• Published 20th Jun 2015
  • 9,024 Views, 333 Comments

Beyond the Skies - FrostTheWolf

It all started with obtaining a Crystalline necklace that looked like a Traptanium Crystal. Now, for one boy, he can turn into a Skylander. But he still needs to get a hold of his powers first. [Skylanders Crossover][Displaced]

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Scroll 15- Lessons from a Master

Author's Note:

For this chapter, I decided to have it be a little more focused on one of the things that Calvin originally came to the Skylands to do in the first place. That being learn to fight as an imaginator. So, who else to be a better teacher then that of King Pen himself? Because he's going to need to learn all that he can in order to prepare himself for whatever Sombra, Kaos and one other villain will throw at him.

Fun fact, it was as I was preparing this that I just got started with the new Skylanders Mobile game that's in Beta right now. That and I got back into Imaginators again. In fact, Calvin's own imaginator is based on the fire brawler that I have as my first imaginator for the game right now.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy the chapter and look forward to what else I got in store later on.

Beyond the Skies- Lesson from a Master

“Brace for glory!”

The moment that Calvin spoke those three words, a series of flames began to burn all around him as the crystal that was on his neck began to glow a burning shade of red. The Skyshifter could clearly feel the mind magic from the imaginite crystal all around him as he was beginning to take on the appearance of the imaginator that Stealth Elf helped him create.

The first thing that began to change was his clothes. His sleeveless shirt, shorts and sandals began to turn into the clothes that he had chosen for his imaginator, alongside a pair of gauntlets on his hands that served as his weapons for a brawler class imaginator.

The top piece that he was wearing was that of a leather brown Judogi vest, while he had a matching pair of what looked like a set of matching leggings in the same color. There was also a pair of darkened wrist wraps around his hands, and he had what looked like a hood go over his head to cover his new face, which resembled that of a drow elf. His skin color matched that of Stealth Elf’s, and so was the spiky hair he had under his hood. Though, the two things that did stand out were that his eyes were much different from that of stealth elf’s, and he had a set of leather pauldrons on his shoulders.

As he was able to stand firmly on two feet now and got accustomed to his new form, Calvin now only had one thing to ask. “So… what do you think?”

“That… was…” Rainbow said, pausing for a moment as she was trying to think of what to say. Only for someone else to beat her to it. “... Amazing!!”

“That’s a pretty interesting combination there,” Spitfire replied now as he folded his arms and complemented Calvin on his new form. “Color me impressed.”

“Thank you, Spitfire,” Calvin nodded his head as he turned to Stealth Elf as she was leaning against a wooden post. “I already had an idea in mind for what I wanted to do, but Stealth Elf was the one that helped me make this whole thing possible.”

“Geez, you really don’t have to give me credit for something that you created, Calvin,” the elf replied back to him. “I just showed you the ropes and then let you do the rest yourself. Now though… comes the second part.”

That had Calvin raise an eyebrow as he looked back at the life skylander, before realizing what she meant. “Oh… you mean…”

“I did tell you that imaginators needed to be taught by sensei’s regarding how to fight… Luckily for you, one of them just happened to be with us,” Stealth Elf explained as she motioned her right hand in the direction where King Pen was standing. “King Pen is a sensei of the brawler class, and you just happened to have your imaginator be of the brawler class. So, I’m going to just let him take over from here.” And like that, Stealth Elf disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving him with Rainbow, Pinkie Pie (who seemed to be in the middle of having a nacho eating contest with Flynn), Spitfire and King Pen himself.

“Hey, Calvin, I’m going to go out on patrol with Stormblade. I’ll be back later.” And like that, the supercharger took off with his vehicle and the air supercharger right beside him. Making it just two ponies, a captain who was not paying attention what was going on and the sensei that was now his teacher.

“Alrighty then. Now, before we begin, I think we should relocate to somewhere that’s a bit more… cool,” the penguin told him, before beginning to waddle over to a nearby building and using a flipper to motion Calvin to follow him. Opening the door at the front of the building, Calvin began to realize that he had been in here once before. In fact, he was here when Spitfire was trying to explain to him about the battle classes for the imaginators. “Welcome to the dojo, or duelist’s dojo, to put it in the way Buzz said it.”

