• Member Since 20th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Hyper Atomic

Scientist, Student, and Storyteller. If I've written something that made you smile, that's good enough for me.


"The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed." -Eminem

That was never more evident than on the morning of May 23rd, the day everything changed. The day the Earth lost billions of humans. All of them, in fact, the few people left seem to be something entirely different now.

And I am no exception.

With human infrastructure failing and sapient life scattered across the planet, there's still a few things this old dog has to get.

[A Last Pony on Earth side story.]

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 32 )

I had a similar idea except mines the main character was losing his intelligence as it became more like a Diamond Dog.

Can't wait to read this!

Okay... time to formulate a coherent comment... Commenting powers, Activate!

Excellent chapter. I got to ask, do you do your own art? It's impressive. Anyway, this chapter was good. Cap Wolf venturing out a bit before finding a few contacts. I don't hold out much hope for White and the jet. Well, I actually do, but that's optimism for you. A plane doesn't look that complex to fly. It's just everything about operating it that gets you in trouble. Looks can be deceiving and all.

Nice mix. Diamond Dog, dragon, unicorn, the alategus. Two new players and a classic and a popular. I wonder how long they'll be able to keep in touch and coordinate. (Flying from the UK. Have fun White...) Texus does seem to be a popular place for survivors. Still, he's not spending a lot of time there. Instead; all channels point to Stargate Command! I mean Norad. Colorado Spring!

This is going to be a fun one.

Noooooooo~! How could you beat me to having the first Diamond Dog character?! I was one chapter away from being the first to use one. :rainbowlaugh: But really, I do like the story so far, I'm interested to see how this goes. (Though I really was just one chapter away from being the first. :rainbowderp:)

I wanted to crossover with Leon, but it seems that won't be happening.

Hope you like it!

Wow, thanks! And yes, I did my own art for this story. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you! Though with it being that close, we can be co-first dogs, eh?

Probably not if he's staying in Texas, sorry about that! Wolf is an impatient one. :ajsmug:

6124627 Nah, that's fine I have a lot of firsts already in my story...but I reread the chapter and you got the first dragon as well...God damn it! Quit reading my mind~! :rainbowlaugh:

Holy buck! this is aweseom! :raritystarry:
can't wait to read more about these peeps! :yay:

The first story of what promises to be a pretty epic crossover series thing. Similar to the way the first wave of side-stories seemed to intersect, only planned from the start to do that. Very interesting.

A few things stand out to me as awesome.
1. Not a journal. My gawsh it's good to see a new story with no journals at all. Not that there's anything wrong with the format! I chose it myself! But not seeing it here is a nice change.
2. Art! Multi-talented, that's awesome. Drawing something for every chapter is quite difficult and I don't recommend it unless you've got a dedicated crew.
3. Your story DIDN'T START ALL ALONE! So awesome to see the pattern of the other stories broken. Again, the being alone pattern is fine, but I was eager to see something new. Called up some other people, and the actually answered! 10/10.
4. There are intimidate, short-term goals present from the start. Lots of the other side-stories have set themselves up as novels like the main story, and that's fine. This one could easily be a novella or a short story, and still leave us somewhere awesome. 10 hours to the first rendezvous? AWESOME! (probably something will come up, but still, that's way close!)

I look forward to seeing where the story goes, as our first Diamond Dog story in the group takes us on the road.

happy to see you are back on Fim Fiction:derpytongue2:, I was worried that you would never return. But back with a new store thats awesome:rainbowdetermined2:.

Oh my, nice, strong start.

And the Steam thing was honestly quite clever. If this thing really selects partially on personality, then it makes sense that one huge gamer with a couple of hundred contacts might be able to find a couple more survivors that way.

Five sounds a bit much, but eh, I can roll with it. I did like the detail that at least one of them are way over in Europe, though. Quite the hurdle to overcome.

Why is everyone obsessed with planes?
Large boats are just as functional for long-distance travel, though admittedly much slower.

That Steam thing is a really clever idea. Good thinking.

“It’s six hundred miles to Huntsville, I’ve got three quarters of a tank of gas, three bags of beef jerky, it’s getting dark, and I’m a canine.”
“Hit it.”

No ma'am, we're Equestrians. We're on a mission from Wolf.

6124627 He's staying in Dallas. I was excited when I saw that he was starting off in plano, then you went and left.


Glad you're intrigued! I'm excited to get it underway too.

:rainbowwild: Not forever, just was too busy. Loosening my writing muscles before I continue my other stories again.

