• Published 19th May 2012
  • 2,807 Views, 58 Comments

Equestria's Peril - KJay

Two unlikely heros must work together with their new pony friends to stop an ancient evil.

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Chapter 11: ...Isn't Always Your Friend

"But thou cannot go!" Celestia cried following her parents down the the hall; her sister in tow.

"Please, mother!" Luna's eyes were red with tears. Their mother halted, and gave a quiet sigh. She couldn't stand to hear them like this, but she and her husband's minds were made up. She turned to face the young Princess'.

"...Dear?" Their father was unsure about waiting any longer.

"Go on ahead...Tell the guards we shall be there momentarily." She responded sadly. Her husband curtly nodded, and glanced at his daughters. He looked away before they noticed the water forming in his eyes. Their mother looked at them once again, and smiled. "Have I ever told thee how proud we are, of both of you." The Princess' could only sniffle, and hiccup in response while they nodded. "Dos thou know why?" Luna wiped away a running tear, but both waited for her to continue. "Because thou art kind, thou art generous, and thou art simply the best daughters we could ever hope for." She tilted her head towards the hallway her husband had walked, indicating that she did not mean the royal "we". The sisters calmed down a bit, but kept up with their pleas.

"Thou can't go! What if you, and Father...don't come back?" Their mother frowned.

"But if your father, and I do not give aid, more countless deaths are sure to ensue."

"But there MUST be somepony else who can help!" Luna cried. Her mother shook her head once, and let a single tear flow.

"Our magic may be Equestria's final salvation."

"Thou didn't answer us." Celestia spoke up. "What if...thou doesn't return?" Celestia then closed her eyes tight; forcing out the droplets that settled in her lids. Their mother was quiet. She knew very well that they may not return from ending this war, and she realized that her children knew that just as well. She couldn't force herself to say goodbye, though, not as long as there was a chance that they would be together again. She kept hope in her heart that she and her husband would return. She leaned closer to them, and nuzzled them close. She spoke in a voice softer than silk.

"Just know that whatever may happen, it does not matter. Thou father and I love thee with all of the harmony in the world, and as long as that bond stays strong, as long as thou never forgets that...we shall never be apart. That, my dears, is what truly matters." Every fond memory came flooding back to the young sisters, and they distracted their grief with each joyful moment they had spent with their parents. For that instant, they ceased the tears, as their mother gave each of them a tender kiss on the head.


"We're waiting, Princess." Ferindher taunted. Celestia was on the verge of panic. She looked at the humans still in his grasp. Two loud clangs echoed as they no longer had the strength to hold their weapons. Each second that passed, they hung more limply, slowly being suffocated by the dark magic.

"Stop this, PLEASE!" Twilight screamed with tearful eyes. Ferindher chuckled as the human's eyes slowly closed. Celestia had to do something.

"FERINDHER!" She shouted. The tyrant slowly turned his head. She gave him a harsh glare, then lowered her head "...You...you win." The elements gasped. "I'll give you the tablet."

"Sister, NO!" Luna objected, but Celestia wasn't finished.

"IF...you let them go as well." She notioned to the boys. Ferindher returned his attention to them, then back to her. The humans would've said something to convince Celestia not to surrender, but every sense in their being had been dulled to a near death-like state. Their bodies were numb, vision blurried, hearing strained to an incomprehensible muffle, they had no way to tell what was happening around them.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to comply, Celestia. You see, these insects no longer serve me any purpose, and they surely wouldn't be of any help to you, or your poor subjects." Ferindher jerked his arms, and a thick black mist engulfed the boys again.

"That's not true!" Fluttershy detested as loud as she could. Celestia raised a hoof, shushing her, and spoke to Ferindher once more.

"If you believe they are of no help to us, then you have no reason to kill them." She tried to sustain her composure. Ferindher didn't cease the dark magic, but instead erupted in laughter.

"Oh, kind Celestia, when have I ever needed...a reason?" The humans hovered over death. "This is your final chance to surrender my tablet."

"DON'T DO IT PRIN-" Rainbow was interrupted by the cold steel touching her neck. Celestia looked to her sister, but Luna was wearing an unreadable expression. Luna knew Celestia cared for her, and her ponies more than anything, and would also do anything to protect them. The alabaster Princess lowered her head and clenched her teeth in anger, and defeat. She could think of no other solution that would spare her subjects.

