• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 3,396 Views, 59 Comments

Heart of a Nobody - OuijaSilverstar

Luxerk, a Nobody used as a last resort by the Organization XIII; a backup 13th Seeker of Darkness. When a group of Keyblade wielders attack the Castle that Never Was, he escapes to another world, unknown to both Nobodies and Heartless alike.

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Chapter 01-Escape from a Castle that Never Was

Author's Note:

Music from Kingdom Hearts and other Anime such as Fullmetal Alchemist will be used to bring more life to the story. The green links are links to songs being used and start on that specific word. Sometimes, the links are to pictures to better describe some characters and weapons. Red text signifies to stop the songs being used.

Let me know what you think and I'll improve, given certain constructive criticisms.

e(Luxerk's POV)

Empty. Non-existant. Destined to return to darkness. A former shell of oneself. Nobodies; beings without hearts, according to my old master, Xemnas. For a year, I served as a second Number XIII to assist the other members in their duties. In other words; I was their wildcard. Although it is true that we don't have hearts, but that does not exclude us from being emotionless murderers. The reason why I was different and appeared I had human-like emotion was that I mostly hung around members Axel and Roxas. After witnessing the deaths of few of my friends that were in the ranks of the Nobody army, I began to rebel against Xemnas and the rest of the surviving organization members. However, I did not get very far; Xemnas struck me down in the first thirty seconds. I couldn't remember what happened next, but all I heard Xemnas say before he knocked me out was, "I'm beginning to regret that decision of making you our backup option. Needless to say, but if you do that again, you will be eliminated along with Namine and the princesses."

That last sentence gave me chills as I began to stir and wake from unconsciousness. I see bars in front of me and on the far corner of where I woke up from was a girl in a pink mini-dress leaning her back against the purple wall. Next to her was a yellow dog with big eyes. I lifted my hood up far enough for me to get a good glimpse at her. Her dress is made up of three zippers, two of which looks like they're decorations, much like the silver decor on my organization jacket. Her hair is a beautiful dark shade of red and blue eyes looking like freshly cut sapphires. That's when I remembered her from somewhere before; she is one of the seven princesses of light. My eyes grew wider, why would they need her? It must have something to do with the keyblade, but I do not sense other princesses in the castle. Maybe the organization got to her first since she probably was the easiest target.

I stood up and began to walk over her, she saw me and began to back away. The dog stood in front of her, growling. "You are not here to kill me, right?" she asked. I shook my head and began to speak, "I'm an ex-Organization member. If I wanted to hurt you, I would've done it already."

"I guess you tried to fight back?"

"I only lasted half a minute; If it weren't for me being their wild card, I would've been turned into a Dusk already."

"I see."

"My name is Luxerk, by the way."

"Kairi. Do you have a way to get us out of here?"

"No, I'm pretty sure that Xemnas revoked my ability to travel in corridors of darkness after I lashed out at him."

"I have no idea why they're holding us, but I'm sure it's not a good reason either."

"Maybe we'll just ask Xemnas' toadie, Xigbar." I noticed the long-haired man with an eye patch over his right eye, approach us from outside the cell. He has a large, jagged scar that extends from the bottom of his left cheek and stops at just under his left eye. I decided to make a snarky comment, "Who do we have here? It's not every day we see Xiggy not riding on Xemnas' coattails." He let out a quick chuckle.

"You're lucky that Xemnas still wants you alive. We got intruders so, you got two options: a, you cooperate by helping us put the final touches on Kingdom Hearts and dispose of those pests." Xigbar then summoned his Arrowgun in his left hand, pointing the tip at me, "Option B," he continued "You die right here and I'll take care of it myself. Your choice."

I smiled underneath my hood, "What about the Third Option?" I asked sarcastically in a condescending tone, summoning an exact copy of Xigbar's Arrowgun in my right hand, except it was grey scale. I pointed at Kairi who is now starting to sweat in fear. The dog, now barking arched his back, hair standing on end, showing his teeth. I ignored the angry dog and continued, "I forever ruin the organization's chance at completing Kingdom Hearts and none of us get our hearts back."

Xigbar laughed out loud. His Arrow Gun dissipated, shaking his head. "You got guts; I'll take care of the problem and before I go, I'm giving this to you," he smiled, tossing a white star-shaped crystal into my hands. "Arrivederci, Elemental Mime." Xigbar slowly walked into a corridor of darkness, laughing. "Why would he give me this?" I said to myself under my breath. When the black haze dissipated, another appeared behind me and a blond girl in a white dress and blue sandals, waving her hand. "This way!" she whispered. "Who-?" I interrupted Kairi by unconsciously solving her confusion by saying the girl's name, "Namine, great timing," I smiled under my hood.

"You're in here too? That doesn't matter; quick, hurry!"

