• Published 22nd Dec 2015
  • 7,204 Views, 140 Comments

Yep, totally normal.... - Kit-San

Always expect the unexpected they say, well I didn't expect this, and neither will Equstria. HERE I COME!!!!!!

  • ...

Chapter Seis

“Phew Luna!” I called at the blushing mare, waving a paw in front of my face “What did you eat? Twenty ghosts peppers?”

Kirstana flinched harshly eyes closed with a grimace. “Blah!” She complained sticking her tongue out in disgust.

I shot look before asking “Don’t you enjoy Sitrus Berries?”

She nodded, still cringing “There's sour and then there's setting your tongue on fire.”

I thought for a moment with a complementary look before nodding ‘Even though they are two different flavors, they’re still unenjoyably. In my opinion.” I smile fondly at a thought that came after. ‘Unless their Salem Rolls or Seafood Coconut Curry; worth every stinging pain.’

I shook my head rabidly before looking back to Luna, expecting an answer.... She blushed a little more “We- I may have eaten a Dragon Fruit before coming here…”

Wait what? My eyes crossed a little bit “Wait…” Then they refocused “Huh, must be different from the ones back home.”

Spike then jumped up and down in between us “Hey, remember me?” He said a little irritably, before flinching as he looked to Luna a little scared.

Luna actually giggled a bit before waving a wing in a kind gesture “Hath no fear Spike the Dragon, we’r-I’m not as… ‘full of myself’ as some say now.”

Spike breathed a sigh of relief before asking again “ Soooo why did call for me? Why not Twilight?” He glanced at me a few times as he spoke, one of which I responded with a small wave. He waved back awkwardly.

Luna nodded attentively “ Ah yes, you see Spike I wanted you here as to possibly help with an issue that has risen.” She paused briefly “First off, let's start from the beginning. Random fires have been spouting about the area causing life threatening damages.” She sighed a little glancing at seeing some ponies give Spike a mild glare. I returned them subtly.

She lightly placed a hoof against her cranium, rubbing it slightly. “And unfortunately, the populace has begun placing the blame on the nearby Dragons of Dragon Town…” She gained a look of frustration seeing more glares, which turned off as she wasn’t so subtle as I was. She shook her head in disappointment “Honestly, I fear our ponies have become more and more....”

She paused to search for a word, of which I provided for her “Xenophobic?” She nodded sadly.

Her face gave into a look of exhaustion “Sometimes I worry my sister has babied them too much… Their hate is completely unfounded more than not.” She rubbed her head like she was getting a headache. “And they fail to realize it’s just as likely as for a Unicorn, or even a Pegasus, that could be causing the fire.” She growled lightly. Well, this Luna is different from the show…

“Liiike… that guy?” I said pointed to a unicorn wi-waitwaitwait! Is that Commander Firebrand?! ‘Are we adding Youtubers now?!’

Oh and he heard me. "What?" Do not anger any version of him. Unless you're like me.

Luna nodded, though annoyed at my example “Yes, though I highly doubt FireBrand is the cause.” She spoke knocking me out of my thoughts. “Though he is a Pyromaniac, he controls his impulses very well as well is a valuable asset to Equestria’s military forces.” Luna had said that clear confidence.

Spike then pointed out that we should get back on track. “Right.” Luna cleared her throat “As to why I called you here, I believe you could possibly mingle with the Dragons, and possibly prove their innocence.” She noticed my pointed looked “Yes, I do realize this sounds a little speciesist, however as of now what is more trustworthy to them: a pony or a fellow dragon a young one at that?” she had me there, and with Kristana nodding along there wasn’t any room to argue that I could make.

Spike looked on in thought, then up to Luna “Yeah, I think I can do that.” He said with unsteady confidence with a thumbs up and a weak smile. He started in a direction, stopping then turning around “Um, how do I get there?” He smiled sheepishly.

I waved him over “Over this way! Should be around the corner.” I stated smiling walking over to the corner, with Kristana in tow before we heard Luna chuckle a bit.

“Nay, tis the other side of Town Shiro.” I heard a slight edge to her voice a she said my name.

Without missing a beat, I turned on the spot “I knew that.” Kristana giggled adorably and shortly, before as shortly shaking her head in amusement and following my lead.

Luna called over to us as we left “I shall be in the sheriff's office by tomorrow.” Before she flew off. Probably off wherever she was staying.

Oh, and don’t you worry guys. I didn’t forget the cheating. She in for a surprise.


Man, getting to Dragon Town was not as easy as it sounds. Don’t get me wrong, nothing really got in way purposely. Now I know I could just teleport there, but I wasn’t feeling up to it. Unlike Discord, I happened to sometimes take things slow, as hard as that is to believe considering earlier chapters, and take in the sights. Of course that didn’t stop me from teleporting past some… anussents.

Many of the ponies we had passed by gave us, or rather specifically Spike, a couple of looks of distrust and some glares. A few times hate accompanied those expressions, in which I would make them turn away. Cool thing about being an Umbreon is that they, or at least I do, have a natural… Well I guess you could call it Killer intent? Or was it called Murderous Intent? Predator Aura? Whatever the case, I basically release a sort aura or energy that makes ponies feel like they're in danger. Which makes a little bit of sense, Umbreon are predators and ponies are a herd animal. So they all look away or even quicken their pace. I’m just thankful I can control it.

