• Published 15th May 2012
  • 30,425 Views, 2,075 Comments

A Zoologist Dream - Sonson-Sensei

Two zoology majors Chris and Keon got separated during a class trip into Amazonia. They soon find themselves stranded in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Twilight has the Answer

Chapter 6: Twilight has the Answer

“Hiiiiii!!!!!” Pinkie Pie shouted, finishing with a grin that threatened to split her face in two. “I’ve never seen you before! Are you new here? Are you a monkey? No, that’d be silly monkeys have fur, or maybe you lost your fur. Wait, did somepony steal your fur? I like your mane, I’ve never seen one like it.” Pinkie continued to fire question after question, ignoring the fact that she hadn’t received any response from her flabbergasted victim.

Keon, for the most part, could only watch this bizarre pony chatter on and on, as though she’d just taken a shot of pure adrenaline. ‘What is with this kid?’ Keon thought to himself, as Pinkie started speaking at a pace that was beginning to make her questions sound like one long, jumbled up word. ‘And why the hell does her breath smell like baked cookies?’

As this was going on, Twilight had stepped out from behind Celestia, and her eyes fell on the being before her for the first time. She didn’t know what to make of what she was currently seeing. It was vaguely similar to a primate, but not like one she’d ever read about.

“Sweet Celestia!?” Twilight blurted out with a wide eyed expression on her face, prompting Celestia to quirk an eyebrow at her. Twilight blushed at the implication of the words she’d spoken, before quickly stammering out, “I mean, Princess, what is…that?”

“Some kind of hairless monkey, maybe?” Spike said, as he too eyed Keon with intrigue.

“There are many questions we have yet to ask, but we were able to find out that he is a 'human',” Celestia answered, clearly amused at her student’s current loss for words.

“Hu-human,” Twilight repeated the word. “I can’t say I’ve ever read or even heard of a human before,” Twilight admitted. “Do they live somewhere far beyond the borders of Equestria?” she asked. “Even so, I’d expect something this remarkable would be known the world over, regardless of borders.”

“That is precisely why this discovery is so exciting,” Luna remarked. “Mr. Keon here is not of our world, but from a different one entirely.”

Twilight’s mouth was agape at the realization. “It’s an extraterrestrial?” she all but squealed in her excitement. “I can’t even begin to imagine all that we could learn. This is truly a momentous moment in our history, and I’m right in the thick of it!”

Pinkie had stopped her barrage of questions as she took a moment to soak in the new information presented to her. However, Keon’s momentary reprieve from Pinkie was short lived, for she was now bouncing in every sense of the word, circling around him with even more excitement.

“Ohmygoshohmygosh, I’ll be the first pony to ever make friends with an alien!” Pinkie exclaimed with no attempt to hide her enthusiasm. “I’ll throw the biggest, best-est 'welcome to a new world, funny, furless alien' party, ever!”

Keon took that moment to place his hands on the bouncing pink ball of energy named Pinkie’s shoulders to hold her in place. “Kid, calm down, I can’t think with you yammering and bouncing all over the place.”

“I’m not a kid, silly. I don’t look like a goat, do I?” Pinkie countered. “Or maybe I do and nopony thought to tell me?” She finished, looking as though she was thinking hard on the matter.

Keon simply sighed as he let go of Pinkie’s shoulders. “No, I don’t mean you’re a young goat literally,” he explained. “Back where I’m from that word has a few meanings, one being child, in your case filly.”

Twilight took that moment to step forward. “Uh…Mr. Keon was it?” she asked hesitantly, getting a simple "Yeah" from Keon in response. “I’ve been wondering…how is it that you’re speaking Equestrian?”

Keon stared at the purple unicorn for a moment before shrugging. “I’m not, as crazy as it sounds, all you ponies are speaking English.”

The mares in the room along with Spike shared confused looks with one another.

“Surely you jest,” Luna said. “I haven’t really thought on the matter until now, but it is very curious that we would speak in the same tongue.”

“Or an astronomical stroke of luck,” Keon quipped. “If we couldn’t understand each other, who knows how long we’d be at square one. But more importantly, is that what I think it is?” Keon asked while pointing his index finger towards Spike.

All eyes followed Keon’s finger towards Spike, and Twilight spoke up.

“If you’re thinking Spike here is a dragon, then yes,” she answered. “Do you have them where you are from?”

