• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 9,023 Views, 333 Comments

Beyond the Skies - FrostTheWolf

It all started with obtaining a Crystalline necklace that looked like a Traptanium Crystal. Now, for one boy, he can turn into a Skylander. But he still needs to get a hold of his powers first. [Skylanders Crossover][Displaced]

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Scroll 12- When you reach 88 miles an hour...

Author's Note:

Another chapter for you guys and this one is Calvin's second crossover. This time with Anubis Cruger from Cyberlord4444's story, SPD emergency. Just be prepared for a lot of stuff to happen... because like with the quote above...

:pinkiegasp: We're going to be seeing some serious [Censored for obvious reasons]!?

No Pinkie... you would be violating the speed limit... But you do make a valid point.

:pinkiehappy: Stay safe, kiddos!!

Back to what I was saying...... if you want to understand what Cruger is actually doing, then I recommend looking here because Cruger uses the equipment of the Sentai/Power Ranger of ToQger (Yes, this is an actual clip from what he tells me). So, given this and the fact that Calvin needs Imaginite... well, I'll let you find out what happens.

Until then, see you guys around
EDIT: This got in the feature box again!? Holy hay, you guys are awesome!

Beyond the Skies- When you reach 88 miles an hour...

Castle of Friendship

After their ‘arrival’ back at Twilight’s castle, Calvin and Spitfire, along with everypony else that was with him in the skylands, had to spend the next hour explaining every nook and cranny about what happened and why were they gone exactly. When explaining everything though, some of the details they told the others about confused the others more than helped them understand. Mainly because when they told them about the Skylands itself, they had assumed that it was like some of the other places in Equestria that floated in the sky, like Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus.

“So, this Skylands is a lot like that of some of the places where pegasi live?” Luna assumed, causing her sister to sigh a bit and shake her head in response. Spike, at this point, decided to excuse himself and leave everypony else to their conversation while he decided to go read the newest issue of the Power Ponies that had just been released earlier in the week.

“Not exactly…” Spitfire replied, trying to explain to Luna how there were differences between the Skylands and Equus, “You guys, from the looks of it, have small establishments that rest on top of clouds, like back in the Cloud Kingdom back in Skylands. For most of Skylands though, it’s way different… Hang on just a moment.” With that, the Supercharger took a moment to go back to where Hot Streak was and move some things around. Throwing out some stuff that happened to be in the back of the vehicle, including items that ranged from old soda cans, one of Mags’ tools, and surprisingly, a sheep. “Now, how in Eon’s name did you end up back here?”

All in which, when they were tossed out, hit Discord in the process. “Okay, seriously? Why am I the one that’s getting hit?” The chaos spirit protested, not amused as the sheep that was tossed out landed on his head, making him look like he had just gotten an afro. Some of the ponies in the room giggled at that, only causing him to roll his eyes a little.

Around now, though, was when Calvin turned to Spitfire and decided to speak up. “Spitfire, what are you even looking for in there? Do you need any help?”

“Nah, I got it… I thought I had a camera in here when some of us were on reconnaissance missions, and I thought I had a couple of pictures to show your friends here an example of what we’ve been talking about.” Spitfire explained, looking around a bit more before coming across something that wasn’t quite exactly what he was looking for, but still worked with the current circumstances. “Hunh… well, it’s not a camera, but it’ll do.”

“What did you find?” Calvin asked, looking back at Spitfire with a raised eyebrow for a moment before the supercharger handed him something. That something turned out to be a photograph of a section of the Skylands, and upon showing it to everyone else, everypony’s jaws dropped a little bit… while Pinkie’s jaw literally dropped to the floor.

“One time on a mission I was on with Stormblade, the only way we were able to find where we needed to go was to look for those islands that were in the photograph. I thought I got rid of it after we were done with the mission, but apparently, that wasn’t the case,” Spitfire shrugged. “Still, it should help clear things up a little. Even if it’s just one place of Skylands as a whole.”

“Whoa there, pardner,” Applejack interjected. “That’s only one place!?”

“Why, of course,” The fire gargoyle told the farmer in response as he pointed to the picture that Calvin was holding onto. “Skylands as a whole is a massive sea of floating islands like these ones here. In fact, there’s never been a map in order to cover everything because of how massive it is and with the amount of times that some islands keep moving. They just don’t happen to stay in one place.”

“Remarkable…” Princess Luna commented, amazed by what she was seeing. “I take back what I said earlier. This looks nothing like Cloudsdale or Las Pegasus.” Calvin personally was relieved that both he and Spitfire did not have to continue trying over and over again for them in order to understand. Though, now was when he happened to notice that someone who was in the room earlier… was missing.

“Hey, where did Spike go?” He asked, only for Twilight to giggle a little in response and cause the puzzled Skyshifter to look towards her.

“He excused himself earlier to go down to the basement, so he can read his comic book in peace,” Twilight told him, “I’m surprised that you didn’t even notice him leave or hear the door close.” Just as she mentioned it though, all of them heard a loud crashing noise that was the equivalent of several boxes filled with heavy textbooks. And it came from underneath where they were standing.

“Was that him?” Calvin asked. Twilight herself was unsure at first… until she heard the sound of her assistant screaming.

“OH, DEAR MOTHER OF CELESTIA, HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE!?!” If the sound of things crashing in the basement did not make Twilight worried earlier, hearing Spike scream definitely did now… along with wanting to wash out his mouth with soap for using such language.

“Yeah, we should go check on him and see if he’s okay-,” Calvin suggested, only for Twilight to immediately bolt to the basement door with both Spitfire and the Skyshifter not that far behind. Yet, when all three of them were going down the stairwell in order to see what was happening, they soon heard another voice alongside Spike.

“Whoa… I need to make sure not to tell Hugo about this place. He’ll nerd out the moment he sees all these books down here.” That voice… Calvin knew. So did Spitfire… and once they reached the bottom of the stairs, both of them and the Alicorn that was with them happened to lay eyes on the well known purple dragon himself.

“Spyro? What are you doing here?” Spitfire asked, a little surprised to find the Magic Skylander himself ending up in Twilight’s basement of all places. The purple dragon himself turned to see the three of them, but it was when the Supercharger said that to him that Spike and Twilight stared at him in disbelief.

“Wait a minute… you know this guy!?” Both of them said simultaneously in shock. Calvin just chuckled a bit in reply. He was rather familiar with Spyro with the amount of times he originally played as him when he started collecting Skylanders. But seeing the same dragon in front of you… that was something else.

“Well, Spits, never knew these guys were friends of yours,” the dragon chuckled, “How did you guys meet him?”

“It’s a rather long story,” Calvin then spoke up. “But, just out of curiosity… how in the world did you get in here?” Spyro now just tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, looking at them like they were clueless.

“I walked through the door here.” What the dragon just said made everyone else look back at him in disbelief. “What? I’m being serious. Stealth Elf and I found a door at the end of a tunnel in the M.A.P. that lead straight to here.” That just made Calvin even more confused, along with Twilight. But it was the Alicorn that was the first to speak.

“What the hay is a M.A.P… and what does it stand for?” Twilight then asked. Only for Spitfire to grumble a little in response as he used one of his claws facepalm himself.

It took a moment for the Supercharger to compose himself, but soon, he was able to start speaking. “He’s talking about a place in Skylands that we found around the same time that Kaos was trying to mess around with Mind Magic a few months back. We called it the M.A.P., and it was short for Mysterious Ancient Place. It was mysterious for… well, multiple reasons and mainly because we were able to get to many different locations in Skylands rather quickly as well as the Academy, ancient because it was the home of the ancients and… to be honest, I think these guys just used place so the acronym could spell out ‘map’.”

The dragon just gave Spitfire a deadpanned expression and sighed a little. “Very funny… and normally, I’m the one that tries to say something humorous.”

“So, wait… let me get this straight…” Twilight asked for clarification as she looked back at the purple dragon. “This M.A.P. is somewhere in between Skylander Academy and my castle… and you just happened to find a door that led to you ending up in my basement?”

“Well, both Stealth Elf and I found the door, but she had me go first, since I lost rock, paper scissors,” the dragon grumbled, looking back at them before turning his focus to Calvin. “Say, is that kid wearing an Imaginite Crystal?” Calvin looked back at Twilight and Spitfire for a moment before looking specifically at the Skylander. He was going to ask if he could help them out, but from what it sounded like, he had other priorities to attend to.

“Calvin, I’d love to stick around, but I gotta go back to the Academy and help out Eon for a while. Do call me if something does come up though.” With that, Spitfire disappeared as they heard Hot Streak taking off, and the sound of someone getting ran over soon followed. Followed by Discord shouting ‘Oh, come on!!’, and the sound of Rainbow Dash laughing while Spike walked back upstairs. Turning around, the Skyshifter himself sighed as he looked back at Spyro.

“It’s a lot to explain… but I’ll try to make it as simple as possible,” he assured him as they took a minute to get off the staircase. “In fact, we just got back from Skylander Academy not that long ago and also met Master Eon.”