A stampede of Ponies? Yeah, no thank you regardless of my magic.

Anyways enough of that, we had walked for about roughly an hour or so. “Euugh” Spike groaned inpatient “Are we there yet?” I was looking at a map all the while using my chaos magic to see around me to avoid bumping into anything. Not that it helped all too much, as both seeing the map and the area around me like my eyes was really disorientating.

Thankfully, I managed to fix that right up.

“Should be riiiight around the corner…” That was right. All in its glory was the gate to Dragon Town. Of which I found amusing that is was basically a Chinatown, only with Dragons.

As we entered the gate we spotted a multitude of dragons with different… well everything! Size, color , number of limbs; excluding wings, wings, no wings, different ‘breathes’, and there was even one with an extra head. You name it, Dragon Town’s… most likely to have it. Some dragons looked towards us with interest, most of it being spent on Spike. I thought I heard one coo at us, but I didn’t see the perpetrator. Other than those few we were mostly ignored as we continued to walked down the street.

At one point though we were stopped by another, more larger dragon after we had spent a good ten minutes or so of exploring. This Dragon was easily Celestia’s height despite being on all fours, possible higher with copper scales and a dark cream underbelly. The horns looked somewhat similar to the Balrog’s from Lord Of The Rings. The shape anyway. And at the end of the tail was a fin that split off in a V. He chin also was adorn with wrinkly fins making him look like an breaded Elder. Which by that and the wear of the scales probably meant that he was.

I really couldn’t see if he bore any spikes or spikes from my position. Though for your sakes, he did in fact had short ones of each. They were also connected in a thin membrane. As a passive effect, I know things that normally others wouldn’t. Believe me when I say though, it's very inconsistent.

The dragon opened his mouth and as expected, sounded elderly. “And brings two odd creatures and an youth to our litt’ community?”

Spike was looking nervous as he eyed the big guy. Kristana wasn’t looking at all afraid, which is understandable. Fairy Type.

The younger dragon shaky waved a claw at the taller one. "H-hi…”

Seemly knowing that would be Spike’s reaction, he gave a hearty chuckle. “And hello to you as well little one.” He lowered himself to Spike eye level.

“Well it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Kristana said stepping forward. “My name is Kristana. This is my friend Shiro,” She pointed to me using her ribbons,” and this little guy,” She pauses to playfully rub the top of Spike’s head “ is Spike.” The baby dragon struggled a little with a light whine.

I stepped forward with a smile along asking politely. “And you are?”

The copper Dragon raise his head up by a couple feet. “I go by the folk as Marsh.” He nodded to Kristana “It is pleasant to see new faces.” He lightly booped her nose making her scrunched her face before sneezing. “Fuzzy or not.” He finished with a grin.

Matching Marsh’s grin, I snapped making a tissue appear before handing it over to the Sylveon next to me. She took it, thanking me and blew her nose. After that was done I snapped again making it disappear.

Unfazed Marsh repeated his question. Losing the grin in favor of a simple smile, I gestured over to a smiling Kristana “Kristy here wanted to go out and explore the world, so I thought we could start with Manehattan. Me, I’m here to be entertained with whatever nonsense that happens.”

“And what of you?” He aimed at Spike.

Spike straighten up sweating subtly. “Me? Well I…” He started roughly unsure as to what to say.

Walking up his side, I saved him from coming up with a lie. “Spike here has a cousin who lives here and is visiting them.” I glanced at Spike. “Right little buddy?”

“Oh uh yeah! I havn’t seen them in while so mom thought is was a good idea for me to visit them.” He nodded, flashing me a thankful look.

Marsh raised a eyebrow “ Alone?”

Both me and Kristana shook our heads. “Nono, we’re friends of his mother so she asked us to escort him over.” I flashed a smile. “It's what gave me the idea to visit Manehattan first.”

He gave me an amused look. “Oddly coincidental.”

I shrugged, with a friendly smirk. “Almost like it was planned.” Hiding the truth behind joke, something I’ve wanting to do.

He returned it with a chuckle. “Well, you look like good folk.” He began, eyeing us all with a smile. “So how about I show you around DragonTown-”

“Comic store!” Spike shout with glee, noticing said building. He rushed off without with a big smile.

Us two males chuckled silently. “And there he goes.” I pointed out the obvious. He nodded. “Yo, Spikers!” I called out to him, Spike stopping in his tracks and turning to us. “We’re going to take up on Marsh’s offer.”

“Meet us back at the Comic Store!” Kristana added, making me nod in approval. Spike gave us a thumbs… erm claw up in confirmation and continued his merry way.

Marsh raised a scaly eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you be gett’n him to his cousin?”

“Eh, we got time.” I waved him off. “In fact,” A watch appeared on my wrist. “We actually got here pretty early.”

“How early?”

“About three hours.” I stated nonchalantly.

Kristana moved over to look at it, faking confusion. “Really, that early?”

I nodded. Then I took a page out of Marsh’s book and bopped her on the nose. The resulting scrunching of the face was out of both the need to sneeze and annoyance.

“Can you please stop that?” She asked, just managing to fight off the sneeze. She rubbed her nose with the back of her paw while giving Marsh and I the stink eye. I returned it with a silly grin while Marsh rolled his eyes, amused.

“Alrigh’ you two, just follow my lead.”

We nodded in unison as he turned his back on us. He walked and we follow.

“Ov’r there is Grom’s BBQ Stop if you’re looking for anything to eat.” He pointed with a wing. “Grom cooks with fierce passion, so no worries about being disappointed.” He turned his head to look at us. “Just a warning; don’t polish his ego too much, else you be kept there for an hour of him yapping about his finest dishes.” He chuckled. “Oddly enough, he never likes saying meats.” He noted. Then he snorted, frowning a little. “Probably because of all them immature teenagers making… unsavory jokes when he does.”

I nodded and matched him. “I hear ya.” ‘ We get it; you’re a massive pervert, shut up!’ I huffed amused remembering that particular outburst. Yeah, I wasn’t a big fan of all the innuendos during High School. And yeah, I get it; hormones but come on. Show some restraint please. Uh, anyways.

Kristana looked between us multiple times, not getting our meaning.

I place a paw on her head, closing my eyes. “I’ll tell you another time.” she shook off my paw, giving me a pout as my reward. I smiled back with a eye opened. Honestly, seeing her pout is an award if you think about it.

Moving on and after another fourteen minutes, Marsh gestured to another building. “And over there is Geming’s Emporium; The Glittering Hall.” True to as it sounded, it was ‘glittery’ on the outside, with gems line up in necklaces and other accessories behind glass walls.

“Pretty.” Kristana said, giving it a passing glance before focusing on a pair of hatchling play with other. As such, she naturally awwed at them.

“And over there is the BlackSmith.” We turned to look at it.

I had to fight the urge to shout “Where’s the BlackSmith!?!?” I chuckled. “Good old Markiplier…” I mumbled, making Kristana glance at me.

And working on the forge… “Hey, it's FlintStone!” Kristana was right, there he was hammering away on some steel. We waved to him, to which he returned before returning to his work.

“There’s the church.” And there it was. Small, but likable.

“The Chemist.” A booth with surprisingly a Minotaur working it. He looked rather similar to Iron Will with a awesome Barbarian black hair cut and broken horn. And he was testing out a flask of some dark green mixture. Result; he promptly fell over still as a statue.

Snapping, I scanned its contents before creating a parchment noting its side effects and removed said side effects on him. The Minotaur sat up, looking back and forth grabbing the paper. Nothing caught his attention, sans me waving to him with a smirk. He waved back confused, then looked at the parchment. Immediately, his face lit up with excitement and already he was experimenting. He did take steal glancing at the note, studying it every now again.

Marsh nudge with a tail. “What did you just do?” It wasn’t accusing or anything, just a honest question.

I took in stride. “Oh, that? I just scanned what the elixir did, removed the side effects from him and shared notes with him.” Kristana raised a eyebrow. I looked at her. “What? I used, actually still am, a fan of chemistry/alchemy.”

Interesting, moving on.” Marsh mused.

I had to tilt my head. ‘He’s not going to question it? Liking this guy even more.’ I shrugged it off and with a yelp I realized they were leaving me behind. I teleported beside them, getting some looks. And I don’t mean just from Marsh and/or Kristana “It’s just magic.” I told the other dragons. They either nodded, shrugged and/or kept walking.

And not three minutes later, yet another establishment was pointed out by our guide. “There’s library.”

Ooo, wonder what kind of fiction they have! Not counting comics, not my thing really.

‘Heh, a Blacksmith, chemist, church, a kind of butcher's and a chemist.’ I thought. ‘All we’re missing is a wizard’s tower, a ge-’

“That there is AppleJonny Seeder’s general goods.”

‘ Scratch that.’ I hummed. ‘ what else are we missing? What goes into a RPG town again?’ I began listing them off, a thought bubble appearing above my head of each building we visited.

Wait. “AppleJonny Seeder?” I asked. Was that supposed to be the pony, yes a pony as I can see him at the stand, version of Johnny Appleseed?

Marsh gave me an amused smile. “That's not his real name, it’s just AppleSeeder.” I mouthed an ‘oh’.

Anyways, just to fast forward a bit, we arrived at our final destination. Marsh stopped in front of the door and gestured to the sign.

“Welp, we got our magic tower…” Literally, which was out of place in a Asian style town.

Sage’s Emporium of Magicka (Not taking Students.)

“This.” I pointed to it. “This I want to check out.” Dis true. Well, that and to commission a experiment. With permission of course. I’m not that much like Discord.

Marsh nodded. “Well, I have a favor to turn in with Sage. Come along now.” entering through doors, he lead us up the stairs. What is it with Wizards and stairs?

Eventually, I just up and teleported us to the top of them. And at said top was… what? Well this was weird, it's like I see different versions every few seconds.

“Hello? Sage?” Marsh yelled out, standing a little wobbly. I flashed him a sheepish smile, to which he waved off.

“I’ma coming!” Said a strangely Italian voice. We heard footsteps coming from a stairwell and saw Grey dragon- wait now he’s silver- wait now he's a Quake Dragon from DragonVale-wait now he’s- I am so confused. And it moves too fast for me to concentrate with my magic.

I raised a paw at him, myself looking slightly disorientated. “Uh hey.” My gaze flicked to a bookshelf suddenly appearing. “Ok, does anyone else see that?”

Kristana blinked “See what?” Marsh nodded, looking a little concerned.