"Okay..." She muttered, and turned around. Her horn slowly began to form magic energy. One of the shadows grunted in distrust, and was ready to break the deal, but Ferindher silently commanded him to wait. The shadows watched the elements, to make sure none of Celestia's magic aided them. With the tiniest flash, a two foot tall stone tablet floated in view. Celestia hadn't bothered opening the enchanted seal to the sinister archives where dangerous artifacts, and treasures like this were kept. Instead, she idly pulled it from the archive by her magic alone. The tablet was blanketed with countless centuries worth of dust, and residue. Written on the stone was a language unkown by humans, and ponies alike.

Ferindher was awe-stricken as he rested his sunken eyes on the only chunk of stone that seperated him from ultimate power. After all the years of trying to find the way to restore himself, the time had finally come for him to be supreme yet again. Ferindher was enveloped in the tablet's sight so, that he hadn't realized he had stopped his torturous execution of the humans. He turned and walked slowly, releasing the humans as he did. They slumped to the hard floor, unmoving; seemingly lifeless. As the shadow lord grew closer and closer, Celestia became more and more aprehensive about her decision. She moved the tablet behind her figure, causing Ferindher to stop and glare suspiciously.

"Release them first." She nodded to the elements, and her sister. Ferindher growled impatiently.

"You are in no position to make demands." As soon as he finished speaking, a blinding light emitted from the doorway. A loud, but brief scuffle could be heard where the shadows held the elements hostage. Ferindher whirled around to see the comotion, but had to shield his eyes from the harsh light. After another moment, the beam faded to reveal a few of the shadows slain, and the others backing away. Next to the doorway were the elements now accompanied by Shining Armor, Cadance, and a platoon of guards. Now free to use magic, Twilight wasted no time in teleporting Daniel and Kelly to them. Both boys still lay motionless, but upon putting her ear to their mouths, she swore she could still feel the slightest warmth of breath.

"They're...alive!" Her words shook with worry, and joy alike. Celestia was overcome with numbing relief, but had forgotton what she was holding behind her back. Ferindher's robe instantly flared hot red, as he used some of his last energy to deal a devestating attack. He brought his back hand around and stopped it inches from Celestia. As soon as his hand halted, a lightening quick vortex of pure dark force exploded in a vague warping sound, sending the sun goddess sprawling into the far wall with a sickening thud.



"TIA!" The stone tablet, now free from Celestia's magic, seemed to fall in slow motion before noisily meeting the floor. Ferindher was only a few feet from redemption.

"At last..." He took a step forward.

"WE SHALL DESTROY THEE!" Luna's eyes exempted a pure white gaze, as she attempted to stop the shadow lord. Chrysalis was doing her best to slow her down.

"OUT OF THE WAY!" Shining bolted past the elements, and struck down another shadow as the dark being tried to hinder his advance. Ferindher grasped the tablet in his bony black hand. Luna's mixture of fear, rage, and adrenaline channeled into her horn, violently pushing the Changeling Queen aside. Shining was advancing quickly on Ferindher, while he prepared to attack.

"...my power..." Ferindher clutched his robe, and pulled it away; still concealing his face, but revealing his body. His being was made up of similar looking stone tablets that fit together almost like a puzzle; each one engraved with different symbols and writing. One blank space was visible.

"NO!" Shining Armor, and Princess Luna shouted. The tip of their horns burned with hostile magic as they made a final push to stop the shadow lord.

"...returns." Ferindher placed the missing piece. Luna and Shining were only within arm's reach when a deafening explosion of pure darkness put their effort in vein. Shining landed awkwardly on his back, while Luna found her balance, and skidded to a stop. Ferindher engulfed himself in a black vortex, while his strength slowly returned. He could feel every inch of his body becoming more potent, and revigored. The raw power of darkness was undescribable, and Ferindher enjoyed every second of it. Cadance rushed past the elements as well, coming to the aid of her husband.