Kairi walked over to the Nobody witch and grabbed her hand. A bright light shined from the hands and they both disappeared. The shadowy doorway was still open, so I took the opportunity to pass through, the dog following me as well. The other side of the portal led to an open staircase with a great view of the world I used to call home and the heart-shaped moon that is the incomplete Kingdom Hearts. I'm supposed to be sixteen years old, but all I could remember was the past year. I don't remember who I was, what I did, where I came from or even my real name. All I had until now was my name, my journal and my place in the organization as the wild card. That's how my nickname in the group: "The Elemental Mime" came to be, although it fully explained why I was able to create organization weapon imitations. I decided I had enough of the view and continued down the staircases, the fake arrow guns materializing in my hands.

When I caught up with the girls, I stopped in my tracks. What stood in front of them is Organization Number VII, The Luna Diviner: Saix. Behind him on both sides are Berserker Nobodies. He noticed my presence and gave me a death stare. "I see you got out too, traitor" he spoke in his usual monotone voice. "Kairi, Luxerk, I'm afraid leaving is not an option." I aimed my arrow guns at the blue-haired Nobody who raised his hand out to the girl in pink. "I'll take you to see Sora" he beckoned. She backed away a few inches and his hand lowered. "Oh, you don't want that?" he asked. She sighed, I'm sure that this "Sora" person is very special to her and she would do anything to see him again, but I don't think she would think of being escorted by the same man who tried to kill me on multiple occasions. "I do, more than anything. But not with you around" she growled.

Saix barely blinked at her sudden defiance. "If I had a heart, this would be the part where I would die of laughter" he said. I saw both of the berserkers behind him collapse and disappeared after hearing a ching sound from both of them. What stood behind them was a person sporting the organization uniform. I took a closer look at his weapon; it's a keyblade? Saix turned around "You..." he growled "Didn't Roxas already take care of you?" The hooded figure didn't speak. Namine knew who that keyblade wielder is by the posture and battle stance. "You can take it from here, Riku" she said.

"Not a chance" I declined raising the arrow guns up to fire at the Nobody. The keyblade faded from the figure's hand and threw a blue fireball at Saix, striking at his chest. The figure then pinned him against the wall with both of his arms. I fired off a few shots but by the time the projectiles struck the wall Saix was pinned to, he slipped into his own corridor of darkness. The arrow guns disappeared and I slammed my fist into the wall, making a dent "Damn it!" I yelled in frustration. Kairi walked over to her tall savior. The yellow dog ran right past me and towards the figure, barking happily. Kairi pulled back the figure's hood "Riku...you're finally here" she smiled. I twitched at his face under the hood. I shook my head "No, this doesn't make sense; that is Ansem: Seeker of Darkness."

"He does have the form of Ansem, but the real Seeker of Darkness was eliminated, thanks to the light that the actual Kingdom Hearts gave off" Namine explained. I put two and two together by saying, "So Sora was the man behind this?" All three nodded along with the dog barking. "I'm taking a different route so don't worry; I can survive the fall" I said, climbing on top of the safety rail. "Tell Sora that he's getting more than he's bargained for. My colleagues are choir boys compared to our leader; be extremely careful around Xemnas and kick his ass for me."

I leaped off the side of the castle, both of my arms out in different directions. I steered myself to the edge of the wall so I can slow my descent. It's not everyday I have to run down the side of a castle wall, but I won't take my chances with the elevator; it must be teeming with Nobodies by now if this Sora person is here in this castle. Down below, I see a group of Nobody Dusks attacking a downed man in red. In an instant, the arrow guns materialized in my hands and unleashed a flurry of arrows at the Dusks, each one being pierced multiple times before disappearing. I landed safely on the walkway next to the man, who is now stumbling to his feet. He took off the red-bandage-style mask, revealing a pale face, medium slicked back, blond hair, amber orange eyes and a goatee. "It's been too long, my grandson" he said.

"Who are you?"

"I almost forgot; you were turned into a Nobody, so you have my deepest sympathies."

"That still doesn't explain who you are or how you could see my face through this hood."

"I am Ansem the Wise, the sage-king of our home, Radiant Garden."

"Why are you here? This place has become a war zone."

"Xemnas, the organization's superior and your boss, is the Nobody of Xehanort, my first apprentice. This burden is mine to bear."

"I know that's not the whole of it; tell me the real reason why you're here."

"The shadows of revenge clouded my judgment. All of my apprentices except you stole everything that I valued. My research of the human heart and my pride."

"I can't help you satisfy your revenge; I can't even fulfill mine."

"I know; I was reminded that many of times by Riku. He was a great help to me; revenge won't absolve my dread of what I caused."

"Who is this Riku and did you cause the heartless to be?"

"I found him wandering in the realm of darkness. I soon figured out that Xehanort's Heartless was inside him. It greatly troubled him and yes; my research led to the creation of both the heartless and the seeker of darkness."

