to put him, due to being immortal.”

I cast a brief look over to the other battles, to see that my men were easily taking care of the Spice boys, and Jason was beating up Piccolo. Oh, and Garlic Jr. just transformed.

“Thanks to the power of the Makyo star and the Dragon Balls! I am the most powerful in the entire world!” He exclaimed, before punching me through a wall.

“Alright, that’s it! Kaio-ken!” I was suddenly covered in a red aura, and I charged straight at Garlic.

“Kaio-what?” He said, before I slammed my arm straight through his chest, and then I did it again.

“You may be immortal! But this has to hurt a lot!” I yelled, as I did it over and over again, before kicking him back, and blasting him with a powerful kamehameha. My rush left me, and I fell to my knees. “Darn it, using too much energy.” I look up to see his fist flying into my face. I then felt a sharp pain in my stomach, before another on my back.

“You weakling! You think you can take down the mighty Garlic Jr.!” He asked, before he stomped down on my chest, causing me to yell in pain.

“Ginyus! Help!” I managed to yell, before being stomped on again. I saw Recoome quickly fly through a wall, before getting slapped off the Lookout. Jeice got punched in the nose, so he can’t fight anymore. Burter got flung into his own afterimage, and Guldo had his neck snapped. “Well, crap.”

"Ok question: how extreme can I get here?" Jason asked, planting Piccolo face first into the floor.

I spat out some blood. “Just don’t destroy the tower thing that this place is standing on. You can destroy the building as much as you like. We’ll just fix it up with the fix-it button this place has.” I screamed in pain again. “But be careful, he’s immortal.”

"I can do that," Jason said, cracking his neck, "Who else wants to go?" He called, starting to power himself up.

“What’s this? Another weakling who thinks he can challenge me?” Garlic Jr. asked, as he walked over to Jason. “I’ll just send him to the Dead zone!” Then, with a flash of power, a giant vortex to the Dead zone appeared above the Lookout.

“Jason! Be careful!” I managed to yell, as I grabbed something to prevent me from falling in. I looked up, and saw a familiar star in the sky. ‘Maybe if I build enough energy.’ I started charging up as much energy as I could in my hand, while Jason distracts Garlic Jr.

Jason took a deep breath before letting out a scream of rage. His aura intensified, taking on a yellow color as his hair started to green a yellowish green. With an explosion of power, he ascended into a super Saiyan, akin to Broly.

“Well, he wasn’t kidding.” I muttered to myself, as I looked at the power I’m building in my hand. ‘Not enough energy.’ I closed my eyes, and tried to communicate to my team, and asked for their energy. After I did so, four different hands burst out of the rubble, and I could almost see the energy coming from them. ‘Just a few more minutes.’

After about another minute, A beam of energy from their fight quickly hit the rubble that Guldo was grabbing onto, and destroyed it, sending him flying into the Dead Zone. Reacting quickly, I let go, and grabbed him with my hand, before I felt someone grab my foot, and I saw Jeice holding on to me, while Burter and Recoome kept us stuck to the ground.

Feeling enough energy in my hand, I yelled to Garlic Jr. “Hey Garlic Jr.! You lose!” I then pointed my hand to the Makyo Star, and yelled as loud as I could. “Light Grenade!” A beam of yellow light fired out of my hand, and destroyed the star, causing Garlic to shrivel up, and fall back into the Dead Zone, which promptly closed, causing all of us to fall to the ground.

“Did we do it?” Jeice asked.

I spat out some more blood. “Yes we did Jeice. We survived it. Oh man I’m in pain.” I said, as I fell back onto my back. “Mr. Popo! You still there?!”

“Buttering toast!” Was the response.

“What about you Jason? You still there?” I asked as I tried to get up.

"So much power..." Jason muttered to himself, looking at his hands, is grin starting to form on his face.

“Oh crap.” I replied, before shooting upwards. “He’s going crazy. One one way to do this.” I took in a deep breath. “Hey Mr. Popo! This guy insulted you! He thinks he’s higher than you on the pecking order!”

In a black flash, Mr. Popo was standing on the battlefield. “What was that maggot?” He asked me.

