• Published 27th Jun 2015
  • 1,747 Views, 65 Comments

Dark Life And Frozen Mind - Brony Parasite

A year has passed since Equestria fell to Lord Folteren. But a dead friend with little memories of her old life on earth shows up. What will happen, and what does fate hold for the female Night Elf?

  • ...

... Because I'm Still Here, Aren't I?

Author's Note:

I'm getting back into things. Yay!

This chapter is about Shea. Any grammar errors can be fixed.

Edit: I've decided to erase the clop scene. There's no need for it.

Shea gasped as her knees hit the floor, pain coursing through her body. The night elf panted, feeling the life return to her bones.

“Shit!” Shea choked out. “What the hell-!?”

“Shhh… Child, be calm. I am the Echo Lich, Terkedilmis, do not fear me, for I have awoken you from your forced slumber…” The voice said in a humble tone.

“S-slumber?” Shea asked, looking over her purple hands.

“You have just awoken from a sleep induced by your ‘death’. What’s the last thing you remember?” Terkedilmis asked.

“Last thing I remember…” Shea trailed off as images crossed her mind.

“Jackie! Stop!” Clare whined as the Jedi giggled.

“Come on Clare, Sully’s not here so I need to tease someone.” Jackie snickered. “Why are you even in that form? You remember you can change, right?”

Clare sighed. “I… Like this form. Sully seemed to like it, so…”

Jackie gave Clare a sad look. “I know how you felt for him… But he’s been gone for three years.”

“I know… I just… Can’t believe he’s dead. He has to be out there somewhere.” Clare looked to the sky as she morphed into her Night Elf form. “I was going to confess at the con…”

Jackie patted Clare’s back. “I know Clare…”

The two stopped when they saw a-

Shea couldn’t remember anymore.

After explaining what she remembered, Terkedilmis chuckled.

“I hoped for more, but I suppose your recovery could have gone worse, mistress.” Terkedilmis stated. “Perhaps waiting is the best course of action.”

“What’s even going on?” Shea asked, sitting cross legged.

“A war. A man named Folteren is destroying the Crystal Empire.” Terkedilmis said.

“What kind of name is Folteren?” Shea asked.

“The type of name used by a Displaced Sith Lord.” Terkedilmis said. “You’re going to need some help defeating him. There’s a Token in the nearest room.”

Shea sighed, not understanding what was going on. She got up and went to the room. There were no doors, and only blue flames lit the caverns. There was a pedestal, which had a Small green gem with the drawing of a skull on it. As she walked closer to it the gem started to glow blue.

“Huh…” Shea said, tilting her head.

“Pick it up…” Terkedilmis said.

Shea picked up the stone with her left hand, as her right one hurt for some reason. She then heard a voice in her head. “I am Asphyxious. The iron lich. If you need my aid just take this token and call my name.”

“Iron Lich?” Shea asked. “Asphyxious!” She shouted, which echoed. A large portal opened as a tall being of metal, fire and shadows walked out over showing her. The skull head looking around before finally turning it gaze to her. “Asphyxious the Iron Lich? Forgive my lach of… Well, clothes.”

You’re beautiful…” Asphyxious spoke in awe of her. “Sorry… I can get you something if you like?” He asked as he pulled something from his hip then put his hand into his echo and pulled some clothes out for her. “Want me to turn around?” The Lich asked starting to move his taller form away from her. So his back to her.

“It doesn’t matter.” Shea said, putting the clothes on. “I am Shea, Lich Sorceress.”

I am Asphyxious Hellbringer, Lich lord of my equestria.” He said with a bow. “May I ask why you have called me? It is clear you are looking for some kind of help.

“Yes, I’ve just awoken from… My death, and I’m thinking about… You know, starting a Scourge. Problem is… I don’t know how to start…” Shea said, having trouble.

Then let start from the beginning. Tell me why you wish to rise the dead and what you hope to gain from it.” Asphyxious words were clear he wanted to know more about her before he agrees to anything.

“Well… What I remember is that I was killed by royalty. My friends are dead. And I want revenge.” Shea said.

I’m sorry you had to go through something like that. But why have revenge? It has no use to you now. You have other things you wish to seek, knowledge being one of them.” Asphyxious said as he started to explore her home. “Tell me have you talked to the dead before?

“My knowledge was lost to me,” Shea finally got her clothes on. “And I want revenge.”