“Buzz made this place?” Calvin then asked, looking around the room for a few more minutes and then turning his attention back to King Pen.

“Technically, he did not make this himself… but he claims that since he came up with the original idea for it that he ‘made it’,” the sensei told him, even going as far as to do exaggerated air quotes with his flippers. “Even though Barbella and a few other sensei’s helped with the creation of it. The point is though that we use this facility as training grounds for new imaginators. The mind magic around the room allows for the inside of the arena itself to change depending on the class of the imaginator that is in it.”

At the moment he explained that, Calvin soon noticed a circular sigil with a closed fist in the center begin to glow within the center of the arena as he looked back at King Pen. “Alright… now that it recognizes our presence here, we can get started with the first lesson, which is choosing your combat style.”

Again, the skyshifter was confused as he folded his arms and tilted his head. “Um… what do you mean by that? I thought Brawlers were more focused on martial arts and punching things.”

“Well, yes and no,” King Pen clarified for him, just as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were taking a seat in what looked like a designated seating section for spectators. Pinkie Pie, herself, was still getting off some of the sticky nacho cheese on her fur as the sensei was speaking. “Combat styles are how we determine how you fight with your weapons. Each imaginator specifically has two. Boxers, which are more focused on multiple attacks in quick succession and Bruisers, which deal slow, but powerful strikes to anyone they’re facing.”

“Hmm… that’s a tough one…” Calvin replied back as he scratched his chin.

“Not really…” Both sensei and skyshifter turned to look directly towards Rainbow Dash as she pointed something out for Calvin. “The last few times that I saw you turn into something, you were really fast in attacking and getting out of the way of incoming attacks. Remember when you kicked Kaos’ butt back at the Gala?”

“Rainbow, that was almost a month ago,” the skyshifter pointed out to her. “Not to mention that I have tried out other forms too.”

“Yeah, but the one form that I sometimes see you use the most is when you turn into that Spitfire guy. And he seems to rely on both speed and strength just from watching you fight as him.” The pegasus pointed out as Pinkie finished cleaning her fur… and then proceeded to checking her tail and mane for any leftover nacho cheese. “Does that help any?”

“Actually… that does,” the sensei pointed out. “Even though he is a supercharger, there are some things that we can take into account. It leads me to think that Calvin is the kind of fighter that wants to quickly deliver devastating blows while also being quick enough to dodge potentially dangerous attacks. Does that sound correct, Calvin?”

The Skyshifter, now hearing what King Pen said, actually nodded in response. “Yes… yes it does, actually.”

“Then, I would think the Boxer combat style would be your best option then, if that were the case,” King Pen informed him. “It would sound like the closest thing we can get towards that same fighting style you’re familiar with. The next part, though, may be something that’s a bit trickier… and that’s for a very specific reason.”

Calvin took a moment to look back at Rainbow for a moment, both of them looking rather puzzled by King Pen’s statement just now. “Why’s that?”

“It’s because it revolves around your imaginator’s elemental powers,” the penguin began to clarify for his student. “Unlike secret techniques or combat styles, elemental powers vary greatly depending on the element of the crystal. For example, an earth brawler’s elemental powers are extremely different from that of a fire brawler, such as yourself. So… instead of having to teach you how to use it, the only way you can be able to learn such abilities is for you to try it on your own.”

“Ooh! Ooh! I got a perfect idea for that!!” Pinkie declared, immediately jumping from the stands in order to take part in the exercise. Calvin couldn’t possibly think of how Pinkie could be able to help… or for that matter, why was she pulling out her Party Cannon.

That is… until things began to click. Literally… “Pinkie, what are you-?”

Click! “Fire in the hole!!” The skyshifter didn’t have time in order to try and finish his question, as what looked like a big ball of confetti just flew past his head, forcing him to bend over as he was trying to dodge each one of Pinkie Pie’s confetti cannon balls.

At one point though… he thought that she was out of ammunition, but he was soon told otherwise when this time, an apple pie flew past his head. “What the? How in the world did you-?” Again, he wasn’t able to finish his question, as he had to keep on dodging.

