• Published 15th May 2012
  • 30,441 Views, 2,075 Comments

A Zoologist Dream - Sonson-Sensei

Two zoology majors Chris and Keon got separated during a class trip into Amazonia. They soon find themselves stranded in Equestria.

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Chapter 4: First Acquaintances

Chapter 4: First Acquaintances

Three small fillies merrily trotted to the clubhouse they had dubbed their base of operations.

The one currently out in front and leading the other two along was a small pony with butter cream yellow fur and a bright red mane topped with a pink bow. The next in line was a tiny pegasus pony with a bright orange coat and magenta colored mane. The final one of the trio was a unicorn with a sleek white coat and a mane that was shaded both pink and light purple.

“So, Apple Bloom, you have any cool ideas to help us get our cutie marks today?” the pegasus of the group questioned the yellow colored pony out in front.

“I’ve got ah couple, Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom said in a southern twang. “We ain’t tried coal mining or lumber jackin' or maybe our talents' cherry pit spitting!”

“Cherry pit spitting, what’s that?” the unicorn asked with a raised brow.

“Come on, Sweetie Belle, yah don’t know about cherry pit spitting?” Apple Bloom said before answering. “All you have to do is take a cherry pit in yer mouth and see how far yah can spit it. They hold competitions for it and everything,” she added.

“Neat,” Sweetie Belle said with a large toothy grin.

“I reckon we’ll be great at it. Jus' wait, after today they’ll have to call us…well I can’t think of anything that’s got to do with three cherry pit spitting, tree hackin', coal miners,” Apple Bloom admitted bashfully.

“Yeah, but we’ll think of something,” Scootaloo said, just as their club house finally came into view. “It’s too bad our club house is so far out on the farm, takes forever to walk out here,” she complained.

“Can’t be helped, this is one of the few private spots on the farm,” Apple Bloom said as they walked up the ramp to their club house and she pushed open the door with her forehooves.

All three girls instantly froze in their tracks when they noticed the sleeping mass against the far wall.

“What is that thing!?” Scootaloo asked out loud, while carefully eyeing whatever was currently sleeping in their clubhouse.

“Maybe it’s some kind of animal,” Sweetie Belle said.

“I suppose so,” Apple Bloom agreed, as she inched forward to get a better look. “It sure does look plum tuckered out,” She finished.

“It must have had a rough time of it,” Scootaloo assessed. “I mean look at all those cuts…gross.”

“Never mind its cuts, where did all it’s fur go?” Sweetie Belle asked, observing its bare arms. “All it's got left is that small patch on its head.”

“I don’t know,” Apple Bloom said. “More importantly: What you think we outha do with it, should we tell somepony, like Fluttershy?”

“But it might run away before we get back with Fluttershy,” Sweetie Belle countered.

“We could always tie it up first,” Scootaloo reasoned.

“And risk waking this big feller up?” Apple Bloom protested. “I ain’t having anything to do with that.”

“Good point,” Scootaloo agreed.

“But maybe it’s friendly,” Sweetie Belle said. “We shouldn’t jump to conclusions just because it’s different.”

“Different doesn’t begin to describe this thing,” Scootaloo quipped. “I bet not even Fluttershy knows what it is. In fact, why are we still hanging around? Let’s get out of here before it wakes up and decides to eat somepony.”

Sweetie Belle narrowed her eyes at Scootaloo before she marched right up to the sleeping creature.

“What are you doing?” Scootaloo hissed. “You want it to wake it up or something?”

Sweetie Belle took a look at the creature then an uneasy glance at Apple Bloom. “There’s only one way to find out,” She concluded, as she reached out her hoof and began to gently poke the creature. “…wake up sleepy head,” she whispered softly.

“…Don’t” Scootaloo tried to protest without raising her voice, but it was too late, seeing as the creature had begun to stir.