Then I’ll teach you and show you-” Asphyxious body when up in blue fire as a man stands before her with an eyepatch and a tail. “-something more.” He said smiling at her.

“Like what?” Shea asked.

“Let me teach you, And you’ll find out. Now let start with something easy, let find a soul.” Asphyxious said as he start to walk off. “Please keep up I don’t want to lose you after just meeting you.”

Shea jogged alongside Asphyxious. “So who exactly are you?”

“My past is lost to me but I found out thanks to some family I used to be called Mark. But sadly that name has no meaning for me anymore, So I go by my new one Asphyxious. Tell me do you know of the Iron kingdoms by privateer press?” He asked as they take a turn to the left.

“No… Can’t say I have… Was more of a WoW fan myself. I was Clare Silvers.” Shea said.

“I see well there kind of the same only more steampunk and D and D.” Asphyxious tried to explained. “Tell me are there any bones or skulls down here?”

“Not that I know of. This is supposed to be my tomb… Forgotten, forsaken, and hidden…” Shea said darkly. “Why don’t you want me to have revenge?”

“I see but we maybe in luck.” Asphyxious said casting magic. “Because one's old enemies is today's aliys.” He said as he walked up to a wall and started to dig before finding a pony skull. “This will do.” Asphyxious said as he put the Skull on the floor before explaining the runes she’ll need to use and the magic behind it.

“I want you to speak with this soul. By using the skull as a link.” Asphyxious said once he sure she understands what she doing. “I want you to call on the soul and talk with it.”

“Enemies yesterday will be enemies anyday…” Shea said, picking up the skull. Slowly the magic and the runes brought the soul back but what shocked Shea was who it was. It was one of the guards that killed her.

“Hmmm Interesting, he looks like his last moments in life was in some kind of war?” Asphyxious said looking the soul over.

“I want revenge on Celestia… A former guard is nothing.” Shea said.

“C-Celestia…” Spoke the pony soul as he started to wake up. “I-I can’t see… W-where am I?!”

“Try and keep him calm, if the soul is stressed we may lose the link.” Asphyxious told her as he walked around them. “He can only hear you right now. As far as he knows I’m nothing more than a ghost.”

“Stay calm… I’m giving you a second chance to repent your crimes.” Shea stated.

“What? I don’t understand… The last thing I remember was fighting, then… There was fire but I felt so cold… Who are you?” He asked in fear and confusion. “Oh Celestia, the town… Did everypony make it to safety?”

“I don’t know… But you can find out.” Shea said. “What do I do Asphyxious?”

“You wish for him to be bound to you? Well I like to have the souls join willingly myself. I’ll show you the steps but I’ll help you.” He said pulling out a soul cage that was empty. “Keep talking to him it’ll strengthen the bond.”

“My name is Clare Silver, what’s yours?” Shea asked.

“My name… It, it’s Hot Wing… Sorry it just feels so cold…” Said Hot Wing as he’s soul shivered.

“It won’t for long. Did you have a family?” Shea asked.

“Yes… I did, but they got sick… My filly s-she was only… 8 years old…”

“I was only 19 when I passed… It must’ve been hard…” Shea said sadly. “Asphyxious, is it possible to locate his daughter?”

“We can find their graves but I wouldn’t. Let them rest the snow and ice help to keep the skull in a good state. We don’t know how many years they’ve been dead and if the bones are left.” Asphyxious said working his magic.

“I still want to try.” Shea said. “Hey, I’m gonna make this better, okay? I’ll try my hardest. What were you?”

“I was… A guard, I just wanted to keep everypony safe…” Said Hot Wing as his head looked around. “Wait… I see, something...”

“If you wish to ask him to join you now the time.” Asphyxious said as he hands over control of the Spell to Shea.

“Would you… Like to join me?” Shea asked.

“Join you? W-What do you mean…” Hot Wing asked.

“Asphy, what do I mean?” Shea asked.

“As a friend, as an ally or as a knight. You need to build this bond and make it strong or it’ll fall apart.” Asphyxious explained.

“Join me in making Equestria a better place. As my ally.” Shea said.

“I… I’ll do it… I still have a job to do… I’ll… Join you!” Hot Wing said reaching out to her. She took hold of him. Hot Wing was covered in fire the pieces was his chest covered in armour and held a spear like axe in on hoof as he held a shield in the other. The pony head was nothing more than a skull with glowing eyes.

“Shea, Say hello to your first Bane Knight, Hot Wing.” Asphyxious said standing by her side.

