• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 351 Views, 82 Comments

Diaries of a Traitor part 2: The Elements of Disharmony - Paradox Theory

Swift and friends travel across Equestria to find the Elements of Disharmony before they start a war.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Cat Den

We all sat in silence.

Swift, he could be alive.

"Well." Star Swirl said, causing us to snap out of our thoughts, "I suppose that now I've delivered my message, it's time I pay Dux the fee for taking us across."

"But, his ship disappeared, how are we supposed to find it?" Slate asked.

Star Swirl smiled. "The payment for that ship is a soul, and mine has been brought back too many times. I offered my own."

"So, that means we're on our own?" Second wondered.

"No. There's six of you here. You are never alone. And as long as you keep each other close, you can never be defeated." Star Swirl told us, a big smile on his face. "Good-bye, my friends."

And with that, Star Swirl disappeared.

"So, now what?" Second asked.

"Well," I said, looking around our group, "We follow the old plan. We'll go to Zebrica, then to Griffonia. If Swift is alive, he'll follow the same route."

"That's still a big if, you did set his body aflame." Blade reminded me.

"I know." I sighed, "But you heard Star Swirl, only Cardinal's blood will be his undoing. So unless Swift already did it, it has to mean he'll be back."

"But then I wonder what we're supposed to do with Sempra?" Tourmaline asked.

"Maybe she's just a back up plan." Slate suggested. "Now that we know what Star Swirl knows, it means that we have another potential Alicorn."

"Uh, guys?" Sempra asked, trying to get our attention.

"But how do we know how to make her ascend?" Blade argued.

"Guys?" Sempra asked more hastily.

"We don't. Let's just go after the Elements of Disharmony first." Tourmaline interjected.

"Guys?" Sempra all but shouted.

"Yeah, because going against one was so great the first time." Second sighed sarcastically.

"GUYS!" Sempra shouted.

"Yes?" I asked.

Sempra pointed behind me, and I turned to see a ton of Cats standing there.

"Oh, don't let us interrupt." The leader stated with a purr.

"Sh-" Blade nearly said as we were all knocked out.

I heard voices in my head. No, not my head, nearby. They spoke in a language I didn't understand.

"Are you sure?" Said a familiar voice. That's when I remembered the cat on the ship.

Wait, a talking cat?

"Pony, wake." The cat demanded

"Why did you bring me here? Where are the others?" I asked it.

"The others are safe. The leader talks to you only." He replied. "Follow."

He turned and walked down a hallway, and I followed. As we walked, I noticed something eerie. This hall was made entirely out of metal.

The light came from some sort of bulbs that hung from the ceiling. Mini-Suns maybe?

Apparently the cat noticed my curiosity, as has said, "This place is old. Ancient. Whatever lived here knew the way of the forge."

I said nothing as we continued to walk. Soon, we approached a set of metal doors.

The cat turned to me. "If you prove yourself friendly, you will be allowed to leave."

I nodded in understanding as the doors opened.

"Welcome." The cat announced, "To the Metal World."

The room was huge. You couldn't even see the ceiling. Just how far down did these cats go?

Ahead of me was some sort of raised platform. It was made of wood instead of metal. And is had cracked. On it sat an older cat.

"Ah, at last I see one of the fated," He spoke in an old croaky voice. "Do you know why I had you sent here?"

"No, I don't." I answered. "I was told I'd be answering questions."

The cat smiled. "A few, yes."

"I had a few for you as well." I told him.

"Then here's my deal, an answer for an answer." He replied.

"All right, an answer for an answer." I agreed.

"My first question: where is your leader?" The cat asked.

"I'll need you to be more specific. Do you mean our boats captain? Or just the leader of our group?" I asked in return.

"Of your group. The leader of the fated." The cat replied.

"Swift is. . . dead. Or so I thought. I don't have proof he's alive again." I answered. "My first question: What is your name?"

"I am Ri'Laan." He said, "I am the chieftain of this tribe. And I'm am sorry for your loss. My question: do you know of the tales of the fated?"

"No." I replied.

"Sad." Ri'laan commented.

"My question: Why do you call me "fated"?" I asked him.

"You see, even though there are no books here, there is still knowledge. One of these things," He gestured to some sort of box that had a missing wall. Only bits of glass were left. "spoke of 'research' done by the last of a dying race. He spoke of how he followed a winged horse to a magical and sacred location. He spoke of how he saw the final three stand at the end. How Magic and Knowledge fought, but Wisdom sought another solution. He separated the essence of the three Alicorns into Twelve stones. And goes on to talk about the fated."

I had no words for what I heard. This was unbelievable. The 'Final' Three. . . . could he be talking about Cardinal and Celestia? Or somepony else?

"This 'human' talked about six ponies who would wield the essence of friendship. But that it would not be enough." Ri'laan continued. "That only standing beside the wielders of wisdom may Equus have a chance."

"So what you're saying is that in order to stop Cardinal, there must be twelve of us?" I asked to clarify.

Ri'laan nodded, "Yes. Magic and her five. Wisdom and his."

"Alright, so final question, what is this place?" I asked Ri'laan, who seemed to smile.

"This place was once a safe haven from a distant war. Many of the race called 'human', fled here." Ri'laan explained.

"Fleeing, from what?" I asked.

"From something that turned the air to fire. Something that warped the face of Equus." Ri'laan whispered, as if it were sacred.

"That sounds. . . powerful." I commented.

"Indeed. These people made may things, and seemed to be fortune tellers." Ril'aan agreed.

"Fortune tellers?" I asked.

"Yes," Ri'laan said. "I say this because it seems my kind did not exist at that point. We were but creations. When I found one of these records, I took my name from it. Along with a name for my people."

"What name?" I asked.

"We are Khajiit." Ri'laan answered.

"Okay. Now that most of my questions are answered, I have only one more." I told Ri'lann.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Will you help in the war?"

Author's Note:

I literally have no clue what happened this chapter. EXPOSITION!

Though, not the kind I originally had in mind.