• Published 19th May 2012
  • 2,807 Views, 58 Comments

Equestria's Peril - KJay

Two unlikely heros must work together with their new pony friends to stop an ancient evil.

  • ...

Chapter 2: A Date With Royalty

The Shadow Messenger climbed the scorched rocks, and dead plants, praying for mercy that his master didn't end him where he stood after delivering his unfortunate news. The Dark Lord came into view, and as if on cue, a bolt of lightning struck in the background illuminating the blood-red sky and black swirling clouds. The Shadow Master grinned as he watched his minion approach. He was ready for the satisfaction of being told of how the humans he'd summoned had put his enemies in a state of emergency, allowing him a window of opportuniy to reclaim his sieged tablet. The messenger stopped, and dared not approach any further until his master allowed him to do so.

"Step forward." He motioned a bony dark finger. The puny shadow was only good for sending and recieving news and messages. He wasn't tall and built like the Shadow Soldiers or Behemoths. "What news do you bring?" The Dark Lord was now smiling uncontrollably. Finally, he would endulge in the suffering of Celestia and her subjects.

"Well m-m-master..." The messenger studdered with overwhelming fear. "...I-it seems that the...humans you brought here...a-a-aren't as...um...vicious...as you originally...thought." The Dark Lord's smile quickly dissolved, and he gestured for the messenger to continue. "And there seems to be a-a-another issue...um...n-now I may be m-mistaken but...there was only o-one human when I was...spying." The Shadow Master's clothes began to animate, and sway in anger.

"How is this possible?"

"I-I'm sorry...master...b-but I saw no other humans! Just the one!" The messenger sounded as if he might burst into tears.

"The book is full of LIES!" He shouted. His tattered robe illuminated red, and began to thrash violently. His eyes glowed an eerie orange, and a black flame rose from his shoulders and back, matching his ebony body.

"PLEASE MASTER...FORGIVE ME! I ONLY WANTED GOOD NEWS TO BRING!" The messenger waited to be engulfed in total darkness, and welcome his death. It never came. He opened his eyes to see his master walk over to a book laid on a stack of debris, his cloak hiding his feet, giving him the illusion of hovering. Seething with rage, he grabbed the book and clenched it tightly. The title read,

Monsters of Wonder : Studies of the Human Race

But the title soon became wisps of ash along with the rest of the book, as the Shadow Lord steadily burned it with his black inferno. The smolding embers fell like fireflies, and the enraged tyrant fixed his gaze on the messenger. The small shadow trembled so fearfully, he thought he might die of fright before his master could torture him. The dark tyrant soon towered over the helpless minion, and grasped him by the cloth of his brown hood. He brought the messenger up to his own face, hidden in darkness by his glowing-red hood. The messenger began to wail uncontrollably, spouting incoherent apologies. The Dark Lord's hood returned to a darker shade of red, his orange eyes faded, and the flames that danced around him extinguished. The cries of the messenger stopped, and his master laughed almost maniacally.

"Do you take me as such a FOOL to spend all these centuries plotting, and not have a back up plan?" He stared into the messenger, his gaze almost burning a hole into him, until he let go, and the small shadow fell and landed awkwardly. "While the humans were a longshot, I have something else prepared, something more...fail-safe." He extended his scrawny arm completely and pointed to a group of foot hills and mountains in the distance. "Tell the Captain to light the urns for the assault on Ponyville. Our time...has arrived." The messenger instantly stood, new vigor coursing through his shadow body, realizing he would live another day.

"Uh, yes! Yes! Right away Lord Ferindher! Thank you Lord Ferindher!" The messenger took off, not wanting to let his master down a second time.

After the small shadow was out of his sight, Ferindher returned to the place where he had scorched the book of human studies. He walked past the ashes, and reached for an object that shone with a dull blue light. It was a shard of some kind.

"So the human has befriended the town it seems. Well, this thing brought it here, perhaps it can send it back." Ferindher channeled whatever strength he had into the shard, but after using his power to summon the human here, he did not have enough to reverse the deed. "I suppose it will have to wait until I've restored my power." Ferindher scowled and resumed his thoughts as he sat down on his beaten throne watching the horizon. The sun would be up soon, and by midday, his armies would begin their march to Equestria. "Celestia will fall, and her subjects shall aid in the rebuilding of my empire."