“His world has the idea of them,” Luna said, answering Twilight’s question. “It’s quite fascinating, but a great deal of our worlds inhabitants are mere unproven legends where Mr. Keon is from.”

“That is quite fascinating,” Twilight said thoughtfully before turning her attention back to Keon. “If it’s not too much trouble, would you mind explaining how it is you arrived here?”

Keon observed the occupants of the room, who were looking back at him in anticipation. “Well, I guess I haven’t really told the full story to anyone yet,” Keon admitted. “Who knows, maybe this will actually spread some light on the situation.”

Twilight nodded eagerly, as she trotted up closer to Keon and sat on her haunches next to Luna, followed by Celestia, and Spike, who hopped up on Twilights back. Pinkie had opted to jump on the bed next to Keon, as though they were long time friends.

Keon looked at Pinkie, silently wondering how she could be so comfortable around him before deciding that she was just weird. “Well, I guess I should start at the beginning of our class trip,” he began his tale.

After Keon had concluded his retelling of how he ended up in Equestria, he took in the expressions of his listeners. Both Celestia and Luna simply looked thoughtful, while Spike and Pinkie just looked confused. Twilight, on the other hand, looked ready to burst with excitement, which hadn’t gone unnoticed by Celestia.

“Is there something on your mind, Twilight?” Celestia asked.

“I think I know how he got here!” Twilight shouted, as she sprung up to her hooves, knocking Spike off her back in the process, causing him to grumble his displeasure. “Actually, I’m certain of it.” She beamed with pride.

“Is that true, Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asked curiously.

Twilight nodded. “I had my suspicions the moment the bird was described, but the part where the chasm began to fill with water confirmed my beliefs,” she explained, never losing her grin. “Give me a few moments, I’ll be right back,” she finished, as she vanished in a purple sphere of magic.

“Did she just disappear?” Keon asked dumbly to no one in particular.


“What’s ah Keon?” Applejack asked, being the first to recover from their initial surprise at Chris’s sudden outburst.

“It’s not a what, it’s a who, he’s another well…human, like me,” Chris explained, as he began walking, prompting the ponies to follow after him. “He was with me back on my world before I wound up here, it would only make sense that he would end up here too.”

“So, you’re suspecting your compatriot may very well have landed in Canterlot?” Rarity deduced, as her eyes widened.
“Heavens, surely you don’t intend to walk to Canterlot in your condition,” she added, for she had observed the numerous tears in his clothing in addition to scrapes, bruises, and a limp that was apparent as he walked. “Darling, you’ll keel over before you've made it half way.”

“I’ll be fine, that place doesn’t look too far off,” Chris argued.

“I’m ah hafta agree with Rarity on this one,” Applejack cut in, as she positioned herself in front of Chris to stop his advancement. “Canterlot would take a feller like you ah whole two day’s ta walk there on hoof. 'Sides, there are some pretty nasty critters that run around in those parts.”

“Well, what would you suggest?” Chris said, clenching his jaws tightly, finding it hard to conceal his irritation.

“Priority number one shall be getting your wounds dressed,” Rarity said in a tone that didn’t leave much room for compromise. “The last thing we would want is for you to walk into Canterlot with an array of festering cuts and bruises. As it is, your appearance is already rather imposing without the injuries,” she added.

Chris sighed in defeat, he didn’t want to admit it, but a two day hike in his condition was definitely more than he could handle. “Fine, I take it you guys have some bandages and antibiotics then?”

“'Course I do, back at the barn, but it might be better ta let Fluttershy have a look atcha first,” Applejack reasoned. “She takes care of all sorts of critters; she’ll fix yah up all nice and neat.”

“We’re not going to have to walk through this 'Ponyville', are we?” Chris asked nervously. “You know, with me being a human and all things might get weird,” Chris concluded, although he thought seeing a town of talking ponies would be an interesting experience.

“Of course not, dear” Rarity said. “Fortunately for us, Fluttershy lives in a quaint little cottage right outside of Ponyville.”

“Yeah, nopony will see us takin yah there,” Apple Bloom chimed in.

“Us?” Applejack repeated with a raised brow at her little sister. “Dontcha think you little fillies have had enough fun fer today?”

“What? That’s not fair, we found Chris first,” Scootaloo barked back.

