• Published 30th May 2015
  • 7,445 Views, 260 Comments

Equestria's Ginyu Force - Theyellowninja13

A group of friends go to a Comic con, dressed up like the Ginyu Force from Dragonball Z. There, they meet a merchant that sells them Ginyu Force medallions. When they buy them, they get sent to Equestria. Now they've broken out of their stone prison

  • ...

Full Moon Fight

Instead of doing training or anything today, we were eating some treats at Sugarcube Corner. Well, rapidly devouring treats would be the proper term. It's been about a month since we had that fight on top of the Lookout and we've noticed our powers have increased tremendously. I believe we might be as strong as form two Frieza now. Which is sad considering how weak that is compared to gods like Beerus.

Oh, and we had an annoying unicorn giving us puppy dog eyes for the past several hours. "Please!"

"For the last time! No! We will not teach you how to use ki!" I yelled at Twilight.

"But why?!" She moaned.

"Because you ponies have magic! Why would you even need ki if you have magic! Just be thankful for what you have!" I was getting increasingly angry at Twilight. Plus we haven't had a good fight in a long time, so that's probably irritating me as well.

"But you can do all kinds of things with your ki that even trained unicorns have trouble doing! You can stop time, and fly faster than light! You can shoot beams of light that can destroy mountains! Just think of all the useful applications ponies could use ki for!" Twilight tried to reason.

"Like war? Also, it's not light, it's a physical object called plasma. Basically like superheated air." I asked, before finishing off the last pie, and standing up, putting a bag of bits on the table. "Now if you'll excuse us, the town is about to come under attack."

Twilight looked confused as we left the building, and started heading to the center of town. When we did, a strong power level landed in front of us. When the dust cleared, we could easily see that the power level was Gohan. Dressed like he was on Namek too.

"Who's that?" Twilight asked.

"That's Gohan." Recoome answered. "He's arguably the strongest fighter in the universe, but he doesn't do anything that could give him access to his power, so he stays weak."

I locked eyes with Gohan, and he spoke first. "I'm here to eliminate you Ginyu Force! I'll have you know that I'm now as strong as you were when we fought on Namek!"

We all laughed at that. "Congratulations, you're still weaker than the last three guys we've killed." I could not hold that reference back. Man, if something terrible ever happens to my team, and I'm the only one left, I would probably sound like a huge jerk with all these references.

Gohan looked sad at that. "Now I know what it's like to be Krillin."

Right after he said that, the ghost of Krillin showed up next to him. "Sucks, doesn't it?" Krillin then disappeared.

"So... Burter, you're up." I said. 'This day just feels weird.'

Burter walked forward, and quickly appeared in front of Gohan, before yelling. "Burter kick!" He kicked as hard as he could, and snapped Gohan's neck. We all just stared in shock. "Was that it?"

"Not even close." Gohan managed to speak, before getting to his feet.

"That's impossible! I snapped your neck!" Burter exclaimed. "You should at least be paralyzed or something!"

Gohan chuckled. "It's not over by a long shot." He held his hand out, and suddenly a white energy appeared in it.

"No!" I yelled, instantly recognizing it. I stared throwing energy balls at him, trying to mess up his concentration so he can't unleash the attack. But it was too late, as Gohan already threw it up into the air.

"I don't understand, what was that?" Twilight asked.

I watched in fear, as it rose higher and higher into the sky. "It's called the blutz waves. It imitates the rays given off by full moons. And can cause a transformation if one looks at it, and meets certain requirements." I noticed Gohan's tail emerge from him. "Men! Now! Before he transforms!"

We all charged at the young half-saiyan, but were all blasted back by an explosive wave. 'Stupid DBZ fighting game logic.' Actually, the logic sometimes helps a lot. We have the ability to break any barrier, not matter how strong, with a single attack, which we call the shield breaker, similar to those attacks that you can do in DBZ fighting games, where you break the opponent's defense.

By the time we recovered, Gohan was rapidly getting bigger, and more hairy. Gritting my teeth, I flew forward again, this time using the Sauzer Blade (which is one of the bestest attacks EVA!!!!! It's like destructo disc, on your arm. On YOUR ARM!), before quickly using instant transmission to get behind him, and I was about to cut off his tail, when I was struck by a large yellow beam, that sent me skidding across the ground.

"I finally get to kill Ginyu. This is turning out to be a really great day." I look over to see Vegeta land on the ground in front of me, before holding out his hand, which was glowing purple. I looked to see my men holding off a fully grown Gohan-ape, as it destroyed the town.

"This is not a good day." I muttered, before flipping onto my hands, and pushing my energy into my feet, before blasting Vegeta with a beam that came from my feet. I quickly finished my back flip, and landed in a defensive position.

"Did you just blast me with your feet?!" Vegeta roared at me.