“Hello Hot Wing…” Shea said. “Back from the dead I see.”

“I remember now, I died. But I remember you to… What happened to you? You was dead, I and the others got demoted… But I didn’t leave like they did. Celestia asked me if I felt sorry for what I did. And I do… I was a young fool back then.” Said Hot Wing looking at his new body. “What am I?”

“Asphyxious?” Shea asked.

“He is a bane knight, A undead soldier. He can pass through terrain that a pony would be hard pressed to get through. Your Axe that will give you reach, better than any spear. And you're not alone.” Asphyxious said calling on his own bane knights as they stand by his side. “We all have much to talk about.”

“For starters, this is Asphyxious. He’s teaching me how to bring ponies back to life his way. I think you’ll be my commander.”

“Being undead is an attempter of life and failing. We all understand this even if I have this form.” Asphyxious said as he looked away from Shea with a small blush. “Anyway we do not bring the dead to life in order to try and live forever but to try and keep what we care about safe.”

“Okay, now that this is done, let’s get out of here… I feel a disturbance in magic.” Shea said.

“I was wondering when you pick up on that.” Asphyxious said as he changed into his Lich form. “Let go say hello.” Asphyxious then casted a spell and blasted the ceiling out to the outside.

“There is a way out you know…” Shea said in a deadpanned tone, pointing and different hallways with different signs.

This way more fun, my lady.” Asphyxious said as he go up and held out his clawed hand to Shea to help her out.

“But this might end up being my home.” Shea said, arms crossed.

Oh all right.” The Lich Lord said as he go back then cast a spell to put the rocks back in place closing up the new hole. “We’ll do it your way, only because you're cute. When you make that face.

Once they were out of the tomb, they saw the ruins of the Crystal Empire, surrounded by CIS ships with a symbol Asphyxious recognised.

Oh crap not him… Anyone but this git!” Asphyxious started to yell. “Why this moron here?

“What do you mean?” Shea asked.

“These are Folteren’s ships my dear… He rules this world.” Terkedilmis said.

“Folteren rules this world.” Shea reapeated.

Fuck me…” Asphyxious said covering his face with his hands.

“This is the Equestria Folteren ended up in after his Displacement.” Terkedilmis added.

“This is the Equestria Folteren ended up in when he was Displaced.” Shea said.

I kind of know him I met the guy before the only question now is, am I in his past or future.” Asphyxious said tapping his chin.

“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask his minions down there.” Shea pointed to a pair of droids standing over Twilight’s body.

Good point, stay here and hide. No need to let him know we’re both here.” Asphyxious said before teleporting down to the Folteren minions.

“Son of a nutcracker… Is she dead?” One asked.

“I think so… Lord Folteren’s going to kill us…” The other one sighed.

Hello I need to ask you some things. Sorry about that, anyway I wanted to know what old Foltin up to?” Asphyxious asked putting his hands behind his back. “Tell me anything you know about the War of Shadows.

“I think that’s a Displaced…” The second one said.

“What war? All we’ve gotta deal with are these filthy rebels.” The first one said. “Lord Folteren is bringing peace to this land.”

I see so what being done with the body's?” Asphyxious asked going over to the dead mare carefully. He realized it was Twilight Sparkle.

“This one’s going to Folteren. The rest we’re burning.” The first said.

I’ll be taking her. No need to tell Folteren anything that happened here.” Asphyxious said carefully picking up Twilight body. “You poor thing.” He said softly moving a strand of mane out of the way of her face. “I’ll be taking them as well.” The said looking at all the bodies before looking at the ponies.

“You can’t do that!” The first yelled.

Oh don’t worry.” Asphyxious said as a ghostly blade stands the pony in the back. “I’ll be taking you as well.” Asphyxious Bane Knights killed the guards then looked to their lord for orders. “Stay to the shadows and kill them all. Hide the bodies in the snow” Asphyxious said as he made his way back to Shea as he somen more ghost to guard and start moving the body's.

“What!?” The second yelled. It started firing. One ghost laughed before shooting the droid in the head.

“Who’s Folteren? I heard about him, but I don’t know anything.” Shea said.

He’s a sith, but we have someone to bring back. And we can not waist time.” Asphyxious said as he’s troops move to hide the droids and take as many bodies as they can. Asphyxious went back to Shea tomb and lay Twilight in the middle of a rune calcule.

