• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 3,396 Views, 59 Comments

Heart of a Nobody - OuijaSilverstar

Luxerk, a Nobody used as a last resort by the Organization XIII; a backup 13th Seeker of Darkness. When a group of Keyblade wielders attack the Castle that Never Was, he escapes to another world, unknown to both Nobodies and Heartless alike.

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Chapter 06 - Truth and Intentions


(Third Person POV)

DAY 24 - Twilight Town

Luxerk sat at the edge of the clock tower, watching the sunset and waiting for a fellow member of the Organization. Many thoughts have started to surge now he’s fully adapted to the lifestyle of the Organization XIII. Even though he can copy the weapons of his allies, he’s only used as a wild card acting as backup. This never bothered him much as that meant less to do, but responsible to go to Number IV for routine checkups to make sure his ten-year sleep didn’t cause any prolonged side effects.

“Hello, Luxerk,” a male voice greeted him from the other side of the tower. He had blond spiky hair, blue eyes and was carrying two sea salt ice creams.

“Afternoon, Roxas was it?”

“Yeah, got it memorized?” he joked, sitting down next to him. Roxas was Number XIII: The Key of Destiny. He was the only one who could gather the hearts for the Organization’s ultimate goal: complete Kingdom Hearts. He was asleep the entire time since Luxerk joined the Organization as a Number XIII replacement, since he could replicate the keyblade. Now that Roxas was awake since the start of the day, his mission was now tied with Roxas. After the mission, he told Luxerk to wait at the top of the clock tower.

“What is that?” The confused Nobody asked.

“It’s a little ‘Icing on the Cake’,” he explained, “It’s sea salt icecream for a small job well done.” He passed the other ice cream over to the skeptical Nobody. He slowly took a little bite, eyes closed before opening them after the first taste.

“It”s salty, but sweet,” he commented.

“That’s what I said when I first tried it,” he lightly chuckled, “Number VIII, Axel and I, after every mission, we sat here and ate ice cream together. He’s a good friend.”

“What does ‘friend’ mean?” Luxerk asked, taking another bite of his ice cream.

“A friend is someone you have ice cream with,” he explained, life slowly dripped from his words, “I worry about Axel, though.”

“Why’s that?”

“A few weeks ago, half of the members of the Organization, including Axel, got sent to Castle Oblivion; I fear the worst.”

“You shouldn’t worry; from what I hear about him from you, he seems like a kind of Nobody that could weasel his way out of the worst of things.”

“You’re probably right.”

[Flashback Over]

(Luxerk POV)

Present Day

Memories. There’s not much I remember from my time in the Organization but there's some fond ones. There were only three Nobodies I trusted: Axel, Roxas and Number IX: Demyx. In the end, though, they disappeared; a final nail in the coffin to rejecting my place and attacking Xemnas. Arrogance was my downfall and now I am left with my memories like broken glass and too weak to use my copied abilities. So much for being called: The Elemental Mime. A week has passed; time to wake my lazy ass up.

I slowly opened my eyes, only to see that the ceiling was different from the school infirmary and Pinkie’s room. I sat up, noticing movement next to me. I quickly shifted my head to the side and saw Celestia seated in an office chair.

“Luxerk!” She gasped, “I need to call the girls immediately!” She ran out of the room, probably to use a telephone. I looked over on the other side of me to see Luna in a similar chair, but without wheels on the legs.

“This is a relief,” she sighed, “We didn’t know how long you would be out.”

“What time is it?” I asked, rubbing the sore part of my head I landed on from 50 feet up.

“It’s about 21:45; you’ve been asleep for a week.”

“All I ever do is sleep around here,” I sarcastically joked.

“We saw strange creatures moving towards the school when we saw an explosion and a giant white creature with tentacles,” she explained, “You had an unusual weapon in your hand and fought it and-”

“Yes; It was too flashy, but I couldn’t help it.”

“The girls found you unconscious and explained what they saw and heard what you said about the Nobodies. Speaking of which, were those the Nobodies you were talking about?”

“You catch on quick.”

“What can we do if those monsters are on the loose!? No offense.”

“They won’t attack anyone in this world; they’re just after me.”

“What about those other creatures, the Heartless?”

“As I said, they’re feral beasts with only one desire: steal hearts and turn them into other Heartless.”

“We might have another catastrophe on our hands.”

“Not unless I have this,” I said, summoning the Keyblade.

“It’s that same key in the girls’ stories,” She pointed out, wide-eyed.

“This is the Keyblade,” I explained, “More precisely, one of my 13 abilities.”

“You can summon more weapons?”