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

Probably because the boat wouldn't fit the story he wants to tell. :ajsmug:

:trollestia: *blues music playing in the background*

6125734 cool, I can't wait for the next installment of Whiteout despite only having three chapters its my top 3 favorite HiE

"This can’t be real," my reflection puppeted back at me. I looked like Popeye and Jon Talbain had spent a night together that neither science nor alcohol could fully explain.

There are no words to describe how much this amused and entertained me. :pinkiehappy:

Edit: And now that I've finished the chapter, I'll add that I'm really excited about where this is going, and can't wait for more! Also, the Blues Brothers reference and just happening to find a tape of the single most appropriate David Bowie song for his transformation got a grin out of me. This may not be saying much, but have my like and fave... just like every other story in this universe so far. :twilightsmile:

Heh... we already have side stories people!

Onward to variety! No rapid building of society and journal entries here, we're full adventure into the unknown here!

And those drawings, cool, a lot more literal than the original, I mean, they did simple character pictures of them and small things, here we have a good idea of what they look like at that moment.

It's going to be a LONG trip...

huzzah! another person in Texas! my still unpublished one is just south of dallas:derpytongue2:

They settled on Colorado Springs as our ultimate destination. It had more or less friendly weather, plenty of wilderness and rivers nearby, and something about a military base built into the mountains with all the communications equipment anyone could ever dream about.

so they want to break into NORAD:derpytongue2: good luck!


and that's actually a broom closet there

Welcome back! I'd been waiting to see more of this!

So, considering that our heroes have already linked up in Qesun's story, are we going to continue to see both perspectives on the same events, or will you start trading off and following each other?

Thanks. :twilightsmile:

As for the trading off, we had discussed it and decided that rather than make people go back and forth between our two stories we would make sure they both read as a complete story that cover it from different perspectives. That is, of course, assuming Wolf and Qesun experience the same things ... :trollestia:

"You want to speak of impossible? Look in the mirror." I grumbled, “This is impossible. The fact we still managed to contact each other should be, at best, improbable. As far as I'm concerned, impossible doesn't exist anymore."

Amen to that, brother.

*Reads last few lines*

Is he going to listen to what I think he's going to listen to?

*David Bowie - Diamond Dogs starts playing*

I thought it was going to be East Bound and Down....oh well. But David Bowie....what are the odds?

“Premium guzzoline, the highest octane money can’t buy anymore.”

No mo money, right? Shame he didn't make a new friend, though. Real shame.

Love how he introduces himself to Qesun.

How come I never upvoted or tracked this? Oh well, rectified that.

I like Wolf and how you write him. You've truly got the roadmovie feeling down pat, especially your description of the vast emptiness of Texas interspersed with small lifeless towns and abandoned gas stations was very good. The 'angry sun' has to be one of the best descriptions of Monday morning I've seen ;)

The fleeing survivor was... unsettling and sad. Wolf being able to smell the fear of his 'prey' and realizing that he can do that and what it means for his role in the new world was interesting. I'd be haunted by the implications of having scared off a lone survivor (who might not make it all alone) for a long time. No criticism, we all react differently.

Retelling the events together from different perspectives is nice, just take care not to do it too matching lest it gets boring. The "I'm good with dogs" moment is still great though, with him being oblivious to the fact he almost gave the small, soft (and tasty?) horse a heart attack ;)

Looking forward to more, whenever you're ready.

Is this a collab with other stories? Because I've seen a couple of there that relate to this guy's friend's situations.

Thank you! :twilightsmile: I'm sure Wolf isn't over his encounter just yet, he just had more pressing matters. secondVendetta and I had discussed how best to tell our stories given that a not-insignificant amount would be of them together. We ended up deciding to cover the same events when appropriate but doing our best to keep them separate in point of view, this way a reader doesn't HAVE to jump back and forth between them to get a complete story, but they CAN to appreciate both sides. This way each stands on its own too.

It is! There are 3 others writing along with me in the same vein, a pre-planned interconnection.

That's awesome! I love collaborations because I just love it when people come together to do one amazing thing. I really like the story too, please continue!:pinkiehappy:

I never realized that you updated :pinkiesad2:

Well.. i know what I am reading after work

What route will your protagonists take to Colorado Springs? If they stop by that dingy little 7-11, Qesun could attempt to communicate with the unknown survivor.

like a bunch of feathery assholes.

Caw, caw, motherfucker.

Do you still function?

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