I’ve never tried to brought someone back after death like this.” Asphyxious said sounding like his heart was heavy.

“Let me try. I have a better, more efficient way.” Shea said, starting to use her magic. Asphyxious backed away and watched.

After doing what she needed, Twilight gasped awake and began coughing.

“Meet my first Death Knight, Darklight Sparks.” Shea said.

Welcome back to the land of the living miss Sparks.” Asphyxious said warmly as his ghost guarded the bodies of the dead and made form for more. Twilight went to sleep.

“I think I’ve got this Asphyxious. This is my Scourge, my Forsaken Horde.” Shea said.

And if you ever need the aid of my New Cryx Legion. I’ll bring all I can.” Asphyxious said calling his troops back to their soul cages.

“Thank you. You taught me a lot.” Shea said. “How could I ever repay you?”

Ummm… Maybe ummm, would you like to see my equestria?” Asphyxious asked scratching the side of his head.

“There’s another? How?” Shea asked.

I forgot to explain we’re what called displaced and there a lot more of us. And some like that fool who can't act like an adult. Asphyxious said before explaining everything even how to make a token.

“What fool?”

Folteren he start a war over an accident. But I would act the same way if someone hurt my children so I can’t talk.” Asphyxious said sighing. “Anyway I’ll tell you how to make a token.

“Why not?” Shea asked.

I have my own kids, there well being is important to me. I would not go the same level that Folteren but I’d do anything to keep them safe.” Asphyxious changed back into his human form and took his hood off. “Anyway all you need is an item and put a message into it then send it into the void.”

“Okay, I’ll do that later. Hey, Hot Wing, mind watching over our Death Knight?” Shea asked.

Yes ma’am.” Said Hot Wing as he went off to find Darklight.

“So… Shea, when your not busy want to go on a date or something?” Asphyxious asked.

“A date?” Shea thought. She remembered Sullivan, and sighed. Then shook her head. “Sure. What kind of date?”

“Just hanging out, maybe go see a movie?” Asphyxious replied.

“Sure, I’d like that.” Shea smiled.

“Cool.” Asphyxious said smiling at her. “Want to do it now or later?”

“I think I’ll need this before I dive into dead bodies.” Shea said.

“Okay then.” Asphyxious snapped his fingers and opened a portal. “I love doing that, come on.” He said holding his hand out to her. Shea took it happily. As once they walked in they show up in Ponyville.

“Oh everyone anthro over here.” Asphyxious said then smiled at the shocked look on Shea face. “What do you think?”

“What’s going on…?” Shea asked.

“Like I said welcome to my equestria. Same world only small difference.” Asphyxious said taking her hand. “Come on I’ll show you around. Or if you really want to see my more interesting works, we can go to my den?”

“Your den is more interesting?” Shea asked.

“It was first found by Diamond dogs. And when I killed their leader how I found out was a monster all they quickly made me their leader. Then after pushing back a small army the rest of the dogs called me their king. I don’t understand it myself.” Asphyxious explained as they walked around the small town.

“Why are everyone nude?” Shea said uncomfortably.

“That… They used to be the four legged kind of pony before this. There to used to it and I can’t get them to wear anything. So I just leave them to it, and do my own thing.” Asphyxious said as they walk around. “Tell me want to see a warjack?”

“I thought we came here for a date…” Shea stated.

“Right sorry, I’ve be busy these last few weeks and I’ve lost a little sleep. Right so where do you want to eat? There’s this nice shop call suger cube corner.” Asphyxious replied as they walked up to the bakery.

“Never heard of it. Is it any good?” Shea asked.

“You’ll love it, Pinkie’s cooking will put a smile on anyone's face.” Asphyxious said as he open the door for her.

“Asphy!” Yelled the pink party pony as she jumped on the lich and started kissing him as he fell on the floor.

“Friend of yours?” Shea asked.

“Hi!” The Pink mare said quickly getting off the Lich and holding Shea’s hand. “It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Pinkie Pie. I never saw you before so that means your new and if you're new that means-!” Asphyxious put a hand on Pinkie pie ear and start to rub it to quickly calm her down.

“She’s loud…” Shea said calmly. “I’m Shea.”

“You get used to it.” Asphyxious replied as he stop.

“Oh sorry I just got so excited to see Asphy again. Say are you joining his hoard?” Pinkie asked with a smile that just screamed I know what you're doing.

“His… What?” Shea asked.