"I...I'm okay." He stood shakily. Ferindher cackled, as the dark vortex grew, acting like a mini tornado. Ferindher's laughing became deeper; demonic even. The windows of the throne room shattered, and light objects that weren't tied down were swept around and around by the artificial wind. Celestia's senses were coming back to her.

"The elements!" Appljack shouted above the noise. "We need to get them!" No one argued, but wasn't ready to leave right away.

"What about them?!" Rarity pointed to the barely concious humans. Twilight lifted Kelly into the air, and told Rarity to do the same for Daniel. Once they were ready, they bolted for the door, but was halted again by Ferindher's influence. An ebony force field kept them from exiting physically, and even magically.

"You're not going anywhere." His voice echoed with an eerie whisper.

"Were trapped!" Even Pinkie was out of ideas. The wind in the room continued to rampage, but Ferindher revealed himself from the evil magic. His hands had become somehow darker, and twisted into feirce looking claws. He also appeared to have grown slightly, and his hood now glowed with multiple shades of red. His eyes could peirce even the most unyielding material. With a twitch of his finger, he could make the darkness around him bend to any shape, form, or purpose.

"Once again, I am supreme." He spoke in a way as if several people were speaking along with him. Celestia took notice of a shimmering object dancing along the floor. Chrysalis, along with the others were speachless at the presentation of Ferindher's restored power. She remembered however, the deal they had made.

"Ferindher." She addressed. The shadow lord squinted at her, as if he were wondering why she was still there. "I have held up my end of the bargain, now end Cadance and her husband." Ferindher's stare narrowed even more.

"I do not take orders from you, bug." Chrysalis' eyes widened.

"I am not ordering you around! I am telling you to hold your word!" Ferindher turned his whole body to face her.

"These two are no threat to me now. It's the Princess' I must rid myself of." Luna slowly backed away, and watched her sister struggle to stand.

"But..." Chrysalis stopped herself. "Fine, it seems those two interfering no longer matters. As long as my children have the rest of Equestria as their own..." Ferindher scoffed.

"What are you talking about, you insignificant pawn." Chrysalis was taken off guard.

"NO! I could care less what befalls those two, but you are not going back on leaving Equestria for me and my subjects!" Ferindher smiled, and looked at his right hand, the captain.

"Is that what you told her?" The captain chuckled. "Nicely done." Chrysalis was fuming, but was cautious about provoking Ferindher due to his new state.

"This is...unacceptable. My children need this land." Ferindher pretended to not hear her.

"You have been most helpful my dear, now you may leave." Chrysalis could no longer hold back her anger.

"I don't think so, Ferindher." Ferindher turned to her again, but this time began advancing slowly.

"The time to defy me has now passed. However powerful you may think you are, I can gaurantee you, you will be no match. Equestria is now mine, and frankly, I don't really feel like sharing. Now, leave." Chrysalis clenched her teeth. She went against the thought of attacking him herself, but she also didn't want to risk her children's lives against this tyrant. While Ferindher's attention was on Chrysalis, Luna had made her way to her sister.

"Tia! Tia, art thou alright?!" Celestia grunted in pain, despite her response.

"I-I'm alright." Luna took notice of a certain crystal that her sister cradled.

"Is that..."

"...The shard that the scholars brought back? Yes." Celestia's horn began to glow. "If Ferindher really used his piece like he said, and if the book is true, then..." Luna watched to make sure Ferindher was still occupied with the changeling queen.

"But, sister, without both pieces, the results of using the shard could go wrong in some way!"

"It's the only way out for everyone here." Celestia calmy responded. Luna's voice carried panic, but she kept a low tone.

"Can't thou just use thy magic?!" Celestia shook her head.

"My fight with Ferindher, plus that last blow, really did a number on me. I...don't think I could transport everyone at once." Luna hung her head low.

"And our other subjects?" Celestia began to cry at the thought.

"I will try to get you and I outside the castle to start rounding up guards, and citizens. It's more helpful than dying here by his hand." Luna was still hesitant on relying on the shard.


"We must do what we can for our ponies, sister. Ferindher has already won by obtaining the tablet...for now." Luna sighed. "We must find another way to stop him...even if it means...temporarily giving up Equestria." Luna was quiet for a while. The elements, plus Shining and Cadance were watching the Princess'.

"What are they doing?" Cadance asked.