“You guys met Master Eon?” Spyro asked, looking back at both Twilight and Calvin as both of them nodded their heads. “Wow… Now, I’m curious as to why you guys had to meet him in the first place. Is it because Kaos is causing trouble again?”

Calvin then had to deeply sigh as he nodded his head. “In more ways than one.” That was when both the Skyshifter and the alicorn began to fill him in on all of the details of everything that had happened so far. Twilight, though, focused a lot on making sure all of the details they were providing were both accurate and precise. Yet, the dragon they were telling this to, after listening to them talk for about ten full minutes, decided to speak once there was a pause in the conversation.

“So, to simplify things, you guys live underneath the Skylands and Kaos has another big, but not well thought out, master plan of taking over not just the Skylands, but your home, too?” the dragon said, just making sure that he heard everything correctly. “That honestly sounds like he’s trying too hard to take over Skylands.”

“Well, this isn’t a laughing matter at all,” Twilight told him, her tone being more serious. “Hey, you said that somepony else was with you... If they’re a Skylander, then shouldn’t they be… well, talking with us, too? They should probably be listening as we-”

“Oh, I have been listening…” Both Calvin and Twilight heard the voice echo as Calvin turned to see the elven ninja leaning against one of the crystalline walls. “I was just trying to see how long you would continue your conversation before noticing me…” That was when she turned her head and directed her attention back at the Skyshifter. “And in that time, you still didn’t answer Spyro’s question about the crystal around your neck.”

In response, Calvin himself just scratched the back of his head as he looked back at both the elf and the dragon. “Sorry, I was still… processing everything. But to put it simply, it’s not Imaginite.” That just left both Skylanders more… puzzled than anything else though, causing him to sigh in response. “From what Master Eon told me, it’s a special kind of crystal called Elementanium.”

“Elemen-what?” Spyro asked, still trying to process the name. That just caused Calvin to sigh for a moment as he looked back at him.

“Maybe I should just give you a demonstration instead,” Calvin said, looking back at the dragon in particular and repeating the phrase ‘All Fired up!’ as the crystal glowed and he turned into the magic skylander that was in front of him.

“What the-? How did you do that?!” the startled dragon asked, causing Stealth Elf to giggle a little.

“To put it simply,” Calvin explained as he looked back at the dragon and turned back to his normal form. “The Elementanium Crystal I have around my neck allows for me to transform into any Skylander I think of, just by repeating their catchphrase. Repeating yours turned me into you.”

“Wow… Can I have a try?” Spyro then asked. Only for Stealth Elf to shake her head a bit as the dragon looked at her a bit confused.

“Spyro, it can’t be that easy. There’s probably more to this than meets the eye,” Stealth Elf advised him. “Besides, we should probably know from experience that not everything is what it seems.” Calvin himself chuckled from what Stealth Elf said as he looked back at the slightly embarrassed dragon.

“Stealth Elf’s actually right,” the Skyshifter explained, “The crystal itself is something that only I can use, and if anyone tries to get a hold of it, they’re thrown backwards by a pulse of magic. Trust me, I saw it happen firsthand.”

Spyro looked back at him and then scratched his chin for a moment. “So, you can basically transform into… pretty much any one of us. Any element, any kind… just by repeating the catchphrase… including the Senseis’?” Calvin nodded his head in response, remembering his encounter with King Pen and Aurora sometime earlier. “That just… sounds awesome! Weird, but… still awesome.”

“Yet, that still leaves one mystery unsolved…” Stealth Elf spoke up as she walked up right next to Spyro and turned to face Calvin. “And that is if he has the crystal around his neck, then why would he be holding onto… this?” The moment that Calvin saw what she was holding, his heart skipped a beat. Frantically checking his pockets to see if he was seeing things, he had just realized that Stealth Elf just pickpocketed the Creation Crystal he was holding onto that was in his pockets.

“What the-? How did you-?!”

“Your back was turned to me while talking to Spyro, and I just couldn’t resist,” Stealth Elf giggled, looking back at the crystal for a minute before raising an eyebrow. “Though… this one seems a bit… different than the ones that Spyro and I have seen before.”

“Yeah, wouldn’t they normally be… well, glowing a little?” Spyro asked, only causing Stealth Elf to roll her eyes a little as the dragon looked back at her.

“Wait, you have seen a crystal creation when it’s awake?” Calvin asked, a little bit surprised by what he had heard just now. Though, that just got Spyro to glare a bit at him, and caused the dragon to think that he knew something that they didn’t.

“Hold up a minute… what do you mean by ‘awake’?” the Magic Skylander asked. Calvin took a deep breath as he looked back at the both of them and began to explain once more.