In doing so though, that was when King Pen noticed something. “Hold your fire now…” He instructed Pinkie, raising a flipper as Pinkie Pie stopped halfway through reloading her cannon with even more ammunition, that was somehow stored in her tail of all places. “I think we’re getting somewhere.”

At first, Calvin was confused as to why King Pen instructed for Pinkie Pie to stop. But as he looked behind him, he could see what looked like scorch marks where he once was to where he was at right now… along with some burning embers on the ground. “Woah…”

“That… looks like your first elemental power right there,” the sensei told him in response, smirking a bit. “A burning dash, allowing for you to quickly move from place to place and leave a burning trail in your wake… ironically, I think Spitfire has something similar to that, but much faster.”

That… was definitely something, especially given the fact that Calvin was rather quick to pick up on it. But instead of asking King Pen about what he just said, the Skyshifter had a rather… different question. “Um... Pinkie… I appreciate you helping out, but where did you get the pies from?”

“Honey bun, where are those pies that Pinkie Pie helped us bake the other day? I can’t seem to find them anywhere.”

“Oh, I just found them.” Pinkie Pie giggled, before putting away her Party Cannon as she looked around at the mess that she accidentally caused and proceeded to clean it up, using her tail as if it was a broom to clean up the confetti while she was holding out a dustpan with her left hoof.

“Anyways…” King Pen spoke up as the embers from the scorch marks on the floor began to flicker away. “Elemental powers do vary depending on the element, but it’s also what makes certain imaginators unique, since what they can do is much different. It can also allow for you to test new things and experiment with new abilities. Now though, I think it’s time we move on to one of my favorite parts of teaching new imaginators.”

“And what exactly is that part?” Rainbow then spoke up.

“Why, secret techniques, of course,” the penguin grinned, unfolding his flippers as he redirected his attention back towards Calvin. “They’re special and powerful abilities that can only be taught by a sensei of the same class, and also by defeating Doomlanders of the same class. For example, brawler sensei’s can only teach brawler secret techniques. And they’re specialized to fit the imaginator.”

Hearing that had Calvin blink for a moment, before he asked something. “I heard Tessa mention Doomlanders before and Stormblade say that they were made using Mind Magic… would it be safe to assume that it was another botched attempt at domination of the Skylands by Kaos?”

Both Pinkie and Rainbow looked at Calvin, rather surprised to hear that from him. Because unlike that of Twilight, both of them did not know anything about the whole Doomlander fiasco. To King Pen though, he just smirked and asked a simple question. “What gave it away?”

“I think with the amount of times that Kaos says ‘doom’ at the top of his lungs, I think it’s kind of obvious,” Calvin chuckled as he looked back at the penguin. “I mean… for someone who thinks of himself as an evil genius, he doesn’t seem to think outside the box as to what other words he could use to describe his minions.”

“Wait… you guys faced evil versions of Skylanders?” Rainbow then asked. “What other kinds of bad guys have you faced before? I mean, the biggest villain I know that we have faced was a centaur that tried swallowing all of Equestria’s magic like it was for dinner.”

“Oh, really now?” King Pen asked, smirking as he folded his flippers. “Well, from what I know, the Skylanders have faced numerous foes on their adventures. Including, but not limited to, a four headed hydra that Kaos called his pet, the dark spirit Hektore, a singing drilling machine, an army of arkeyan soldiers that were over 10,000 years old, Robo-Kaos, the giant Captain Frightbeard, Count Moneybone’s attempt to turn all being’s undead, Kaos’ mother, giant petrified darkness Kaos, villains that were imprisoned in the strongest prison possible before Kaos broke that open, traptanium Kaos and a literal sky eating machine that was fueled by the darkness that almost consumed all of Skylands and secretly powered by a multiversal entity of living darkness. A few Doomlanders is nothing compared to that, even when Kaos was empowered by the mind magic that made them.”

That… left both ponies completely speechless for a while. Especially Rainbow, who was personally trying to comprehend everything that she had just learned. “Wow… I really wish I could go on an adventure like what you guys have.”