“It’ll take time before I can muster up the strength to summon and use my other weapons. I can’t take another unnecessary risk like last week; it will kill me if I strain myself like that again.”

“Luxerk, what is going on here?” She asked, moving closer to him, “I feel like you are leaving out important details.”

“All in due time,” I bluntly said, dispelling my Keyblade, “When Sunset and the others get here, I’m going to tell you all the full truth and what I’m up against; where I REALLY stand in all of this.”

About a few minutes later, they both heard the door open and close along with numerous voices coming from Celestia and the girls. Applejack was the first to enter the room and I noticed an angry look on her face and...oh shit. She leaped onto the bed, pinning my limbs down with her own.

“You, Luxerk,” She furrowed, “You have sum ‘splainin to do.”

“Release me, and I’ll tell y’all the truth,” I bargained.

“Alright,” she agreed, getting off of me and moving back to the group, “Don’t think about runnin neither; I’ll hogtie ya and drag yer sorry butt back into this room.”

“Why didn’t you tell us the full truth at the start?” Sunset asked, “We know there’s another world out there and we can pony up when we play music. No pun intended.”

“Yeah, but these skeletons in the closet are much more sinister than a raging She-Demon or a trio of mind-manipulating Sirens.”

“Tell us, Luxy,” Pinkie drilled me, “What is it that you’re so afraid of about telling us the truth?”

“Alright, you all seen the face of the many of my enemies. I am from another world.”

“You’re telling me that there are other worlds out there besides Equestria?” Rainbow asked, skeptical of my truth.

“Yes, and there’s something else you need to know, about those creatures.”

“How CAN you relate to those ICKY creatures!?” Rarity convulsed.

“Those things are Nobodies.”

“That’s hardly anybody; they wreaked havoc on the town!” Rainbow protested.

“That’s Nobody with a capital ‘N.' Nobodies are what’s left over after when a human loses their heart; we technically aren’t supposed to exist.”

“Wait, are you one of those scary things?” Fluttershy eeped, hiding behind Rainbow.

“Yes and no. I am a Nobody, but not one of those deformed monsters known as Dusks.”

“I think yer spoutin a bunch a hooey!” Applejack growled.

“Don’t believe me? Put your hand on my chest, and you’ll feel the truth or lack thereof.”

Applejack slowly placed her hand on my chest before her hand recoiled back, the color drained from her face.

“AHHH!” She screamed, “H-h-how can ya even function!?”

“As I said; I’m not human. I was once human, but now you see this freak of nature before you.

“That coat. Yer a Nobody and you mentioned you were part of sum cult. That means, there’s more of yer type!?”

I slowly nodded, “Some Nobodies with a strong will are able to keep a resemblance of when they once were human, but at the cost of hair and skin color change. I am no longer a part of that cult and now I plan to eliminate the rest of them after what they did to my best friends.”

“What are you talking about, darling?”

The Organization XIII.” Shortly after mentioning the name of my former unit, everyone in the room, including myself shuddered.

“What did this ‘Organization XIII’ do, exactly?” Sunset asked.

“We Nobodies, along with the Keyblade destroy the Heartless and collect their hearts.”

“What are Heartless?” Rarity asked, “They sound more barbaric than those Nobodies, no offense.”

“A Heartless is a feral creature that takes their victim's hearts. The heart gets engulfed in darkness and becomes a Heartless.”

“This sounds like the next few months could get a little hairy,” Rainbow frowned.

“What about that scary Nobody that you destroyed?” Fluttershy asked meekly, still hiding behind Rainbow.

“That was a Twilight Thorn, one of the most dominant types of Nobodies, but The Organization still outclasses them by the ability to keep their former human form.”

“Can you tell us more about the Organization?” Luna requested.

“Alright, but I warn you all; after I inform you all of them, they will try to eliminate you all for learning of their identities.” I sensed everyone shuddered at my warning.

“You already told us this much,” Celestia concluded, “Might as well inform us about them.”

“Alright. The Organization XIII is made up of 13 members, not including myself. Each of us had a name, number, and title, some were able to garner control over a type of lesser Nobodies. We each wielded a weapon that houses a particular attribute of Magic.”

“Can you get to the members, themselves?” Rainbow whined.

“Rainbow, let Luxerk talk!” Applejack slapped Rainbow’s shoulder.

“Number I: The Superior of the In-Between, Xemnas; my former Master and current leader of the Organization XIII and is the wielder of the Ethereal Blades over the attribute of Nothingness. He controls Sorcerer Nobodies.”

“Xemnas, just saying the name gives ya the goosies,” Pinkie added.

“Number II: The Freeshooter, Xigbar, Xemnas’s biggest bootlicker. He is the wielder of the Arrowguns and can manipulate gravity, hence his title. Also, he has control over Sniper Nobodies.”