“We’re just dating right now Pinkie I haven’t asked her that yet…” Asphyxious said with a blush. “Can we get a table please.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie said smiling at them then headed off. As Asphyxious and Shea sat at a table.

“She’s more energetic then my friend Jackie was…” Shea said.

“You get used to it. But I guess I should tell you something. I’m part dragon.” Asphyxious said rubbing the back of his neck.

“How’s that possible?” Shea asked, leaning her chin on the palm of her hand.

“Well to understand that I need to explain a little lore about where the carther I dressed up as came from about their world.” Asphyxious then began to explain about Lord Toruk the Athanc stones and about dragonblight. “And after taking in everblight athanc stone into my body I can now turn into a dragon.”

“Here you go it on the house.” Said Pinkie handing them their cakes then walks off smiling. Asphyxious picked up his cake and started eating it.

Shea grabbed a fork and ate a large bite of hers. When she swallowed, she asked, “So… Why did you want to date me?”

“Well, I guess I wanted someone a little like myself to talk to. And help you should things turn to the worst. Give you a home to turn to if you have nowhere else to go.” Asphyxious said smiling softly at her.

“Thanks… No one has ever given me something like that.” Shea said, taking another bite. “This tastes funny.”

“What do you mean?” Asphyxious asked taking another bite out of his cake then looks at it. “Hmmm, Now that you mention it. Maybe it a new flavor or something? Pinkie Pie tends to do that with some of the cakes she makes.”

“I suppose that’s why it’s on the house.” Shea continued eating. Asphyxious did so to then noticed Pinkie Pie put up the closed sign on the door.

“Pinkie?” Asphyxious asked before realizing something wrong. “What… Was in my cake…”

Pinkie Pie giggled before walking over to them. “Just a little something to get you two excited~” Pinkie said smiling at them. “Enjoying the cake~” She asked Shea smiling at her.

“What did you do?” Shea asked, trying to get up but fell over.

“Easy now just come with me and you’ll love this~” Pinkie said helping Shea to her room as Asphyxious followed.


“Pinkie pie, why did you really give us those cakes?” Asphyxious asked as he lay in bed with Pinkie and Shea by his side.

“Well, I just wanted to make you happy. You were all sad and I don’t like seeing you sad.” Pinkie said nuzzling up to him.

“And you pulled me into it?” Shea asked, staring up at the ceiling blankly.

“I’m sorry I thought you already did it with him.” Pinkie said blushing a little.

“Let not stress over this… It was a mistake on Pinkie’s part, but... We can work around this, I think?” Asphyxious said as he still had his arms around both of them.

“I’d classify this as rape…” Shea said coldly. “As long as you don’t do this again, and I don’t get pregnant, I may forgive you.”

“Okay.” Said Pinkie as she get up. “Well I have to mind the shop so I’ll leave you two to bond.” Pinkie then left and closed the door behind her. Asphyxious looks down at Shea and thinks.

“Want to just cuddle for a while?” Asphyxious asked looking at her.

“Whatever…” Shea grumbled. Asphyxious pulled her into a cuddle and looked into her eyes

“I’m sorry for what happened, I understand if you don’t want to see me again.” Asphyxious said looking at her sadly.

“It’s not that, it’s just… I had my heart broken before. I fell for a friend, and he died.” Shea said. “I just… I don’t know how to feel about this…”

“Take your time, we have all the time in the world.” Asphyxious said softly pulling her into a hug. “Want to get dressed and walk around the town? Or stay here and cuddle?”

“Get dressed.” Shea said. “Where are my clothes?”

“God damnit, PINKIE PIE!” Asphyxious yelled finding his clothes missing to. Asphyxious get out of bed and changed into his Lich form. “I’ll find them and bring them back.” That when he felt the pull of his token.

Crap I’m being summoned, look I’ll be right back look in Pinkie closet I’m sure there something in there you can wear.” Asphyxious said as he enters the portal. Once on the other side the Lich found himself in a dark room.

Well, this don’t scream evil lair at all.” Asphyxious said crossing his arms.

“Glad you think so. Because it isn’t.” A male voice said calmly.

Hmmm, Mask, dress in black, evil cloak… Are you Revan’s brother?” Asphyxious asked looking at the man calmly.

“My name is Folteren… And I don’t think so.” Folteren said, taking off his mask.

Just a quick question, heard of the war of shadows?” Asphyxious asked.

“No. Who are you?” Folteren asked.

