• Published 13th May 2015
  • 2,533 Views, 66 Comments

Daddy's Girl - Party Pop

Daddies come in all shapes and sizes, and Spike is no exception

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Big boy

Spike walked along a path in Ponyville, smiling as he strolled along to his home. He had been away at his mining camp for a while, but now he was coming home. Even though he had enjoyed spending time with his employees, he always loved getting to come home to his lovely wife, Rarity. He knew Rarity had probably not been lonely, however, as he shared his lovely alabaster bride with the friendliest, happiest mare in all of Equestria, Pinkie Pie. Pinkie made their home an exciting and happy place to live, even though she chose to live in the apartment above Sugar Cube Corner, where she worked. She would spend lots of time with her wife, though, and they had a fun time together. Spike quite enjoyed her company as well, but simply didn't have any romantic feelings for her. He beamed as he opened the front door of his home, which doubled as his wife's store, where she sold dresses and accessories that would put a smile on anypony's face. Her designs were so radiant, that they rivaled the sun in their glory, and in beauty, nearly surpassed Luna's fair moon. His heart soared whenever he saw one of her new designs.

"Rarity, I'm home!" He called out, eager to see his gorgeous wife. She practically charged down the stairs and hugged him tight. Spike's eyes bulged a little as she squeezed him almost as tight as Pinkie often would to her friends. He loved his wife's sweet embrace, and the scent of her mane, soft and warm, like the fabrics she moulded to her desires, creating unique and stunning garments of her own design, which often graced the runways of Canterlot's most prestigious fashion events, and filled every high-end boutique in Equestria, and even a few of the nearby lands with a decent pony population. He stroked her cheek gently, feeling completely loved and wanted in her sweet and warm, albeit a little tight, embrace.

"Oh, I missed you so much, Spikey-wikey!" She said, cuddling with him, a big smile on her face. "How was your trip? Did anything interesting happen at the camp?" She asked, always eager to hear about her husband's job.

"We had a bit of a tussle with a village of some Diamond Dogs, but after making some negotiations with them, we actually gave them all new jobs and helped them improve their community!" Spike replied, beaming with pride at his accomplishment. It always felt good to help the less fortunate in Equestria by giving them employment and improved living conditions. Rarity nuzzled his cheek, pleased with the news. But she had some of her own, and perked her head back up to tell him.

"Well, I have some wonderful news for you, too!" Spike's eyes lit up right away. He hadn't seen Rarity this excited in a very long time.

"What is it, Rarity?" He asked, eager to see what had her in such a tizzy. She led him into a room, where Pinkie was standing, somehow having an even bigger smile on her face than Rarity. Spike was extremely curious by now, and sat down in his favorite chair, awaiting the news. Rarity looked at him, her eyes sparkling brighter than any diamond.

"Well, Spike, this just might be the greatest news we've ever had!" She said, beaming upon him like Celestia's sun itself, bathing Spike in the glow of her happiness. Spike couldn't help but smile too. Whenever his beautiful bride was happy, it sent a warm, tingly feeling through his whole body, and put a big smile on his face. He adored her completely, and wished he could make her as happy as he could every second of every day.

"Well, what is it, Rarity? I'm dying to know!" He said, eagerly awaiting the news.

"Well, Spike, remember how we were desperately wishing for a baby of our own?" She asked. Spike's eyes shot open, as a beautiful thought came to his mind. An even bigger smile spread across his face.

"Rarity, you don't mean to say..." Spike said, too excited to finish, but desperately hoping he was right. Rarity giggled.

"Yes, I do! We're having a baby, Spike!" She said, clapping her front hooves together. Spike gasped in delight, breathtaken by the wonderful news. He was going to be a father! He and Rarity were going to have a precious angel of their own! He jumped out of his chair, hugging Rarity tight in joy.

"Oh, Rarity! Oh, that's wonderful! I'm so excited!" He exclaimed, extremely excited. Pinkie giggled, and joined in the hug. Spike couldn't believe how lucky he was.

"I know, right? This is the best thing ever!" Pinkie chimed in. "We're all going to be parents!" Spike hugged his bride tighter. Yes, he, Pinkie, and Rarity would have a tiny foal of their own. He lead Rarity over to his seat.

"You shouldn't be standing in your condition, my dear." He said, ready to be a chivalrous as possible for his pregnant darling. "And you'll need some time off of work, too. I'll hire some designers to cover for you, and you'll have time to-"

"Whatever do you mean, Spike?" Rarity asked, confused. Spike looked up at his love.

"Well, a pregnant mare such as yourself needs a lot of rest." Rarity laughed.

"Oh, Spike, darling, I'm not pregnant, it's Pinkie!" She said, amused at his antics. Spike's heart sank as a look of complete shock came across his face. He was so shocked, in fact, that he could only manage to get one sentence out.

"Wait, what?"