• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 1,747 Views, 65 Comments

Dark Life And Frozen Mind - Brony Parasite

A year has passed since Equestria fell to Lord Folteren. But a dead friend with little memories of her old life on earth shows up. What will happen, and what does fate hold for the female Night Elf?

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Dark Side: ... But I Don't Care...

{Folteren’s PoV}
[Location: Terran(Canterlot Renamed)]

I walked down the halls of my new castle. I had changed the banners from their original gold, to black with red stripes, and the symbol I loved in the center.

Other than that, the castle was the same. Red battle droids roamed around, blasters trained to stun during the day, and lunar bat ponies with laser swords set to kill during the night. The reason why I didn’t use the droid all around was because I knew that assassins would be able to fool them easily and would most likely get me killed in my sleep, and even my powers weren’t that good. I just needed the droids for show to scare any whimpy killers, and bring bigger fish to my attention. I really liked those odds.

I’d also received a new name from ponies. The Prince of Darkness. They even called me the False Prince. Prince was a stupid name, but I never cared what they called my. I wasn’t an Emperor, I wasn’t a King(didn’t have a queen… Maybe I’d find one later), and I certainly wasn’t a true Prince… False Prince, or Dark Lord seemed good though.

I turned on my hologram projector and Shadow appeared, along with Rainbow Dash. The first wore a dark robe, with a black rod connected to her right hoof. The second wore light sith armor, with a modified blaster rifle connected to her right hoof.

Shadow bowed, “What is your bidding master?”

I smirked, “I need you to destroy the Crystal Empire. None of the Elements of Harmony are there, and we have no use for Princess Cadence. Terminate the Crystal Ponies at once.”

She and Dash seemed surprised, “You can’t just kill innocent ponies like that! What did they ever do to you!?” Dash asked.

“They chose their fate. No one harbors rebels. Do not forget, I gave your friends pardon. I will not execute them, or kill them by any means- the forces I hire, the forces I created/own, or me myself… Tell me, who are you loyal too? Me? Or those ungrateful, pathetic, weak traitors?” That seemed to shut her up. I truly wished Dash wouldn’t question my authority like this every single time I did something against Equestria’s “protectors”. The mind alter can only do so much, and her loyalty was something I questioned. But, still, I will keep my promise.

“As you wish, my lord.” Shadow said, before turning of the communication. My paranoia set in, ‘What if she’s trying to overthrow me? The dark side does have that effect on people, even me… but I’ve never been much for abuse...’

I shake my head, “What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve turned into a crazed master who thinks his daughters are plotting against him… They aren’t like normal apprentices, they wouldn’t kill me…”

Then, I thought of the prospect of them dying. ‘I’ve lived for more than a thousand years, and I’ve never been around ponies that often. Then, I met Shadow, and took her under my… cloak? Under my cloak, and then I get Scootaloo a few years later. I’ve raised them… I need to find a way to prolong their lives!’

As I thought that, I heard a door open and close. I quickly turn, Lightsaber in hand, ready to kill whoever wanted to attack me…

Only to see Goldie, Scoots’ guardian in his plushie form, having just walked out of her room. He gave me a, ‘WTF are you doing that for stupid?’ look.

“Don’t give me that look, I could cut your body in half you little twit!” I said, unamused.

I could have sworn I saw him smirk.

“Don’t smirk at me smartass, I’m in charge.”

He shook his head. And I narrowed my eyes.

“I wish Freddy gave you an off switch, your stare is creeping me out… Also, you’re useless. You couldn’t keep Scoots safe even if your life depended on it.”

Goldie stepped forward, shaking his little paw like a mother shaking her finger at a naughty child, but of course he meant ‘oh no you didn’t!’

I laughed, and ignored his temper tantrum as I turned a corner.

“Oh! Hi Granny!” I heard the cheerful squeal of my granddaughter Pinkie Pie, who was at the other end of the hall. A small smile graced my lips, as I walked over to the party mare. She wore a black cape, lightsaber in hoof. Like Shadow, it was connected to her wrist, but with her ability to manipulate reality, it would disconnect so she could hold it like a normal human.

“Hello Pinkie, hows your packing coming along?” I asked in a monotone voice. In truth, my heart was beating a mile a minute.

“Everything’s okie-dokie-loki! I am gonna miss being here, but you said this trip would help you!”

Pinkie was going to the mirror pond. I needed loyal, strong warriors to enforce my rule. Vision would go with her, and control the pond with the devices he’d set up so they weren’t out of control… basically, I was making an army of Starkiller’s, but way worse…

An army of Pinkie Pie Sith clones that would fight for me.

The thought sent a shiver of excitement through my spin. Weaponizing children, building an army of droids, and kicking Celestia’s flank off her throne was one thing, but having an army of reality warping Sith Acolytes with a pink coat was another.

“I’ll miss you too Pinks. But you’ll be back before you know it… I need to check on Lulu, and you should go and see if Scoots’ awake.” Pinkie smiled, nodded, hugged me, then zipped off.

I sighed as I turned the opposite direction. Luna’s room was on the other side of the castle… ‘Might as well play some music...’ I thought.

A list of music appeared in front of me. Thousands upon thousands of songs, soundtracks, and recordings piled together to fit my mood, and I chose the top of the list.

Thousand Foot Krutch - Absolute

I started mumbling the lyrics as I’d listened to it about a dozen times. “I’ve tried to hide it, but I can’t at night. Everything I think about makes me feel like a version of myself.”

I started walking faster, ignoring the odd looks ponies gave me.

“They tell, their lies, and we all synchronize. Look to, the sky, because it’s almost over…”

I started to increase my volume, and some ponies backed away when I pulled my lightsabers and started twirling them. “We want, the truth! Give us the absolute! We need, your help! Cause we’ve got nothing!”

I stopped singing, adapting to hum the rest of the way. It took three more songs and a robots head(don’t ask) later until I arrived at Luna’s bedroom. The door was dark blue, with her cutie mark on the top. The rest of the room inside was pretty much a simple chamber, with a dark blue and black bed.

I opened the door to see Luna standing right there… I mean right there…

So right there that I smacked the door into her face with a loud ‘bunk’, and a yelp.

I hear her crying, and I rush over to her, careful not to hit her head. I knelt down on one knee and picked her up.

“Ohhh~ I’m so sorry Lulu! I didn’t know you were there, I swear!” I said, holding her close to my chest. I took my mask off, and used the force, feeling it guild me as I laid a hand on her head. I felt the force healing her wounds, and a smile graced her little face. I swept my hand over her face, removing light blue hair out of her eyes and whipping tears free.

“Do you forgive me?” I asked.

She nodded. “Y-yes… Is Scootaloo ok?”

I chuckle at her quick change of topic. “Yes, she’s fine. It took longer to track her down than I hoped, but I’m confident nothing too bad happened. Couple scratches, and two weeks worth of stench, but she’s healthy… Which is more than I can say for Waffles…”

I gave her a playful smirk, and she giggled nervously. “Wonder why…”

“Oh, I know why… You’ve been giving him ice cream!” I started laughing, and Luna started giggling.

When I finally calmed down, I gave a sigh. “I’ll be working for a bit… So I need you to take care of your sister. Got it?”

She narrowed her eyes and gave me a determined nod.

“Attagirl! That’s my little Night Terror!” I picked her up as she squealed. I held her up, and her eyes widened in fear at my next words. “But can you handle a tickle monster...? Let’s find out!”

And the castle was filled with laughter...