Ponyville : One Week Earlier

Carousel Boutique

"Oh, Spiiiike." Rarity called.

"Yes, m'lady," Spike obediantly marched ready to do anything for the love of his life.

"Would you be a dear, and hand me that case with the amythists, I'm just putting on the final touches to my dress for the Gala." The Grand Galloping Gala, was one of the most prestigious paries a Pony could have the honor to attend. It was just six days away, and Rarity was determined to blow everypony away with her choice of fashion this year.

"Right away Rarity!" Spike zipped over to the case that rested on a counter next to an array of ribbons, thread, and a sewing machine. He was about to head back to his crush, when he noticed a group of ponies gathering in the market, as if some kind of meeting had been called. "What's going on out there?"

"Hm?" Rarity trotted to the window next to spike, and noticed two strange figures standing in the middle of the crowd. She squinted to try and see them better when at that moment, her and Spike heard a shattering scream from one of the ponies outside. They looked at one another with a frightened expression plastered on their faces. Then, simultaneously they headed out the door to investigate.

Sugarcube Corner

"ORDER UP!" Pinkie Pie bounced to the counter and back to get the cupcakes. She set them in front of the waiting stallion. "Here ya go mister! These ones are made special, cause the twins helped out alot." The stallion flinched as he saw one of the cupcakes was embedded with a binky. "Oops, sorry." Pinkie removed the binky and popped it back into Pumpkin Cake's mouth. She smiled at the frosting that was left on it.

"Alrighty, lets see. That'll be eight bits please." She smiled from ear to ear. The week ahead was laid out perfectly. She would get to help Applejack with repainting her shed, pull pranks with Rainbow Dash, plan a picnic with her friends, and to top it off, the Gala was less than a week away. She was also determined to fit a random song somewhere in that busy schedule, but nothing came...yet.

The customer reached into his saddle bag and brought out eight small gold coins, but when he turned to give them to Pinkie, she was staring out of the kitchen window with her mouth open in disbelief. "Is everypony having a party without me?!" The customer was getting impatient.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" But Pinkie ignored him, as she thought she saw two new visitors in Ponyville...but they didn't look like ponies at all. 'That doesn't matter!' She thought. 'Everypony deserves a welcome to Ponyville party.' Pinkie also wanted to get to the bottom of not being invited to a party in the market. "Excuse me! Miss?" Pinkie zipped back to the counter.

"You're good at foalsitting, right?" She asked him, forgetting that Mr. and Mrs. Cake were just in the other room.

"Uhh...I..." A scream could be heard from outside.

"Wow! It sounds like their having the best time out there!" Pinkie shuffled, eager to go outside and join in the fun. "The twins are in the kitchen, thanks again!" Pinkie bolted out of the door, leaving the stallion in a state of pure confusion. Mr. Cake walked in and sighed.

"I can get that for you."

Just outside of the market

"This has probly been one uh the best harvests ah ever did see. Wouldn't ya say so Big Mac?"

"Eeyup." Bic Mac nodded as him and his sister Applejack pulled two carts that consisted of multiple apple delicacies, as well as some freshly picked green, yellow, and red apples.

"Ah'm really glad Pinkie asked ta help with the shed. It woulda taken ferever if it were jus you an me." Big Mac frowned.

"Are ya sure her an that one Ranibow Dash ain't gon paint mah mane pink again?"

"Don't worry 'bout that big brother. Pinkie promised she wouldn't do nothin' like that this time." Big Mac huffed, but he trusted his sister. As they were about the turn the corner of the path to the market, a terrifying cry echoed through the town, and both Applejack's and her brother's ears pricked up in alarm. "Leave tha carts fer a bit, somepony's in trouble!" They unharnessed thier yokes from the apple carts while Big Mac left his around his neck. The two work horses took off towards the source of the scream.


Every pony there, including the humans, looked around trying to figure out who the scream had come from. Kelly could see some of the ponies and stallions clearing a path, making way for a light green blur that had the intent to maul the two bipedal beings with love. Kelly and Daniel saw the unicorn for no more than a second before she pounced, using Kelly as a landing cushion. Dust flew up underneath the blankets as Lyra stood on Kelly's stomach and pushed her muzzle into his face.