“He thinks he’s stronger than you.” I spat out. And Mr. Popo looked at Jason. I expected him to say something, but he just stood there, staring. Deciding to push Jason instead, I yelled. “Hey Jason! You’re a weakling! You probably can’t even beat Hercule in a fight!” ‘I hope that gets him angry enough to attack Mr. Popo. Too weak to even fight right now. If this doesn’t work, then I only have one option left.

Jason snorted, throwing a ki blast at Mr. Popo, his face contorted in a look of rage. Mr. Popo didn’t move, and the energy ball evaporated into thin air. Suddenly, some kind of black smoke rose out of the ground, and covered Jason, before he flashed, turning back to normal. ‘Nailed it.’ I thought, as a smiled, glad my plan worked. “Thanks Mr. Popo.” I spoke up, as I leaned against a wall.

Mr. Popo just looked at me, before responding. “Leave now. I have a booty call.” My face paled, and I suddenly gained the energy to grab my team, and Jason, before using Instant Transmission to get back to the fields outside of Ponyville.

“Is everyone okay?” I asked. I got various forms of response from my team, but Jason was silent. He just stared off into the distance, panting heavily. I limped over to him, before slapping him in the face. “Why didn’t you just go regular super Saiyan! You didn’t have to go legendary! Haven’t you ever heard the saying; power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely?!”

He blinked, looking up at me. "Not entirely true." He said getting to his feet, "I just won't use that form anymore." He said, running a hand through his hair, "You guys just stand still and I'll heal you up."

We all did, and Jason somehow healed us. As I was stretching, and cracking my neck, I spoke up. “At least you can turn into a Saiyan. It’s hard being in this world without being a Saiyan. We’ve trained for years, and we’ve only gotten as strong as Frieza’s first form. If you’re a Saiyan, you just need to almost die, and then you’re stronger than before. Just have a bag of senzus, and jab yourself in the chest or something, and take a senzu, and BAM! You’re much stronger.”

"I could...splice your DNA," he said, looking at his Omnitrix, "not sure how much it would help."

“It actually doesn’t matter how much Saiyan DNA a person has. Goku’s great great great grandson or someone like that was able to go super Saiyan. Even a fraction of DNA could essentially allow you to go super Saiyan.” I spoke up quickly, surprised that the Omnitrix could do that. “Wait, it won’t hurt you would it? I wouldn’t mind being part Saiyan, but I couldn’t live with myself if someone was harmed to do so.”

"Why on Earth would it hurt me?" He asked, looking at me rather quizzically.

I held my hands up. “Just making sure. You never know in this kind of world. I mean our physics are messed up. We can smash any kind of defense with a single blow, and we have dinosaurs, and magic beans that completely heal you. Our physics change on a daily basis.”

"And my uncles are a giant wolf, an eight legged horse and a giant snake, get in line,"Jason said, a big smirk on his face.

“Eight legged horse? Like that thing from Mother 3?” Guldo asked. “Horsantula I think it was called.”

I smacked Guldo on the head. “He said he’s a Jotun, that means he’s from Norse mythology. Like Thor from Marvel, but different. All that stuff about Ragnorak and Yggsdrisil the tree and whatever.” I responded, before looking at Jason. “Right? Or are all the books about it wrong?”

“Cap, you’re slipping again.” Jeice pointed out, and I realized my personality shifted again.

“Gah! I hate having five personalities!” I yelled as I grabbed my head, being careful of my horns. I just clutched my head for a bit, before calming down, and looking at Jason. “So, you said you might be able to ‘splice our DNA?’ We can give you something in return. Pehaps the ability to fly or sense energy? Without having to use the Omnitrix.”

"Kaio-ken sounds good," Jason said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out what looks like Piccolo's severed arm, "One moment." He said giving it a scan and tossing it away.

“Kaio-ken? You think you have enough strength to be able to survive it? It can get pretty dangerous. I haven’t gone above three myself.” I asked.

"I'm more or less a god, I'm confident I can handle it...at lower levels I assume." He cracked his neck. "As for sensing ki, Buu taught me that...as well as instantaneous movement and a few ki techniques.”

I nodded my head. “Good. So, in order to give you the knowledge of how to do the Kaio-ken, I’m going transfer the memory directly to you. It’s a technique we learned when trying out our powers, and learning how to do abilities from the show. Are you okay with that?”

