• Published 12th May 2015
  • 1,564 Views, 6 Comments

The Return of a Fallen Ally - Autumn Lightsky

Twilight Sparkle is given the task of be ringing back a long lost friend of the Princesses. But when that friend has a hard time remembering his past, how will she handle it?

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Chapter 6: ... And then everything went to hell.


Ryuko flew through the sky at an incredible speed. "I can't believe that only one pony has managed to change since I've been gone. I guess I was wrong about Equestria. It's not such a great place." He said to himself. He heard a faint crying and stopped. He looked around to find a unicorn filly underneath a tree crying.

"Why does she hate me? I never did anything to her..." She cried out. -even if I'm a freak, I should at least try to help her.- he thought. He softly touched down by the tree. He went up to the filly and poked her right forehoof.

"Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" He asked. The filly looked up. It looked like she had been crying for awhile. She suddenly jumped up into Ryuko's arms causing him to fall onto his back. Her tears streaming down her cheeks.

"S-she hates me for no reason... She picked on me... A-am I really a burden?" She cried out again. Ryuko wiped the unicorn's tears and hugged her.

"Shh... It's okay little filly. Now, before we continue, my name is Ryuko, what's yours?"

"D-dinky..." She sniffled

"Hi Dinky. Now, how long had this been going on?" He said sitting up. Putting one of her wings around her she seemed to relax.

"A f-few weeks... I-I was going to head to gahstly gorge..." She said. He tensed up.

"Don't tell me you were..." She nodded. "That bad huh?" She nodded again. "Tell you what, I'll give you one of my feathers, and whenever you feel like this, just think of me and I'll find you as fast as I can." Ryuko said smiling.

"O-okay..." Dinky said hesitantly. Ryuko plucked one of his feathers with a wince. He then put in Dinky's mane. She sniffled and let a weak smile work itself into her face. "T-thank you..." Ryuko smiles again.

"I have to get back to the library now. Remember, just hold the feather and think of me." He said setting dinky down. He waved goodbye and starte walking towards the library. That encounter had given him the hope he once had that he could finally be be accepted.

~Half an our later~

Upon reaching the Golden Oak oak library he saw a distressed spike. "Spike? What's wrong?" He asked.

"I-it's Dinky. We can't find her anywhere!" He said frantically. He looked up and saw a rainbow maned Pegasus along with several others searching from the skies. He heard someone yell.

"She's at ghastly gorge! Oh crap, she jumped!" He then heard screaming. And that's when he took off, leaving a small character and a confused spike.

He was able to fly much faster than the pegasai. Probably because he knew he had to save dinky. However, every pony saw him and began to yell. "Don't let the freak get to her! He'll just hurt her!" He shook his head. Wether or not they were willing to accept him, he had a filly to save.

Before he knew it, he was flying downwards towards a grey blur. He reached out to find a flailing hoof. He grabbed her and pulled her in close and flipped so his back was to the ground. "Dinky are you okay?!" He yelled. She had tears in her eyes. They told him everything. "Diamond Tiara.... Gah!" He hit a rock ledge causing him to begin to tumble.

He began tumbling the more ledges he hit. Dinky was kept safe by his arms and his wings. He hit the ground with his back causing him to cough up blood. He opened his eyes to find that both he and his wings were littered with small rocks and scratches. But the filly in his protection was perfectly okay.

"You okay, Dinky?" He asked again, shakiness in his voice. She nodded slowly. He noticed the feather wasn't in her hair anymore. -damn, no wonder I didn't sense anything, the feather was stolen.- He looked up to see what looked to be three pegasai in jumpsuits flying towards him. Judging by their insignia, it was the wonder bolts.

"Hey, are you two alright?" The orange maned Pegasus asked.

"Y-yeah. I was able to catch Dinky, she's perfectly okay." He presented the blue maned stallion with Dinky, who then proceeded to comfort her.

"And what about you? You don't seem okay to me."

"I'm fi-" he said trying to get up. He began to cough up blood again. He put a hand to his side. "D-dammit... I think I broke a rib..." He said clutching his bruised side. The wonderbolts started to talk together, their backs facing towards him. "Figures... You guys think I'm a freak to..." He muttered. The orange one turned her head.

"My name is Spitfire, this is Soarin and Fleetfoot. We're the wonderbolts. We also want to thank you for what you did today." Spitfire said as if she had rehearsed it.

"And why do you think we consider you a freak?" Soaring asked.

"Everyone else does, so why are you any different?" He said. He kept watch on the filly even though she was out of his care.