"OHWOW! OHMYGOSH! THEY ARE REAL! YOU LOOK SOOOO COOL! WHATS YOUR NAME? WHERE DID YOU COME FROM? WHATS IT LIKE BEING HUMAN? MAN, THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!" Her eyes were so wide and up close, Kelly thought her stare might swallow him whole. She brought her head up and raised a hoof, sweeping it along the crowd. "I FREAKIN' TOLD YOU ALL THEY WERE REAL! NOW WHOS LAUGHING?!" Lyra got off Kelly, and skidded to a stop in front of Daniel. She examined his short black hair.

"I reeeeaaally like your mane!" She smiled at Daniel, waiting for his response to her compliment.

"Um, thank you?" Lyra started giggling uncontrollably and her face turned a bright red. All at the same time, Rarity, Spike, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and even Rainbow Dash appeared at the scene.

"What in tarnations goin' on here?" Applejack was the first to speak

"YES! I'm not too late! Why didn't anypony invite me?" Pinkie whined.

"Oh my...what are those things?" Rarity pointed a hoof at the humans, one standing, and the other dusting itself off.

"Apparently their Twilight's 'cousins'." Dash frowned, untrusting of these weird creatures.

"Please, everypony, let me explain." Twilight pleaded. Fluttershy remained quiet while murmurs of intrigue and fear rippled through the crowd.

"Look at those hooves."

"Doesn't that kill their backs?"

"They don't look very friendly."

"They're bald all except for their mane."

"They look funny." Pinkie laughed, and snorted like a pig. "Let's make it a 'Welcome to Ponyville slash weirdest looking creature in Equestria' party!"

"Twilight, what the heck is going on?" Spike said, but his voice was drowned out by the chatter of nearly everypony in the market. Small arguments even broke out disputing whether the humans were friendly, if they should be turned in to the Princess, and a few other insignificant topics. Dash had to yell, so her voice could be heard over all the others.

"Why were you hiding them Twilight?!"

"Twilight, your friends with these things?!" Rarity added.

"Did they come from tha Everfree?!" Applejack shouted. Daniel's head spun, everyone around him was either shouting, arguing, or both. He couldn't think straight. He turned to Kelly who was being shelled by more questions from Lyra. He closed his eyes tight. He had to take control of the situation.

"QUIET!!!" He screeched as loud as he could. The market was dead silent. Even Pinkie had stopped bouncing. Lyra sat as if she was given the command to. All eyes were on Daniel, and he felt a trickle of sweat on his forehead. He despised public speaking. "Listen all of you. My name...is Daniel, and this is my friend Kelly. We are humans." There was a long pause as Daniel struggled to think of what to say next. "Whatever you might think of us...please know that we are not here to hurt anybody." Some of the ponies raised a brow. 'That must mean anypony' they thought.

"Where did y'all come from?" Applejack spoke. Daniel turned to her, and felt something strange within himself, much like Kelly had felt when he saw Fluttershy.

"Um...were from...planet Earth?" Daniel wasn't sure how to answer. He at least didn't think he was on the same planet anymore.

"Ooh, ooh! You mean just like 'earth' ponies?" Pinkie asked, bouncing towards Daniel, and meeting his eyes in between hops. Pinkie Pie had always made Daniel uneasy when he saw her on the show.

"She's smiling all the Goddamn time. You know she's just bottling up whatever anger comes over her." Kelly tried explaining to Daniel that Pinkie was happy so often cause she enjoyed hanging out with her friends, which just happened to be everyone. "She still creeps me out..." It also didn't help that one of the few episodes Daniel had seen included 'Party of One.' Now Daniel was becoming uneasy with her since his personal space was being invaded.

"Um...not exactly...it's just what our planet's called." He nervously stepped back, putting some distance between him and Pinkie. Rainbow Dash was glaring daggers at the humans.

"You say you have no intentions to hurt us, but why should we believe you?" Dash scoffed. Twilight spoke up.

"He's telling the truth Rainbow. I found Kelly earlier today, and not only didn't he act hostile, but he even allowed me to study him." Dash crossed her hooves, still not convinced, but remained silent.