Sweetie Belle nodded her agreement as she added, “So that makes him our responsibility.”

“Girls, you’re not old enough to be responsible for yourselves, let alone another living being,” Rarity argued. “Besides, you just intend to use this as a means to earn your cutie marks.”

Not making any attempt to argue that point, the crusaders simply turned to Chris, each giving the best puppy dog expressions they could muster.

“Please, Chris, we won’t be in the way,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Yeah, we’ll be on our best behavior,” Scootaloo added.

“Don’t let them send us away,” Apple Bloom finished.

Chris just stared at them with a confused expression. “Hey, it’s not like I have any say in the matter,” he said, before turning to Rarity and Applejack. “I don’t know if it makes a difference, but I don’t mind if they tag along.”

Rarity and Applejack looked at one another before silently agreeing with each other.

“Very well, if it’s okay with Mr. Chris, then we have no reason to object,” Rarity said, causing the crusaders to give a triumphant cheer of “Yay” in unison.

Chris couldn’t help but smile at the similarities between these fillies and human children their age. It was one thing that these ponies could talk, but to see them acting with the same social mannerisms as humans was somewhat surreal.

“Well, Mr. Chris, if you’d be ever so kind as to follow us,” Rarity said, as she took up position out in front and began to lead the way.

Chris adjusted his backpack and quickly fell in stride with Rarity. Finally having a moment to really have a look at her, he found himself hard pressed not to laugh at the idea of a pony wearing eye shadow and false lashes. He figured she was probably a very important pony or at least a high class citizen in pony society, if her posh way of speaking was any indication. The only thing that made him doubt his assessment of her was the simple fact that she didn’t come off as a stuck up bitch.

“I know I didn’t mention it before, but thanks for everything,” Chris suddenly addressed the group.

“Don’t mention it, darling, it’s the least we can do,” Rarity said.

“The least you can do?” Chris repeated Rarity’s statement. “You ponies are too kind, it’s not like you owe me shit.”

“Owe you shit?” Apple Bloom said with a giggle. “That’s sounds funny, hey Sweetie Belle, say it with me.”

“Okay, shit!” Sweetie Belle chorused happily. “It does sound funny when you say it.”

“Sweetie Belle, do not use such language, for some reason it doesn’t sound appropriate for a lady to say,” Rarity ordered, before turning her attention to Chris. “Is that colorful language where you are from?”

“Sorry, I guess it is. I’ll be more mindful next time,” Chris said with a simple shrug.

“Well, see that yah do,” Applejack added. “Can’t have yah teachin' youngins how to speak in that dribble.”

‘It’s like these ponies are just people, they’re even mindful of children hearing curse words,’ Chris mused to himself. ‘This world reminds me of cartoons where the animals are pretty much human, like Spongebob or something. I mean, she’s wearing a cowboy hat, where the hell would she even get one of those?’

Chris was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Apple Bloom’s voice.

“So, uh, Chris, are all humans tall like you?” she asked as her, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo ran playfully in a circle around his legs.

“To be honest, five nine isn’t all that tall,” Chris answered. “I mean, they say the average for a male is about five seven, but most of my friends are taller than me. And some humans can get really tall, much taller then me.”

“Wow, I couldn’t imagine being that tall; it must be pretty cool to look right over everypony,” Scootaloo said.

Chris was about to address Scootaloo before he took notice of something flying above them. “Should we be concerned about whatever that is up there?” he asked, while pointing towards the object in question.

Applejack tilted her hat and stared up into the sky before speaking. “That’s just Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said. “Dash is ah good friend of ours, so don’t worry about getting spotted.”

“Wait, you’re saying that’s a pony up there?” Chris asked with obvious skepticism in his voice. “How would it be flying?”

“Because Rainbow Dash is a pegasus, darling,” Rarity responded curtly.

“Yeah, and the most awesome flier ever!” Scootaloo squealed like an obsessed fan.

Chris raised a brow at the little orange filly, causing her ears to fall down in embarrassment.

“Well, it’s true,” Scootaloo muttered under her breath.

Chris shook his head before he made to pick up Scootaloo. “Just by judging this little one, who feels like she weighs at least sixty pounds, that one up there would be way too heavy to sustain flight under its own power. Even if it had a thirty foot wing span it’d be impossible for a two hundred pound pony to fly,” Chris finished as he set Scootaloo back down.

