• Member Since 24th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2017

Cute Reality

Life's too short for stress, so let's get cute instead.


Twilight realizes how much she missed out on in her childhood, so she tries to change that. After a quick spell, she and her friends are having a filly sleepover to make up for what she missed in her youth.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 48 )

There is not enough cute for how words this is.

How did you obtain that cute tag?

That was a really good and cute fic!

My only suggestion is that it be longer because I want more dawws :3

Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

It's a super secret. :raritywink:

I will try in the future. Thanks for the helpful feedback! :pinkiehappy:

A good story for the old book shelf. Great job on your first story!

If I did, I'd have to stick a cupcake in my eye. You wouldn't want that, would you? :pinkiesad2:

They added an image to their story description and linked it to other stuff.

Could have used some more jokes or events through the night, but it's written well enough. Not bad.

6416106 Darn it, I was hoping it was something I could utlize as well.

Needed a knock-down, drag-out pillow fight. :rainbowlaugh:

Add in a pillow fight and I'll die from cuteness.

This was adorable.
Now are they going to wake in the morning at there normal size?
Cause that bed would be crowded, and who would end up waking from hitting the floor.

This was cute. ^^ It's strikingly similar to an idea I had once, actually, so it was interesting to see someone do a story along those lines.

If I have any criticism, it's that the story doesn't spend any significant amount of time with the Filly Six exploring their new condition, which could have been very interesting, as all of them would have different perspectives on it. But from a technical standpoint, this is not bad at all for a first attempt. I look forward to seeing more cute things from you. :)

Well I'll admit that was adorable and the premise definitely sounds like something Twilight would pull if she had the time. Though it also felt like it went by a little quick. I mean they transform, debate, gossip for a few hours and then pass out. Just saying some other stuff could have happened, like the whole pillow fight thing or perhaps other people reacting to their appearance, something else for a little extra humor. Just saying.

Still nice idea overall and not a bad execution


My secret's out! :fluttercry:

Thank you, I'm glad you found some enjoyment in it! :rainbowkiss:

I should have done that, you're right! :rainbowlaugh:

Twilight's got a big bed. They won't bonk their heads or anything once they poof back to normal size. :raritywink:

Thank you, I'll work harder in the future! :pinkiehappy:

awesome story

Great story so cute :twilightsmile:

How do you get the "cute" tag?


It's a coveted tag granted only to stories deemed the cutest of them all by members of the almighty staff. Many a writer would, in a heartbeat, give up their pen hand to see it placed upon their story. It is said that if you fall on your knees before knighty himself and sing hymns to his greatness, he may bestow upon you the knowledge necessary to write a story of such caliber.


I wish my story had it. I love cute things and the cute tag would be such an honor...

...plus the cute tag is cute.


Maybe they should draw hearts or frills or something around the cute tag to make it even cuter.

And then the spell didn't work and they stayed fillies.

Honestly, this was adorable and well written. Pretty good for a first attempt. Could be a little more lengthy, but I think it's fine how it is. Nice job.

6417002 Gotta leave material for the sequel! :pinkiehappy:

Having reverted to normal size during the night, the fire department needed to be called in order to untangle the six mares; Spike never let them live it down. :rainbowlaugh:

Nice intro, and wrapped up pretty well too. Only trouble is you forgot the part where you write a story. You set it all up and then skipped over the entire plot. Once upon a time they lived happily ever after, the end.

6420881 It was still cute but need a bit more.

That was a sweet evening. Could have gone into their fillyhoods more, other than just how Rainbow Dash's voice used to crack.

So cute! I love this story. It was a little short though...

Wish they could make a real episode like this lol

To be young and free…

One of my fave stories, ever. You get a cookie! :pinkiehappy:

This is a great story- sweet and simple and to the point just the way I like it!

Hey this story is great I think that for a first (or even 19th) is amazing keep writing mkay? Good. :heart::twilightsmile::heart:

My only complaint is that this wasn't longer.

Adorable. I wish it was longer!

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