“I think you forgot to mention the Fire Viper,” Calvin then pointed out for King Pen as he realized what the Skyshifter just said.

“Ah, yes, the Fire Viper that once swallowed Skylanders whole, only to be defeated from inside it’s own belly,” King Pen laughed at remembering that, which did not help with the fact that Rainbow and Pinkie were still trying to wrap their heads around what he previously said, and they weren’t expecting for him to add on to that. “Ah, good times.”

While both ponies were still trying to comprehend what was just added on to what was just said by King Pen, Calvin decided to redirect the conversation back to the original topic. “So, sensei… you were mentioning something earlier about secret techniques?”

“Ah, yes, of course! Sorry, I was getting a bit carried away,” the penguin apologized as he turned his attention back to the Skyshifter. “There are four different secret techniques that brawlers can use. Two standard, one that I can teach you and the other you would normally have to acquire from a Doomlander… but we’ll have to figure out some kind of workaround for that in the future.”

Calvin nodded his head as he cracked his knuckles and looked back at his teacher. “Alright, so what’s first?”

“Well, the first one is rather simple, and it’s called the ‘Megaton Punch’,” King Pen began to explain, even going as far as to take up a stance in order to give Calvin a visual demonstration. “It’s a special kind of punch that’s charged up with your power. If you hit an enemy with it, you can send them flying… but it takes time for the attack to charge up properly.”

Taking what he saw from King Pen, he began to try it himself. Following the sensei’s instructions, Calvin began channeling the energy from his body into his right arm as he swung forward. After he released the energy from the technique, the skyshifter began to stretch out one of his hands as he looked back at King Pen. “This one is good… but it might not be ideal for someone like me. What other ones are there?”

“The second one is what’s seen as a ‘Knockout Clap’,” the penguin explained, while demonstrating the technique by clapping both of his flippers together. “It may not be much, but it’s supposed to release a shockwave that stuns and staggers any enemies who get too close to you. But I think you personally might like the third technique I’m about to show you.”

Hearing that made Calvin a little bit curious as he looked back at the sensei. “Oh? What technique is that?”

“It’s the technique that I can teach you right now,” King Pen responded back to him as he prepared a demonstration once again. This time, though, he stepped on what looked like a contraption on the floor as a few Greebles landed in one section of the dojo from a minion dispenser that was hidden in the ceiling. Though, it was as the Greebles were trying to wrap their heads around what just happened that King Pen charged forward, before sending them flying upward with a powerful uppercut as the minions dispersed into experience balls. King Pen gracefully landed back on the ground as the penguin sensei redirected his attention back to Calvin.

“This is the technique that is called the ‘Dashing Uppercut’. It combines the speed of a dash, like your Fire Dash just now, with a powerful uppercut that can knock opponents up into the air,” he further clarified for him, before pressing the same panel on the floor and having a few more greebles pop on in. “Alright, your turn now. Go ahead and give it a try.”

At first, Calvin himself was caught off guard by that. He did not expect for King Pen to suddenly tell him to test out the technique that he only learned just a few seconds ago. Though, there was no better time than the present. As he looked back at the greebles, he began to picture how to try and perform the technique inside his head first before executing it, dashing forward and performing the uppercut. However, the only thing that he did not exactly do well at was the landing, as he had trouble trying to stay on both of his feet on the way back down.

“Good… for a first try,” King Pen complimented him. “But I know that you can do better with some practice. Why don’t we practice some of your basic fighting moves first before continuing? That sounds a little easier.”

All Calvin did was just nod his head in agreement, before stretching out his arms and adopting a fighting stance as he looked back at King Pen. Readying himself as King Pen had another few Greebles be dispensed on the floor of the dojo, the minions soon focused their attention on the Skyshifter. This exercise allowed for Calvin to not only practice his boxing based combat style, but also get used to having to fight in the body of the imaginator that he created, since it was much different than that of the Skylanders that he had transformed into before.