Feeling the gentle prodding, Chris’s consciousness slowly began to return to him, and he cracked his eyes open. As expected, the bright light did his eyes no favors while they adjusted. Lifting himself to a slouched over position, he stared down at what had been prodding him.

He was sure it was a pony, although it was the strangest pony he’d ever seen. Its head was big and its eyes were unnecessarily large and positioned on the front of its face. Its mane was also two different shades, half of it being pink with the other half being a light purple. Apart from that it was tiny, even for a foal, not much bigger than a border collie.

Taking notice of the other two fillies that looked to be staring at him in fear, Chris smiled at them. Their colors were like nothing he’d ever seen in a pony, even so they weren’t nearly as high on his weird meter as the timberwolves.

Lowering his gaze back down to the filly closest to him, he moved his hand towards her and began to scratch softly behind her ears. “Aren’t you just the cutest, I wonder where your owner is,” Chris questioned as Sweetie Belle leaned into his hand with a content smile and spoke.

“That feels really nice,” She chimed.

Chris paused his scratching much to Sweetie Belle’s dismay as he observed the room in search of where the voice had come from.

“Hey, who said that?” Chris questioned, enticing Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to stare at one another in confusion.
“I said it of course,” Sweetie Belle answered with a bright smile.

Chris’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates, as he stared at the small pony beaming at him. His eyes then darted to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

“Uh oh…I think you might have made it mad.” Scootaloo pointed out while taking an uneasy step back.

“I dunno,” Apple Bloom said, “it looks more confused than anything. “

After a moment of silence and awkward staring between Chris and the fillies, he simply stood up and slung his backpack over his shoulder. “Its official, I’ve lost my damn mind,” he figured, as he walked past the small ponies and out the door.

“Hey, where are you going?” Sweetie Belle called after Chris, as she, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo watched him leave.

“Whoa that feller sure was…different,” Apple Bloom said. “And it could talk too.”

“Can’t say I saw that coming,” Scootaloo admitted. “But Fluttershy always said strange creatures live in the Everfree forest, maybe it wandered out of there.”

“Yah think so? Ah mean, somethin like that livin' in the Everfree forest, you’d think everypony would know about it,” Apple Bloom said.

“Maybe it came from a faraway land?” Sweetie Belle piped in. “We should have asked.”

“It couldn’t have gotten far, let’s follow it,” Apple Bloom suggested.

“You want to go after it?” Scootaloo said. “Shouldn’t we be telling somepony that there’s a weird creature walking around out here?”

“It wasn’t that weird,” Sweetie Belle tried to defend. “Actually, I thought it was kind of nice.”

“Not weird?” Scootaloo fired back. “It walked out of here on two hooves!”

“Well, I think yer jus' scared,” Apple Bloom challenged.

“…Me scared, pft, as if,” Scootaloo scoffed.

“Then let's go!” Sweetie Belle chimed in.

Meanwhile, Chris was grumbling to himself as he marched through the apple orchard. “I swear, if it isn’t one thing it’s another. Just what kind of fairytale land am I in? Stick wolves, talking ponies, what’s next? Cerberus, griffons… dragons!?”

“I bet that castle I’m headed to is home to elves or something else equally ridiculous,” Chris half heartedly mused.

“So, yer headed to Canterlot then?” Apple Bloom suddenly says from a few paces behind Chris.

Chris wiped his head backward and was greeted with the sight of three small ponies following him. Sighing to himself, he figured he may as well go along with whatever was transpiring here, even though it made little logical sense.

“Is Canterlot that place with the castle that’s looks like it’s hanging on a mountain side?” he questioned.

The three fillies nodded in unison.

“Yes, that’s Canterlot, it’s the capital of Equestria and the royal city,” Sweetie Belle confirmed.

“Great, can I find other people there?” Chris asked expectantly.

The three girls shared confused expressions with one another before Scootaloo spoke up.

“What are…people?” she asked.