I took another look around as I spoke. “It’s like the room changes in different ways every three or four seconds.”

Both before mentioned look more concerned. “You’re not losing your mind are you lad?”

I shot him an amused look. “Oh I had long ago.” I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. “Even the Wizard, Sage I assume, is changing.”

The Dragon identified as Sage ‘Not that I can identify him further- and he just turned into a Dragoness!’ gasped loudly and immediately rush to my side, studying me carefully. The look in his- her now- were stern as he-her- did.

“Impossible, nobody else has seen the effects of the spell in such a way…”

Kristana walked to beside him. “What do you mean.”

I nodded, standing still and watched his every move. “Yeah, what spell?”

She- now h- screw it! Sage mumbled to himself incoherently.

“Say again?”

“I said a spell that I still have not come with a name for.” Sage moved from me and over to Kristana also examining her. “You see, it was a spell that changes an area to what one expects and/or imagines it to be.”

“That's interesting…” I muttered. ‘ An idea for the future!’

Sage nodded. Really trying hard not to say he or she, since Sage keeps switching between the two. “It is, but what's better that no two visitors will see the same thing, even if they’re there at the same time.” Sage grabbed one of Kristana’s ribbons, making her eep and making me slap his claw away. “Eh however, it seems that it has effected me in terms of making other see me as different dragons.” Sage grunted. “Blasted thing can’t reversed, but at least I can leave the home unaffected.

“So why am I seeing… this.” I gestured to everything happening. “ It’s giving me a headache.”

“Perhaps the magic isn’t agreeing with yours?”

I growled and snapped making it… great a blank screen! And Sage’s invisible minus the stereotypical wizard wear. “Well that didn’t work, but at least I’m not having optical migraine.” I grumbled.

Sage coughed. “Now then, what is it do you need?”

I raised a paw. “Do you have somewhere where I can test particularly… explosive spells?” Please say yes, please say yes!

“There’s a basement, you can use it.” Well that was easy. “By the way, the spell doesn’t affect it.”

“Got it.” I gave him a thumbs up. Dewclaw up, whatever. I turned to Marsh. “Mind if we leave you here?”

He nodded. “I was going to ask you to. The favor is… private.”

Our favorite Sylveon nodded, smiling. “We understand.”

Me. “Sir, yes sir!” Salute included.

With a flick of my tail, we disappeared from them and appeared at the base of the stairs. With a quick look, we (Kristana) found (stumbled on) the door to the basement. It was fairly normal, looking like it was rip off a wizard movie. Take your pick.

Then I- hey wait, nono this won’t do. Sorry guys, but this is going to be a surprise…

-----Old Timer Skiper-----

“Well that was a complete success!” I said upbeat. Kristana on the other paw groaned. And you could see why, seeing we’re covered in soot.

“You call that a success? You nearly blew up the basement!” The before mentioned Sylveon shouted.

I winked an eye closed. “Yeah, well it worked didn’t it?”

She puffed out her cheeks. “Worked? Can’t you just use your chaos magic?”

I shrugged. “Well, besides that I did use chaos magic to create.” I tapped her shoulder. “You see the more detail and magic you put into something the better. The more complicated, the more details needed.” I conjured a miniature sun onto the palm of my paw. “Like say I wanted to create a star, I would need to put more detail to make more like a star. I don’t exactly have to worry about the elements of it, like hydrogen or basic stuff like heat or gravity; the magic does that for me.”

I gripped my palm making the star disappeared into it. “ However, it's still important to have a clear picture of what you want to do. You don’t need nearly as much clarity as other magic's demand but chaos magic requires just the same: Concentration and a clear picture. Its very lenient on what it requires and simple things like teleporting need but a thought.” Well, the other reason was it took awhile to make the thing was because... well I leave at that I'm not very good with working with the mind. That's more of Discord's thing than mine.

Kristana sweat dropped. “Did you just try to make sense of Chaos Magic?”

I also sweat dropped. “ Yeah, I did. I know I said screw logic, but I still liked to know. All I got is theories.” Kristana shot me a look. “Yes, the mysteries of Chaos Magic is still a mystery to even those who use it.” Well, I wasn’t quite right, but I didn’t know at the time.

Kristana shook off the soot. “Well any idea how it came to be?”

I shrugged, making the soot on me disappear. “I’ll give you the short version; basically, I think chaos magic was simple magic that changed and warped over time, kinda like radiation and some elements.”

Kristana glanced up, pondering over it. I chuckled and patted her head again. “Don’t think about it too much, it's probably not important.” She considered it and agreed and that's when Marsh came back out.

“Well… that went well.” He said almost sarcastically.

I flicked an ear at him. “Something happen?”

He shook his head in annoyance. “Just the old coot being as stubborn as ever.”

Kristana poked his leg, getting his attention. “What was the favor?” She took a step back. “If it’s not a bother.”

Marsh smile and rubbed her head making her smile. I smirked. “Like to be petted uh?” She blushed a little.

Marsh chuckled at her embarrassment. “If it’s all the same to you, I rather keep it to myself.”

Kristana and myself nodded in acceptance.

Marsh thanked us. “Now shall we get on with tour.”

Yep there was more. Unfortunately, Crimsoin couldn’t come up with anything else sooo….

-----Time Skipskip----

“And finally!” Marsh stood up with pride. “The Coliseum, where we hold ou’ tournaments and fight clubs.”