“Antcha seein it for yer self?” Applejack countered.

Chris wanted to argue that, but Rarity chimed in.

“Technically, Mr. Chris would be correct if we were speaking about animals,” Rarity explained. “However, pegasi, like all ponies and other beings of our world, have an amount of natural magic within them that grants them flight, along with weather manipulation and cloud walking.”

“Hang on, so it’s not just unicorns that can use magic?” Chris asked with a perplexed expression etched on his face.

“Well, yes and no.” Rarity tried to explain. “Think of natural magic as magic that simply works on the subconscious level, there’s no manual control over it. However, unicorns have the ability to freely manipulate the magic that resides within us,” Rarity concluded with a clear look of satisfaction on her face.

“Makes about as much sense as anything else here.” Chris said as he pulled his notepad and pen back out and jotted a few things down. “Honestly, I don’t even know if it’s worth taking notes, it’s not like anyone is going to believe me when and if I get back home.”

“Why wouldn’t anypony believe yah?” Applejack asked curiously.

“Because where I come from absolutely none of this could be real,” Chris said. “Talking ponies, timberwolves, unicorns, pegasi, magic. All of this only exists in our legends, myths and fairytales.”

“You’re saying unicorns are in your ponytales? That’s amazing!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, clearly happy with being connected to Chris’s world in someway.

“That don’t make much ah any sense,” Applejack retorted. “How come we exist in your myths, but I ain’t ever heard of ah human even in ponytales or the like?”

“I’m inclined to agree with Applejack,” Rarity piped in. “Shouldn’t the door, as they say, swing both ways?”

“I guess, but humans do have a wild imagination, so it could just be a coincidence,” Chris answered. ‘Although those ruins did have murals and statues of ponies. It’s possible that people may have come here before in the past or vice versa,’ Chris thought as he decided to keep that information to himself for the meantime. Pulling out his Iphone, he aimed the camera at Rainbow Dash, who appeared to be literally pushing a cloud with her front hooves. “I know I’m trying to save the battery, but I can’t miss this.”

“What’s that yah got?” Apple Bloom asked looking up curiously at the object in Chris’s hand.

“It’s a lot of things, but right now it’s pretty much only useful for music and taking pictures,” Chris answered while taking a few pictures of Rainbow Dash at work.

“You’re saying such a small and elegant device is capable of taking photos?” Rarity asked while trotting up to take a better look at the phone in Chris’s hand.

“Yeah,” Chris said plainly while lowering the phone down to show Rarity and the crusaders the picture he had taken of Rainbow Dash.

“My word, you can even view the photo before it’s developed. Just how did you create something like this?” Rarity asked excitedly.

“Hell if I know,” Chris replied with a shrug. “I just bought it. I have no clue what goes into making something like this. To be honest, I don’t know how half the things we have back on my world actually work. But that’s why I’m just a consumer and not the guy coming up with this stuff.”

“So, you have other marvelous things such as this?” Rarity inquired thoughtfully. “I haven’t really considered it until now, but there may be a great of many things our world could learn from you.”

“Maybe, if you had gotten saddled with a more tech savvy human. Unfortunately that’s not really me,” Chris concluded.

“Even so, just giving us the idea would be more than sufficient,” Rarity reasoned. “With the right amount of guidance, somepony may be able to recreate such things from your world.”

“Can we put all the fancy talk on hold fer ah moment?” Applejack cut in on their discussion. “Looks like Dash is dropping in.”

Chris looked up to the sky, and sure enough, Rainbow Dash was heading right towards them. She landed with an audible thump a few paces in front of them and grinned.

“What’s up guys? I just got done with setting up the cloud formations for the day so what are you…” Rainbow Dash stopped mid sentence when she spotted Chris. “What in the hay?” she muttered “Uh, is it okay that there’s some weird looking animal just standing there?”

“Nice to meet you too,” Chris spoke sarcastically, causing Rainbow Dash to nearly jump out her fur.

After regaining her composure, she glared at Chris. “Hey, don’t try and get snippy with me jus' cause you can talk. I’ll still kick your sorry flank back into the Everfree forest if you give me a reason to.”

Chris didn’t know what to make of this rainbow maned pony. It didn’t come off nearly as friendly as the others and he thought that it might be male, considering its more brash attitude. Its voice, however, made him question that theory, considering it sounded raspy, yet feminine, which is why he found himself looking between its hind legs.

