• Published 30th May 2015
  • 256 Views, 3 Comments

Arcane Illness - Mocha Star

  • ...

The Princesses Too

"OH MY GOSH!" Sun screamed as the princesses stood before them at the palace doors. He bowed so fast he bumped his muzzle on the marble floor. "Oof, I'm sorry princesses, ma'am's'."

Celestia and Luna chuckled to each other. "It is quite alright, child. Rise and join us for a moment to discuss some things."

Sun stood faster then he ever had straight up like a perfect soldier and froze. "Um, Sun, you can move now. And breathe, they're just the princesses. They're really nice, just relax and treat them like you would me, okay?"

"Snow, you're right. Princess Luna, you have a nice flank. I MEAN CUTIE MARK! Oh Celestia forgive me!"

"Very well, you are forgiven," Celestia and Luna giggled as they walked. Luna gave him a wink as he started to blush, deeper after the wink. "Thank you, Princess Celestia for, um, forgiving me for admiring your sisters; nevermind." All the mares laughed loudly as he stumbled over his words again.

"All is well, Sun. We understand you mean no ill will upon us, me. A simple slip of the tongue til all it was."

"Slip of the tongue," he whispered and laughed under his breath.

"Yes, why is that funny? A slip of ones... Oh! Sun, thy are certainly a charmer however I am not interested, apologies." Luna bowed her head as she walked beside Celestia.

"Snow, can you teach me to teleport anywhere else besides here in the next five seconds?"

"Why are you whispering, they can still hear you. And no, I can't teach you a high level spell in five minutes or five weeks. It takes time we don't have. Stop flirting with every mare you see and focus on the task at hand." White was almost scolding him as his blush faded finally.

"Hey, I'm not flirting. I'm nervous and trying to make small talk and I can't do it without making it sound like I am. Sorry if I seem like I am, it's just my nature. I'm hot, like the sun. I mean... Gah! I don't even know what I mean. I'm shutting up, okay?" The three mares smiled as he tried to explain his way out of the hole he was digging deeper with every word. "I mean it, I'm shutting up. Aren't you going to stop me? Why would you want to have me stop talking? I thought I have a nice voice," he continued until they got to a small room decorated with paintings of ponies past and a few other decorations making the room look less empty.

Two couches and a coffee table were in the center of the room, a pot of tea was hot and ready to be poured and drunk. Sitting on the couches facing each other Luna and Celestia set the cups and poured the tea while White and Sun sat patiently.

"Sun, you are quite the wordsmith it seems. You were able to speak to all three of us in a most welcome fashion that I know we all enjoyed at varying levels. Does that run in the family?" Celestia asked taking a sip of tea.

"Tis a fine question sister. I have not received a compliment as such in a very long time and it was most welcome."

"And no stallion has told me he was willing to be quiet on his own accord in my life."

The three mares looked at him fondly as he blushed again and hovered a cup of tea before him and took a sip. "This is good tea, um. No I don't think it runs in the family but it should if I'm getting so many compliments about being a fool before royalty."

"Thy are not a fool. If thy wish you may have dinner with me, it would be okay with me." Luna said leaning a little closer to him.

"Um, why did you need me here again?"

Luna humphed. "Thy son has an idea for a cure for Arcane Illness. We need you to go to him post haste and I am going to teleport you there. After I cast this spell I may not be able to recover my magic as the disease has affected our ability to draw magic from the planet beneath us."

Celestia nodded slightly. "I will be able to raise the sun and moon for three more days at this rate before I have to balance them on both horizons and use a last ditch spell I was taught that cycles them on their own. In the event unicorns lose the power of magic the world can not survive with only the sun or moon so the celestial mechanism will run by power from the planet itself. It may only last a few hundred years or the next ten thousand but it's a risk we have to take, for the world."

Sun listened intently and finished his tea. Lowering the cup to the table she smiled and nodded. "Very well, I'll have dinner with Luna and right after we'll go up north by royal carriage. I know your royal guards are mostly Pegasus and they carry you around the nation. I know we are lighter and they can pull a wagon easier than a carriage. We'll make it by noon tomorrow and you'll have a few more days to manage the moon and sun."

He motioned for the pot and to Luna to pour him another. She looked surprised at his efforts to tell her what to do and obliged pouring him another cup.

"Sun, you are wiser than I though. No pony could have said a better plan in such confidence to us on the first meeting, in the first hour much less. Enjoy your evening and tomorrow morning you leave in a wooden wagon pulled by my strongest guards to Whinnypeg. I have paperwork to attend to, I may see you before you leave. Be nice to him sister, he is a catch." Celestia smiled at Luna as she raised herself and left the room regally.

"Wow, that's an exit. White, Luna. I think it's lunch time, what's on the menu?"

"Anything thy wishes can be made easily by our chefs and then dinner will be of my choosing. White, thy are invited to attend our lunch however dinner will be us only," she motioned to Sun and then raised herself like Celestia did, "follow me to the dining room."