“Huh, and here I thought I was the only person to defy gravity,” Pinkie mentioned surprised.

“Number III: The Whirlwind Lancer, Xaldin He wields a variety of lances, six at a time that’s manipulated by the power of Wind magic and can control Dragoon Nobodies.”

“Sounds like he could rival you, Dashie,” Pinkie teased her, nudging her arm.

“Whatever; I could still whoop that clown in a game of soccer.”

“Number IV: The Chilly Academic, Vexen. He wields a magical shield and can control Ice. He was the one who found me and brought me to the Organization in the first place. He was one of the 6 to go to another world shortly after I joined.”

“Vexen? Sounds a lot like Hexen,” Pinkie commented.

“Number V: The Silent Hero, Lexaeus. He wields the axe-sword over the power of Earth magic. He too was one of the 6 to go to that other world.”

“Axe-sword? That sounds like a cool weapon,” Rainbow commented.

“Number VI: The Cloaked Schemer, Zexion. He uses a Lexicon to control Illusions, or so I’m told.”

“You don’t know anything much about him, do you?” Rainbow speculated.

“It was a couple of days after I first joined the organization that I was told that he was one of 6 members that were sent to another world; only one came back alive.”

“Who was the only survivor?” Luna asked.

“I’ll get to him after this next one. Number VII: The Luna Diviner, Siax. He Controls the Berserker Nobodies, along with wielding a Lunar Claymore.”

“Normally, I would be happy someone shares my vision of loving the moon, but he seems to give an off-putting feeling by the tone of you talking about him,” Luna speculated.

“Number VIII: The Flurry of Dancing Flames, Axel. He was one of my three closest friends. He wielded flaming chakrams and controlled Assassin Nobodies. He was the only survivor from that team of 6 sent to that other world.”

“What was that other world?” Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“It was called Castle Oblivion. Never was there, to be honest. Axel died shortly before I turned against the Organization.”

“I can’t imagine what it would feel like, losing a close friend,” Sunset deadpanned, placing her hand on my shoulder.

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know how to feel or even cope with it; I don’t have the heart to understand it, but all I feel could be the pain.”

“We’re sorry, about your losses,” Fluttershy sniffled.

“The next member is Number IX: The Melodious Nocturne, Demyx. He uses his Sitar to control Water and Dancer Nobodies. He disappeared a while back; have absolutely no clue where he is, now. I think he finally turned tail and ran like I did.”

“Hope he's alright,” Applejack wandered, “Hope that organization hasn't gotten to him yet.”

“Number X: The Gambler of Fate, Luxord. He uses cards with the magic of time in his odds of winning. He controls Gambler Nobodies.”

“He uses playing cards as weapons?” Rainbow asked, “Pfft, lame.”

“I know, right? Number XI: The Graceful Assassin, Marluxia. He wielded a scythe over the power of flowers. After Axel had returned, he told me that he conspired against the Organization and that he was eliminated as a result.”

“Why would you support sumone who was conspiring against the Organization be eliminated?” Applejack asked, arms crossed.

“Because I didn’t know the truth at the time. Number XII: The Savage Nymph, Larxene. She used electric knives and was the last of the six sent over to Castle Oblivion.”

“Guess you weren't the only one with a coup in mind,” Rainbow slightly chuckled.

“My closest friend, Number XIII: The Key of Destiny, Roxas. He controlled the magic of light and Samurai Nobodies. He wielded the only weapon that can destroy Heartless, the Keyblade.”

“What’s the Keyblade?” Sunset asked.

“This,” I only said, summoning the Keyblade in my hand.

“WOAH!” Everyone exclaimed at the sight of the weapon.

“So THAT’S what was sticking out of the ground,” Rainbow concluded.

“Yes; this is the actual weapon that can free the hearts from the Heartless. This is a blade that can be made of pure light or darkness. Those who are chosen by the Keyblade or passed down by a wielder with a pure heart can one wield such a weapon.”

“But you don’t have a heart,” Applejack pointed out, “How are you able to wield one in the first place?”

“I think I might have Roxas to thank for that. If he ever comes to this world and finds me, I’ll treat him to some ice cream.”

“Why ice cream?” Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“What I learned from both Axel and Roxas is that friends are someone who you have ice cream with and laugh about trivial things. Axel’s gone, and Roxas is missing; I have no one now, except for a few things.”

“What are they?” Celestia asked.

“I have my diary,” I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out a blank black book.

“Aren’t you a little too old to have one?” Rainbow bluntly asked.

“It might not seem to have much value to you, but to me, compared to Axel and Roxas, it’s treasured greatly.” I noticed Luna not focused on me but pondering on something.