"So why does Riku look like the Seeker of Darkness?"

"That would be my fault. The first time I met him, he looked much younger than he used to, maybe his heart was stronger than I expected. I asked him to find someone within the Organization. Roxas; I'm sure you met him."

"I helped him take down extremely powerful Heartless in the past; he disappeared almost twenty days ago."

"I asked Riku to bring Roxas to me; he would help Sora wake up, he left without a word."

"So those two are that close?"

"With friends, any emptiness you might feel will fill in. You will be able to overcome any hardship when you have someone to back you up and the strength that radiates from the connections you bond within hearts."

"I'm leaving this world, forever. I want to start a new life. I want to know what it feels like to have real friends."

"The time has come. I must make amends to those I wronged. Here; you'll need this if you want to travel to this world that's been unknown to even I. Instead of going to Twilight Town, instead, go East and never change direction. That world is untouched by both the Nobodies and the Heartless and outside of their reach. Good luck."

I set my left foot on the railing and I sensed Ansem looking at me. I turned to look at him. "What is it?" I asked. He tossed to me a black stone with a star-shaped gap in it. "You will need it on the road ahead, farewell Luxerk" he picked up a strange device and walked into the corridor, disappearing from my sight. I leaped off the ledge and began to glide through the air. I circled the castle once to get one last view before I descended to the city below. As I was falling into the streets a bright blue laser is being shot out to the heart-shaped moon. It must be from that machine Ansem was lugging with him. What was he using it for? It didn't matter to me as I may be the last Nobody alive once the castle goes along with Xemnas and escaping the city is my number one priority. My feet finally touched down on the pavement and I took one last look at what I used to call home and continued walking away into the darkness of the city. Lucky for me, all of the Nobodies and Heartless are focusing more on the castle.

The roads became more twists and turns as I continued on my path. Eventually, I made it to the alley and I got a strange feeling. I turned around to look at the castle again, but this time, where the beam was coming from, an explosion of light shot up into the sky, creating a vortex. Pink particles are all that fell. I looked at my open hand, seeing the particles land on it. I took out both the white star and the black mold. The star fit perfectly and the pink particles sealed them both into place and disappeared completely. The pink particles were really hearts and as soon as they touched the ground, they transformed into Heartless and the "Sacred Moon" is nothing more than a heart-shaped black hole. Now would be a good time to run. Without giving myself a second thought, I began right down the alleyway and sure enough to Ansem's directions, a big, shadow-like cloudy orb floating by the corner. As the darkness consumed my body, leaving me with a strange feeling coursing through my body. I left the world that never was and another step to whatever is in store for me.

The shadowy portal remained behind me but looking ahead on where I am right right now doesn't make any sense. It feels like I'm walking on air. I looked around, the walls and floor is made of swirling colors, they fade to dark blue from the portal behind me and orange to twilight town. The Nobody symbols flowed across the floor and walls like gears in a machine. I made it over to the Twilight Town portal, wondering if I got my ability to create corridors of darkness back from that stone. I lifted up both of my arms at the portal and a shadow-like aura shot out of my palms. The color of the portal now is white and surrounded by a flurry of colors that resemble the rainbow. "This must be the unexplored world that Ansem mentioned" I said to myself. I felt a chill run down my spine. I turned around and see a rare horror: a Twilight Thorn.

(Boss 1-Twilight Thorn)

The Giant Nobody looked like it wore a bodysuit, due to the zipper in the middle of its body. It had no face except the symbol of our kind. Its shoulders look like diamond-shaped spikes and very long arms that could stretch to impossible lengths with four tentacles looking like a sentient scarf wrapped around its neck.

Xemnas' Ethereal Blades extended out from my palms as I charged towards the giant Nobody. It shot out shadow-like thorns at me. I kept reversing my jumps and dodged every one, striking the Twilight Thorn in different areas. It didn't flinch as it swung its left arm at me, sending me flying across the ethereal battlefield. I caught myself by swinging the blades onto the ground, breaking my fall. I somersaulted into the air and glided towards the Thorn. Out of their own corridors of darkness, Creepers and Dusks appeared out to kill me. More thorns shot out of its tentacles and I kept reversing around the thorns and the Dusks, striking down the nearest enemy. When I got near the monster, its arms stretched out at me, looking like rubber. I spun like a torpedo around its arms and struck its head, making it stumble over. Right near the portal, I ran for it and jumped towards it. I spun around and got out the arrow guns, shooting rapidly at the giant Nobody. It charged up a big exploding orb of darkness and threw it at me. In a panic, I leaned back in the air and fell through the portal. Sadly, I was too late as the ball struck my chest as I was halfway through the portal, the propelling force of the explosion threw me through the portal and a last ditch effort, I threw an ethereal keyblade at the portal to prevent the Nobody from pursuing me.