“While we were at the Academy, I was told more about Imaginators and the possibility of me turning into one was what we were discussing. Tessa found a Creation Crystal, but according to what Master Eon told her, this particular crystal’s asleep and can only be awakened with Imaginite. Yet, there was no Imaginite back at the Academy in order to awaken it,” he told them, recalling what Tessa told him and Spitfire during their meeting with King Pen. “So, until we hear back from them about it, that Creation Crystal’s going to be asleep for a while.”

Spyro was a bit skeptical of what he was saying, but for Stealth Elf, she was convinced and tossed it back to him as he caught it. Yet, for somepony else in the room, there was still one other thought that had been on her mind for a while, ever since they started talking with Spyro a few moments ago. “So, Spyro… earlier you were talking about how this… place you two came from brought you here, right?” Twilight reminded him as the dragon turned back around to face the alicorn.

“Yeah. What about it?” Spyro then asked.

“Well… can you two show us this… ‘Mysterious Ancient Place’? I mean, if there’s a door there that leads to my basement and also leads to the Academy, that could be pretty important for us,” Twilight insisted. Calvin honestly thought that she was trying too hard with simply asking them in the first place.

“She does make a valid point… and this isn’t exactly the weirdest thing we’ve come across today,” Spyro pointed out, leading to Stealth Elf soon agreeing with him as they guided the two of them to the door that both the Skylanders found, and out of the tunnel that they soon walked… or in Twilight’s case, trotted into.

“Uh… should I even ask what’s the weirdest thing?” Calvin asked as he raised an eyebrow and looked at both of them.

“One of the local mabu here gave us some… police badge thingamajig and was frantically going on about how he heard some voice speaking from it, like it was haunted… which would make sense in a way because he was running from where the Undead sensei realm was,” Spyro told them before looking back at the two of them once near the end of the tunnel. “But unless Fiesta decided to go do a few stand offs in Iron Jaw Gulch, then I don’t know why something like this would be there in the first place.”

“Well, did it at least have a name on it or something on it?” Twilight asked. “Because that sounds rather important to be just left lying around.”

“Yeah… we’ll let you see for yourself…” Spyro told them, just as they stepped out of the tunnel and into the light. “Right now though, welcome to the Mysterious Ancient Place.” Both Twilight and Calvin were… pretty surprised the moment they first saw the M.A.P. for themselves. It was a lot bigger than the space back at the Academy, with some particular sections being attuned to different elements, which reminded the Skyshifter a lot of the original elemental gates from the first few entries in the Skylanders series.

“Like what Spitfire told you guys earlier, this was said to be the home of the Ancients, but also serves another purpose,” Spyro explained to them as they approached a small bridge that was over a river. “This place is also the place where all of creation itself was… well, created. Mind magic, the magic that resonates in Creation Crystals and Imaginite, also originated from this place.”

“So, wait… are you saying that everything that’s around us… was originally created here?” Calvin then asked, a little surprised as well as confused.

“Apparently… There’s a lot of things in the M.A.P. that we are trying to figure out still,” Spyro replied to both of them as he looked back at both Calvin and Twilight. “But what we do know is that this place can lead to various other locations across Skylands, including the Academy. They also have some places here called Elemental Sensei Realms, where only Senseis of a matching element can access it.”

“So, hypothetically speaking… if King Pen were here, he could enter the Water Sensei Realm and Aurora could enter the Light Sensei Realm?” the Skyshifter guessed, in order to see if that’s how some of the Realms in here functioned. Again, they sounded similar to Elemental Gates, but from how Spyro explained it, he was led to believe that it was for Senseis only.

“That pretty much explains it,” the Magic Skylander replied back to him as they continued to walk through the entire place. The four of them soon came across a table that was nearby the entrance that would lead to Skylander Academy as Stealth Elf took the chance to report back to Master Eon. But what was on the table just irritated the Magic Skylander. “Oh, for the love of… We told that Mabu for him to hold onto it until we get back, so that he can tell us what we heard. Now, he’s not even here and left this… badge behind.”

Calvin himself though… was a little curious when he looked at the ‘badge’ on the table. It looked nothing like any police or sheriff's badge that he had seen before. Then again, the only ones that he had seen before were on TV and also pictures in comic books and magazines back home on earth. Still, there was the likelihood that this, too, could be a token of another Displaced, similar to that of Ace for that matter. “Hey, Spyro, mind if I have a look at this?”

The dragon himself was honestly a bit surprised by Calvin’s comments. Not to mention that his voice sounded like the Skyshifter was taking interest in the particular object that was left behind. “Uh, sure. Why do you want to look at it though?” he then asked.