"Excuse me darling," Rarity was addressing Daniel. "But whatever did you do to yourself?" Daniel raised his bandaged arm for all to see.

"Apparently I was attacked by something called a manticore." There were a few gasps, and mumbles of awe and concern.

"I-its true..." Fluttershy said barely above a whisper. "I had to save him...and hes not a bad person..." Fluttershy was lightly dragging a hoof along the ground.

"Just what is going on here?" A new voice spoke with authority. The crowd parted to reveal a cream coated earth pony with a silver frizzy mane.

"It's the Mayor," some of the ponies in the crowd stated. The Mayor's eyes rested on Kelly and Daniel, but before she could speak, Twilight and her friends filled her in on everything Daniel had told them.

"I see." The Mayor wore no obvious expression, and just studied the humans a moment longer before she said, "The Princess must know of this immediately. Ms. Hooves, are you here?" Just as she asked, a gray coated, blonde maned pegasus hovered over to the Mayor. Kelly took notice of her appearance, and took a knee to whisper to Twilight.

"Who's that...and...why are her eyes like that?"

"Thats Derpy Hooves, she's a nice mare. As for her eyes, nopony really knows, but she can see well enough...kinda. She's the mailmare here in town." Kelly looked somewhat disgusted.

"Really? Is that like the town's idea of a cruel joke?" Twilight didn't bother to answer, and Kelly stood again.

"Reporting for duty Mayor!" Derpy brought a foreleg over her head in a saluting fashion.

"Ms. Hooves, I need you to form a letter based on these human's presence here in Ponyville and deliver it to the Princess. Perhaps she might know more about them."

"They even have a Princess?" Daniel looked to Kelly, but Twilight responded.

"Yes, Princess Celestia. Shes the ruler of this land, and presides in Equestria's capitol of Canterlot. She faced towards the city on the mountainside, while Kelly and Daniel followed her gaze. Daniel put his face in his hands.

"A pony...Princess...Kelly, this place is going to be the death of me, and its not because of the wildlife."

"You can count on me Mayor!" Derpy took off for the post office.

"As for you two," The Mayor turned to Daniel and Kelly. "In the meantime, I believe there's a vacant home on the edge of town. Your welcome to stay there until we can sort this out."

"That won't be necessary Mayor." Twilight stepped forward. "They can stay with me for the time being." The Mayor raised a brow.

"Are ya sure 'bout that Twi?" Applejack objected. "You'de be willin' to let'em sleep in yer house?" Twilight nodded.

"These two are just as decent company as anypony else. I trust they have no faulty intentions whatsoever." Twilight was determined to show that nopony had any reason to be scared of Kelly nor Daniel.

"I agree with Twilight." Fluttershy added. "They kinda look intimidating, but their actually nice once you get to know them." Fluttershy started awkwardly scraping her hoof on the ground again, but gave a warm smile to the two she defended. Kelly and Daniel felt really happy that they had gained the trust of some of the ponies they met. Maybe they could make some great new friends if anything. Kelly gave a wry smile.

"Thank you Twilight, Fluttershy. That's means a lot."

"Yes, thank you guys." Daniel added, smiling as well.

"Well, s'ppose if you gals trust'em then ah can too." Applejack trotted up and held out her hoof. "Names Applejack, nice to have y'all." Kelly and Daniel gave their thanks and shook. " And this here's mah brother, Big Macintosh." At the mention of his name, Big Mac smiled and nodded at the two humans, and they returned the gesture.

"I'm Pinkie Pie! Oh, I just know that we'll be the best of friends! We'll throw lots of parties, play lots of games! I wonder what kind of games humans play? Do you guys like tag, or pin the tail on the pony? Ooh, ooh, I know! I'll go get my party can-" Applejack put a hoof to Pinkie's mouth.

"Easy does it sugarcube." Daniel was still unsure about Pinkie, but he smiled to her anyway. Kelly got a kick out of her hyper antics, and said he couldn't wait to play with her. At this, Pinkie lost it, and Kelly laughed even harder.

"Ahem, Rarity...charmed." Kelly and Daniel shook once again. "Its lovely to have you boys, but we might need to do something about that attire." The boys looked at each other followed by their clothes.