I perked at this. “Wait you guys have fight clubs?”

Marsh nodded at my enthusiasm. I like fighting if you couldn’t tell. “That we do.”

Kristana raised a paw. “But, wouldn’t the ponies outlaw it?”

We looked at her, Marsh incredulous and me wondering the same as her.

Marsh clear his throat with a toothy smile. “No, they don’t mind fight clubs, wrestling and th’ like.” He placed a claw on his chin. “Well, the majority Manehattan they don’t, I ‘ear some towns and cities think of it as stupid and ‘unsurprisingly barbaric of us’.” He air quoted.

I shared his sentiment. “Not surprising at all, nothing wrong with a friendly fight.”

He nodded, then turned to the arena. “Thinkin’ of competing in it?”

“Depends.” I shrugged. “What are the rules?”

“Not much, no draining magic of any kind, no outside help; magical constructs don’t count.” I grinned at that one. ‘Perfect.’ “Though only up to two, no poisons or toxins, no sleeping magic and no mind manipulation.”

I nodded, noting each one in my head. “Sound fair.”

Kristana look towards me with a accusing smile. “You’re going to use that new thing are you?”

Again, I nodded padding towards the coliseum “ Yep!”

Her ears flattened against her skull as he smile turned nervous. “Try to not destroy the place.” Marsh raised an eyebrow at her.

“No problem!” I shouted already at the reception. “I’d like to participate miss…?”

“Mr. Rardaw.” The pink dragon glared at my sweat dropping from. “Name?”

“Sheogorath, Shiro for short.” The dragon wrote down my name.

“And class type?”

“Sorry?” Okay that was a stupid questioned.

“Class type, what do you primarily use in combat?”

I shrugged. “Whatever I feel like.”

Rardaw raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off writing down something. “And do you prefer a ring name?’

I thought for a moment before shaking my head. “No thanks.” I’m not too good at coming up with names anyway.

He nodded. “Alright Mr. Shiro you are good to go, just head in there,” he pointed to an entryway to the lockers. I thanked him and waved to the others before following his claw and disappeared behind the door.

Kristana and Marsh were walking into the audience in the meantime with Marsh paying for both and waved back at me and continued in. As the dragon sat down, Kristana jumped onto his head for a better view making her new ‘seat’ glance up before turning back to the arena. Thankfully there was no one behind them to provoke any complaining.

The arena itself looked similar to that arena in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, you know the one with the dragon? Unlike it however, there were a lot less rocks to get in the way and around the edges of the place where pitfalls.

Back with me now, I was just sitting down waiting for my name to be called. An old and burly pony came over and reiterate the rules to me. Three that Marsh had missed were no invisibility or disguising myself as someone else no matter the reason and that falling into the pit falls was an instant lose.

“Crourser and Slaimear!” The announcer called.

I sighed before closing my eyes using my magic to watch the fight.

And woo boy was it a fight!

Crourser was a young black drake about the size of Macintosh with steel armor on. Not counting his tail, he had four limbs. Wonder how he holds stuff. The spikes on him were barely visible, much less than his bright yellow eyes.

Slaimear was a big, big wingless dragon with mud brown scales and wore less armor than the other. His bone like spikes were as intimidating as they were large. Again not counting his tail, he had eight limbs, two of which were bulky arms. The most intimidating part about was the large boney club at the end of his tail. The less intimidating had to be his chubby face, if one were to ignore the scarred red eyes. And to top it all off, he was wielding two large maces in each claw.

Honestly, Slaimear looked like an immovable mountain. However, Crourser was not in the least worried. In fact it only seemed to get him excited as he bared his teeth with smile and lashed his tail back and forth. The bigger dragon smirked arrogantly, clanging both weapons together.

The actual fight was relatively short, but wow can Crourser fight. The black drake was dash in and out landing blow after blow on Slaimear, who just could not land a hit on him. At times the older dragon would blast out burst of fire which were dodge all the same.

Eventually, it came to an end as Crourser closed in with a flurry of attacks, using talons, teeth, tail even using his wings and slowly pushed the other into walking off into the pit falls.

The crowd cheered, it being mostly consistent of dragons but there was an occasional pony and even two griffins. I think I even saw a Changeling

“The Might vs. Lu Mask.”

Another young dragon, this one bluish green against a large masked pony with a large sword. I couldn’t tell much from the pony as he was wearing a dark clock. However I could tell he or she was an unicorn and from the color of the horn I could assume that pony had blue colored coat. And I mean the one attached to the pony. And from the aura coming from the horn, I guessed the pony would have pale cyan eyes. Yup, fun fact pony’s magic aura marched the color of their eyes normally.

The dragon was younger than Crourser and I honestly thought he was related to Marsh looking a like a miniature version of him.

The fight was… one sided would be putting lightly. The dragon didn’t even come close to hitting the pony leading him to frustration which lead to defeat. The ending of the fight was ‘The Might’ attacking wildly and roaring before ‘Lu Mask’ got behind him and hit him in the back of the neck with the butt of their sword knocking the dragon out.

“Shiro against Mireveir (Me-ra-vee-rah).”

Immediately, I teleported onto the arena sitting down with my eyes closed and a confident smirk. I thought I heard some of the audience chuckle at me, but we both know they're in for a surprise, am I right?