"Funny enough, that's how Buu did it," Jason said with a chuckle.

I raised an eyebrow. “Really?” I shrugged. “Well, it makes sense when you think about it. Now, are you ready?”

"Yeah, just don't be surprised if you sense other beings in my head." Jason took a breath, closing his eyes.

I walked up to him, and put my fingers on his forehead, and closed my eyes, transferring the memory to him. There was a faint light as the memory transferred over. “There you go. It should work now.”

"That feels so weird," he moaned shuddering a bit, "OK, so, onto the splicing?"

“Sure.” I said with a nod of my head. “So, how is this done?”

"You stand there while the Omnitrix works," Jason commented, browsing through his scans

“Should it hurt?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.


“Okay.” I take a deep breath in. “I’m ready.”

"Uh...I no ideas on this to be honest, not sure how Omnitrix aliens would help you..." He admitted with a sheepish laugh.

I chuckle a bit. “Well, if we all had Saiyan DNA, we might have a chance at going super Saiyan. Plus it would make fighting a lot easier.”

"We'll just do that then, Omnitrix, splice Saiyan DNA into these weirdos please." Jason held his watch arm out.

"Affirmative." It chirped, blasting us with a wave of green energy

When it passed, I looked down at my hands. I didn’t look different, but I felt different. Suddenly, I flared my ki. “Wow. Unreal. My gosh! This is amazing! I feel incredible! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! I can win! I feel great! I can do this!” I yelled as I felt this new power.

“There he goes again.” I heard Jeice say with a roll of his eyes. I unflared my ki, and looked at Jason.

“Thanks for this. This will help a lot in defending these ponies from Dragon Ball enemies.” I pulled out a copy of our token, before flicking it over to Jason. He caught the Ginyu Force symbol, and looked it over. “If you ever need our help. Don’t hesitate to ask. Heck, even if you need some copies of Saiyan armor, we’ll be happy to provide. And if we find any senzu beans, we’ll be sure to share them with you if you need them.”

"I'll keep that in mind," he put the token in his pocket before tossing a bag of seeds. "Those aren't as good as the beans but those will grow Enigma berries, which will heal you up most of the way. Also, try to hook up with Buu, you might be able to score some Tree of Might fruit off him."

“Tree of Might fruit? We haven’t had some since it tried to grow on this planet over a thousand years ago. We’ll try to find his token. What’s it look like?” I asked.

"A ball of his flesh with the Majin 'm' on it." Jason cracked his neck yawning. "Just be careful with that guy, he's more powerful than Goku at this point."

“Which Goku? The one at the end of Dragonball Z? Or the godly powered Goku?” I asked. “Because if Buu managed to become that strong, then even Beerus would have trouble. And maybe even Golden Frieza at some point.”

"From what he told me, Beerus resurrected most of the villains and powered them up, like all the saiyans to SS3, though Turles and Broly went to 4...and Buu has been absorbing them all."

All of us flinched at that. “Jeeze. Is Hercule Satan one of them too?” I asked, hoping Satan wouldn’t be powered up.

"I have no idea, I was trying not to get vaporized by the red furred psychopath," Jason said shrugging, "Anyway, I should go, my kids probably miss me and I really want to just get some sleep."

“Okay. Thanks for the help…. I forgot what to say. The last time I did this was a thousand years ago.” I rubbed the back of my head.

"'Jason, our contract is complete." He stated helpfully, "But...a spare suit of armor would be nice if you have one handy."

I snapped my fingers, and Jeice pulled five capsules out of a pocket, before handing them to Jason. “There you go. It’s one of our best creations we managed to replicate. Both the Capsule Corps capsules, and basic battle armor that can regenerate itself. Also comes with the undersuit. Now, is there anything else you need?”

"Nope," he said with a smile,"Just give a call if you ever need any help."

“Well then, Jason, our contract is complete.” I said, with a smile and a nod. Jason disappeared in a flash of light, and suddenly, we were alone again. Smiling to myself, I flared my energy up again.

Deep within Dragon territory, a lone dragon slept undisturbed opun their hoard. But if one were to look closely enough, they would find a ball of orange, with six red stars in it.