Forgive me, I am Asphyxious Hellbringer, Lich Lord of my equestria.” He said with a bow.

“Don’t mock me, I know what you did to my forces. Why shouldn’t I just brand you an enemy of my Empire?”

Because I’m not the one who will harm your children.” Asphyxious said calmly, now understanding this is not the Folteren from the breach. That his heard about, his in a time before that war. “You know of the void and the effects it has on time, well let say I heard of you but this will be our first time meeting.

Folteren sighed. “Time travel… Great… Now, let me guess, you’re here to hate on my methods too? Say I’m heading down the wrong path?”

Not at all if anything you’ll be helping me, you have no use for the dead. I do.” Asphyxious replied moving around the room. “Let me have them and I’ll use them for the war, but sadly I can not move them yet. I need time and I already have someone to look after them.

“I’m sorry… What?” Folteren raised an eyebrow. “You’re going to use my dead enemies?”

What’s the problem? All you’ll do is burn them anyway. Why not get some use out of them.” Asphyxious asked looking over Folteren shoulder.

“This war… You never said what side you’re on…?”

Well let say I’m on no one side but I can offer a little help. All you’ll need to do is give the dead over to someone I left here to look after them. You’ll understand who I mean when a ship falls guarding a planet outside of the war.” Asphyxious moved away as he looked around.

The room was darkly lit by a red light. The only thing in the room worth mentioning was the chair Folteren sat in, and armored pegasus mare with a bit of rainbow hair peaking out, and a pale pegasus wearing a cloak.

Aww miss Rainbow and Shadow it nice to see you both in good health.” Asphyxious said bowing to them in respect.

“How’d you know our names?” Shadow asked.

Oh I know everything, I have to know just to make sure everyone will be following the rules of the war I was talking about with Folteren. Sadly as one rule I can’t tell you what happens.” Asphyxious replied.

“I don’t want to know.” Folteren said. “Now, how would giving you the dead help me if you’re not a friend?”

We have the same enemy in that war and so does my boss. She willing to have your help if it to kill this one being, You’ll understand when he hurt someone close to you.” Asphyxious said as he looked at the two mares. “But sadly I don’t know who.

“Fine, I’ll leave the bodies…” Folteren said, standing up. “But if you know what’s best for you, you’ll make sure to never return here to aid Celestia. I can sense your feelings for yours, but know that this world is mine…”

You have my word, I will not aid Celestia.” Asphyxious said bowing to him. “Lord Folteren.

“And if you have any hand in trying to take away anything I hold dear, I’ll pay a visit to… Your hoard…” Folteren seemed to see something and smiled. “If you threaten me, I’ll kill your entire hoard.”

Asphyxious said nothing as a dark shadow filled the room cutting off all light but the fires in Asphyxious body. “Take care with your words Folteren, and do not anger the wrath of a sleeping dragon.” Asphyxious growled as the floor was covered in black fog.

“And take care of where you step. All I have is this, and I won’t let you take it away from me. And remember, only if you try to stop me will I actually do it… Why would you be so angry if you aren’t going to… Unless you’re planning something.” Folteren smirked darkly.

You're right I am, But it all for that war, that being harmed my daughter and got her mother killed. I’ll do everything in my power to make sure they die.” Asphyxious said darkly.

“Don’t hurt me or my empire and your lovers will be fine. Don’t do that, and maybe we can be friends.” Folteren said, smiling.

You have nothing to worry about, I have no interests in your empire.” Asphyxious said calming down as the shadows return to his body and the fog fades away.

“Then you have nothing to worry about.” Folteren said. “My threat is just that, a threat. I hope this doesn’t make us enemies.”

Only if you harm someone I care about but, I see we have a lot in common. So I see no reason for us to be enemies. So let leave each other to our own equities. But I have one request.

“Yes?” Folteren asked.

Anyone of the mane six that die I’d like them kept in one piece. Please.” Asphyxious asked drumming his metal fingers together. “It less work for me, putting them back together. And their skulls intact.

“The mane six are none of your business, lich.” Folteren said. “And they won’t die. Pinkie is my apprentice, Applejack is going to become one, and Rainbow is with my special task force.”

I see, so you don’t know about Sparkle’s passing…” Asphyxious asked tilting his head to one side. “It was the first body I found… I’m sorry...

Rainbow fell onto her flank and held a hoof to her chest.