“I just have a feeling that there may be a little more to this than meets the eye,” he told Spyro. Yet, Calvin’s assuring statement did little to help the dragon understand. The Skyshifter decided to not focus solely on that and instead pick up the silver badge to examine it himself. Once he held onto it though, he soon heard a voice run through his head.

I am Anubis Cruger, the Shadow Ranger. If you require my aid, or merely my counsel, call on me. But be warned, you, as well as your foes, shall face my judgment.

Originally, Calvin was baffled by that sentence. For more than one reason, of course. Mainly though, it was because of him over thinking that this… Cruger was some kind of bad guy. Yet, this also came to another realization that popped in his head. The possibility that this was a token for another Displaced.

The Skyshifter himself was only a little bit familiar with how this whole thing worked, but when he met Ace some time ago, who was a Displaced Portal Master, he and his sister helped explain things to him so he could understand it. That same knowledge that they explained to him was later told to Twilight once he came back. However, unlike with Ace, where he was summoned to him, the circumstances here were different. He came across another person’s token by coincidence. But was unsure if summoning Cruger was actually a good idea right now.

Maybe this guy could help me out somehow. I mean, he’s probably not as scary as I think he is… right?” he questioned mentally, wondering if he should follow through with this.

However, he didn’t have much time to think on it when Spyro soon interrupted his train of thought. “Uhh… Calvin? That badge is glowing now.”

“Wait, what-?” When he did realize what was going on, the thought of it almost startled him. The Magic Skylander himself, thinking that this was a trap, used one of his fireballs to knock the badge out of Calvin’s hand. By then, the dragon had thought that they had nothing to worry about anymore.

The sound of something crashing just a few yards behind them though told them otherwise. As they turned to look, a figure wearing a darkly colored suit of armor riding an ATV leapt over a bush before skidding to a stop next to them. “No one hit? Good. Much better than my last vehicular Verse Jump,” said the figure riding it.

“Uhh… should I be concerned that this guy just landed here shortly after that weird badge started glowing?” Spyro asked as he looked at Calvin and Twilight with a concerned expression on his face. After taking a deep breath, he then asked another question. “You didn’t accidently bring a villain here now, did you, Cal?”

“I… don’t think so?” he replied nervously. “To be honest, I’m just as surprised about this as you are right now.”

The figure on the ATV chuckled, “No villains here. Just a reality jumping Displaced cop, Anubis Cruger, Shadow Ranger and Commander of Space Patrol Delta, at your service.” Spyro just looked at him rather confused as Twilight and Calvin looked at each other with a surprised look on their faces.

“Is this guy for real?” Spyro then asked them, not even paying attention to the fact that Cruger could hear him. All Calvin did was drop his head down a little as he facepalmed himself in response.

“Okay, just what exactly is going on?” Twilight then asked, looking back at the Skyshifter as he took a moment to compose himself.

“Remember when I told you about the Displaced a couple of days ago?” Calvin asked, causing the Alicorn to nod her head as she listened to him intently. “Let’s just say that Mr. Cruger here happens to be one of them. He just happened to come here on accident.”

“I highly doubt crashing here and then just walking it off can be considered an accident,” Spyro deadpanned before looking at them. “Besides, what proof does this guy have? How are we supposed to know that he is who he says he is?”

“Well, Spyro, I suppose you’ll just have to trust me,” Cruger said as he looked around, “Let me guess, Skylanders?” Calvin himself nodded in response, a little bit surprised that he actually knew about it in the first place.

“What was your first clue?” he then asked, not trying to sound cocky, but to actually ask him the question and hear his answer in response.

Cruger casually pointed at Spyro, “He was the biggest clue. The fact that we’re on a floating island and that crystal around your neck narrowed the options from two to one.” He was honestly surprised by that. It sounded like this guy knew a lot about it in particular, and Calvin… was quite impressed.

“Well, that’s impressive… Ah man, where are my manners? I didn’t even tell you my name,” he said, facepalming himself as he looked back at Cruger. “I’m Calvin. This is Twilight and that’s Spyro, but I would think you would know that already. Welcome to the M.A.P.”

Cruger chuckled, “Talk about your corny acronyms.”

“Yeah. Well, this one’s kind of important… I think,” Calvin replied back, looking back at the Magic Skylander nearby. “Spyro? Can you give me a hand here?”