His first move against the small group of greebles was to dash at the first one and swiftly deliver a combination of quick jabs, striking the greeble in the chest as it was thrown backwards and quickly defeated. The second move he had to make came when one of the greebles that he was fighting attempted to throw what looked like a tomahawk at him, forcing Calvin to dash out of the way of the attack and attempt to strike the greeble shortly afterwards.

Out of the five greebles that were his opponents though, the last three turned out to be much more difficult than anticipated, primarily because one of them used what looked like an oversized cannon and attempted to try and shoot at him from long range, while the other two were a pair of Greeble ironclads that had metallic suits of armor covering everything except for their heads.

Man, it’s been a long time since I last saw these.” Calvin thought to himself as he had to dodge an incoming cannonball and proceed to get out of the way of the incoming series of punches from the ironclads. Memories of playing some of the Skylanders games back home returned to him as he tried to remember how exactly he was to defeat some of the foes that he was facing off against. He knew that the ironclads themselves mostly stayed in a defensive state to protect themselves, but only let their guard down at one particular moment.

However, trying to remember when that moment occurred was another story. Because when trying to dash towards them, he found out that they were able to block his incoming attacks and even knock him back when he tried to face them. “Come on… there’s got to be some way to beat them…

Though, it was as he was thinking this that he happened to notice a pattern. After the ironclads attacked three times, the third attack made them disorientated and vulnerable. It was something that he noticed when one of them looked to be seeing stars after slamming both of his fists in the ground, providing an opening for him to strike as he took down one of them, but he almost got hit by another incoming cannonball in the process. “Okay, that guy is just being annoying…

So, instead of focusing on the other ironclad now, he focused his energy on the Greeble Blunderbuss that was shooting the cannonballs at him, using his fire dash to dodge several shots and closing in while the greeble was trying to reload. This made it much easier for Calvin to try and focus on the final opponent without having to worry about a cannonball hitting him in the process. “Okay now. Just wait for him to attack first… let his guard down, and-

Of course, what he did not expect was for the crystal around his neck to glow again, which caused him to revert back to his human form as he stared directly at the greeble. “…… Oh, come on!” Luckily though, before the ironclad could do anything, that was when King Pen let out a powerful Frost Breath from his beak to freeze the Greeble in place.

“Well, seems like everyone has their limits…” the penguin sensei said to him as he had the frozen Greeble fall over and shatter to pieces. “But I think this could serve as the perfect chance for a break. I must say though, you are a pretty fast learner. Handled the basics in no time at all.”

“Um… thanks?” Calvin said in response, a little bit unsure if that was supposed to be a compliment or not, before asking King Pen a question. “So, how well did you think I did?”

“Well, like I said, you handled the basics well,” the penguin began to explain as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie trotted down to where they were beside Calvin. “You’re doing quite well with your elemental powers, but the only thing I can think of is that you need to practice your secret technique more. Whichever you decide to go with is your choice, but you should find a way to practice this and your other abilities as much as possible.”

“He’s got a point: Practice makes perfect,” Rainbow added, which made Pinkie Pie chuckle as the pegasus looked back at her friend. “What? What’s so funny, Pinkie?”

“Oh, silly Dashie… It’s silly to hear you say that given how much time everypony finds you napping in the clouds,” Pinkie giggled.

“She’s got a point there,” Calvin then added.

“You two aren’t helping…” Rainbow deadpanned.

“In any case,” King Pen now spoke up, catching their attention as they all looked back at the sensei now. “Even though I would want to continue testing your abilities, I don’t want to keep you away from your home too long. So, how about this…? Calvin.”

“Y-yes, sensei?” Calvin asked, sounding a bit caught off guard at first.

“I’m going to give you a week in order to try and practice your secret technique and hone your skills,” the sensei told him. “When we meet again, I will have you run through the same test that I had you go through just now, only with more enemies, so I don’t want you to end up sleeping on the job, like your friend here.”

“H-hey!! Not cool!” Rainbow Dash said, not really liking being called out like that.

“Technically, I am cool,” King Pen smirked, causing the pegasus to facehoof herself. “However, I don’t see laziness as cool. Perseverance is the key to anything, and it can help you with any door, except those weird lock puzzle ones.” That had Calvin chuckle a little bit while Pinkie Pie just tilted her head, a little puzzled by what the sensei just said as she was trying to understand it. “So, with that in mind, I’ll see you next week… Have a good day now.”