“A tragedy… But I believe this concludes our business, unless there’s something else.” Folteren asked.

There nothing much, just I did find out that there are two other displaced living in my Equestria, nothing more.” Asphyxious replied. “I’d like to go home now.

“Of course. One more thing before you go.” Folteren created his token and tossed it to Asphyxious. The lich catches it and looks it over before giving Folteren a nod.

Thank you.” Asphyxious said putting the token away.

“Contract complete.” Folteren said. Asphyxious was sent back as the portal closed around him. Once back Asphyxious looked to Shea as he turned back into his human form.

“Shea, I have a lot to tell you.” Asphyxious said going over to the bed and setting with her. Before telling her about The war of shadows, the breach and the deal he made with Folteren. But there one thing she understored. Asphyxious could not act but she could.

“Build up you undead and stay hidden. Use ghost to try and find Fluttershy and Rarity. I found droids have a hard time picking up on the undead and ghosts.” Asphyxious said as he hugs her. “Just stay safe and out of his way. That all I’m asking, okay? I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Okay, I’ll be careful.” Shea said. She was wearing one of Pinkie’s outfits. “Now can you help me? I need more clothes.”

“Sure sweetie.” Asphyxious said smiling at her. Once they open the door they find their clothes folded up at the door. “Pinkie you funny mare.” He said smiling as he get dressed. “You know I could make you some armour and weapons back at the den if you want?”

“Sure.” Shea said.

“You could live with me once everything done.” Asphyxious said with a hopeful look in his eye.

“Why?” Shea questioned.

“Well, it just… I’m just looking out for you that all.” Asphyxious said rubbing his neck as the walk out. “And… I just don’t want you to get hurt. Sooo...”

“Just ask her already!” Pinkie Pie yells at him.

“Fine… Do you, want to join me hoard.” Asphyxious asked.

“What?” Shea asked, surprised.

“I’m asking if you want to join my hoard.” Asphyxious said blushing a little.

“What’s your hoard? What does it mean?” Shea asked.

“It means… Becoming a member of my family…” Asphyxious said blushing harder.

“Or he’s lover up to you.” Pinkie said smiling at Shea.

“I’ll… Think about it. I should focus on building my Scourge for now though…” Shea looked away, blushing lightly. “But it was nice…”

“Thanks…” Asphyxious said blushing back. “Anyway let’s get you some new clothes.” He said leading her out and to find her some clothes.

Folteren sighed. “He’s planning something… Let’s hope he doesn’t try anything, lest he wants a new war.”

“I’m sorry, Dash…” Shadow said, placing her hoof on the Pegasis shoulder.

“It’s all my fault… If only I had…” Rainbow choked.

“I feel that we shall see miss Sparkle again…” Folteren reattached his mask. “... Soon…”

Comments ( 11 )

“I feel that we shall see miss Sparkle again…” Folteren reattached his mask. “... Soon…”

Yes, yes you will and "The Damned stand ready" with her.

Let not stress over this… It was a mistake on Pinkie’s part, but... We can work around this, I think?

I can't really understand how anyone would try to forgive, tolerate or stay on good terms with a psychopath who drugs you with a date-rape drug on your first meeting. I'm more shocked she didn't attack or verbally assault Pinkie over something like that considering MC seems to mostly have her human mind and personality.

I also really hope this doesn't turn into one of those polygamous, "Hi I'm from another dimension and am displaced like you, you're hot, lets have sex, I've only known you for a few hours but I love you like a soul mate so join my inter-dimensional harem and don't mind that you have to share me with lots of others" that the MC actually agrees to stories... I've come across a few of those lately and that kind of plot does not belong outside of satire and/or over-the-top romance/fetish stories.

7024398 Don't worry... The only reason Shea tolerated Pinkie was because she knew Asphy liked her and he's more powerful than her.

She had him as a rebound. Like a... distraction from her loss.

Don't worry Shea you won't get pregnant. Sylvannas said so herself

so i want to make sure shea and folteren are or were friend before shea got killed and shea getting killed is part of why folteren is like how he is

7416886 Yes. In the first story it's explained that they were Displaced together, but Folteren vanished. Once Folteren woke up from his thousand year sleep, he was told that Celestia killed Shea.

7417460 ah when they meet and when the relized who is who thats going to be fun

Comment posted by sinewystatue382 deleted Oct 21st, 2020

hay do more chapters:heart:

Good story so far, shame it got cancelled, would like to see it finished.

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