Chris’s eyes were wide and his mouth agape, as his brain processed the question Scootaloo had asked. He had already toyed with the idea that he probably wasn’t on earth anymore, but seeing the castle, he was sure that people still occupied wherever he was. But the little orange filly’s question would contradict that theory.

“Hey, you okay?” Apple Bloom asked with concern in her voice, seeing that Chris had stopped moving and was simply staring into space blankly.

Snapping out of his daze, he stared down at the three girls with a pleading expression. “Are you saying there are no other people here?”

“If by people, you mean others that look like you, then no,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, we’ve never seen anything like you before,” Scootaloo cut in. “I mean no offense, but you’re like the weirdest thing ever.”

Chris’s brain was working at an alarming rate as the new wave of information flooded his mind. Before he had a goal: to reach that castle and find civilization. It had been enough to keep him going, but what now? Even if he got there, there would be no people there to greet him and possibly help him get home.

He was simply stuck in a fantasy world with no plan of action.

“Well, this sucks,” Chris said, as he set down on the ground with a defeated expression plastered across his face. “What the hell am I supposed to do?” he finished while covering his face in his palms.

“It sure does look sad,” Scootaloo said.

“Whatcha expect?” Apple Bloom said. “It was lookin for more of its own kind, but found out ain’t none like it.”

“We should try and cheer him up,” Sweetie Belle suggested, while walking right up to Chris’s side and placing a comforting hoof on his shoulder. “It’ll be okay, you don’t have to be sad.”

“Yeah, maybe there are other people that we just didn’t know about.” Scootaloo tried. “Right, Apple Bloom?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Equestria is huge there might be others,” Apple Bloom agreed.

Chris unburied his face from his palms and forced a small smile. He found it sweet that the little fillies before him were trying to make him feel better. In all rights, being the first human they had ever seen, they had every reason to fear him, not comfort him. He chalked that up to them simply being children and too naive to perceive what possible danger he could pose to them.

“Thanks girls,” Chris choked out as he gently scratched Scootaloo and Apple Bloom behind their ears.

Scootaloo shivered from the contact, but beamed all the same. “You’re right Sweetie Belle, that does feel nice,” Scootaloo cooed and pushed her head against Chris’s hand.

“Yeah, it kind of tickles, but it’s relaxin' at the same time, know what ah mean?” Apple Bloom added.

Chris lightly chuckled to himself. He’d always wondered if animals really did enjoy when humans did that that sort of thing, he had his answer. Now that Scootaloo was in such proximity to him he finally took notice of her tiny wings.

“Are those… wings?” He asked dumbly.

“Huh?” Scootaloo said before looking down at her own back. “Well, yeah. I’m a pegasus,” She answered as she flared her wings.

“Pegasus, yep I’m definitely in a world of make believe.” Chris said while looking between Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to see if there were any details he’d had missed on them. Sure enough there was, for the white pony clearly had a horn sprouting from the top of her head. ‘I don’t believe it, a unicorn?’ Chris mused.

Chris began to wonder just how mythical the world he was in actually was. Maybe there were sorcerers and the like that could use magic. Hell, he was willing to believe anything was possible at this point; he had gotten there somehow after all, which meant there was a way back.

“Hey um…girls are there peo…I mean uh something in this world that can use magic?” Chris asked sounding unsure of himself.

“Unicorns can use magic,” Sweetie Belle answered with enthusiasm. “I’m not good at it but my sister is, and Twilight is really good too.”

“Is that so, you think I could talk with one of them?” Chris asked.

“Well, yeah, but we’ll have to take yah to Ponyville,” Apple Bloom said. “And I can’t say how the other ponies will treat yah,” She added.

“I suppose that might be a problem,” Chris reasoned. ‘I’m more or less an alien here, I doubt I could just waltz right into town. I guess it’s just good fortune I ran into a group of kids first,’ Chris thought to himself.

“Well, how about this, just bring your sister or, uh, Twilight back here,” Chris suggested. “I don’t want to cause a panic.” ‘More like I don’t want to find myself imprisoned,’ he thought to himself.