“You too, sensei,” Calvin replied back as he began to leave the dojo with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash right next to him. And then, one of them asked him something.

“So, Calvin... can you show us this ‘shortcut’ that you were talking about earlier?” the pegasus that was next to him asked.

“Oh, you mean the M.A.P.?” Calvin asked the two of them, which left Rainbow blinking for a moment before shaking her head.

“That’s literally the second time I’ve heard that, and nopony’s actually explained to me what the hay that is,” Rainbow sighed, recalling her earlier conversation with Spitfire not too long ago. “Is it just some fancy way to say map?”

“Technically, it actually means something,” the skyshifter explained as they reached the entrance that linked Skylander academy to the M.A.P. as all three of them stepped through the portal that connected the two of them. Once they actually reached their destination, both Rainbow and Pinkie were rather surprised to see the massive collection of floating islands that were all together in a single place. “M.A.P. literally stands for ‘Mysterious Ancient Place’. Mysterious because of how many different locations in skylands that skylanders can travel to through here, Ancient because it was home to the original ancients a very long time ago… and honestly, Spitfire thinks that they added place at the end so the acronym stands out as ‘map’.”

“That would explain a lot…” Dash said, still amazed by all the things that were here as she and Pinkie continued to follow Calvin over to where there looked to be some kind of brick wall with a eight pointed star, the skylands symbol for magic. As they approached the wall, the bricks began to split apart, opening a pathway for all three of them to pass through and up a stairwell.

Only to find themselves walking up to what looked to be one of the rooms in Twilight’s castle as he looked back at his friends. “So, how’s that for a shortcut?”

“That’s… actually pretty convenient,” Rainbow replied back, while Pinkie Pie nodded her head in response as well. Of course, it was around this time that somepony else soon noticed them as they began to hear her voice from the other end of the hall.

“There you are,” Twilight said, letting out a sigh of relief and wiping her forehead with her left forehoof as she looked back at all three of them. “I was beginning to wonder where you were at.”

“Hey, Twilight,” Calvin greeted the alicorn as he entered the main hall of the castle while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie decided to sit down at their respective chairs around the cutie map. “How was your trip to Canterlot?”

“It was pretty good-” Twilight replied, before her assistant soon cut her off.

“-Until she realized that she forgot to tell Rainbow and Pinkie where exactly you were going and freaked out for five minutes,” Spike added on as everypony was now looking at him. “What? It’s true.”

“Yeah… funny story about that,” the skyshifter replied, soon scratching the back of his head as he looked back at the alicorn. “Rainbow and Pinkie actually came looking for me and found their way up to Skylander Academy.”

Hearing that had the alicorn look back at Pinkie Pie, before looking back at Calvin and trying to understand what he just said. “Okay… how-?”

“Perhaps we should tell her the full story,” Rainbow then spoke up, straightening up her posture as she looked back at them. “It first started when Pinkie and I came to check in on Calvin earlier today…”


Inside Kaos’ fortress of doom and despair, the dark portal master right now had the utter displeasure of telling his newest ally about the one thing he detests just about as much as he detests about the Skylanders. That, of course, being his mother. Even though she herself was as skilled of a dark portal master as he was, his mother would always try to criticize him for everything that he did poorly, from failed conquest attempts to flawed schemes to even his ego, depending on the situation.

However, Sombra only saw this as one side to the story and also only one opinion about him. So, when Kaos left in order to go take a shower, he then asked Glumshanks about Kaos’ mother and what he found out from him was much different. Turns out, her name was actually Kaossandra and unlike how he treats those under his command, she sounded rather… different.

For one thing, she treated her underlings rather well, going as far as to play games and enjoy treats with them, instead of taking out her frustration on them, like that of her son. Another was that her actions seemed more planned out, unlike that of Kaos, using specific strategies to catch the Skylanders by surprise instead of throwing everything that they had at the enemy.

