• Published 7th May 2015
  • 471 Views, 17 Comments

Kawaii Hime-chan - Dragonrose Lovesong

What will happen when one of the mane 6 finds out about her unknown past. Secret will be found, friendships are tested and probably some ponies' gonna die.

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A figure stirs in the dark of night. The moonlight shines through his misty hair revealing blood red eyes.

"Disillusiona?" he calls, his voice sending a shiver through the very soul of the pony beside him.

"I must go!" she calls, as she disappears into the night.

"This illusion." he whispers. A single tear rolling down his cheek, breaking the silence of the night.


She pants out of breath barely able to stand.

"Maybe a stronger spell will break these bonds." she says. Her words lingering on her lips as her breath feared to escape her. Gathering the last of her strength into her horn she prepares for the spell, when a sudden pain brings her to her knees.

"What is this pain?" she screams. Her screams of agony piecing the night like a dagger. The feeling of swords dragging through her flesh could not compare to this.

With a final huff she falls to the cold, hard ground waiting for life to leave her. A sudden cry breaks her train of thoughts, shifting her wing she locates the source of the cries.

On the stone beneath her lay a foal, colours distorted by the moonlight, crying with her first breaths of life. She lifts her wing pulling the foal towards her and cradling her to her side. "It'll be alright, my Lone Petal." She whimpers as she sobs herself to sleep.


"I wish for you one last day of smiles and sweet, sweet mystic thoughts in your dreams tonight"

She sings softly to her foal, knowing quite well that this could be her last. "Farewell my...," she sobs placing a necklace of hair and feathers around her neck, "Lone...Petal."

With a final puff she lights her horn and her foal disappears. "It's for the best." she reassures herself as she fights back the tears she wish she'd never had.