“Okay, we’ll do it,” Sweetie Belle said. “But, by the way, what should we call you?”

“Just call me Chris,” he offered.

“Alright Chris.” Apple Bloom beamed. “And I’m Apple Bloom, and this here’s Sweetie Belle, and over there is ol' Scootaloo, but you can call us...”

“The cutie mark crusaders!” all three ponies chorused in unison.

“Um oka…” Before Chris could finish his sentence, he found himself being speared painfully to the ground by a golden blur.

“What…in…the…hell,” Chris strained to speak due to the weight on his chest. Staring at the source of the weight he found a golden orange pony’s face dangerously close to his own, and she didn’t look happy.

“I don’t know what you are partner, or what intentions yah had for mah sister an' her friends, but it's ending here,” she stated bluntly.

Chris was really starting to like his decision to not walk into Ponyville with the crusaders, if this was any indication of how the other ponies would have reacted to him.

“I don’t have any ill intentions with those little ones, I swear. I just needed their help,” Chris tried to reason with his surprisingly strong captor.

“How do I know I can trust yah, huh?” she challenged.

“Yah can trust him Applejack,” Apple Bloom defended.

“And how you figure that Apple Bloom?” Applejack countered.

“If he were dangerous wouldn’t he have hurt us already?” Sweetie Belle answered simply.

Applejack looked at the crusaders, then back down at Chris with an unsure expression. “This feller ain’t like nothing I’d ever seen, I jus' don’t know if it’s safe.”

“Look, I’m just trying to find a way back home, I’m not looking for trouble,” Chris explained. “These three said they knew a couple of unicorns that could use magic, so I asked for help.”

Applejack let up a bit on the pressure she was putting on Chris’s chest, but still pinning him firmly to the ground. “Where did yah come from?” she asked carefully.

“Earth,” Chris replied dryly.

“You’re on Earth,” Applejack shot back matter-of-factly. “Be more specific,” she added.

“Trust me, this isn’t the Earth I’m from,” Chris said. “It’s more like alternate one, or something.”

Applejack's emerald eyes bore into Chris for what seemed like an eternity to him, before she finally pulled her hooves off his chest and stepped back. “Don’t feel like yer trying to pull one over on me,” Applejack reasoned. “Sorry I had tah get so rough on yah, can’t ever be too sure. Am ah right?”

“Don’t sweat it,” Chris said while dusting his chest off and picking himself up from the ground. “Can’t blame you for protecting your own.”

Applejack nodded while taking in Chris’s full appearance. “Watcha standin' on yer hind hooves like that fer?”

Chris looked down at his feet. “Sorry, I don’t have hooves, and humans are bipeds, we walk upright.”

“Human, I thought you called yourself a people,” Scootaloo interjected.

“Yes, a human is a person and people is plural for person,” Chris explained to the young pegasus.

“Oh, I see,” Scootaloo said, although her expression gave away that she didn’t really get it.

“So, how’d exactly did yah get here if yah think this is an alternate earth or whatever?” Applejack pried. “Use magic or something?”

Chris shook his head. “No, truth be told I really don’t know how I got here, but it might have to do with a weird bird.”

“Ah bird yah say?” Applejack mused out loud. “Don’t know any bird that could ah done that.”

Chris frowned. “Never mind that, I could really use some help getting back, so I’d like to talk with these unicorns as soon as possible.”

“If by unicorn’s yah mean Twilight and Rarity, I’m sorry to tell yah but Twi left for Canterlot this mornin',” Applejack said. “Something 'bout the Princess needing her help. And ah don’t know how helpful Rarity would be, she really don’t use her magic outside of looking fer gems and making fancy stuff.”

Chris sighed. “Could you bring her anyway, she’s the only shot I’ve got right now.”

Applejack looked to the crusaders. “You girls go an' fetch Rarity will yah? I’ll keep our friend company in the meantime.”