Opening my eyes I see a bluish silver Dragoness about the same age as Crosser and held some similarities. Same number of limbs and same body type. She had no spikes to speak of.

Leering at me with her sapphire eyes, Mireveir smirked. I smirked back before sitting up in a relaxed and lazy form.

She made the first move and made for a roundhouse kick. I ducked underneath and brought up my now flaming paw. Jumping and spinning, I uppercutted her shouting “Supin'appākatto o bāningu (Literally ‘Burning Spin Uppercut’ in Japanese).” Taking both of us into air, before I grabbed her and threw back onto the ground.

She managed to twist herself to land on her talons before launching into the air swinging her tail at me. I blocked with my own tail, activating Iron Tail and released torrent of flames at her. She met it with her own blue flames canceling it out. I teleported out of the way and onto the ground.

Looking at her glaring form, I put my paws together and thrust them forward with a “hadouken!” before flinging a Aura Sphere to her side.

She dodged the spirit ball and smacked the aura sphere away with her tail sending it into the wall. I held my smirk before teleporting again behind her and kicked the back of her neck. She was sent crashing into the ground.

With a mighty roar, she managed to surprise me and land a hit, sending me to the walls. Using my magic to make myself flout and avoid falling into the pitfalls, I dodged a ball of fire fired at me. I then rushed her at high speed punching her leg and back flipped kicking at the same time. While the kick itself missed, a pool of water appeared while I was punching her and as I kicked she was uppercutted by… a dolphin of all things.

The ocean mammal vanished into thin air as I darted and kicked her right wing before maneuvering back in front of her hitting her with a point blank “rasengan!” shout included, the ball of air exploding and sending her into the pitfalls.

The crowd was silent, before Kristana clapped making the rest cheer or clap. Or grump, as I saw a few do so.

Returning into the locker rooms, I observed the next battle.

“Courser Vs. Lu Mask!”

‘ Lets see how this goes.’ I thought to myself.

Grunting Crourser wrapped his tail around their foreleg and swung them over to the ground. However, the cloaked unicorn teleported out and fired a magic bolt. Impressively, the drake countered by hitting the bolt back at the unicorn, who dodge and had to teleport again to avoid a wave of black fire.

Crourser wiped around looking franticly before looking up and was met with the flat of the blade with resounding *CLONG!* Wearing a irritated scowl, the dragon threw blade off of him and embedded it into a nearby wall. Looking back up, he saw Lu Mask flouting there with his horn glowing more brightly. Not wasting a second, Crourser charged quickly, missing a few wings strikes before grabbing them with a talon.

The pony how ever again teleported out of his grasp and behind him. Imaging their surprise when they were met with a face full of flame. And imagine my surprise when the pony managed to buck Crourser while still in the flames making him recoil.

“Good hit.” Crourser commented with his smooth but tough voice. Then he spun around hitting Lu Mask with his tail multiple times before slamming his tail down onto him. The pony stood up, only to be hit again back into the dirt.

The dark dragon then picked them up with a talon and tossed them into the air. Once the masked pony fell right in front of him, Crourser unleashed a flurry of wing attacks while charging straight forward.

After one more kick, Lu mask was sent into, and I do mean into the wall. It was funny to see the bottom half of a pony sticking out of the wall.

However, Lu Mask wasn’t finished as he teleported behind Crourser again and attacked with his own flurry of attacks. Crourser grunted as each connected with him. And finally with a roar, he grabbed them by their neck and slammed them repeatedly into the floor.

After that show of strength, is was surprising to see the unicorn managing to grab the other with their magic and give him the same treatment.

The crowd was roaring as they continued to exchange blow after blow and I can hear Kristana cheer with them. She even did a few punches with her fore legs, almost losing her balance. Thankfully, Marsh helped her regain her balance.

Then out of nowhere, Crourser chomps them by the tail and spins them over his and throwing them. Lu Mask recovered, albeit shakily. Crourser was also breathing hard, but sucked it up as he dodge multiple lightning blots thrown at him.

And he promptly lost that breath after a bolt struck him the chest. Stumbling, he was pelted with more bolts until finding Lu Mask’s pattern and sent most of them back at him with a swing of his armored leg. Many of which were dodged but a couple hit home field.

Having enough and wanting to end this, I assume he did anyway, Crourser charged a high speeds smashing into the pony. The pony was just about to slip off the edge before the dragon grabbed him by the tail and repeatedly smashing them into the ground, before throwing them down the pitfalls.

His roars of victory were drowned out by the audiences.

I smiled, ending my view. I don’t see any else in here, so I guess next round is me vs. Crourser.

And I was given my answer after an hour. Sort of.

“The final shall be between Crosser and Shiro in the next hour!”

Makes sense though, dude was in a pretty good fight, I can wait.

----Time skip----

Okay, I can’t wait as well I thought I can! Pacing around the lockers with a Nintendo 3DS in telekinetic hand, my mood was wearing thin.

But FINALLY! The battle came.

In the next chap- NAH! I’m not going to give you cliff hanger!

Once again, I teleported to the scene and watched Crourser walk in confidently. I popped my neck. “You ready?”

He grinned, getting into a stance. “Always.”

I matched his grin before teleporting right in front of him. Enjoying his look of surprise, I punched him repeatedly in the face and finished with kicking using all four legs in a cartwheel motion. “Please, no one's ready for me.” I taunted. He just smirked again, recovering.

