• Published 5th Jul 2015
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My Little Pony: Transformers Prime - LibbytheKautz

The Autobots are working with a space bridge when a malfunction occurs, which leads them to a strange new dimension...

  • ...

Chapter 3: Threat

In a dark corner of Equestria, where nopony had ever been, two unlikely allies were plotting a plan. They were sitting in a cave, discussing any possible threats.

"These ponies have stopped me before from taking over Equestria and turned me into stone," warned the first, "however, it was done by the two most powerful ponies in all of Equestria, and they are alicorns."

"Will those two be a threat to my plan?" asked the second in a raspy metallic voice.

"You do mean our plan, right?" reminded the first.

"Yes, of course," assured the second, "will those two be a threat to our plan?"

"They would be if they hadn't given up the Elements of Harmony," answered the first, "I heard that now some six ponies have them. Only one is an alicorn."

"Excellent," said the second one with an evil grin, "there is literally nothing that can stop us."

The first looked away. "To bad that there is not more of a challenge," he muttered under his breath, "things just don't get chaotic." A smile slowly formed in his lips, then he snapped his claw.

"What did you do this time," groaned the second, waiting for a console to sprout wings and take flight or the portal to turn into jello.

"I just brought a bit of a challenge," said the first innocently, " after all, I am Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, if there is no challenge, things just don't get fun."

The second narrowed his eyes and low growl started in his throat. "Tell me exactly what the is challenge you brought."

Discord smiled. "Oh, just some Autobots from your world."

"WHAT!?" roared the second, getting up and storming over towards Discord, who pointed towards a screen.

"And there they are now!" he said excitedly. The energy readings spiked up suddenly, then went back down just as quickly.

"HOW COULD YOU!?" Megatron thundered.

"Megatron, Megatron," Discord said, putting his arm around his shoulder, "Megatron, that's a mouthful, could I call you Mega, or just Meg... okay, okay, I'll call you Megatron. Now listen, together, what can stop us? With the spirit of chaos and one whose blood of a chaos bringer runs through his veins working together, this world will bow to us. Six Autobots won't be able to stop us, I just made things a little bit more... interesting."

Seeing that Megatron was still about to have a fit, Discord shrunk himself to the size of a pea and sat himself on a ledge close the the top of the cavern, gave himself a bucket of popcorn, and watched Megatron rant.


Back in Ponyville, the Autobots and ponies were cleaning up from the party. The sun was set and the world hung in twilight.

"That was sure a party," Bulkhead commented, tangled in streamers.

"Yeah, I don't think I've partied harder in my life!" Smokescreen added, lifting up a stack of tables and putting them in a shed.

"And I have to admit, those cookies were pretty cute, even though we couldn't eat them. Although, eating a cookie of yourself would be kind of weird." Arcee said as she started to help Bulkhead get untangled.

The party had helped the Autobots gain the ponies trust, and Ponyville now had a much more relaxed environment. They had started the evening with an icebreaker game. The ponies then had a dinner of hayburgers and fries, followed by more games while Vinyl did what she did best.

"When was the last time we went to a party and played games?" Arcee wondered out loud.

"Well, Miko and I partied, kinda," Bulkead pointed out, "if you call seeing how loud a guitar can go partying."

Bumblebee let out a content string of beeps.

Ratchet smiled. "Yes Bumblebee, it is quite nice, being able to relax for once. This planet is currently free of war and Decepticons as well. However, we are not completely free of problems. We need to find a way back to earth, and until then, a reliable source of energon."

A foal with a yellow coat and a scruffy sky blue mane with a streak of pale orange looked up at Ratchet. "Why you can't stay here?" he asked.

Something inside of Ratchet melted, and he knelt down and laid his hand out for the foal to hop on. He looked at him right in the eye. "No, I'm afraid that we can't stay. The planet that we are from is in danger from our enemies, the Decepticons. But, it may take awhile for us to get back, so don't worry about us leaving just yet.

The foal smiled. "I'm Perky Shine, in case you didn't know. But I know that you're Ratchet!"

Ratchet couldn't help but love this little foal's attitude, he could see where he got the name 'Perky Shine' from. He put his hand down for Perky to hop off, then went back to his work.


After the party had been cleaned up and parents had lead yawning fillies back home to their beds, Ratchet headed over to Twilight's castle. He knelt down to the door and knocked at with his finger. It didn't take long for the door to be answered by a small purple and green dragon.

"Ah, you're... Spike, right?" Ratchet said.

"Uh, yes! That's me, Spike the Dragon!" Spike exclaimed. A moment of awkward silence hung in the cool night air. Spike cleared his throat. "Are you here to see Twilight?" he asked.

"Yes, in fact I am." Ratchet answered.

"I'll bring her right out!" Spike said with and awkward smile. He stood there for a couple seconds. "Uh... right out!" Spike finished, then dashed inside.

Ratchet sighed. That was... awkward.

Twilight Sparkle soon came to the door. "Hi, Ratchet. You wanted to see me?" she asked.

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about getting back to earth, and until then, finding energon. Without it, we will eventually cease to function."

Twilight rubbed her chin with her hoof. "I'm pretty sure I can help you. I'll teleport you inside." her horn began to glow.

"Wait, what?" Ratchet started, but then was swallowed by Twilight's magic, which opened up to reveal the inside of the castle. It was a bit cramped, but at least there was light.

"Couldn't I have had a bit more of a warning?" Ratchet said.

Twilight smiled sheepishly. "Sorry," she quickly apologized. "First things first, can you tell me exactly what energon is?"

"Energon is our lifeblood, without it, we could not exist. It comes in the form of raw energon, which is much like a crystal or gem. It is blue in colour. However, there is also dark energon, which was the lifeblood of the bringer of chaos-"

"Discord?" Twilight interrupted.

Ratchet looked at her quizzically. "No, Unicron. He was defeated eons ago, but Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons and our archenemy now has the blood of Unicron in his veins." Ratchet looked curiously at Twilight. "Who is Discord?"

"Discord was an evil chaos bringer, but then my friend Fluttershy befriended him and now he's our... friend you could say." Twilight replied.

"So I take it that he won't be a problem?" Ratchet implied.

"No, especially after what we went through which recently. Now, this energon, you said it comes in a crystal or gem-like form, correct?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, but we can't use it in that state. It first must be turned into its stable form. But I don't know how we will be able to do that here, without the right equipment." Ratchet informed.

"I'm sure I can find a spell for that, and about the search for energon, my friend Rarity has a talent for finding gems and crystals. There's a good chance it could find energon as well, as it is crystalline." Twilight offered.

Ratchet sighed to himself. He was still sketchy about this whole magic business. Putting his trust in it entirely as thier only chance to get back to earth made him feel... stressed. What if didn't work? They would have wasted all their time and energy on something hopeless. Although, what other choice did they have?

Ratchet put on a determined face. "Let's give it a try."