“Hey, what are you looking at!?” Rainbow Dash demanded, as her eyes followed Chris’s line of vision to her nether regions and she blushed in embarrassment. “This thing is sick, it’s staring at me and I’m not even in season!”

“Oh, my,” Rarity said while covering her mouth with a hoof. “I had no idea you were interested in mares in that manner.”

“Shit, I’m not!” Chris shot back, looking affronted and forgetting about his language. “I just wasn’t sure if she was a damn male or female, that’s all.”

“So, you’re saying I look like a stallion then!?” Rainbow Dash fired back hotly. “That’s it, it’s go time! Me and you, right now!” Rainbow Dash challenged while pulling back on her fore leg like she was rolling up a sleeve. “I’m gonna mess you up so bad Fluttershy won’t even look at cha.”

“Whoa, nelly,” Applejack broke in, as she hopped in front of Rainbow Dash. “Try calmin' down for ah moment yah hot head. Chris ain’t from our world, he ain’t know he was offendin yah.”

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at Applejack before realization dawned on her and she lost her frown. “It’s an alien?”
“Somethin' like it,” Applejack answered.

“That’s actually kind of… cool,” Rainbow Dash said before turning her attention back to Chris and staring at him as he simply stared back at her. Sighing to herself, she rubbed the back of her head bashfully. “Uh, sorry, I didn’t mean to fly off the handle like that. I’m just more of the act first, ask questions later, type of pony.”

“It’s not a big deal: we didn’t come to blows with each other, so no harm done,” Chris reasoned. “And I’m sorry about…well, you know. It was insensitive of me.”

Rainbow Dash waved a dismissive hoof at his apology. “You didn’t know. Besides, it just makes you weird, not insensitive. By the way, the name's Rainbow Dash, the fastest and most awesome pony in all of Equestria.”

‘Let’s add egoistical to the list with brash,’ Chris mused before giving his own name. “The name’s Chris.”

“Chris? That’s a weird name," Rainbow Dash said.

“It’s actually pretty standard where I come from,” Chris stated.

“Speaking of which, where in the hay did you come from?” Rainbow Dash asked while orbiting around Chris, trying to observe him from every angle.

Chris sighed. “How about I tell you when we meet this... Fluttershy, was it?” Chris offered. “I’m sure Fluttershy will want to hear all about it too, and I’d rather not explain it twice.”

“Well, then let’s get a move on already,” Rainbow Dash ordered as she took charge in leading the way towards Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Best ta just follow her,” Applejack said with a shrug, as she, along with the crusaders, followed after Rainbow Dash with Chris and Rarity following a short distance behind.

“Um, Mr. Chris, I feel I must also apologize about my earlier statement,” Rarity spoke a bit nervously.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Chris asked while looking down at Rarity.

“The comment I made about you having an interest in mares,” she explained. “When I said it, you had a rather appalled expression on your face. I’m not sure of how things work on your world, but the idea of interspecies relationships seemed somewhat disturbing to you. I feel as though I may have offended you by saying what I did, and for that I am most sorry.”

Chris looked at Rarity with an understanding expression as he spoke. “I guess I haven’t met that many ponies, but you’re definitely the keenest one so far. That’s why I feel like I can speak to you without sugarcoating things, so I’ll level with you.”

It took all Rarity had not to grin at the praise and Chris’s apparent faith in her.

“You’re right about…well, me feeling uncomfortable about what you said,” Chris explained. “It’s not that you ponies are ugly or anything like that, trust me you look miles better then ponies on my world. It’s more the fact that humans are the only sapient beings on our entire planet, so it’s hard to fathom something like that.” Chris stared at Rarity with an unsure expression on his face, but Rarity appeared to be taking the information with a neutral expression.

“No offense, I can’t look at you ponies without seeing a well…” Chris stopped.

“An animal?” Rarity finished for him.

“Yeah…sorry if that hurts your feelings.” Chris offered.

Rarity merely smiled. “Darling, it’s quite alright, it’s only natural you would feel such a way. Especially if there are animal counter parts of us on your world, which still sounds simply unbelievable.”

“I can see how that would be a hard pill to swallow. It's not everyday someone comes along and tells you, you're just an animal where they're from.” Chris laughed at the thought.