The three crusaders nodded in affirmation before galloping off to complete their task.

When the three fillies were out of sight, Applejack turned her attention back to Chris. “So, uh, partner, you’ve got ah name?”

“It’s Chris,” he said dryly.

“Well, I’m Applejack,” she spoke a great deal more cheerfully, giving her Stetson a tilt in Chris’s direction. “Nice to meet yah,” she concluded with an outstretched hoof.

Chris looked at the offered hoof for a moment before awkwardly grabbing it in his own hand. He had to admit he was surprised that talking ponies greeted one another in the same manner as humans.

Giving Applejack a firm shake Chris held her hoof longer than he should have, considering Applejack was now staring at him with a slight grin.

“Yah gonna let go sugar cube?” she asked.

“Oh, sorry. It’s just that your hoof feels a lot different than I expected,” Chris explained. “Not hard and rough like a norm… ah, pony where I come from. Yours is soft and smooth, no harder than a balled up fist,” Chris concluded.

“Yah sayin I got soft hooves?” Applejack said not sounding thrilled about that prospect at all.

“Well, I don’t know by your standards, but where I come from yours are way softer than the ponies there,” Chris reasoned not entirely sure if he were offending the orange pony.

“Ponies must be made of tough stuff in your world huh? Ah mean I’ve been told I’ve got the toughest hooves around these here parts, “Applejack said, “but that’s a good thing, I’m a working pony after all, need tough hooves to buck trees.”

“You buck trees?” Chris says. “What for?” he added.

“To collect apples ah course,” Applejack said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Mah family owns Sweet Apple Acres after all."

Chris figured that perhaps he should have been able to piece that together, considering they were in an apple orchard, her name was Applejack and she even had three apples tattooed on both sides of her rear.

‘But to simply kick apples out of trees, that would require freakish strength,’ Chris assessed. ‘No wonder she was able to pin me down so easy, despite me being bigger than she is.’

“I see,” Chris said, as he pulled out his notepad and pen. The paper was rough and crinkled from having gotten wet the previous day, but was still usable.

“Watcha doin?” Applejack pried while observing the human with a raised brow.

“Just taking some notes,” Chris replied. “The differences between you and ponies where I come from are like night and day.”

“What’s so different?” Applejack asked curiously.

“They can’t talk,” Chris said bluntly wanting to keep his answer straight and to the point.

“Can’t talk yah say? That’s kinda ah weird,” Applejack said.

“It’s not that weird considering ponies are just animals back home,” Chris said to a now flabbergasted Applejack. “They can’t talk, they have limited intelligence and pretty much run off basic instincts like most animals.”

“You’re only similar to them at the most basic of levels, mostly being body structure,” Chris continued. “But even there you differ. Your head is well…kind of large in compassion to your body and your eyes are situated on the center of your face and not the sides,” Chris said, as he knelt down to eye level with Applejack.

“Your muzzle protrudes about one fourth as much as that of a pony's from my home. And add to that, you’re a decent bit smaller and let's not even get started on the coloring of your coats.”

Applejack just stared at Chris with a lost expression on her face. “Well, they don’t sound much like ponies to me.”

“I’m sure they don’t,” Chris agreed while pulling out his Iphone and staring at the battery life. “Half life left,” He stated before taking a quick picture of Applejack.

After a few minutes passed by in silence between the two Chris spoke up.

“So, uh, are ponies the only intelligent life here, or are there other species?” Chris asked feeling slightly awkward with asking the question.

“Well, no. There’s other smart folk out there too, like cows, buffalo, and mules, but Equestria is mostly inhabited by ponies,“ Applejack explained. “I dunno much about outside of Equestria, but ah do know the griffons have an empire of their own and so do the minotaurs."

“This is too much,” Chris said. “How can a world like this actually be real?”

“Is it all that much different than yer own?”Applejack asked.

“Yeah, it is,” Chris says simply.