It was all the more reason to have her as an ally, despite Kaos’ objections to it. So, after having Glumshanks explain to him what he thought of Kaossandra, Sombra asked the goblin to show him where she was being held now, because if she was able to still send ‘self help books’ to her son, it meant that Kaos must’ve still had possession of the mirror that she was imprisoned in. And, as it turned out, he did.

Where he kept the mirror was actually the part that surprised Sombra personally, because, in his mind, he would think that Kaos would keep a mirror like this in a certain room that he would keep under lock and key. Instead though, that ‘room’ turned out to be the basement that was filled up with junk, oil paintings, what looked like broken wooden dolls and other useless items, with the mirror itself being hidden in the back of the room.

“So… this is the mirror of the one called Kaossandra?” Sombra asked Glumshanks upon the two of them approaching it. “It’s… much bigger than I anticipated.”

“Well, yes… I believe her plan originally was to try and seal the skylanders in the mirror herself as a backup plan,” Glumshanks told him as he looked back at the mirror. “But I think it backfired somehow. Master Kaos never really explained to me how exactly it happened though.”

It was only after the two of them began to speak that they noticed what looked like smoke began to form inside the mirror before they heard a voice. “Who dares disturb my slumber now-?” As the dark portal master known as Kaossandra began to take form inside the mirror, she first happened to notice Glumshanks as he just simply waved. “Oh… why hello there, dear. For a moment, I was expecting Kaos to be here.”

“A-actually, he’s upstairs, taking a shower,” Glumshanks told her, before looking back at Sombra. “However-”

“Allow me,” Sombra interjected as the attention of the dark portal master was now focused on him. “I was told that you were a very strong dark portal master, so I wanted to come see you myself.”

“And you are?” Kaossandra asked, looking at him with a suspicious expression on her face as she folded her arms.

“My name is Sombra. I come from a land below the clouds, and I have been working with your son on his next plan for conquering the Skylands,” Sombra explained to her, before looking back to Glumshanks for a moment. “Glumshanks, could you allow for the two of us to speak in private? I would very much appreciate it.”

All the goblin did was just nod his head as he made his way to the basement door, flicking on the lightswitch for them before closing the door as Sombra continued where he left off. “Now, as I was saying… I’m working with your son on his next plan for conquering the Skylands. And it is something that I would like for you to be a part of.”

Kaossandra, looking back at Sombra now, just scratched her chin before letting out a low sigh. “As tempting as that sounds, I would not be of much help inside of this forsaken mirror.”

That had Sombra curious as the shadow king raised an eyebrow, but then, he thought of something. “You don’t need to worry. You won’t be in there for long.” Before Kaossandra could say anything, the red horn that belonged to Sombra glowed brightly as the magic from it began to cover the entire mirror. In a matter of seconds, the shadow king used his power to form a crack in the mirror itself, providing an opening for him as Sombra used his magic to be able to pull Kaossandra out of the mirror that was originally her prison as it fell onto the floor and shattered into pieces.

“Wow… all that power, and you say that you aren’t from Skylands at all?” she asked, brushing off some dust that was on her shoulder as the two of them heard the basement door open.

“Is everything okay down there?” Glumshanks asked. “I thought I heard something break.”

All Sombra did was smile as he followed Kaossandra to the set of stairs leading out of the basement, allowing for the dark portal master to go first as she spoke up. “Why yes, everything is just splendid, dear…”

“M-ma’am? H-how did you-?” Glumshanks asked, but his sentence was cut off as Sombra soon went up the stairs alongside that of Kaossandra.

“I let her out,” Sombra simply replied, “I thought it would be better to have more than one dark portal master help with our plans. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my partner.”

“Well said,” Kaossandra complimented the shadow king. “Now… would you mind giving me the grand tour of my son’s new lair, Glumshanks? I think this has been… oh, I don’t know, the third time that he’s had to move.” The goblin nodded, before guiding the two of them through the halls of Kaos’ new labyrinth.

The one thing that they did not see at all though… was the dark violet feline that was hanging from the wooden rafters, spying on the three of them as the only thing that was left behind was a series of lavender pawprints.

End Scroll 15

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