“Well, the M.A.P. is short for Mysterious Ancient Place… According to what we know on the Ancients, this place was said to be where all of creation began, and it was also the home of the Ancients themselves,” Spyro then explained before looking back at everyone now. “Yet, there’s still a lot that we’re trying to figure out… Hence, the first part of the name being mysterious… I don’t suppose you have any acronyms that are corny, do you?” The last part of the question was directed towards Cruger specifically and made Calvin sigh deeply. For some reason, it may be a bit before Spyro can not see him as some guy who crashed out of nowhere instead of some space invader.

“Not really. Just S.P.D., Space Patrol Delta,” replied Cruger, “but you have to admit, an overworld that’s actually called ‘map’ is kinda corny.”

“Well, this place allows us to be able to travel across to other locations in Skylands rather quickly, including the Academy-,” Spyro was going to continue, until he was interrupted by Twilight.

“And you just happened to walk through a door you found that led directly into my basement… Not to mention startling my assistant Spike in the process,” the Alicorn reminded the dragon as he groaned a little. He didn’t really want to be reminded of his earlier mistakes and just looked back at Twilight with a bit of a glare.

“It was an accident… Stealth Elf and I honestly didn’t know where it would lead to. I honestly did not know that Calvin can transform until he did it right in front of me,” he pointed out. One particular detail in that sentence happened to catch Cruger’s attention.

Cruger raised an eyebrow, “Transform?”

Calvin himself sighed for a moment as he looked back at Spyro and Twilight before turning to the Shadow Ranger. “Maybe I should give you a demonstration then.” He said as he closed his eyes for a moment, and the crystal on his necklace began to glow. The Skyshifter stood there as he thought of a phrase for him to say and then opened his eyes as he thought of it. Saying the words ‘Lights out!’, he soon had some blue flames form around him as he then transformed into Blackout, the Dark Skylander that was the first Skylander that he had transformed into when he first came to Equestria.

“Impressive,” said Cruger, “haven’t seen this one before, but I assume he’s a Skylander?”

“Yeah. This one is Blackout. He’s a Dark type Skylander… and yes, that’s a new one. There’s also the Light element as well, but both elements only have a few number of Skylanders representing it,” Calvin replied as he then shifted back to normal a few moments later, speaking now in his normal voice. “Though, I can’t stay transformed forever. There’s a time limit to my forms, but the more times I use a particular transformation, the longer I can remain in it.”

“And you can turn into any Skylander?” Cruger asked.

“Yes, just by repeating either their catchphrase or a phrase they typically say,” the Skyshifter informed him. “Recently though, I’ve figured out how to call on a Skylander to help me out if I would need help in a sticky situation, and if I turn into a Supercharger, I could also call on a vehicle, depending on if it’s a Land, Sky, or Sea type and where I am at the time…” At that point though was when Cruger noticed Calvin holding onto the creation crystal that he had before putting it back in his pocket. “I still have a long ways to go-”

“So, if say… Twilight became a Skylander, you could turn into her?” Cruger asked.

Calvin… had not thought of that actually. “To be honest, I have not thought of that… It may seem possible… but I don’t Twilight would approve of another her running around all over the place.”

“Oh, I think she’s used to having more than one copy of her friends around,” Cruger said before turning to Twilight, “Am I wrong?”

“Oh, I’m used to it… However, that could be a conversation for another day,” she replied, looking back at Calvin. “Right now, the only priority on his mind in regards to his transformations is to find the imaginite needed to wake his creation crystal.” The young teen almost forgot about the whole imaginite part, given the fact that he was a little focused on not just him meeting Spyro, but also meeting Cruger, too. It was a lot to take in for him personally.

Cruger raised an eyebrow, “I’m sorry, did you say imaginite? As in an imagination based power source?”

Spyro himself decided to speak up around now in order to answer Cruger’s question. “One could say that… Imaginite is what you may think of as a crystallized form of Mind Magic, the same magic that the Ancients used in creating everything around them. Imaginite is used sometimes in order to help create Imaginators, which are Skylanders that a Portal Master can create on their own and can be taught by a Sensei of different Battle Classes.” That was when Calvin took out the Creation Crystal that he had, prompting Spyro to say the second half of his statement. “Creation Crystals, like the one Calvin has, are what’s used to make Imaginators. However, from what Master Eon told him and from what he told me, Calvin’s Crystal in particular is asleep.”

“We were also told that some Imaginite would wake up the crystal, but Tessa and the others at the Academy could not find any last time we were there,” Twilight also added.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that any longer,” Cruger said as he pulled out a silver cylinder and a key ring with several figurines on it, “I think I have a solution.” That caused all three of them to look at one another, baffled and confused at what the Shadow Ranger was talking about.

“Hang on… you do?” Calvin asked, sounding a bit confused at what Cruger was going to do with the cylinder he had.

