• Published 13th May 2015
  • 2,531 Views, 66 Comments

Daddy's Girl - Party Pop

Daddies come in all shapes and sizes, and Spike is no exception

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On most days, Party Pop enjoyed school. Her teacher was nice to her, along with the rest of her friends, and she got to play with her friends on the playground, and her classes were fun too. Then, she could come home to her loving family.

But this was not most days.

On this day, instead of running home with glee to the warm embraces of her moms and dad, her vision blurred over as she held in her sobs, the sound of her tiny hooves pounding against the dirt road like a miniature hurricane. She almost slammed into the front door of her home, but managed to skid to a screeching halt mere inches away. She bit her lip as she quickly wiped her tears away with her hoof and reached for the door. As she walked in, the familiar comforts of home surrounded her like a gentle, soft blanket. Her mother's delicious baking could be smelled warming in the oven, and the faint hum of the sewing machine purred in a nearby room as her father read a newspaper in his favorite armchair while munching on tumbled Pyrite shards. On most days, this would have been enough to bring a gleeful smile to the tiny filly's face.

But this was not most days.

Spike looked up from his newspaper as he heard the door, smiling as he realized who it must have been. When he saw the bruise on Pop's eye, and the look on her face, though, the smile was wiped off of his own face in an instant.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" he asked, setting his newspaper aside as she came into the room. Pop looked at the floor for a while, not saying anything. Spike's brow furrowed in worry as her tiny body shook. Suddenly, she leapt onto his lap, clinging to his warm, scaly body as sobs shook her body, tears streaming down her snowy white face. Spike held her close, stroking her back gently. He hadn't seen her cry this hard since she was teething as an infant, and it pained him to see her like this. Pinkie and Rarity soon rushed into the room, having heard her cries, but Spike held up a hand to keep them at bay for the moment. He feared that if they joined in right now, it would only aggravate the filly more. He hugged her close gently as he stroked her mane.

"Shh... It's ok, it's ok... What happened, my little gem?" he asked, cuddling her gently. Pop sniffled as she finally gained enough composure to speak.

"D...Daddy... Am I a freak?" she asked. Spike was shocked.

"W... Wait, what? Of course you're not, sweetie! why would you think that?" he asked, stunned by her simple question. Pop sobbed, burying her face in her father's scales. Fortunately, Spike had very good ears, and didn't miss a thing.

"Rosemary Snow and her friends were making fun of mommy, and I told them to stop, and then they said I was a freak and called mommy something I didn't understand... I think it was called a 'futa'? I told Rosemary not to talk about my mommy like that, so she started teasing you instead... She called you a big, ugly lizard who just cares about gold and gems and stuff, something called a "hoard"... She said you weren't even my daddy! She said you didn't care about me or mommy, so I told her to shut up, and then she hit me and told me that I needed to be nice to ponies who were better than me..." Pop sniffled as she finished her tale. Spike was horrified. How could a filly his daughter's age say something so awful to her? Who would be so horrid as to teach one so young such cruel things?

"Oh, Pop..." He said as he stroked her mane gently. He didn't care who that filly was, or who had taught her that. Right now, he had a daughter to comfort.

"Hon, you're not a freak. That filly just didn't know better. Some ponies think that two mares shouldn't love each other, because they think it's morally wrong, but that doesn't make it true. I don't know why they think it's fine to love more than one pony, but not one of the same gender, but that's how it is. Your moms both love you very much..." Spike held up his little girl and kissed her forehead, looking into her big, sapphire eyes, just like her mother's...

"And so do I." he said, with a tone of solid finality. He cared. Period. No question about it, he loved his little girl more than any treasure in the world. Pop sniffled as she wiped her face, taking care to avoid her bruise.

"But what about your 'hoard' daddy? Don't you love that?" she asked. Spike smiled as he pulled her back in for a hug, fluffing her soft, curly purple mane.

"Yes, I love my hoard more than anything in the world. My hoard is small, but it's growing every day, and I take great pride in keeping it safe. I'd do anything to protect it and keep it in perfect condition, and to me, it's the most valuable thing in the world. But my hoard isn't made of gems, or gold, or slaves, or anything else dragons usually keep." Spike looked down into his baby girl's perfect little face, which reflected both of her mom's features perfectly. He gave her head another kiss as he whispered to her.

"My hoard is you, my little treasure, and I wouldn't trade you for the finest jewel." Pop smiled as she hugged the big, warm dragon she held so dearly in her heart as her mothers came closer to join the hug.

"I love you, daddy."

Comments ( 5 )

Feels all around!

Okay that was absolutely adorable Spike was such a wonderful father in this chapter and that filly who said all those awful things needs to get punched in the face.

Beautiful and I loved it!

I don't know why there's so many downvotes on this the story is really sweet.

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