• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 2,480 Views, 20 Comments

My Little Pony: Transformers Prime - LibbytheKautz

The Autobots are working with a space bridge when a malfunction occurs, which leads them to a strange new dimension...

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Chapter 4: Energon

The next morning Rarity and Ratchet were out searching for energon. So far, they had had no luck. Rarity looked up at Ratchet.

"So how come you are the one worrying about yours and your fellow Autobots' well being? I mean, didn't any of the others volunteer to help?" she inquired.

Ratchet sighed. "One of us has to look over everyone. And it seems that that is me, again. Although, I really don't mind. Giving my time to help others is what I quite enjoy, actually."

Rarity gasped. "Finally, someone who understands. Being generous is what I enjoy as well! It just fills me up with such a joy to help others." she said as she cast another spell.

Ratchet smiled. He gazed off into the distance and spotted some caves. He cleared his throat. "Energon is most often found in caves or deep underground. We might have better luck over there," Ratchet said as he gestured at the caves.

"Hmm?" Rarity asked as she looked up, then regained herself. "But of course then, let's head over." They switched directions and started towards the mountains.

Ratchet thought to himself. Was it even possible for there to be energon here? This felt more like an alternate dimension than an actual planet. Although, finding energon deemed more likely than finding a way off this world.

Once they arrived at the mountains, they picked a cave that went underground and entered it. Still, Rarity's spells didn't seem to have any luck.

"I have a good feeling about this one," Rarity said, igniting her horn.

"You've said that each time," Ratchet started, but was interrupted by blue crystals letting out their pale sheen through the the dirt. "It can't be..." Ratchet scratched away at the dirt floor and confirmed his suspicions.

"Ooo!" Rarity squealed as her horn her lit up once more. "There's more!"

Ratchet and Rarity both gasped as the entire cave wall lit up with Rarity's magic and the faint glow of energon. They tilted their heads back to capture the whole scene. Ratchet was the first to find his voice.

"I thought that we wouldn't find any, but this is... so... much of it. What's it doing here?" Ratchet looked at Rarity, who shrugged. Ratchet gave an inward worried shrug, then went towards the wall. He was going to need the rest of the Autobots to help. Hopefully Twilight Sparkle now had a spell ready that could succeed in changing energon into its stable state.

Rarity cleared her throat. "So, um, how do you plan on getting all this back, I mean, we obviously can't bring this all back by ourselves."

"I was thinking that we would head back to Ponyville, and bring the Autobots and Twilight Sparkle back here with us. Once we harvest the energon it will be easier to transport back," Ratchet explained.

"Right," Rarity said, slightly embarrassed, "of course." She turned back in the direction of Ponyville, but Ratchet transformed and drove in her way, surprising her.

"We have no reason to head back slowly, as the way we came," Ratchet said as he opened his door, "you might as well get in and I will drive you back."

Rarity gave a wary glance inside. It looked clean enough. She placed one hoof inside, then her other three. She sat down on a seat. She was surprised on how much she sank into it. She slightly relaxed.

"Please fasten your safety belt." Ratchet stated.

Rarity looked up in confusion. "What's a safety belt?" she asked.

Ratchet gave out a slight groan. "A safety belt, or a seat belt, is a belt that would keep you safe in the event of a car crash." he explained.

"Like this spell?" she inquired as her horn lit up, resulting in a shimmering blue band forming around her and attaching to the seat.

Ratchet gave it a safety check. "It will work." He lightly pressed the gas, keeping his passenger in mind, then slowly built up to a faster speed.


"Discord! I told you bringing Autobots here was a bad idea!" Megatron roared. "They've found my energon supply!"

Discord smiled almost sheepishly. "Megatron, calm dow-"

"I will not calm down! Unless you do something to make them weaken them, considerably, you will be kicked out, and I will take over Equestria myself!"

Discord found himself cowering and immediately stood up straight. "Of course, right on it." He snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Megatron growled. He better do something good.


"There it is Twilight! All the energon is in that cave." Rarity exclaimed excitedly. She and Twilight Sparkle were sitting inside Ratchet and the caves were growing ever closer.

"Have you figured out how it can be here? I mean, from the sounds of it, our worlds are basically alternate dimensions. What would the lifeblood of the Transformers be doing here? And why have we never seen it over the past thousands of years?" Twilight hammered.

"We haven't figured it out entirely, but-"

"We haven't figured it out at all," Ratchet interrupted.

"Right," Rarity said flatly, "but on the bright side, it's energon!" she cheered, throwing her hooves in the air in an exaggerated manner. She stayed like that more a couple seconds, the let them fall at her sides as she gave a small pout. "Can't we look at the bright side of this?"

"Energon being here could mean some very terrifying things. One in particular comes to mind. For your ponies' sake, I hope that I am wrong." Ratchet said gravely as they entered the cave.

Rarity and Twilight sat in silence for the last few minutes of their drive. When they arrived at their destination, they hopped out and the Autobots transformed. Rarity lit up her horn to reveal the cavern's hidden treasure. The Autobots and Twilight gasped at the sight of it. Rarity looked at Twilight with a nod.

Twilight looked at the wall separting the energon from them, then at the Autobots. Her horn started to glow. It built up to fiery burst that she sent out at the wall, engulfing part of it. It died down to reveal an archway the size and height of the Autobots. Crystals of energon poured though and scattered across the floor of the cavern.

"That's a lot of energon," Bulkhead commented.

Ratchet looked at it in confusion. Energon doesn't grow like that. It's almost as if someone stored it here... His thoughts went further to back up the nagging fear he had growing inside him.

Optimus looked to Twilight. "What is the spell you plan on using to transform the energon?" he asked.

Twilight cleared her throat. "It is solely based on a spell that can turn ice into water. Since, for us ponies, we cannot drink ice unless it is water, it should be pretty similar to changing energon's state, as you cannot use energon unless it is in its stable state. I made a few adjustments, and, well, here it is!"

Her horn grew as bright as the sun as the her magic enveloped a section of the energon crystals. Rarity looked away as the whole cave filled with the light as it erupted from the energon. The light slowly faded away to reveal pink energon, the same shade as Twilight's magic. Twilight looked at the cubes of energon, then at the Autobots. She smiled sheepishly. "It's not usually pink, is it."

The Autobots nodded. "Yeah, not normally," added Smokescreen.

"Well, I'm afraid you'll have to do with pink energon," said a voice that appeared to come from everywhere. The Autobots and ponies looked around for the source.

"Over here!" the voice laughed as Discord appeared sitting on the energon blocks. He looked towards them. "We're doing a little trade. Oh, I don't know, how about, the Element of Magic and Freindship for three teenagers from earth?"

"Discord, what are you doing?" Twilight said frowning up at him, "I thought we reformed you, and after the incident with Tirek-"

"What are you talking about? I've never seen you before in my life!"

Twilight's eyes widened. "What?" she said softly.

"Oh, enough of that." Discord said, "three kids it is then. He snapped his fingers. Twilight disappeared and, in her place, three ponies appeared. Discord burst into laughter and disapeared in a flash.


Twilight gasped as the cave filled with pink energon disapeared and was replaced with a grassy open space. Her hoofs were replaced with hands and feet. She stood up and looked at her cookie-coloured skin and plain brown hair. Her head was smaller than it was at Canterlot High and her hands bigger. She looked down at her clothes which were the exact same shade as her pony coat and gasped.

I'm a human.