• Published 1st Jul 2015
  • 3,123 Views, 14 Comments

Zap Apple - AponyfromspaceDeciphered

A knock on AJ's door leads to a whole lot of confessions

  • ...

Zap Apple

Author's Note:

If you don't like saucy K-I-S-S-I-N-G, no need to read.
I almost put a mature, but I dicided against it.
But if your fine with that kind of stuff, read on! :heart:

Its late. Real late. I've been working my flank off all day, try'n to get all the zap apples of the trees before sundown. The Zap Apples are long gone, Granny and Apple Bloom 'ave already took them in. Everypony else on the farm is asleep (even Big Mac!) and in the house.

Thats why I never expected a knock on the barn door at this hour.

I'm still working in the barn. Im tired but not sleepy. All I want to do was sit in the hay and rest my hooves. I put away the last empty barrel, and collapsed into the hay stack behind me.

As soon as I sit, I realized, I had never gotten my hooves on one zap apple! My stomach moaned with longing for a juicy apple.

"Shoot, AJ. Havent eaten all day, you dumb foal!" I moaned to my self. At that very moment, a knock was heard on the barn door. I looked up at the door from the hay stack. The pony knockin' knocked again.

"Come'n!" I called to the door. I was slower than a slug enjoy'in a ripe pumpkin gett'in to the barn door, but I did get there. The light from inside the barn pored out from inside to outside as I opened out the door. It was Rainbow Dash.

"Hi AJ!" Rainbow Dash said cheerfully. I was confused. And kind of annoyed.

"Rainbow! What are you doing here so late?" I barked. Rainbow smiled wider, and reached into her saddle bag. My eyes widened as she pulled out two brightly colored zap apples.

"Heard you haven't eaten yet today?" Rainbow asked, and handed me one of the apples. I looked at her in shock. How had she known?

"Thank you, Rainbow! Thats mighty thoughtful of you!" I said with a blush. We both stared at each other for a few seconds. Wow. Rainbow's eyes shone like rubies. I shook out of my trance and invited Rainbow into the barn, closing the door behind her.

Rainbow and I sat down on the hay I was lying in. But something was nagging me in the back of my head. Like an annoying gnat you just can't shake off.

After a few minuets of eating our zap apples in silence I spoke.

"Rainbow Dash? How did ya know I was hungry?" I asked Rainbow, staring into her ruby eyes. Rainbow's face changed. A mix between panic and nervousness.

"No reason… uh j-just a lucky guess!" Stammered Rainbow, a phony smile curling across her face. I responded with my famous eyebrow raise. Rainbow held the phony smile for about twelve seconds, before lowering her head in defeat.

"I was watching you and the other Apples harvest Zap Apples today. I noticed you weren't eating anything, so I stole two apples and waited until ever pony else…" Rainbow Dash trailed off and shut her mouth quickly. I saw nervous beads of sweat forming in her fur. Something clicked inside my brain, like the gnat from earlier had exploded.

Everything was clear now. Just one week ago, daffodils were on the porch. On monday, there was a low hanging cloud above the barn, scaring the pigs, and Rainbow volunteered to help me clear it. And other things that Rainbow did for me. Staying up past midnight helping me sort the apples. It all made sense.

Rainbow was try'na… y'all know… hook up with me. The sloppy barn pony. "The background pony". How could someone like her love me?

I recalled a day in school. I was sitting in the front row in class when Mr. Oat Boat sneezed on me. All the other foals laughed. Only not Rainbow. She only gave my her handkerchief.

My mind was scrambled. My stomach knotted. My face hot. My heart burning. What should I say? I can't just tell her I don't like mares! We would never speak again. I couldn't lie! She'd know something was up. I couldn't just walk off. I'd leave her heart broken! So, I did something I never thought I would do.

I grabbed Rainbow's chin. "AJ, what are you-" I shut her up by mashing my face into hers, my lips locating hers. I tasted the zap apple on her lips. I sat there my lips pressed against Rainbow, not really kissing her. I felt my heart sink as Rainbow pulled away.

"AJ! What the buck!" Yelled Rainbow. I instantly felt awful. Of course she didn't like me. I jumped to conclusions because… I liked her?

"I-im sorry! I-" I started to apologize, but Rainbow silenced me with a "A-bup-bup!" Tears began to form into my eyes, as I looked up at Rainbow. But when I saw her, she didn't look mad. She looked… joyous!?

"That's what you call a kiss?" Rainbow taunted, sounding like the Rainbow I knew. I looked into her eyes, finding myself wanting to kiss her again. "Here. Let me show you how its done," Rainbow drawled, and pulled me into her face again.

Instead of our lips being mashed together, our mouths kinda, interlocked so to say. My stomach gave a flop as her tongue touched mine… I was actually kissing Rainbow Dash.

I gave a soft moan, and leaned in closer to Rainbow. My arms wrapped around her back, and she leaned down until we where flat on the hay stack. Every time my tongue brushed against hers, a chill swept down my spine. We just lied there, out mouths still connected, exchanging soft moans every few moments.

Finally, our mouths parted. Rainbow was panting, her face red. I too was breathing heavy, my heart pointing in my chest. We both sat up. I straightened my hat.

"Th-that was nice." I whisper-panted, longing for more. All my pain, all the trouble all the tiredness all the stress was tossed over my shoulder when I was kissing her.

Could this be the start of a long love?

"Apple Jack?" asked Rainbow interrupting my thoughts. I looked at her face only seeing one emotion. Love. Rainbow pulled me closer to her and put her mouth close to my ear.

"Do you love me? If so, will any pony judge us?" she murmured into my ear. I wanted to scream "Yes! Please kiss me again!" But I said nothing. I just took off my hat and topped it onto Rainbow's multicolored head.

"I really love you Rainbow." I murmured. Rainbow threw her arms around my neck her body trembling slightly.

"Finally." She whispered. How could I not have seen my friend, longing for me, when I was secretly longing for her? We sat there, still hugging. Still silent. But it wasn't an awkward silence. It was a peaceful silence.

"I'll find someway to make it work." Rainbow said suddenly, shattering the silence.

"What work?" I asked Rainbow as she pulled away from my neck.

"Zap Apple." She whispered her eyes twinkling. "Our future foal, duh."

Comments ( 14 )

This story works for me. Looks like rainbow is becoming an Apple.

I want a sequel!
With the foal this time!


DAW! Your so flattering >/////<
Thank you so much!

LOL Thanks :D
Im glad you enjoyed!

This was nice and cute.

Wow that was..... Really really good I enjoyed it you should make more appledash my good friend you make good stories prepare for a liking with a youtuber :ajsmug:

I have read this so many times, and it never gets boring! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


AWW! Thank you are so very nice! :heart:
Thank you dearie!

This was a good story with a great hook at the end. Well done.

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