I smiled. "Yep. Practised the art myself. Now, you ready to fight?!" Vegeta smiled, before charging at me. I blocked his punches, before returning one of my own, and using that distraction to deal more damage to him, before uppercutting him, and then grabbing his foot before he could get too far, and slammed him into the ground. I held out my palm, charging up a beam to kill Vegeta with.

Right before I fired in, Vegeta laughed. "Oh, if you think it's over, think again." Right as he said that, I noticed he had his tail back. I quickly looked up into the sky, to see that the blutz wave was still there. And judging by the sounds of fighting, Gohan was still a great ape. But then the strangest thing happen, I couldn't look away from the blutz wave. I felt like I heard some drums beating. As my body started shaking every time the beat was heard. "What the? What are you doing Ginyu?!" Vegeta yelled, but I could barely hear him.

I heard a small ripping sound, and I felt myself becoming stronger, as I started becoming bigger, and bigger, and hairier. As I slowly turned into a great ape, I noticed my armor was growing with me. I quickly reached the maximum height, and let out a loud roar, as I crushed Vegeta to death under my boot.

"I just can't get a shot at the tail!" Jeice yelled, as he quickly dodged a swipe from Gohan's great ape form.

"Neither can I!" Burter replied, as he destroyed a large rock, preventing it from destroying a few homes. Guldo was recovering from being hit by Gohan's tail, and Recoome was on the ground, evacuating as many ponies as possible. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony had long since given up trying to fight these threats who can and would kill them all in a single move. But everyone in the entire town looked when they heard a new roar, one that sounded more powerful.

"Oh bugger, is that another one?!" Jeice yelled, as everyone in the fight looked at the new great ape that was starting to destroy the town. "Wait a second." Jeice quickly recognized the armor that the ape was wearing. "That's the cap! He's gone ape crazy!"

"He doesn't seem to be in control either!" Burter pointed out. "He's destroying stuff like there's no tomorrow. Jeice, go get some sense into him. He might be able to help us!" Jeice nodded, and Burter kept doing his job.

Jeice quickly flew over to Ape Ginyu, and yelled as loud as he could. "Hey Cap!"

Ginyu stopped destroying, and looked over to see Jeice. Ginyu quickly brought up his fist, and was about to slam it into Jeice, before it stopped. "No. I won't hurt my men. I won't hurt my friends!" Ginyu yelled in a loud voice, before clutching his head in pain.

"That's it! You can do it Cap! You can fight it!" Jeice yelled, as Ginyu fought the urge to destroy. "That was close. Good thing the Cap would never hurt us, even if he became great ape, or else I might have been space jam on space toast." Jeice muttered to himself.

Ginyu kept clutching his head, before stumbling his way to Gohan, who was occupied fighting Burter and Recoome. To Gohan's surprise, the two fighters quickly flew away, and Gohan turned around, only to get a massive super powered fist to the face. Gohan was sent flying into a building, and before he could recover, Ginyu was right there, grabbing his throat. "No one attacks my town."

Spinning around quickly, he threw Gohan again, and used Instant Transmission to teleport above where he was going to be, before slamming him into the ground. Ginyu then kicked Gohan onto his belly, before grabbing his tail, and putting his boot on Gohan's back, before ripping off his tail. Gohan yelled in pain, as he shrunk back into his normal form.

Gohan looked around at all the angry fighters that quickly surrounded him, and prepared to finish him off. "Uh... it was all a joke?" Gohan chuckled nervously, before Ginyu stomped on him, filling his boot with energy so it completely destroyed his body.

"Yes! We did it Captain!" Jeice exclaimed, as the rest of the Ginyu Force celebrated. But Ginyu quickly looked up at the blutz waves, that was still in the sky, and closed his eyes, trying to make sure he remembered the feel of the energy, before he blasted it out of the sky, and Ginyu started shrinking back to his normal purple form.

"Ugh, what a headache." Ginyu muttered as he clutched his head in pain. He shook his head, trying to dispel the pain, before feeling a strange sensation behind him. He turned to see a brown furry tail sticking out of his tail bone. "And, now I can transform into a great ape." Ginyu looked at his men. "Well, I guess we should clean up this mess, and then we need to learn how to make blutz waves, so we can transform when we need to." The group nodded, before quickly flying around Ponyville, using their powers to repair as much as they can.

"Yes! With this, we can finally free our queen, and take Equestria for our own! We shall never run out of food when that day comes!" General Abdomen yelled, and it was accompanied with cheers from all the Changelings in the hive. Their queen may have been imprisoned in Equestria, but with the strange magical orb, they can free their beloved queen, and finally get the love they need for their race to live better than they do now. The orb they were talking about was an orange orb, with two red stars in it.

Author's Note:

Hey, did anyone ever notice how it looks like Super Vegeta is just blonde Vegeta? What if he just used blonde hair dye to make it look like he was a super Saiyan?

Also, why does no one in DBZ ever use energy in their feet? If I had those powers, I would learn how to make feet beams.

Oh, and if anyone wants a crossover, just PM me!