• Published 4th May 2015
  • 1,634 Views, 208 Comments

H1P1 - gamer52599

Twilight has made a blunder. She will never work with a virus while Discord is visiting again.

  • ...

Day One Oh One

April 15 2015


Somewhere in the skies above Tehran, Iran.

The new chaos capital of the world.

I don’t know what to say... I think I’ve finally gone mad.

After our game of Jenga Discord asked about my kind’s current situation and then I told him about the war in Iran, Afterwards he teleported away, with me hot on his tail.

When I found him in the skies above Iran I also found some very weird form of anarchy.

The grass is blue, the sky is green, the clouds are made out of gravel and literally rain cats and dogs!

I’m not sure how this is supposed to help, unless his way of helping is driving everypony mad to the point of not caring about war.

But it appears it’s just making it worse as Iran was already filled with dementia, but I’m uncertain about if it’s possible to make an already demented country even more demented than this one.

"Explain how this is supposed to help?" I asked.

"A little chaos goes a long way, don't you think?"

I was not amused. "Explain how bringing more madness will make these ponies listen to reason?"

"To do what you suggest would be reforming them, and Twilight has already learned my opinion on using magic to do that."

I knew that you don't anger the trickster god, unless you want to die, so I did not reply and simply went to tell Twilight about this.

It took an hour, but I made it back to Atlanta and plopped myself out of the air vents, right on top of Derrick.

“Ow.” We both said simultaneously.

“What’s gotten you here in a hurry?”

“Discord is turning an entire country upside down!”

As soon as Twilight heard the words Discord and upside down, she immediately summoned a quill and some parchment wrote something down and then teleported it away. “Go to the portal and pick up my friend Fluttershy and bring her to Discord.”

I nodded. “Right!”

And so I was off.

April 15 2015


Atlanta, Georgia

After Allen left I had a question for Twilight. “Who’s this Fluttershy?”

“One of my friends who is also the only one who can put a leash on the spirit of chaos.”

Afterwards she gave a short description of her friend and some stories about her.

“So she tamed Discord with a few harsh words?”

“Seems like it.”

After that we decided to start work again on the cure.

“Do you have some spell that can change one's species?”

Twilight shook her head. “I’d have to figure out how to do it without them transforming again, even if I did make such a spell, it would only let them be human for about three hours before the magic wears off, transformation spells aren't permanent.”

“Is there anyway to extend that time?”

“Yes but only by ten hours, to get anymore would require more magic than even legendary unicorns like Starswirl have.” She said. “Plus the more magic we put into the spell the harder it is to make it work without them returning to the form of a pony.”

“Hmm… What about modifying the spell so that our cells have Pestis.”

“Now thats something that I don’t think I can do without having a good enough understanding of cells and everything else, as it stands, I don’t understand it enough to make the spell, and you don’t have the understanding of magic to modify spellcraft.”

As it stands, neither of us can do it… “Unless we work together.”

“What do you-”

“Think about it, with my biology and your magic, we can create the cure spell.”

“But it still will only last for twelve hours at best!”

“That should be fine, I’m sure it will work.”

We will save humanity!

Author's Note:

If you've been infected and want to have fingers again. Sign up as a test subject today! You will experience highly untested spells as they are cast upon you. Be amazed as you have medicine that may or may not be lethal injected into your blood stream. Observe as you see all your fellow test subjects die before your eyes.

All possibly very dark jokes aside, I'm thinking of working on another project along side this one.

It's a crossover with what I call the greatest video game of all time.

Here's a hint that only fans of this game will be able to understand.

It is the year 2155.

And another.

Hold! What you are doing to us is wrong! Why do you do this thing?