“Well, cheer up sugar cube, even if ol' Rarity can’t help yah, I’m sure the princesses could,” Applejack consoled. “Their magic is the strongest after all.”

“I don’t know how eager I am to meet the ones in power,” Chris shot back. “That’s the quickest way to find myself a cell, or worse on a table.”

“Nah, the princesses ain’t like that,” Applejack argued. “They’re way kind and would help anypony that needed it.”

Chris merely stared at Applejack with a raised brow.

“Well, you know what ah mean,” Applejack said with a bashful smile.

A few moments later Chris and Applejack could hear voices coming from a short distance away. The crusaders had returned with Rarity in tow.

“Okay, yah gotta promise not to freak out when yah see him,” Apple Bloom said to Rarity.

“Oh, dear Apple Bloom, you’ve told me this again and again,” Rarity noted. “Besides a lady does not freak out, I’m sure I’ll maintain my composure no matter how your new friend appears.”

“Well, alright,” Apple Bloom conceded. “But yah been warned,” she added while moving a bush aside and walking through, followed by Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

Chris watched as the crusaders came into view followed by a pristine white unicorn with a very stylized purple mane.

‘This is one high maintenance looking pony.’ Chris mused to himself. ‘She’s got her nose held so high, if it rained she’d drown.’

‘I must do my absolute best to show my poise and refinement, first impressions are key after all.’ Rarity thought to herself as she walked with her nose held high and eyes shut. Stopping just in front of Chris Rarity opened her eyes and began to speak but found her voice stuck in her throat.

“I…I..I…” Rarity stuttered. “Sweet heavens whaaaat is that!?” she screamed before passing out on the ground.

“Hoho, that’s Rarity for yah, always ah drama queen,” Applejack said with a shake of her head.

Chris could only stare at the scene with a bewildered expression.


A purple unicorn was rereading the letter Princess Celestia had sent her the previous night for the tenth time. It wasn’t very formal, but it sounded urgent.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student,” the letter read. “Please try and forgive my abruptness, but I request a meeting with you immediately. There are matters that I can not divulge, even via a letter. I promise you that this is of the utmost importance. I have made arrangements for your departure first thing in the morning. You may bring company if you so choose, but do try and keep the number of guests limited.

Princess Celestia”

“So, how many times are you gonna read that, Twi?” a small purple dragon, sitting next to her in the carriage they were in, questioned. “I doubt whatever it says is going to change.”

Twilight gave the small dragon a stare that silenced him immediately. “I can’t help it Spike, Princess Celestia has never requested to see me with little detail as to why.”

“Oh, Twilight,” a rather obnoxious looking pink pony interrupted. “The Princess is probably just throwing you a surprise party!”

“Somehow I don’t think that’s what it is Pinkie,” Twilight countered, being reminded that Pinkie Pie was the only one of her friends that could accompany her on such short notice.

“Well, you are a super powerful unicorn,” Spike said. “Maybe the Princess needs your help with a spell or something.”

“What could I possibly do that Princess Celestia or Princess Luna couldn’t?” Twilight challenged. “It has to be something else.”

Pinkie Pie was suddenly wearing a deerstalker hat, along with a pipe that blew bubbles. “Well, there’s only one pony who can solve this mystery, and that’s me Sherhooves Pinkie.”

“Uh, it’s more of a wait and find out kind of thing, rather than a mystery,” Spike said. “Twi just needs to be patient.”

“Boooring,” Pinkie droned. “What pony wants to wait when we can find out now?” Pinkie questioned as she pulled out a magnifying glass and began to pace back and forth in the carriage, looking for nonexistent clues.

“Oh, Pinkie,” Twilight muttered with a smile, as she went to stare out the window in the direction of Canterlot. “I wonder what this urgent matter really is about.”

Hey guys Sonson21 here I hope you guys are enjoying the story still. As you’ve read the chapter was primarily about Chris since Keon was the focal point in the last chapter. Anyway I’ll catch you with the next update until then later.