“Yep. Been looking for an excuse to use this particular key for a while,” Cruger said as he held up the figure he detached from the ring, a red one with what looked like a steam train styled helmet, before flipping the legs up, revealing a key, “Diesel-Oh I think, or its components at least.” Before anyone could ask what he meant, he inserted the key into a keyhole on the cylinder and turned it, causing a white striped line to fall from the sky and land on the ground as a voice called out out of nowhere.

“Ressha ga mairimasu! Hakusen no uchigawa ni sagatte omachi kudasai”

Twilight almost flinched a little at hearing that, raising an eyebrow in response before saying a question that came to her mind. “Is that… neighponese?”

“Yep,” Cruger said as he motioned them away from the line, “‘The train is arriving, please stand behind the line.’” As soon as they were all clear, they saw what looked like a train coming towards them through the air on rainbow colored rails before coming to a stop on the other side of the line.

“Diesel Ressha! Tank Ressha! Car Carrier Ressha!”

Coming to a stop, they could tell it was actually 3 trains. The first was a maroon colored freight train with a diesel engine that was longer than the other 2 put together. The second was a cyan pair of tanker cars, and the third was a bronze car carrier with 5 differently colored racecars inside and on top.

Calvin could honestly not even believe… or quite possibly understand what was going on. There was so much going on that it was a bit difficult for him to process everything at once. Unless if whatever Cruger did actually had some benefit to it, then the young teen would think that somehow right now, he was doing this to show off. Not to mention that the moment he saw the train, he thought of the kid that always happened to get hit by one in that ASDFmovie whenever he said “I like trains”. Yet, he did not say anything and just waited for when the Shadow Ranger was done.

“Man, been waiting a long time so I could summon one of these,” Cruger said as he started walking to the cargo boxes at the back of the first train, “Allow me to introduce the Diesel, Tank, and Car Carrier Ressha, from Ressha Sentai ToQger.”

“Uh… Hi?” Calvin responded, honestly not knowing or even understanding what was going on.

Cruger chuckled as he gripped the handle of the box car, “Anyway, the reason I summoned these three is because everything in ToQger runs on,” Cruger opened it with a flourish, revealing it to be filled to bursting with Imaginite Crystals as he spoke like he was dramatically revealing something to the world, “IMAGINNNAAAAAAATION!”

“Woah… I honestly have not seen that much Imaginite in one place before in… well, ever.” Spyro commented, still surprised that there was actually Imaginite inside the box car. “That should be more than enough to wake up your crystal, Cal.”

“Yeah, it should,” Calvin replied, looking back at his asleep creation crystal before looking back at Cruger. “Thanks… I have to admit… that was both impressive and pretty… interesting.”

“If that last bit is about how I said imagination, let’s just say: if you watched the show, you’d be upset if I did it any other way,” Cruger said, “Besides, like I said, been looking for an excuse to use that key.” That just made Twilight a little… curious at the last particular statement.

“Wait. So, you’re saying that you have more than one key… matter of fact, what are these keys you keep mentioning?” Twilight then asked Cruger. Followed by Spyro speaking up.

“Actually, she brings up a valid point. What are these keys you keep talking about? Because it sounds like you have more than one on you,” the Magic Skylander then asked as all three of them looked back at the Shadow Ranger now.

“They’re called Ranger Keys,” Cruger said, holding up another one that looked like himself, “Got them from a Gokaiger Displaced called Gai. They let me summon the equipment of their respective teams. They can also let me transform into them, kinda like you can, but I don’t really use that feature much.”

“Hunh… That’s actually kind of interesting,” Calvin said, scratching his chin and looking at Twilight before saying something that happened to be on both of their minds. “Does each one have their own abilities and skills that change depending on what you turn into?”

“Everything from ninjas to wizards,” Cruger replied.

“What about going to certain places that only some could unlock or access, like the Sensei realms here?” The Skyshifter asked, remembering what Spyro happened to mention earlier in the day.

“Don’t think so,” Cruger said, “Although… mind if I take a look at one of those?”

“Well, they only open for those of the same respective element,” Spyro added to it. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t try. In fact, the one for the Magic Realm was actually above the entrance we found to Twilight’s… basement.” He wanted to make sure to explain everything, but not annoy the Alicorn on that subject either.

“I’m more of a Tech guy myself,” Cruger said, “Don’t let the heavy magic use fool ya. I’m more at home at a workbench than an arcane enchanter.”

“Hunh… alright. That’s not far from here either. But let’s let Calvin wake up his crystal first-” the dragon said before hearing Calvin then speak up.