“Vice Principal Luna,” I called to her attention, “You seem awfully quiet, what’s giving you trouble?”

“I noticed in all of the names you gave us, including yours has an ‘X’ somewhere in your names, why’s that?”

“When each of us entered into the Organization, we are given a new name based on our original Human names. The letters in our original names are placed in a different order and an X in inserted. That’s our Nobody name.”

“Strange,” Luna commented.

“What’s even stranger is that most of them remember who their original name was; I can’t. Which was probably why I accepted my new name without reluctance.”

“Also everyone in that group had a title, do you have one?”

“Yes. Mine was The Elemental Mime.”

“That title seems a little weird, but sounds a bit cool,” Rainbow commented.

“I was given the weapons of the members that died in Castle Oblivion, along with their abilities to go along with that. Soon I developed a new gift: I unconsciously mimic the moves, weapons, personalities and mannerisms of those I come into physical contact.”

“That explained why you were smiling while piledriving Hoops and his gang,” Rainbow realized.

“He what?” Celestia asked, looking at me angrily.

“HoopsandhisbuddiescameintosugarcubecafewantedtobeatRainbowupbutLuxycameinandbeatthemintoabruisedmess,” Pinkie explained in less than five seconds, “That’s the short version, by the way.” Sunset sat down next to me, her hand still on my shoulder.

“Luxerk, what you said about friendship,” She began, “You got it almost entirely correct. It’s true that friends are someone you have ice cream with, but friends are people you are close to, people you look out for and Vice Versa. Friends are those you can talk to when you have a bad day or want to share what’s on your mind. There are times you form a musical group with your friends like us.”

“Guess friendship is the real magic in all of this.”

“Now that we know everything, what are you planning to do now?” Luna asked curiously.

“After those rifts, Heartless might start rolling in. I’m staying and figure out how Xemnas found me, but knowing that, it could lead to me or others potential sitting ducks if I leave this world after messing with a rift.”

“With that said, we’re enrolling you in Canterlot High School to keep this a secret and further your mission in eradicating these creatures.”

“What if the students see me fighting the Heartless with the Keyblade?”

“With Sunset, the rainbow magic and the battle of the bands, the students won’t be as moved as you think they would be.”

“Then that makes my situation much easier.”

“It’s getting late,” Celestia pointed to the clock next to the bed: 22:30, “You six can go home for the time being.” They complied and left, each saying goodnight to me.

“I take it I’m crashing here for the night?”

“Precisely,” Luna nodded, “After tomorrow, we will figure out where in which house you will be residing in.”

“Sounds like a plan, goodnight and thank you for letting me sleep here.”

“Think of it as a token of appreciation for helping Canterlot out with that problem. Good night.” Both have left the now dark room all to my lonesome. Laying back down into the soft, comfy mattress that was slightly sunk from my week-long imprint, I looked up at the ceiling, my hands on the back of my head. After meeting this ‘Riku’ and ‘Kairi’ (Not to mention hearing the heroic exploits of Sora,) I wonder if they managed to kill Xemnas. If that’s really true, then the Nobodies are left without a leader. That, mixed with potential Heartless invasions, equal complete distilled chaos. As long as it stays in the World that Never Was, but I hardly doubt that would happen as I was convinced a week ago.

There’s no stressing about it now; tomorrow is my first formal day of living here. I got up from bed and sat at the desk in the room, the small lamp lighting up my diary. I opened the thick book and flipped through many of my entries of my time in the Organization. 375 Days. It felt like an eternity, but I found a blank section and flipped a page over to start a new entry.

Ex-Organization Section
Entry 1 - Day 7

It seems that no matter how far I travel away from the Organization, they always find me. A week prior, I fought a Twilight Thorn. I destroyed it, but the magical strain on my body summoning the keyblade caused me to sleep for a week to recover. I met the Principal, Vice Principal and six colorful girls of a local high school. I am being enrolled tomorrow to keep my mission a secret: drive the Heartless away from this world. figure out the meaning to my existence and possibly obtain a heart of my own. If Xemnas managed to survive, then I will have to reawaken my abilities to get my revenge. Until then, I am at time’s mercy.

After writing my entry, I closed the book and went back to bed, hoping that I could have a peace-filled day for once.

Luxerk’s Current Stats
Lv. 3

HP: 30
MP: 17
STR: 9
MAG: 9
DEF: 12
Crit. %: 6
Crit. Bonus: 7

WEAPON: XIII - Starlight Keyblade

MAGIC: Spark

ITEMS: Diary
Mysterious Seashell
Popsicle Stick (WINNER)