"Because of Dinky." His eyes widened as Dinky ran to him and gave a hug. He winced from the pain but let Dinky continue. He noticed some pebbles falling from the cliff side.

"Look out!" He yelled, getting up and pushing the wonderbolts aside. He crossed his arms and spread his wings as a small rockslide came tumbling towards them. Every rock hit him with full force but he stayed standing. They all watched as the so called 'freak' protected them, not caring for his own safety.

After the rockslide ended, Ryuko dropped his arms and slowly turned around. His body and wings were littered with cuts and bruises. There were even pebbles lodged in his wings. He gave a sky smirk, "What do you think of the freak now?" He said. He suddenly starte to stumble, and fell onto the ground.

He could hear faint voices. "Wake up! You need to wake up! Soarin get Dinky back up there! Fleetfoot help me with this guy!"

"S-sparky..." He said. He could feel himself being lifted. The ground got smaller and smaller. "T-thank you..." He said weakly. They reached the top and put him down. Dinky once again ran into his grasp.

"R-Ryuko, I'm so sorry..." She hugged him gently. He smiled a bit and grunted.

"It's fine Dinky. Really." Everyone around him except te wonder bolts began to glare at him. He looked up to find a crying mare.

"A-are you the one who saved my little Dinky?" She said. He nodded in response. "Oh thank you so much!" She said hugging them both. He winces again and let Dinky go. "I-I'm sorry. My name is Derpy, Derpy Hooves."

"The names Ryuko Matoi miss Hooves. And don't worry about it." He smiled weakly. A sudden blow to his chest caused him to collapse onto the ground. He used his hands as a brace a coughed up more blood. "T-the Hell?"

"Stay away from her you freak!" A stallion yelled. "My daughter has what you have Dinky. It's evil magic!" There was a gasp.

"W-wait, what are you walking about?" Ryuko responded only for have a hoof slam his head into it's side into the ground.

"It's not evil! Diamond tiara Stole the feather! It was so he could help me if I ever needed it." Dinky yelled at the stallion. The mention of diamon tiara made his blood boil. The fact that she could make dinky do something like this.

"Hey dad, I see you caught the freakshow." He heard another young filly's voice. "I still don't get what the whole fuss is about that burden over there. She's just a waste of space." And with that, Ryuko lost it.

"What did she ever do to you?" Ryuko questioned. The filly looked puzzled.

"What do you mean? She a burden to everyone. She's also so fun to mess with. She should be honored that me, Diamond Tiara, would choose her." Diamond Tiara said, lots of confidence in her voice.

"Alright then... You're going to wish you had never said that..." Ryuko said under his breath. With his left leg he reached between his captors hooves and flipped him on his back. Ryuko got up swiftly and appeared behind Diamond Tiara. "You know what happens to bullies like you? They get forgotten, abandoned. So don't be surprised if that happens to you." He said.

"W-what?! I'm not a bully!" Diamond stammered. Ryuko began to chuckle.

"Of course you are. Look at what you made Dinky do. Do you really think this is the cause of some simple teasing? I can tell you it's not." He whispered into her ear. Ryuko could feel her beginning to tremble.

"What do you mean? I didn't make her do anything!"

"That's where you're wrong. You called her a burden. You went way too far for this to be simple teasing. Because of what you did to her, she almost killed herself. You must get off on things like this. Seeing others in pain. I bet you feel good about yourself." Ryuko said circling the filly.

"What do you care? She probably deserved it anyway." She snorted. He felt a sudden weight in his left hand but he paid it no mind. However, everyone seemed to back away from him.

"M-mr Ryuko, you don't have to kill her..." It was Dinky's voice. He started to become confused. "Please Mister... Put down your sword..." She said.

"What sword? I don't have a.... Oh... That sword..." He looked in his left hand. He somehow in the midst of his anger managed to summon a sword. One with a red hilt and strange markings on the blade. He immediately dropped said blade in confusion. "The hell?!" He said backing away from the blade. Diamond Tiara took this as her chance to get away. He didn't chase her because he figured she had learned a thing or two.

"Where did you get that blade from!?" Spitfire questioned.

"I-I don't know... It just kinda... Appeared..."

"How could you not know what you did? YOU did it after all!" Soarin stepped froward, taking Spitfires side. Everyone made a circle around him.

"It's not my fault my memory is fuzzy from being trapped in stone for over 1000 years!" He yelled back. He immediately looked away from everyone as they fell silent. "Go ahead and do what you want. Take the sword for all I care. I can see that I'm not wanted here." He said once again heading off in the direction of the library. What he didn't notice, is that Twilight was there to witness the whole thing.