“It’s alright. Just because the crystal is ready to wake up doesn’t mean I need to right this minute,” the Skyshifter said as he pointed something out to the Magic Skylander in response. “Besides, who knows how long Cruger is going to be here before anyone back in his world needs him for something.”

“It’s no trouble,” Cruger said, closing the door of the boxcar, “Although, perhaps Spyro could take this back to base while we’re gone?”

“Yeah, I can, along with getting a couple of extra people to help, but we can take care of that. I’ll just make sure to give some to Calvin before he goes back with Twilight,” Spyro replied back to him, handing a few to the young teen for him to keep. “And there you go. You should be all set… I think. I’m not sure how much Imaginite would be needed to fully wake it up, so I gave you a good amount, just to make sure.”

“If not, he can grab more when he gets back,” Cruger said as he tossed him a pass card, “You’ll need that to operate it, and it’ll do what you imagine. Also, the Tank Ressha is full of Imaginite processed into fuel, so make sure to unload that as well.”

“I think this amount already would cover us for a few months. Thanks!” Spyro told him before dashing off to go to the Academy to get some help. Meanwhile, Calvin himself had to lead Cruger over to where the Tech Sensei realm would be… which wasn’t hard, because of the fact that the moving gears all around it made it stand out amongst the rest of the M.A.P.

“I guess this is the place,” Cruger said, placing his hand on the door, “Now, let’s see if being a teacher at a school for Displaced makes me a Sensei.” That caught Calvin and Twilight by surprise for a moment as they both looked back at him.

“Wait a second… there’s a school for Displaced?” They both asked the same question almost simultaneously as they watched the door shimmer a little in response to Cruger’s hand.

“Beacon Academy, and yes, it was founded by a RWBY Displaced,” Cruger said as the door slowly opened, “I’ll give you a copy of his Token later.” Calvin nodded shortly, before looking at the ranger. A bit spellbound by the fact that the door was beginning to open on it’s own in response to Cruger himself. He had originally thought only Senseis could open it, according to what Spyro told him. Now though, this was quite surprising… and honestly, something that he did not expect. “Looks like it does count.”

“Wow… That’s pretty amazing!” Twilight responded, looking at the inside of the realm itself passed the door as she stared at it in awe. It almost reminded her of the many different contraptions that she had back in her old home at Golden Oaks Library. Though… the thought of home… soon made her realize something. More importantly… it made her realize exactly how long they have been gone for. “Oh, horseapples…”

“Twilight, what’s wrong?” Calvin asked, turning to the Alicorn and raising an eyebrow in response, confused at why she was panicking a bit right now.

“Calvin, we need to get back to the castle. We’ve been gone too long, and everypony would think that we’ve disappeared!” she told him, almost freaking out at this point.

“Wouldn’t Spike be able to tell them though?” he pointed out to her in response. Only for Twilight to sigh for a moment and look back at him.

“Everypony we know back at the castle had gone through a lot already after Rainbow Dash pulling off a Sonic Rainboom led to her her cracking open a giant hole in the sky. I think they would be even more worried if we happened to go missing shortly after coming back only a few moments ago.” Calvin had to admit, she did make a valid point there… and given everything that already happened today, everyone back home needed a mandatory break from all the craziness going on around them.

Sighing a little like he was in defeat, he turned back to Cruger for a moment and then spoke up. “Sorry, Cruger, but we need to go. Twilight’s right, and… well, there has been a lot of crazy stuff happening today, so I gotta run.” Taking out a spare crystal that was his token, he tossed it over for Cruger to catch as he looked back at him. “That’s my token, if you want to summon me or anything like that.”

“Thank you,” Cruger said, taking it, “Before I go, there’s something I need to give you.” Cruger pulled out a poster, “This is Basco, a Displaced who’s hobby is murdering other Displaced. You see him, you call me.”

“Will do, chief,” he said, giving a mock salute to Cruger as both he and Twilight made his way back to the door that had led to the Princess of Friendship’s castle.

“Call me if you need anything,” Cruger said, drawing his sword and cutting a hole in reality with it, before mounting his ATV and driving through, leaving behind some burn marks on the ground where his wheels were… and leaving Spyro with having to try and explain things to Stealth Elf… Which was a lot more difficult than he had originally thought.

“So, let me get this straight… this ‘Cruger’ guy happened to just show up from the same badge that was left for us to look at earlier… talked with you guys… and just happened to summon a train that was filled with Imaginite inside?” Stealth Elf asked, trying to see if she could understand everything Spyro was telling her. “I’m not one for tall tales, but your story can be a good book for Hugo’s fiction section at the library.”

“Oh, come on!”

End Scroll 12

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