• Published 10th Jul 2015
  • 1,675 Views, 19 Comments

Chaotic Marks - Lord Despair

Cold.....so very cold I don't remember much from before I found myself amongst the snow but what I do remember is an name.......one single name, I think it's my name but seems meaningless to me now especially I don't know where I am.

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Chapter 1 Who are you part 1 unedited

I felt my body lightly stirred basting in the the warm it been a long time since the last time I knew the warmth, I had walked in the snow for so long I could no longer feel it. Strange my memory is unable to recall the last time I had been warm..........the cold was all I really could remember I don't think I had ever been without the cold. That can't be surly there was a time when I wasn't cold yet again I could not recall.....it seems there a gap in my memory......where did it came from? Mentally I reach out my hand towards the gap dark whispers warped themselves round me surrounding me as they cruelly laugh at me. My blue eyes could see what looked like ghostly pale horses galloping about in the dark corners I ignore them and the whispers. As my hand reached for the gap it is in veil up in a golden aura and painful mutants into a lion's paw. I screamed as the golden glow ravages my body, twisting it into an monstrous form I screamed louder from the pain as the whispers cruelly laugh a single word Discord.

I woke up screaming, my hands ripping up the bed I found myself ready to maul the ones responsible for causing me pain succeeding in scaring a little horse in a french maid outfit cause her to gallop out of the room screaming. After seeing the horse I noticed the room I as in it was like one of those old rooms in castles on Ireland big but yet unlike the ancient castles this one seemed like new plus the furniture was of a different style with an Russian feel to it. I attempted to place my hand in my hands..........only to scream once again instead of hands they were lion's paw and what looked like a eagle's talons. Breathing heavily I gently felted my face or rather what was my face....it was long and covered by a thick layer of fur my twisted hand brushed up against two horns upon my fore head pass that was my long ears. Panic fueled my body as it tremble in fear just what has happen to me again I couldn't remember what had happen to me just the cold and whispers. Feebly I rose from the bed standing to my full high it seemed that I was somehow taller then what my legs were use to............I looked down on my body and my blood froze at what I saw my hand and face was not the only things to be twisted. Many pieces of my twisted body came from different animals yet somehow I knew they were mine, I could feel the plush carpet caress my hoof and foot claw........what am I?

I barely notice the sound of a door slamming open and the thunder of armored hooves on stone. I didn't even look in their direction my mind was too busy staring at my abhorred form yet somehow I knew what my guest were if the maid were any evidence that I was not on Earth anymore that and the sound of their footsteps were too many for them to be human, plus the smell of horses was heavy in the air......wait how can I even smell them? ''well it may possible that what ever fucked up my body saw it fit to give me the nose of an bloodhound'' I thought, but more importantly why am I not panicking about this at all any other guy would be jumping out the nearest window with a one way ticket to kingdom come.

Yet here I am standing here almost calmly perhaps my brain is simply overloaded with information or kicking itself in the balls over the state of my body and it will restart momentarily once it has my ticket for the jump. Well I guess start with the making of friends and all that first contract shit while I wait..........What's the worse that could happen?

Kingdoms of the North
The Crystal Palace

Faust's PoV

''Father king '' I said to the dark Alicorn stallion with a starlight mane, his crown weighted heavier then usual, worried whispers could be heard coming from the scheming nobles the he loves to surround himself with in order to keep a eye on them before they cause the kingdom to fall into total chaos......again yet I cant see why he allows them to scheme wouldn't it be easier to send them to knight-commander Cherry Pie of the house of Pie, she'll have the spoiled nobles eating rocks within a day's notice or he could allow my half brother Sombra,The Ruler of the Northlands to teach them his mines, I smirk at the thought while dear Sombra only sends criminals to the frost-back mountain mines it would be fitting to force the useless nobles to move boulders and gems with naught but their hooves, '' I fear that the creature is not even mention in the royal bestiary''

My father Cronus High King of Equestria The Alicorn of War looked at me with disbelief in his wise eyes then to my mother and Sombra then back to me '' Daughter are thou sure of what thy speakest? me thinks that thou art are mad, the royal bestiary list all those of Equis yet ye claim that thy creature is not in our archives, this be a bold claim''

''Yes it is Father king yet you had seen the creature yourself, you cant say that you had seen something of it's....like before'' I said accepting that he was right....I was making a bold claim.

Father's face was grim as he spoke again '' In that ye words ring true we has not lay eyes on a creature such as this.....what say you dear wife and King Sombra son of Nyx, lord of the crystal pony tribe''

''Husband love we wonder where art was Rosy Love, she was to watch over our beloved Daughter at all times this creature is not one for such a highborn lady such as Faust to lay eye on'' said my mother Galaxia High Queen of all pony tribes in her usual ''superior than thou'' tone

'' Queen Galaxia '' said unicorn king Sombra coming to my aid against mother's wishes ''I believe that it matters not where Faust's nurse was but Father King this creature worries me what if your daughter speaks true that this......being is not in the archives this could be a chance to learn of a race never seen before but we know not if it comes in peace nor for war''

The High King nods agreeing with wise Sombra '' Ye council is true as always King Sombra, we do not know if Faust's creature is friend or foe but Galaxia has a point........( he looks to me with his deep green eyes if as to say the we shall speak more on this at another time)........Faust where was thy nanny Rosy Love? was she disposed?

''Yes she was father king, she was having an panic attack........and....I...may...of...had use...the royal voice... on her....sending her flying into a snow-hill'' I finished in a small voice while my face was burning with embarrassment.

The three royals looked at me with a raised brow before laughing at the mere mental image of Rosy flying though the air like an pegasus only to land in a hill of snow. After a long session of laughter I too join in the merriment yet only to have a mareish scream to interrupt our mirth as the royal hall door burst open with the creature scrambling to it's feet screaming like a alone colt running from a town's worth of mares in heat. Behind the terrified creatures was a madly blushing Knight-commander Cherry Pie in the lead as the entirely of the Equestrian and Crystal guards gallop behind her. Cherry Pie held a mad gleam in her eyes at she spot the fleeing walking jigsaw puzzle that was the creature trying to to find somewhere to find.

''There is that Pervert'' She cries in a crazed but furious tone ''don't him get away!!!''

''What has happen now'' I mentally lamented while face-hoofing at the timing for this madness

Author's Note:

sorry about the long wait but the chapter is here

and yes Cherry Pie is Pinkie's ancestor and Sombra was a good ruler for a time before becoming evil. he was the offspring of Cronus and his first wife Nyx before he was forced to marry Galaxia.