"I'm Rainbow Dash : fastest flier in Equestria." The arrogance in her tone was all too noticable, but the humans were still impressed by her swift maneuvers. "Maybe I misjudged you guys, you seem cool." Daniel shrugged.

"Don't sweat it."

"Yeah, its all good." Kelly and Daniel were glad to get the formalities out of the way. Now they wouldn't have to sneak around town like a couple of fugitives.

"Well that settles it then, you two are officially welcomed to Ponyville. I must return to City Hall, and perhaps check in with Derpy about that letter. Good day everypony." Everyone gave their goodbyes to the Mayor and the humans, some even stopping to shake hooves with them. Lyra gave each one a hug, thanking them for their existence. She was a rather obsessive pony, but it felt good to be loved for what you are...literally. After the market had dispersed, all who remained were Kelly, Daniel, and the elements.

"Me an Big Mac best be gett'n along. We've still got some apples ta sell."

"I'm finally off cloud duty, so I'm gonna head home, see ya guys."

"Yes, I really must get back to work on our dresses for the Gala. Ta ta."

"I should head home too. Its nearly dinnertime, and Angel Bunny gets really reeaally cranky if hes not fed."

"Alright then. Spike, Kelly, Daniel, and I are heading back to the Library. The Princess will no doubt want an audience with you two right away, but if its no trouble, I'd like to ask at least a few questions before she takes you off my hooves." Kelly and Daniel said they didn't mind and everyone left the clearing of the market. Everyone except Pinkie Pie who put on a sad face.

"Awwwww...but we didn't even get to play."


"You live in a library?" Daniel looked around with a questioning look.

"After everything you've seen today, a library as a home surprises you!" Kelly brought his arms up emphasizing the massive amount of events that have taken place. They both walked over to Spike who was sitting on the couch, while Twilight was preparing dinner.

"Sup little dude." Kelly said as he plopped on the couch.

"Oh, hi guys...what were your names again?" Kelly and Daniel re-introduced themselves, Spike did the same.

"So Spike," Daniel started. "You know what we are, but what exactly are you supposed to be?" Spike stood, and raised his chin in pride.

"I'm a dragon, a fierce firebreathing predator." Spike did his best hiss, and struck a pose. He couldn't wait to show how terrifying he was. Maybe these humans would provide the respect he desired for being a fearsome beast. The two started grinning, and giggling

"No offense man, but you're pretty...tiny for a dragon." Spike scowled and looked at Kelly with the intent to maul.

"Oh Yeah?! I bet I could take you!" He charged at Kelly, claws first. Kelly casually held up an arm, and held Spike back, who continued to just run in place.

"Calm down small fry. I didn't mean anything by it."

"C'mon, I'll show you a thing or two ya oversized chimp!" Kelly and Daniel chuckled

"Spike, don't take it to the heart. You might not be a fearsome dragon now, but one day if you work at it, I'll bet even the largest manticore will tremble in fear at the sight of you." Kelly had to calm him down somehow.

"You really mean that?"

"Yeah dude, just think, Spike...king of the dragons." Danel added in. Spike put his claws together, and his eyes gleamed at the thought of being one of the most awesome sights Equestria had ever seen.

"Wow, that would be soooo cool. Then I could show those jerky teenage dragons whose boss." Twilight called from the kitchen.



"Thanks again for making us dinner, Twilight." Kelly said.

"It was no trouble."

"Yeah, but would it be okay if I...took the daisies off?"

"You dont like daisies? Would you prefer lilies?" Daniel chimed in.

"Humans can't really digest flowers."

"Oh...well I have some fruits or veggies if you can eat those." They nodded at the same time, and Twilight returned with a basket of assorted fruit. Daniel spotted a certain crimson round delicacy, and for a split second lost control of his actions.

"I FUCKING LOVE APPLES!" He shouted as he greedily grabbed the red juicy treat. He was just about to bite down when he saw Kelly facepalming and Twilight and Spike eyeballing him in shock. "Uh...heh...sorry about swearing. I just...really like apples." Daniel could feel his face growing red.

"Um, its okay. Just please don't make a habit of it." Twilight tilted her head toward Spike, and Daniel nodded frantically. After a few moments of silent noms, Daniel spoke up again.