I then thrust my paw forward rabidly shooting balls of energy. Think on his feet, Crourser dodge the first few and dropped and rolled away from the rest. All before sending black flame straight for my face.

I just smiled more. Breathing deeply, I sucked it up into my mouth before sending it back to him. Or at least that was the plan, because he kicked me in the face causing a explosion. I admit, I made that happen.

Both of us were sent flying and landing on our respective limbs.

We stared at each other, still grinning.

“HA!” I shouted sending a shadow ball, before teleporting behind him. He didn’t noticed and batted it away, unaware of the blue light coming from my forepaws. “Kamehameha!” I had to do that at least once.

The ki blast belted him in back, but he stood his ground. Then he swung his tail at me making me duck underneath it. Then faster than before, he unleashed his series of wing strikes. Matching his speed, I dodged them and blocked the kick crossing my forelegs.

Then I teleported to his side and struck him with a paw before rapidly teleporting to random side delivering punches in between them. Then teleporting above him I kicked him into the ground. Landing and without missing a beat, grabbed him with my mouth and sent him into the air. And to wrap it all up I sent a Gallic Gun into him, it slamming into his chest.

The resulting smoke shielded him from sight before he smashed into the ground making me lose my balance. Not missing a beat he managed to get a hit with a wing before I countered with Zen Head-butt.

We both recoiled, me holding my head. “Ow.”

Then a textbox appeared before me saying “no one wins a head-butt kiddo…”

“Noted.” I said before ducking underneath a tail swipe and jumping back to dodged a couple kicks.

I smiled again. “Alright, I think I should put this to use.”

Crourser stood ready. Smirking even more, even a little bit evilly, I stomped on the ground making something break out from beneath me. Said thing kept me in the air before I queued with a swipe of my paw making the thing shoot a blast of magic at Crourser.

“And no, it's not Necromancy if that's what you’re thinking.” I clarified. “Meet the Gaster Blaster!” I gestured to my mount. The floating skull-like being roared in challenge. Soon after, I jumped off of it as it rushed Crourser sending another magic beam at him.

Crourser dodged it and attempted to attack it. However, it moved out of harm's way. The dragon was about the send his fire at it, but I interfere with a kick to the neck. This made him get pushed into yet another beam and at the same time a Kamehameha slamming into his back.

As dust filled the arena, the crowd was silent seeing only me and the Gaster Blaster.

Nothing happened for a while so I thrust my paw into the air making my GB smile and even look joyful. That, was a critical mistake. Out of the dust came Crourser who slammed into me making me recoil. And unfortunately, I wasn’t able to react in time to the wing strikes.

The crowd was even more silent if that was even possible as the kick sent me into the pit falls.

‘Well shit.’

And the crowd burst into cheers again. Pulling myself out of the pit fall, I jumped onto the GB again. I didn’t even need to give it an order before it floated lazily to Crourser.

I smiled good naturedly. “And that’s what I get for not checking thoroughly.” I joked, reaching a paw to him.

He gave a toothy smile, and shook it with his tail. “Yep.” he laughed before posing for the crowd.

I laughed when the same Silver Dragoness jumped from the stands and kissed him on the cheek making Crouser roll his eyes and nuzzle her.

Que the confetti and the horns!


“How come you didn’t stay for the award ceremony?” Kristana asked.

After we had bid Marsh goodnight, we lifted the Coliseum. Currently, we were about a block away from the Comic Store.

I looked back at her. “Because I don’t need a metal.” I said simply.

She tilted her head, confused. “But, won’t it be rude?”

I waved her off. “Eh, don’t worry about it.”

Another minute of walking and already I could see Spike. “Hey Spike!” I yelled for him, making him jumped.

He waved at us approaching. “Hey guys, what took you guys?”

“A tour with Marsh that turned to a fighting contest in the arena that was pointless to the plot.” I glanced at a mare who was giving me the stink eye. I returned it “Not that kind of plot…” I told her.

Kirstana cleared her throat. “So Spike, how was your day?”

He put a claw on his chin. “Lets see… well after you two left I spoke with the clerk who was a pink dragon girl who loved comics like me and…” Do I need to tell what happened? I don’t think so, just read the comic.

Wait, there's a comic? Hang on, I need to look this up.

“What’s going on with his eyes Krist?”

“I… don’t know, Shiro?”

I blinked clearing the web browser from my eye. “Huh, there's comic series of the show.” I stated, much to the two’s confusion. “It’s nothing important.” But this is an issue. This event is way too early, 'I need to look into this' Looks like I've been upgraded to making sure history goes in the order its supposed to. is there an actual name for that? I propose a challenge to you readers: come up with a name for that profession.

Kristana looked to Spike and shrugged. Spike kept his look of confusion, but relented.

“So Spike, what happens now?” Kristana asked with a curious smile.

He rubbed the back of his head. “Well, I don’t know.” Us Pokémon tilted our heads to the side. “I don’t have a way to get back, not until Luna comes by tomorrow.”

I held up my paw with a reassuring smile. “Well, I got good news for you Spikey.” I said, winking at him. “I can send you back right now if you want?”

He nodded, smiling. “Yes please, I already said goodbye to every dragon.”


