• Published 12th May 2015
  • 1,564 Views, 6 Comments

The Return of a Fallen Ally - Autumn Lightsky

Twilight Sparkle is given the task of be ringing back a long lost friend of the Princesses. But when that friend has a hard time remembering his past, how will she handle it?

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Chapter 7: Acceptance


She had arrived at the scene later than others, but just in time to watch Ryuko being helped out of Ghastly Gorge along with Dinky. Everything seemed fine until Diamond Tiara and Fancy Pants entered the mix, accusing Ryuko of evil magic.

But then there was that blade Ryuko summoned. It appeared in his hand. But he didn't even know how it happened. She would have to look into it. But for now, she had to comfort Ryuko. At least, talk about what happened.

"Ryuko? You home?" She said opening the library door. He was nowhere to be seen. She did however, hear a grunting sound coming from upstairs. She headed up. What she saw made her gasp. Ryuko was using some sort of dagger with a yellow hilt, and picking out the pebbles from his wings.

"O-oh... Hey Twilighlt..." He said. He sounded more drained than he did this morning. But something else was off. He always called her Sparky, but this time, he called her twilight.

"Ryuko, what's wrong?" She question. She sat next to Ryuko and took the dagger he held with her magic. "I think that's enough for now. I'll use my magic okay?" She said. Her horn lit up and Ryuko's body was covered in her magic.

"Why can't they see that I'm not a bad guy? I mean, even after I save a kid from dying, they still call me a freak. Why?" He said, placing his head in his hands. His injuries slowly healed and Twilight's magic faded.

"Fancy Pants and his family always believe the worst in people. Don't pay attention to them." She said, putting a hoof on Ryuko's shoulder. "I know you just want to do good. And so do the wonderbolts. Dinky too. They all believe in you." She smiled. He looked up and gave a weak smile back.

"And what about the sword? I have no idea how it appeared in my hand... And the fact that I just told everyone I was encased in stone." He again sounded extremely drained of energy. She hated seeing him like this. Sure it hadn't been long since they had first met but, she felt a connection with him.

"Don't worry. At least you have me. I won't leave you. After all, I'm your Sparky, right?" She said soothingly. He shot up and looked at her. Did she say something wrong? Perhaps, but a blush was creeping it's way to Ryuko's cheeks. Even if he wasn't in the best of shape still, he still looked... Attractive, to say the least.

"M-my Sparky? You mean... do you? Do you have feelings for me too?" He questioned. Wait, he had feelings for her!? Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. She slowly leaned in, hoping Ryuko wouldn't scoot away. Their lips connected and she felt a heat in her cheeks.

With a bright red blush on both of them, they broke the kiss and stared at each other. For a good minute or two that's all they did, stare. Until spike cleared his throught.

"Ahem! Should I give you two love birds some space? Because Pinkie Pie is downstairs waiting to meet Ryuko, and so are the others." Spike said turning around so his back was facing them.

"N-no. It's alright. Go ahead and send them up Spike." All he did was nod and head down. She glanced at Ryuko, still in a trance from the kiss. She have him a peck on the cheek to snap him out of it. "Ryuko, I want you to meet a few of my friends. You've already met Rarity, but the others still don't know about you. You think you'll be okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine Sparky. And um... Does this mean that like, we're dating now?" Ryuko asked. Dating. She had never thought of that. Well, they both had feelings for each other, so why not?

"Yes, I think it does." She said nuzzling him.

"Aww." Both of them froze and turned to see four ponies ogling at their love for each other and a semi embarrassed dragon with a claw on his face and a skeptical looking Rainbow Dash.

"I told you Ryuko, all you had to do was initiate the moment, and she would love you!" Rarity said.

"Now hold on a minute sugar cube, you know this here, Matoi character?" Said the orange pony.

"Why yes Applejack, I made those clothes for him." Rarity responded.

Twilight hid her face a little as Ryuko responded with, "Actually... She's the one who kissed me."

"You kissed? But I thought you've only known each other for a few days." Said fluttershy. The one who didn't look so enthusiastic was Rainbow Dash. She walked up to Ryuko and placed a firm hoof on his chest.

"I don't care if they all like you, cause I don't! You raised a sword to a little filly!" She said angrily, glaring at Ryuko.

"Rainbow! He didn't even know he summoned that blade. He's been trapped in stone for a few millennium, his memory is a little foggy." Twilight replied quickly, using her magic to take Rainbows hoof off of Ryuko. This action seemed to surprise Rainbow a bit. She seemed to start to understand, but Twilight knew that she would still be skeptical of Ryuko.

"You were trapped in stone?! Cool! Tell us all about it!" Pinkie said enthusiastically, as she bounced over to the couple. "How did it happen? What was it like back then? Oh, I almost forgot! What do you want at your party? I'll throw a part-" Pinkie was silenced by a hand.

"Listen, I know that all of you aren't sure about me, but at least give me the chance to explain a few things." He said lowering his hand. Thankfully, Pinkie took this as a sign to be quiet for a bit. "And Rainbow Dash, I promise to treat Sparky with respect and protect her with all my heart."

Rainbow nodded, but then started to chuckle a bit. "You call her... Sparky?" She said containing a laugh. Ryuko sighed and nodded back. "Okay, I guess I can give you some slack." She said trying to compose herself.

"Thanks. Now, about my story, I suppose I'll start where it really matters". Ryuko started. Twilight admired his ability to persevere, but she also noticed that there was a sadness surrounding him. Maybe his history will help her understand. She listened intently as he began to describe as much of Canterlot he could remember from the days of old.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the long update time, I've had school finals to worry about. But now that they're over I hope to be updating more often. This will be the final chapter and then there will be an epilogue. After that I plan on making a sequel about Ryuko recovering more of his lost memories. Thanks for sticking with me and I'll try to improve my grammar. (Stupid auto-correct gets me every time)