"I don't know..." Twilight replied. Ferindher continued to threaten the stubborn queen.

"This is your final chance to leave, for you and your...children." Chrysalis felt a pang of fear, but refused to show it.

"We are not leaving until we recieve our fair share!" She rebutled, determined.

"You'll be lucky to leave with your LIVES at this point!" Ferindher hissed. He was about to end the conversation for good, until a small glimmer of light caught his attention. He glanced left to see Celestia powering up a crystal that mimicked his own. It didn't take him long to figure out what she was doing. "NO! YOU'LL NOT ESCAPE!" The dark lord bellowed. Ferindher swiftly conjured a dark ray that would almost instantly sap the life from the sun goddess.



"LOOK OUT!" Celestia closed her eyes slowly.

"Everypony...........I'm sorry." She whispered. Luna was quick to act by jumping in front of her older sibling. However, no one would know exactly what happened to them after that, for everyone had vanished, save Ferindher, and his shadows. Celestia's magic had not been directed at the Queen, but even she had disappeared. Ferindher had yet to exact full revenge...


Shining Armor's head spun, but his state of dizziness soon faded. Upon inspection, he realized he wasn't too far from Ponyville. He looked around again, but couldn't find his wife, sister, or anyone else who had been in the throne room.

"Twily?! Cadance?!" Silence... "Princess Celestia?! Princess Luna?!" Silent still. He looked up to see the Castle of Canterlot slowly being enveloped in a shroud of dark magic. The sky was unusually ominous, and foreboding, and the sun was going down. Or at least, it was setting, yet as the time went by that Shining found his way to ponyville to evacuate everyone, the sun had not shifted since he appeared outside of the castle. He decided to worry about it later, he needed to get as many ponies to safety as he could before Ferindher minions could do them any harm to them. An enraged howl could be heard all the way from the castle. The sound made Shining's spine tingle. "I have to hurry."


Ferindher threw open the front entrance of the castle, and descended the steps into the street. His fury was submissive as he was pleased by the decent number of slaves his shadows had gathered. Most of them trembled, and cried, while Ferindher grinned to himself. As he examined the beings who would help him rebuild his empire, a certain familiar guard caught his eye. The renewed shadow lord approached him, as Plexis lashed out in anger.

"You SCUM! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE! I'LL-I'LL KILL YOU MYSELF!" Ferindher laughed, and took a knee.

"So strong in spirit, yet so misguided." Plexis was ready to deliver more verbal abuse, but only coughed and sputtered on his own words. "Now surely you don't believe the blame is all on me. What about those meddlesome humans?" At that moment, Plexis could feel something sinister slowly overcoming him. "Don't they have their own vendetta in all of this?"

"I...they...yes." Plexis felt as if the words weren't really his.

"They brought this on your friends, the ones you protect, your dear Princess'."

"Yes...yes...it's all their fault." Ferindher grinned widely.

"If not for them, you would all still be safe and secure in your little beds by now. They just couldn't help themselves, I suppose." Plexis felt an odd sensation burning inside of him.

"Yeah...YEAH! They have brought this on everypony!"

"That's right. Now then, what are you going to do about it...my...little...pony?"


Fluttershy blinked, but drifted off again. It only felt like a few seconds later that she opened her eyes once more. She felt light all over. Only until she shifted, did she feel her weight come back to her. The canary pegasus stood, and examined the ground around her. Everything was unfamiliar. Not even the trees that surrounded them resembled the forest of the Everfree. There was nothing to indicate where she was, but Fluttershy soon noticed a few of her friends lying not far from her.

"Oh, my!" She quickly went to their aid. "Girls? Girls?!" There was no response, but it seemed they were only sleeping. After a while Fluttershy had located everyone, including Spike. Everyone except the Princess', Twilight's brother, Cadance, and the humans. She searched for a little while longer unitl she stumbled upon two colorful blobs. They were...ponies...or more specifically stallions. She was cautious to approach them since she definitely didn't recognize them.

"These two weren't with us in the throne room." She was surprised to see that they were full size stallions, but bare of cutie marks. After a moment of careful examination, Fluttershy looked closely at their manes. Her eyes shot wide open, and she backed away. "It...can't be..."