• Published 22nd Jun 2015
  • 1,477 Views, 42 Comments

Spike: The Dragon Princess - IndiBrony

Twilight is sent to solve a friendship problem in the Dragon Realm, and Spike becomes a Princess!

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Twilight, not sure where to start her search, decided to perch herself outside the mouth of the volcano to ponder her moves. Intimidating dragons flew overhead, and the heat from the volcano was uncomfortable - Twilight couldn't think in this environment, so she fluttered down the mountain to the edge of where a nearby forest met the foot of the mountain.

The Princess observed her surroundings. "Where were you going?" she asked herself, gazing at the mountain.

A scurry of feet and a breaking of branches disrupted her thoughts. Twilight could see a number of trees toppling; something big was moving around inside the forest. She cautiously trotted toward the source of the commotion. As she got closer, she saw a large silhouette attempting to navigate the trees. A huge roar preceded a rush of fire.

A dragon?

"Hello?" Twilight called. The scurrying stopped. Over the next few seconds, the only sound that could be heard was the crackling of leaves and branches burning from the dragon's breath. "Who's there?" Twilight continued, advancing slowly.

As the dragon began to move toward her, a falling tree almost struck the Princess. The two were suddenly locked in a gaze; the dragon's nostrils smoking. "A pony..." the dragon murmured. "A Princess, too." he snarled.

"Yes. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm here because I... I have urgent news for your Princess, but she's not here. I heard she left a few days ago. Do you have any idea where?"

The dragon snuffed the Princess "You have nerve setting your hooves on our land, pony. Leave." the dragon pushed by the Princess and headed into the forest.

"Wait!" Twilight pleaded. The dragon didn't comply. The purple alicorn responded by flying out in front of him. "I am the 'Princess of Friendship' in Equestria, and it's my solemn duty to spread the magic of friendship."

The dragon simply rolled his eyes and continued forward. "Then spread your 'magic' elsewhere. It is neither wanted nor needed here."

Twilight was becoming slowly exasperated by the dragon's lack of cooperation. She dropped back, taking a moment to calm herself before continuing, "Well if you won't tell me where your Princess is, at least answer me this: Why do you hate ponies so much?"

The dragon paused and turned to face Twilight. "You're a Princess of Equestria, and you're telling me you don't know?" he chortled, blowing a huge puff of black smoke at the Princess before pushing through the trees and out of sight.

Twilight was left somewhat bewildered. She knew a fair amount about dragons, but not a lot about their history. It was quite a way back to Canterlot, but if anywhere was going to have the answer, it would be the Archives.

Meanwhile, in the castle, Spike was enjoying some of the local delicacies; rubies, pearls, diamonds, sapphires, all of which he'd demanded from the staff. He spent a great amount of time observing paintings along the hall, thinking about getting one of himself up there. He then noticed the painting of the Princess he'd been mistaken for.

The resemblance was uncanny. She was only a young dragon herself. In Spike's eyes, she looked slightly taller, slightly thinner, and had marginally taller scales down her back. Spike looked down the hallway, deep in thought. He knew dragons were dangerous, unforgiving creatures, and understood the consequences of being found out. He also pondered the whereabouts of the real Princess he'd so foolishly imitated, and prayed that Twilight would be able to rescue him before it was too late.

His travels lead him down into what appeared to be a child's bedroom. It was a large, white room, decorated with exquisite paintings primarily of one dark blue dragon and one purple. The curtains were spangled with stars and pulled half closed. The light of day beamed through the window; the floor lit by the stars.

There was a dresser on the wall opposite the bed. A mirror placed on top and drawers underneath. Spike opened one of the drawers, revealing a book labelled 'The Princess' Diary'. Immediately, Spike was caught in conflict with his finding. He didn't want to pry on the privacy of someone else, but was equally concerned about his own safety if he couldn't convince the other dragons that he was their Princess.

A few seconds holding the book and Spike reluctantly opened the diary. The book opened to a random page. It read:

'Dear Diary,

I had another bad dream. The monsters came back to take my mother and father. I heard them fighting the monsters. I tried to help, but I couldn't open my door. I heard my father bellowing, my mother screaming, and then silence. The silence was the most horrible part. I thought the monsters would come for me, but they just left.

I still don't know where the monsters took them, or why, but I must find them. I want my mom and dad back.'

The bottom of the page was stained by a tear drop.

Spike flicked through to the front of the diary. 'Princess Duciel'. He knew her name now, which he found oddly unsettling. He stared at the name for a while. "Duciel" he muttered.

There was a knock on the door. "Princess?"

Spike was startled. He dropped the book and clambered toward the bed. It sounded like the green dragon from earlier.

"May I enter, my Princess?"

Spike took this time to learn the dragon's name in a somewhat playful manner. "You may enter on the condition you state your name and title upon entry." he laughed, nervously.

The dragon took a moment, but entered the room and bellowed "I am Nett; Defender of the Realm."

Spike smiled with a playful glee, still rather unsure as to how the Princess behaved. "Thank you, Nett. How may I help you?" he grinned.

"The Heroes have returned, Princess." Nett explained, trembling.

Spike was confused. Nett called them 'Heroes' but could see him visibly trembling. "I don't understand..."

Nett's trembling subsided, replaced by a look of concern. "What happened to you? You are nothing like you were before you left, like you aren't even our Princess..."

Spike couldn't look Nett in the eye, knowing he was lying through his teeth. "I don't know. I don't remember," he sighed "my memory is fuzzy. I barely remember anything, like I've had my memories taken from me." Spike frowned "The only thing I remember are the monsters. The monsters who came to take my mom and dad." Spike explained, attempting to feign a cry.

Nett comforted Spike by dragging him into his arms and cuddling the baby dragon. "You've been having nightmares again?"

Spike nodded.

Nett embraced Spike before putting him down and explaining the situation sternly "The Heroes threaten our land. We don't know where they come from. They come in large numbers and attack us from all sides. They have slain many, and threaten to slay more. We have limited defences. If we stay, we may die. If we leave, we will lose our homeland to the Heroes. We need you to give our orders immediately. What are your wishes, Princess?"