(Third Person POV)

On the other side of the portal, a hooded figure fell from a sky, slamming onto the ground in front of a high school campus right next to a horse statue. The impact created a loud boom, sending dust and dirt everywhere. The impact didn't seem to kill him, but it did hurt him real bad. "OH MY STARS! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" a loud female voice shouted from across the front yard of the school. It seemed that the person witnessed the entire event unfolding. The figure in black used the base of the statue to prop himself up to his feet. He weakly looked around for the source of the voice and found a woman, much older than the figure him. He assumed it must be the principal, but why would she still be here at night? Her skin is a pale blue with darker blue hair with streaks as pale as her skin. She wears a purple top with a white collar embroided with a crescent moon. and dark blue slacks. The figure backed away, still off-balance from being attacked by a monstrous creature on the other side of the closed portal. He collapsed onto his knees, holding his right side in pain. "Oh my; you're hurt!" she jumped "Come with me; you'll get medical help." The figure nodded and was held up by wrapping his arm around her shoulder and limped along with her to the school.

"What is your name, young one?" she asked the figure. "Luxerk" he responded weakly, trying to stay awake. "A strange name, but I'm going to call the nurse" she said "Don't worry; you'll be in safe hands."

"Thank you."

She got out her cellphone and typed in on the keypad the nurses number. "Hello? Yes, it's Luna. I found a kid seriously injured on the school grounds...Okay, I need you in the gymnasium with your stretcher ASAP...alright, thank you, bye."

Inside the High School's gymnasium, a group of female students were sitting on bleachers or on the floor in sleeping bags, talking, laughing, and some were playing a card game. On a separate set of bleachers sat six colorful girls. A rainbow-haired girl had a "why am I here?" face and turned to speak to her friend who looks like a polar opposite of her. "Why AM I here anyways?" she asked the curly purple-haired girl next to her. Her question was answered in a flash when a high-strung pink poofy haired girl appeared in front of the rainbow girl and smiled "Because you have nothing else better to do?"


"At least we're doing something together, Rainbow Dash" the purple haired girl spoke. The pink poofy-haired girl butted in again "Besides, it was my idea to set up the Canterlot Slumber Party."

"I'm surprised that Principal Celestia approved it so quickly" Rainbow added in astonishment. "Although, she could've choose a better location; the gym seems a little...unnecessary" the purple-haired girl known as Rarity evaluated all of the full open areas of the school. Their good time was interrupted when they saw the school nurse, Redheart, ran across the gym to the door with a stretcher. "Oh my, what happened?" the pink wavy haired girl asked. The six girls, along with the other female students that were in the gym, stared at the nurse who was waiting by the door. Some whispers between the students were heard.

"Hey, why is the nurse carrying that stretcher for?"

"Did someone get hurt?"

"Something does not seem right about this."

"Did it have to do with the loud boom outside?"

The double doors opened and Luxerk fell to his knees, on the verge of passing out. The room fell silent and filled with shock at the injured Nobody. The nurse laid out the stretcher on the floor and rolled an unconscious Luxerk on the stretcher.

"Sister!" a voice called out from the other side of the gym "I heard Redheart's report after you called her. What's going on and who's this?" her voice was on the verge of panicking. Her skin had a light tint of pink. Her eyes are purple, similar to Luxerk's. Her hair had an ethreal presence to it. Blue, pink and green are the colors that made up her hair in a rainbow styled manor. Her white and purple shirt was worn under a golden yellow jacket with a sun-shaped pin attached to the collar along with purple pants. Luna and Redheart picked up the stretcher with the Nobody on and the Principal pulled back his hood to get a glimpse of his face. Luxerk has an orange tint to his skin with long white hair and purple eyes. "He's still alive" Redheart dissuaded both Luna and Celesta's fear "He's got burns all over his body, but he'll make it."

When Luxerk awoke, he got that same walking on air feeling. It was pitch black when he tried to look in all directions. Only a faint illumination glowed above him. A voice echoed from the shadows that are similar to his own.

"Luxerk, do you know where you are?"

"Who said that?"


"Who are you?"

"You are not you, and I am not I; you are me, and I am you."

"No shit."

"This is where our heart is supposed to be, but alas, we are Nobodies; our hearts are missing."

"So how did I get here?"

"We suffered severe damage to our body with that fight with the Twilight Thorn. We need to take it easy over the next few weeks until we recover from our injuries. Until then, it's best if we don't push ourselves."

"Yeah, I, a Nobody pushes his power too much, it can destroy my body like......Axel."

"It's best if we learn from his mistake."

"What will happen to us now?"

"We need to lay low for now. If the Nobodies or the Heartless come back and invade this world, we will need to be ready. In the meantime, I will see you again soon."

Luxerk's vision became cloudy, and everything faded to black.