• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 5,349 Views, 70 Comments

The Untamable King - Mega NewWays97

A ancient force from another time is set free on the modern world. This time however its not some foe from the princesses past. A ancient Terror form the far past is free once again. Indominus Rex!

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The King is Back

Author's Note:

This Story is to celebrate Jurassic World

Now then time for the Theme.


Gaia Sixty-five Million years ago B.C.

Outside the forest wild creatures roam the lands. Remastant of the dinosaurs from earth. The animals raised their heads as they heard the roar coming from the forest. They looked for the creature. After a while one of the long neck plant eaters decided it must have been safe and went to eat from a tree. However the moment it reached for it the leaves attacked her neck.

With a snap, its neck broke and the leaves gave way revealing it wasn’t even leaves. The colors shifted as the I-Rex stepped out. The nearby planet eaters moved to get away only for its claws to dig right into the nearest plant eater. With a few clean cuts the wounds opened up as with a bite its neck was crushed.

It let the dead corpse fall as it ran to its next target, repeating the process over and over again.

An hour later a single being stood looking out at the masses of corpses lining the field. Each one having claw marks and bites marks all in them. None of them were even eaten. In fact it almost looked as if something had killed them for sport rather than for food.

The lone being took a drink out of something looking at the death. “Well, this is interesting.” With a final sip he tossed something over his back. A explosion was heard behind him. “I wonder who could have done this?” He said giving a evil laugh as lighting was heard behind him. In a flash he was gone.

Miles away dinosaur runned being chased by something as it tossed him about like ragdolls with its mouth and claws. A single roar could be heard as the new alpha Predator sent a simple message though the primal world.

Gaia… Modern day frozen wastes

In the cold lands of the frozen wastes lands above the Crystal Empire a crew were busy removing from the ice something of value. This expedition headed by the earth pony paleontologist/Anthropologist Doctor Compass was to find things from the tribes old homelands.

The earth pony in charge of the event looked out in their camp as the winds seemed to have picked up outside. “Sir!” a voice rang out. coming in was a pegasus weighed down by his clothes. “Sure we found something in the ice.” The Pegasus said taking off his goggles.

The expedition leader turned to look up at the pegasus. “What is it? A town? Artifacts of the tribes?” He asked. The pegasus shook his head. “Then what is it?”

Inside the cave the unicorns provided light as the ponies showed the leader what they had found. The earth pony took off his hat at the sight. Standing there was something very similar a dragon, however it wasn’t a dragon. Doctor Compass looked at the thing. “What is it doctor?” A Unicorn asked him. “Is it a dragon?”

“I can see why you would think that, in a way you are right, Dragons are a living relative.” The earth pony walked a bit up and turned to his team. “Everyone, we have found a perfectly preserved Dinosaur.” Above him the ice shared the frozen form of a white scaled monster with his jaws opened ride. The pony team got to work carefully removing the creature without harming it. It took days but finally the biggest find was finally on its way down south.

As the ponies got it into a transport one of the unicorns turned to Doctor Compass. “Sir, I’ve been meaning to ask, but what if the dinosaur is too well preserved.”

Doctor Compass turned to the stallion. “What?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I mean what if its still… alive? I seen in books dinosaurs have been extinct for a long time isn’t it kinda strange this thing isn’t a pile of bones, and we found it encased in ice?” The unicorn said bring up some good points.

“What do you think is the reason we found it then?” Doctor Compass asked. The unicorn and the team looked at each other.

A pegasus decided to speak up. “Sir, we think this thing, might have been placed that way because of magic. Kinda like the entity in the canterlot gardens what was he called again?”

“Discord, and I see your point. That is why it's heading off to be examined in fillydelphia before it's put on display a team of magic analysts will see if it was imprisoned like Discord.” Doctor Compass answered the team's concerns.

As the train moved through the lands, a small crack formed in the icy prison. The creaks slowly began to grow and spread across the ice. The nearby engineer was oblivious to what was soon about to happened. The ice finally reached the beasts eyes; which soon blinked.

With a burst, the ice gave out. Outside, the train car holding the beast bursted open, landing on the side of the tracks. The train being knocked back by the massive weight shift going off the rails. It was now a wreckage with what was contained inside being spilled out across the land.

“What was that?” The engineer asked. He slowly got back up and out of the train. A shadow formed over him. “What in the name of Celestia… ahhh.” He turned only to cry out as jaws clamped down on him and he was tossed up and into the maw of the mighty beast.

The ancient relic from a different time stood up and looked at a country side a small town over the horizon was soon by the titan. He let out a roar not heard for millions of years.

Miles away in a town of ponyville, a being who looked like some mad scientist took several creatures, randomly took parts of them and fused them together was laying in his tree when he felt the roar. He knew what the roar was. It had finally broken out.

‘So you finally broken out of your little imprisonment it seems? should I tell Celestia and the elements about what going to happen?’ he asked himself. He looked out at the town in the distance. ‘No. In fact, I’ll relish the look Celestia will have at seeing the planet's greatest predator.’

He gave a evil laugh at the thought. “Discord why are you laughing?” a yellow pegasus asked the eons old chaos deity. Discord gave her a pat on the head.

“Its nothing just thought of a joke dear Fluttershy nothing you need to worry about.” Discord responded. ‘A joke sixty-five million years in the making.’ He thought as a smile formed on his face.

“Ok then.” Fluttershy answered, not knowing what horror had just been unleashed back into the world.

With the yellow pegasus gone, Discord took another drink. ‘I can’t wait to see how you will introduce yourself back into the world Indominus Rex.’

Death and Destruction was the only thing that the town knew now. It looked like a tornado had blow through. However it wasn’t some weather mismanagement from Cloudsdale. No the footprints told a different story. The town had been destroyed by something not seen in this world since the time ancient beasts roamed the world. When the ancestors of many modern races were smile and weak under the rule of the ancient reptiles. A sound be heard in the distance.

The bone chilling roar would soon be the sound of fear. For the Untamable King had returned!