Kirstana and Spike gave me a look. “Sorry, I like everyone better.” i shrugged. Then I smiled. “Off you go!” I snapped my ‘fingers’ and with a flash of magic he was gone.

And falling onto Twilight. Heh.

Kristana turned to me. “So now what?”

“Um.” I looked to the sun, seeing it about to set. “I think we should call it a day.”

She deflated a little in disappointment. But her yawn convinced her to agree.

I smiled. “Come on Krist, I got an apartment set up already.” I clapped my paws teleporting us. “Rooms over there.” I said pointing to a door.

She nodded before going the other way into the bathroom.

Yawning to myself, I teleported in my room which was opposite to Krist’s. Ah, sleep. One of my favorite things to do.


Luna had just enter her own royal apartment. She mentally berated herself for snapping at Spike like that. ‘He’s just a child.’ She reasoned with herself. ‘Not a diplomat or detective.’

She sighed and took off her horseshoes and the like and headed straight to the bedroom. Smiling, she was silently thankful that she didn’t need to have guards stationed at every door; just outside at the front door to her apartment.

Reaching the bedroom door, she took off a note that was taped onto it. “Kids like you never play by the rules, do you?” It read with no signature.

She huffed, before doing a quick scan for intruders or magic. Nothing. Luna smile before entering her room. Giggling to herself, she childishly jumped onto the bed feeling it. Say what you will, but Luna missed being a normal pony and this was fleeting feeling for it.

Then something felt off. She felt it for while noticing it felt… sticky? She tried to bring up her head, but was greeted with a unpleasant surprise. The bed was made of extra sticky cotton candy. She tried to pull her head out but only succeed to plow her muzzle into it due to the rubber band effect.

Then she tried pulling with all her might, but was put into a embarrassing position that made her blush. However, almost immediately a flash blinded her and she was in a more comfortable position. But still stuck. And her muzzle was stuck in the cotton candy again.

Grunting, she lit up her horn to teleport out of it. It didn’t work. Well actually, it teleported with her.

Seething, she tried to shout for the guards but found that the cotton candy silenced her. For a full hour she struggled against the bed f before deciding to get some sleep. ‘Cotton Candy smells good right?

She took a light wif, careful to not breath it in. Her eyes widen and even watered a little. ‘I hate blue cheese!!!” And worse, the smell was old and warm blue cheese.

As she struggled one final time a note appeared in front of her. “Whadda you know, cheaters like you get a baaad time!” For some reason, she felt that whoever wrote this was laughing.

'Wait…. SHIRO!!!'

I had to keep myself from laughing to avoid waking Kristana up.

WAIT! Before this chapter ends, Crimsoin forgot something! He forgot to mention my eyes weren’t that of an umbreon’s, they looked normal and were blue. Ok, good night!

Author's Note:

On another note... woah over 8,000 words... Only now just noticed that. Hope it was worth the wait.

Good day~

Comments ( 34 )


Nice, it was worth the wait by the way(but you still made up for the wait with a chapter nearly four times as long as the rest sooo....):pinkiehappy:

Worth the wait. I ship Shiro and Kristina!

i got a name for the profession: Timeline Caretaker

Lmfao!!! Been awhile bro. I had actually forgotten what this story was until i took a quick look at the description, then i threw my hands together grinning evilly like an idiot at the hilarity about to ensue. I was not disappointed.

His job shall be a Chronohistorian


A time Lord?

And yes I know who Dr.who is but it sounds like a fun name.

while the cheating punishment feels light still awsome

I love this chapter a lot please update more when u can

Im totally mentioning this in my fanfic

Time Keeper, Timelord, Timeline Guard, Time Guard, The Historian, Lauren Faust's beta reader, Record Keeper, That Guy, The Other Doctor, Chronologist, Chronos, Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Checker, Manager, Tom, Corectioner, Proof reader, Handyman, Fix It Felix, Handymon... take your pick.

Shiro, you are now one day close to dying

Blue cheese? Try crossing that cheese with the smell of Limburger.

Let the story unfold as we stare at the unread chapter counter till it moves then find out it was a different fanfic. Let us wait a LOT shorter time then HL3 fans and embrace...Cheese? I guess we should order


another funny chapter!

While this doesn't classify as good, it was entertaining, a like and track you get.

7901830 Why Deadpool?

8135685 Nope! And I ain't coming out from this corner!

I have a blog about my Absence, go check it out.

Nice story so far! I think his profession should be called 'Paradox Knight'

will there be more?

Really great story

This story ? Is it being updated?


Well, nobody's really gave me any feed back on the blog with some questions I had asked, since it did cross my mind to reboot the story or at least give it a review. :/ I'm gonna wait on those answers longer and if not then I'll go with my gut.

Though just a bit to tie you over...I think I'm using that term right... I have been writing with someone lately since I was waiting and the story will be uploaded eventually. Already got a large amount of chapters done, just waiting on the editors.

2 questions/statements, What happened to chapter 5? it goes uno dos tres quatro (1-4) then chapter 6. also it's "to tide you over" not "tie you over."

...Ballocks, how did I miss that? :twilightblush:

Its no big deal, it is one reason why the comments section exists, to point out things you or your editor might miss.

Comment posted by ShadowRazer2121 deleted Jul 30th, 2020
Comment posted by ShadowRazer2121 deleted Oct 4th, 2020

I like this story to much to give up on it

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