Rarity smiled as well. “Thank you, Mr. Chris, for sharing this information with me,” Rarity said. “I’m normally not intrigued by this sort of thing, but even I find everything about you and your world quit fascinating.”

“If I weren’t so concerned with how I was going to get home, I’m pretty sure I’d be having a fascinating experience as well,” Chris said with a pitiable chuckle. “By the way, I can tell you like to speak proper, but the whole 'Mr.' thing is starting to make me feel old. Just Chris is good enough.”

“Horse apples, and here I was just about to suggest you refer to me as Miss Rarity,” Rarity said with a pout.
“Really?” Chris asked with a dumb expression on his face.

“Of course not, Chris. That was merely a joke,” Rarity said with a slight giggle. “Although, Miss Rarity does sound absolutely divine, does it not?”

Chris and Rarity shared a laugh while the others turned and looked at them curiously.

“We miss something funny?” Rainbow Dash called back.

“Nothing, darling,” Rarity returned.

Rainbow Dash shrugged before pointing up ahead. “Oh, look, we’re here!” she shouted out.

Rarity took that moment to address Chris. “A fair bit of warning, Chris, Fluttershy is a rather…timid pony. She may very well be terrified of you, but please do not take it personally. I promise she’ll eventually warm up to you, if given the time.”

“I think I’m already learning to not take anything personally here,” Chris assured Rarity. “Besides, I had my suspicions about her.”

“How so?” Rarity asked.

“Her name's Fluttershy, and I’ve noticed your names seem to tell at least at little bit about yourselves,” Chris answered. “Which is weird in and of itself when I think about it. How would a parent know what their child was going to grow to be like?”

“That is rather interesting. I must admit I never considered that myself. But I suppose it’s just one of those things parents know” Rarity said, as they finally entered Fluttershy’s yard.

Chris stared around the area, taking note of the numerous cages and bird houses, along with a generous amount of woodland animals scampering around in the yard. Chris thought the whole thing looked like a page ripped out of an old, classic Disney movie. Among all that, seeing the animals, he instantly realized why Applejack suggested they come here, but didn’t take offense to it.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash called out, as she knocked a hoof on the door of a cottage that was literally covered in foliage, giving it a natural appearance that almost blended into the nature around it.

A moment later a quiet voice resounded from the opposite side of the door. “J-just a moment,” it called, as the door creaked open and a butter cream yellow pegasus with a pink mane that hung gracefully from her head stepped out.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash, it's nice of you to visit…” Fluttershy stopped as she took note of all the ponies in her yard, along with something she hadn’t recognized, standing in the back with Rarity. She remained still for a moment as she stared Chris down.

“Oh, yeah, you’re probably wondering what that is ov….” Rainbow Dash began, however, before she could finish, Futtershy had taken off towards Chris with a speed Rainbow Dash didn’t know she was capable of.

Chris's eyes widened as Fluttershy darted towards him. He actually debated running, for all he knew these ponies had played him and had brought him to Fluttershy so she could do away with him.

Before Chris could make up his mind on whether to run or not, Fluttershy was already there and was now trotting around him frantically with a worried expression on her face.

“You poor thing, what’s happened to you?” she asked in a motherly tone while surveying Chris’s numerous cuts and bruises. “You have so many injuries, it’s absolutely terrible.” she said while grabbing one of Chris’s arms in her hoof and staring at a nasty gash in disapproval. “Don’t you worry, I’ll have you as good as new in no time.”

Chris looked at Rarity, who had an expression on her face that was equally as confused as the expression on his.

“I thought she was shy?” Chris stated.

“Oh, dear,” Fluttershy gasped. “You can talk!”

Well guys first off I have to thank everyone for reading and supporting this story. Thanks to you guys this story got featured and I’ve gotten a lot more readers. It makes me both happy and nervous, now that I’m not writing for just a few people. With more readers comes more conflicting opinions and it will be a challenge to keep everyone satisfied. I do take suggestions and opinions into account so feel free to sound off in the comment section on your thoughts. On another note this story may actually be longer then I first thought since I won’t be reaching the main plot point that will justify the adventure tag for still some time. Anyway as always I’ll see you with the next chapter Sonson21 out.

P.S. I changed the cover art to give you guys a face to go along with Chris. Instead of the one I had with Keon’s face in shadow, hopefully it’s an improvement.