"Hey dude, does your phone have any charge?" Daniel asked Kelly.

"Yeah, I think so." Kelly pulled out his touchscreen and pressed the power button. "Its 6:26 (pm) and I've got four bars left on my battery. How about you?"

"My phone's fully charged." Then Daniel got an idea. He spoke it before thinking about what he was actually implying. "Hey! Why don't you call your grandparents, and tell...them..." Daniel suddenly realized how rediculous the notion was, but before he could rebuke it, Kelly gave him a look that said 'surely your not serious.'

"Oh Yeah, lemme just get a hold of my service provider, and check if I get coverage across alternate realities."

"It was an honest mistake...dickhead." Daniel muttered the last word under his breath, trying not to corrupt the baby dragon.

"What is that thing for Kelly?" Twilight was eager to learn. Kelly guessed that Equestria was void of modern technology. He didn't bother going into apps or the internet. He put it as simply as he could.

"It allows us to call each other, and communicate from long distances." Twilight didn't look impressed.

"What makes it so different from sending parchment's?" Daniel answered.

"We can hear each others voices through them, so the exchange of information is much quicker." Now Twilight was intrigued.

"Fascinating. Do all humans have one?"

"Most do, but they're pretty expensive." Idle chit chat consumed the rest of dinner, and when they had all finished. They gathered in the living room.

"Spike would you please grab a parchment and quill? Kelly, Daniel, would you kindly take a seat?" Everyone did as they were asked. Spike nodded to Twilight, showing her he was ready. But before Twilight could get a word an edge wise, she was yet again interrupted. The door to the library smashed open as two burley stallions wearing body armor entered armed with steele spears. Everyone jumped in surprise, and the stallions eyes landed on the two hostiles.

"There they are! Sieze them!" The two guards charged the humans, and shoved their spears to the alien's necks without touching them. Kelly and Daniel put their hands in the air the same if someone was aiming a gun at them.

"Wait! Please don't hurt them!" Twilight pleaded. Daniel gave Kelly a stern look mouthing through clenched teeth, 'We can take these wimps.' But Kelly shook his head mouthing back, 'No, let's just see what they want.' Daniel wanted to show these tiny horses just what a human could do when cornered, but even he knew it wouldn't be good in the long run if they started a brawl.

"Twilight Sparkle," the guard holding a spear to Daniel started. "Her Majesty has ordered you to gather the other five elements, and seek an audience with her. As for these two..." His gaze met Daniels with pure hatred. Daniel returned it with just as much intensity. ..."They are under arrest for the endangerment of Ponyville."

"WHAT?!" Kelly shouted. "We've done nothing to hurt anyone here!"

"SILENCE!" The guard in front of Kelly commanded. Kelly was seriously considering Daniel's method.

"Twilight, say something!" Daniel said. She was just about to vouch for them when the guard interrupted.

"What she has to say doesn't matter. These are direct orders from the Princess, and they will be executed." The guards proceeded to cuff their hands. They worked just like human cuffs, except two extra clasps dangled from their wrists that would've been used for their hindlegs. The sun was setting as they escorted the humans to the enclosed barred carriage.

"This is bullshit." Kelly objected.

"Silence!" The guard behind him gave him a light kick, knocking him into the carriage, and onto his stomach. Before taking off with the prisoners, one of the guards approached Twilight.

"Nothing bad is going to happen to them, right?" Twilight had known them for only half of a day, but was genuinly concerned.

"They'll be put in a holding cell, until you and the elements arrive. The Princess demands an audience in her throne room. There, she will interrogate the humans, with you six present to listen as to why they are dangerous."

"But that's simply not true! They're no danger to anypony!"

"I'm sorry Ms. Sparkle. I am simply following orders. The Princess would like the meeting to be tonight. Please gather the elements and head to the entrance of the town. A charriot escort will be waiting for you." Without another word, the guard strapped himself to the carriage next to his partner, and they took off towards Equestria's capitol, with Kelly and Daniel in tow. The boys felt themselves being lifted in the carriage. They looked out of the bars to see the ground being left far behind. It was their first flight in Equestria...straight to a jail cell.