• Published 28th Jun 2015
  • 351 Views, 82 Comments

Diaries of a Traitor part 2: The Elements of Disharmony - Paradox Theory

Swift and friends travel across Equestria to find the Elements of Disharmony before they start a war.

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Chapter 4: The Forgotten Trail

"But there's no trails out here!" Aurora shouted, pointing at the map in front of her. "You were just high on that potion."

"Aurora, trust me." I replied, "I saw a trail through those mountains. I know that that is the way we need to go!"

Aurora looked back at the map that Dreamcatcher gave us, it didn't show us any trails near where I said one was. But I knew there was a trail. I saw it.

"And how are you sure that the changelings didn't kill Blade already?" Aurora snapped back.

"I don't know for sure, but they are obviously waiting for something. Either that or they know our goal." I explained.

"So at best, they are expecting somepony else, and at worse we are walking into a trap." Aurora sighed, "Great."

I nodded. "Yep."

I swear that I heard Second snicker.

"Anyways, we should take a right here and head around the north side of the mountain." I told them, pointing to the north west.

"Or how about we head south west and go straight to Griffonia like we planned?" Aurora suggested.

"And risk our only chance to save our friend?" I asked her.

Aurora started pouting before walking off.

"What's her problem?" Second asked.

"I wish I knew." I sighed. "Maybe it's just something that happens after the dreams stop. . "

Second tapped a hoof on her chin. "Ooor. . . it's that thing Dreamcatcher gave her? What if that is helping her sort out her feelings?"

I looked at Second in surprise, "Well, first was fear, then anger, so hatred may come next?"

Second looked at me, "And she's taking it out on you. So that means. . . "

Although it shouldn't have hurt me too much, I suddenly felt terrible. "She'll hate me." I whispered.

Much to Aurora's dislike, we soon found ourselves on the northern side of the mountain. Of course, this was only one in a range of mountains, but the trail was on this one. And sure enough, there was a marker for it.

The Forgotten Trail

"So that's why it isn't on a map." Slate mused.

"Alright, from here, we just follow this trail to the cave." I said, trying to keep the fear out of my voice.

"And if we are lucky, they won't expect us." Tourmaline added.

"Yeah. . . lucky. . ." I whispered.

With that, we walked silently into the mountain range, the valley behind us disappearing.

The first hour was the easiest as the snow was still thin. But as we climbed, it grew deeper. Second and I couldn't fly due to the wind. Aurora and Slate tried their hardest to cast any spells of warmth. And poor Tourmaline was shaking.

"I think I'm beginning to understand why this trail was forgotten!" Slate hollered, trying to cheer us up.

"Swift, how much further?" Second asked, her hood drawn over her eye-patch.

I looked to the side of the mountain, scanning for any holes. "Should be anytime now." I responded, my jaw rapidly losing feeling.

"Guys, I see something!" Slate called out, pointing ahead. We looked and sure enough, a small house sat beside the trail.

"We can duck in there and wait out the cold spell." I suggested. Nodding as best as they could, the group followed me.

The house, if you could call it that, creaked. The wind could still be heard. Luckily, it had a fireplace with burnable wood. It was warm in no time. Slate, Second and Tourmaline were fast asleep in seconds. But Aurora was glaring out the window.

"Aurora, we need to talk." I said, breaking the silence.

"About what?" She replied, not even turning from the window.

"Your emotions, yesterday you were scared. Now you are angry, at what?" I asked her, hoping that she would calm down enough to talk.

"I'm angry that you let your father live." Aurora said, still looking out the window.

"Excuse me?" I asked, baffled.

"In the Canterlot Caves, you could have tried to kill your father, you could have ended it!" Aurora exclaimed, turning to face me.

"Aurora, he was an alicorn, I'm a pegasus, there's no way I could've fought him on my own." I explained, "I think you just won't let go of the past."

"And why should I?" Aurora asked, tears starting to form.

I debated for a moment on whether or not to tell her my secret. But then I realized I didn't want it to end like this.

Taking a deep breath, I answered. "Because I have about a day left of life."

Hey, Second here. Aurora is too sad to write, and Swift, well. . . I'll just start the morning after his last entry. . .

I woke to see a strange sight. Aurora and Swift were hugging. And it looked like both were crying, or had cried. Swift opened his eyes to look at me, before getting up and clearing his throat. Slate and Tourmaline woke and looked towards Swift.

"Guys, I have a confession to make." Swift said, the fear now plain in his voice. "When I looked into the cauldron, I not only saw us rescue our friend. But I also watched one of us fall."

"Who?" Tourmaline asked, her eyes already starting to water.

"Me." Swift replied. "I saw myself die. But I use the potion once more before I do to give you guys instructions."

I didn't know what to say. . . these ponies started to feel more like a family then my old training academy. And now Swift is going to die? I quickly sat down as this information sunk in.

Swift looked up at us, his eyes watering. "I had long thought that ponies would never change and that I would always be an outcast. But you guys stuck with me, even walking up this mountain with me. You guys were my first real friends since my mother died fourteen years ago."

Swift turned to Tourmaline, "I know you'll be honest, and that through you, I'll be redeemed. Thank you for listening."

Next, he turned to Slate, "I always felt safe having a giant dark magic wielder by my side, and hope that he'll be there one more time."

Then, he turned to me, "You taught me that even the lowest of ponies have a sense of loyalty. And that everypony that wants a second chance should at least be heard out. You were sort of like a sister I never had."

Then, finally, he turned to Aurora, "And you, oh you. My first friend. My first ally. My first crush. Aurora, I'll miss you, so much." He sat down next to her and with a hoof tilted her head up to look at him. "I love you." Then, he kissed her.

The whole shack went quiet. Then, we all grouped up and hugged our friend.

"Welp." Swift said, getting to his hooves. "Let's go save out friend. Together!" He put a hoof out, and we all put ours on top of his.


Author's Note:

:pinkiegasp: Swift is going to die?! Why?!

. . .

Oh wait, that's for me to know, and you guys to guess.

Also, next chapter will show a bad-a** bounty hunter kicking a bunch of changeling butts.:pinkiehappy: