• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 7,203 Views, 140 Comments

Yep, totally normal.... - Kit-San

Always expect the unexpected they say, well I didn't expect this, and neither will Equstria. HERE I COME!!!!!!

  • ...

Prolouge: ELLO! (Edited!)

'Gah! I want out! I want out!' I shouted in my head. Its been exactly 1,001 years, 2 months, 70 days, and 2 hours since me and Discord were sealed in stone. No, I'm not his friend, I just got sealed in with him due to a misunderstanding, we all know what Discord did though. 'Yes, as you've said many times over.' Speak of the Spirit of Chaos and he shall speak, a lot. Fortunately our minds were linked so we could hear each other's thoughts.' I've already played every song, Movie, and Video on YouTube I could think of! Oi, Crimsoin! Get me out of here already!'' If one were to listen VERY carefully, they would hear the shattering of a metaphysical Wall, or the fourth wall as it's more commonly known. Discord just sighed, he gave up a long time ago on figuring out who this Crimsoin Sun is I scream at from time to time. Odd, you'd think that the spirit of Chaos would know about the fourth wall.

Oh, right. I should introduce myself. Call me Shiro, I was a regular Pokémon fan, who loved Eevee as much as I loved Coke Cola. I have no idea how I got into Equestria. As a Pokémon no less. A Umbreon no less. Well an Umbreon with a flat face, much like an Espeon's. One moment I was in bed reading 'The Beating of My Heart' on FIMfiction and listening to 'Another Five Nights', the next I was next to Discord. I loved using memes and references from games, usually in fights, to confuse people. I love confusing people, don't know why, I can't describe it. I love music, mostly fan made, though I do listen to classical and other music, especially old Japanese, NOT POP mind you. Favorite animal? Wolf. Why does that feel....what's the word?... Cliché?... Whatever, anyway, my family consisted of my Mother, Father and Sister, as well as our 5 cats and one dog.

Wow that introduction was not organized very well nor was very interesting, was it? Well that's just how I am. U NO JUDGE MEH!

Anyways I have been thinking of ways to get back at Celestia that somehow doesn't involve permanent damage... except for pride, always have to annihilate the pride. Before I can go on another rant, an ear splitting crack of stone resounded from us and, after another crack, our prisons broke.

"Yes! Freedom! Freedom!" I singed, before hearing joints and bones popping. Turning around I see Discord stretching.

Discord then turns to me, his arms still above his head, with a evil glint in his eyes. " How about we go pay old Celly a visit?" He asks.

I just respond with a grin. What? Yeah I realize it was a mistake, but I wanted to get back at Celestia. Besides, I'm going to let the Mane Six win. Now for my entrance.... what out dated reference should I use?

---------Time Skip----------

"There be me que..." I spoke softly to myself in a Pirate accent. Discord had just finished his speech and left. As Twilight and her friends galloped to the doors I jumped in front of them, purple gas enveloping me and the surrounding area. I made my eyes and mouth glow a deeper shade of purple that stood out from the gas. Then I let a stereotypical evil laugh "MUHAHAHHAH HAHAH!"

The gas dissipated abruptly leaving me and my now normal eyes and mouth. At first they were afraid, but after the gas dissipated, they became confused.

Their confusion only grew when I let out a pitiful "Meow". Nothing happened. I could practically see the loading bars over their heads processing. I took out a scroll and quill out of nowhere and checked off 'Emperor's New Groove Entrance' before eating it.

Finally they came to. Celestia was the first to react "You!" she said, flaring her wings.

"Me!" I said popping from behind her neck. She looked back seeing me before trying to shove me off with her hoof, only for me to stick to it like glue. I stuck my tongue at her, after which I leaped off of her hoof to land back in front of the main six.

Landing expertly on my paws, I was wearing a troll face mask, which I promptly took off and threw behind me causing a small explosion.

Again Celestia's wings flared " Mayhem! How did you esc-" she cut of herself, I figured she thought Discord got me out.

I gave her a confused look "Mayhem?" I asked "Is that the name you gave me? How uncreative!" I scoffed the last part. " Besides, my name is Shegorwrath ( Sh-Eh-Gore-Wrath) but just call me Shiro." Shiro wasn't my real name, nor was Shegorwrath. What was I hear you ask? I ain't telling you!

"What do you want?" She asked, her eyes narrowing at me.

"Oh just to say , ELLO!" she quirked an eyebrow "and... LET THE GAMES BEGIN!" I added with a shout. I suddenly pull out a drill head, and smashed it down on the ground. I then jump on as it began to spin, digging into the ground.

What? Oh the encounter was to short? Too bad, I've never stayed long in one place during interactions with others most of the time.

Over the noise , I could hear Twilight asking Celestia about me, Fluttershy commenting how cute I was and Pinky Pie shouting how only she can break the fourth wall.... Wait what? I wasn't even breaking it during our encounter.

Then I remembered something. Jumping back up I say "Oh and before I forget." before I pulled out a Pie-Gatling Gun, jump into the air, then shoot round after round of pies at Celestia while comically staying stationary in mid air. "EEEATATATATATAT EEEATATATAT EEATATA TATATATATAT!" I shout in a overly stereotypical Russian voice. I stop only after she is literally buried in pies. She pops her head out the top of the mound. I run up to her. "That was for the imprisonment!" I say with a smile before smacking her with another pie. "GHA HA HA HA" I called, jumping back into the hole.

'OH SH*T THATS A LONG FALL!' I thought before landing on my head. Why didn't I land like earlier? BECAUSE IT IS FUNNY!

-------Time Skip.....Again!-------

Rubbing my sore head, I watched the mane six get separated in the maze and rush off. '.....so what do I do now?' I thought 'Oi! Crimsoin what now?'

Author's Note:

This was in my head for a while now, so I said 'screw it' and wrote this. Not too interesting yet I think. Any ideas what Shiro could do to the Mane Six? Cuz I got nothing. On another note, there won't be any displace, unless you guys want it to be, I think about it if so. Rate and Comment and please point any mistake and feel free to state your opinion.

Shrio: Seriously what do I do now?
Me: I'll get back to you on that.

YAY, I GOT AN EDITOR!!!! Here he is, Falx_of_Lume!