• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 5,350 Views, 70 Comments

The Untamable King - Mega NewWays97

A ancient force from another time is set free on the modern world. This time however its not some foe from the princesses past. A ancient Terror form the far past is free once again. Indominus Rex!

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First Contact

The Train wreck a hour later

The guards look over the wreckage of the train. It was mostly on its side with a cargo doors broken, most of the train crew it seems were killed and parts of the train was bulked as if something heavy had step on it. “What could have done this?” One the the guards a unicorn stallion asked. When the train hadn’t arrived at its squealed stop the guard came into investigate what had happened as many feared it was an attack by one of the monsters that are known to roam around equestria.

As they looked around one the wreckage they saw tracks. The tracks were massive leading from the train itself and heading off. They stopped for a moment at the footprints in shock. “What in the name of Celestia, you think these are dragon’s?” A Pegasus mare asked. Most had to agree with her it made sense to them.

The squad leader however shook his head. He knew dragon tracks. This wasn't a dragon of any kind. “No these are something else.” He looked where they were headed.

“Isn’t there a town nearby?” A squad member asked.

When they got to the town or at least what was left of it. The buildings were nothing but rubble the farms destroyed and the inhabitants. “This is no ordinary monster attack.” The leader said looking at everything. The tracks lead out and into the forest.

He turned to the pegasus in the squad. “Go and warn the Princess we’re see what we are dealing with.” The Pegasus gave a nod and took off for Canterlot. The rest of the guard moved for the forest. However something was watching them from within the forest.

The guard looked around there surroundings as they get deeper into the forest. They wondered next to a creek always looking for the monster. As they came to a waterfall to pause for a moment. A earth pony stallion saw what looked like a dead animal carcass. “What is it?” One of them ask.

The pony looking at the corpse soon came to a horrifying realization. However a drop of something red feel on his head. He looked up as the leaves moved.He barely had enough time to speak as claws picked him up. The Unicorns fired their magic at the beast one of them nearing its eyes causing the stallion to drop from its hands. However before he could count his lucky stars he was crushed under the beast's foot killing him.

Another Unicorn was grabbed and tossed right though a tree as the claws cut him open and he fell to his death. “What is this thing!” Another Unicorn asked only to get grabbed in its jaws and tossed at a pegasus knocking them both down.

“Run get away!” It soon become apart the magical blast were doing little more than annoy the beast so with a tail whip he tossed them into trees their bones broken from the force.Trees were being destroyed as the guards fought a hopeless battle trying to get the wounded away from this titan. However with a whip the last remaining of the guard were sent flying. Two of them landed into the bottle of the waterfall the others were not lucky.

The Squad leader blooded with his armor destroyed all around him looked as shadow came over him. With a bite it was all over. A roar was heard in the forest soon afterwards.

Down river in the waterfall two guards had survived beaten bleeding but alive. “Wh-what… was th-that?’ One of them said weakly.

“Well what do we have here?” Standing over them was the Lord of Chaos.

Discord tilt his head at the only two survivors. “Seems you meet my good “friend” Indominus Rex.” Discord said with a laugh. He looked over the beaten bodies of the mortals.

“You.” The guard wanted to scream but the pain keep him from.

Discord had an evil, sadistic smile. “Yes me, now I can’t have you tell Celestia about this, oh no I can not.” Discord said while he turned away from them. With his talons out he clawed into the air as a portal to another dimension opened up. The two guards floated up by Discord’s magic. “Then again they would never be able to find you or your bodies.” With a laugh they were tossed into the tar in reality and someplace far away from Celestia or even a hospital for that matter.

Discord turned away and in a flash was gone all the while a smile on his face.

Canterlot, The Royal Palace

The Pegasus guard came flying into the throne room. “Princess Celestia, Princess Celestia!” She screamed before stopping to take a moment to catch her breath.

Celestia waited for the guard mare to catch her breather. “What is it?”Celestia asked.

“Me and my squad went to check about a monster attack, what we found was a overturned train and.. the town nearby destroyed.” She started. Celestia interrupted her however with concern.

“Are the towns ponies ok?” Celestia asked.

The guard looked down. “They’re dead, they're all dead.”

Celestia let it set in for a moment, a whole town was gone. Their lives taken from them. ‘What could have done this?’ She asked herself.

“My squad went to follow it into the forest, I don’t know what happened to them but I fear…” She let that stand. A part of her seemed to have died while she flew to tell Celestia.

“You're dismissed, take sometime off for yourself.” Celestia said hiding her fear at these events. The guard gave a bow before heading off.

Celestia took a moment of silence for the fallen. She took off to send a message to her sister, her niece Cadence, and her Faithful student. If things really got out of hand she might have to ask for Discord's help. 'Knowing him he probably caused this as something he did during his long existence.' She thought to herself.

‘This can not get any worse.’ She didn’t know how wrong she was.

Walking out of the forest Indominus looked down at the city of Fillydelphia. The ponies went about not knowing what was watching just a few miles away. What happened inn the forest and the town was soon about to happen here as well. Indominus took a few steps as it headed for the city. As it did it gave out a roar that would signal the city's end.

Author's Note:

There is Chapter Two.

Looks like Discord knows more then he is letting on, and it seems I-Rex is about to kill a whole city.:pinkiecrazy:

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