• Published 10th Jul 2015
  • 1,675 Views, 19 Comments

Chaotic Marks - Lord Despair

Cold.....so very cold I don't remember much from before I found myself amongst the snow but what I do remember is an name.......one single name, I think it's my name but seems meaningless to me now especially I don't know where I am.

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Chapter 1 who are you part 2 unedited

Royal guest chambers
An few moments earlier

Cherry Pie's PoV

''WHAT IN THE KING'S NAME IS THAT THING'' my mind mentally screams at the sight of the now infamous Faust's creature. It's body was an cruel and twisted fusion of an Pony; Dragon; Gryphon; Goat; Snake; Great Cat and the horns of a Deer with the wings of an Pegasus and Bat.....his eyes (I think it is an he) was an chaotic yellow and red pupils. Just what is he? In all of my years of being in the king's employ I had see many of a race yet not one came had close to whatever this thing is. For but an moment I stared at him studying him and the state of the room the bed was ruin with markings of an mauling much to the the maid Soft Silk's dismay, the poor mare had such a fright when the creature awoke growling. the terrible state of the bed will only drive her to the salt. Galaxia knows she needs it. Yet thankfully the rest of the room was left unsoiled the creature simply standing next to the ruined ruin as if studding us as well or was he just an beast of the waste waiting for us to lower our guard but with his twisted face, it was rather difficult to tell. From the mouth of the Princess he only appeared in the snow........it was obvious that he did came from the Frozen Waste many wild animals did so when the true winter was riding for the Crystal Empire yet that didn't explain the why or how Faust found him as she did.........something was not adding up, that much I knew.......I could feel it in my hooves.

'' Greeting creature.......I see that thou had not only ruin thy beddings but gave the maid an fright she'll never forget'' I said staying true the stoic nature of being an guardpony.

''Hello madam '' stated the creature in an natural tone in an overly obvious attempt to be diplomatic, it was cleared that he understood the situation he was in........that's an good sign if any that he is no mere beast of the waste '' I didn't sleep well......please give my apologies to your maid ''

''That I will'' I said with an formal nod '' do thou know where thy dwells?''

''It's appears that we speak the same language, how strange by all means we shouldn't even understand each other'' said the strange creature oddly making sense yet at the same time not making sense while not answering the just question.

''Thou needs to answer the question '' I restated the question, my ears picking up on the low hiss of disgust from my follow guards. It was very unprofessional of them, an guardpony are meant to be stoic and true to be seen, trusted not to be heard or unfaithful....it seems that they need to reminded of that again. when will these foals would ever stay true to the training that we had all shared? Never as it seems.

''Not home that's for sure'' chuckled the creature hearty yet in the tone of his voice was one of melancholy for the lack of better word. I found his rather poor answer to be very understandable the crystal empire was an very small country after all, most visiting emissaries often mistake the empire for an Equestrian province then it's own nation much to the crystalponies' ire.

''Then I shall inform you as to where you are '' I recited pointing at the creature with my hoof '' you are in the land of the crystal empire, the realm of our noble King Sombra the warden of the north, high guardian of the crystal pony tribe.....but to be specify you are in King Sombra's Halls.''

and you are? asked the creature with an small gleam of recognition at King Sombra's name hmm maybe this creature did knew of the empire if he knew it's king...........he could had gotten lost in the snow. it dose happens a lot these days with the true winter coming

'' I am called Cherry Pie daughter of Apple and Lemon Pie, Knight-commander of the Royal Equestrian Guard '' I said if a bit prideful the clan of Pie is one of the most important clans back home father was the proud owner of the Pie Quarry the richest mine in all of southern Equestria while mother was the head baker in the royal court and the Queen's favorite mare '' who art thou Creature, i haven't seen another of your kind before''

'' Um........I had an name but at the same time I don't have one, it's quite the predicame- GAH

Idiotically the creature trips over his oversize snake's tail at first I unprofessional giggled at the sight till the falling creature crashed into me crushing me under his weight much to the joy of my fellow guard ponies. I quickly stop their merriment with an hard glare until I shyly eeped at an very unwanted touch of the creatures' lips, in his fall the creature had not only groped my flanks but stolen my first kiss......first kiss...........MY FIRST KISS

Rising an hoof I slapped the creature screaming for the guards.

The Crystal Palace

present time

Faust's PoV

Me and the other royals glared down at both my Creature and the still blushing Cherry Pie who was staring at her hooves not daring to met my father in the eye. Poor mare had her first kiss stolen and groped by my Creature idly I wonder how that worked the creature snort was longer and an different shape from Cherry's it had to be some feat for it to happen comfortably. But nevertheless it was in my mother's words unladylike and unproper if she happen her way then Cherry would never be Knight-Commander she would of been an hoofmaiden and mother would probably give her to me in an attempt to control me..........father and myself were the only ones who wanted her as our Knight-Commander, she was the only Knight-Captain we could trust and the fact she adores the guard core and of course me.

''so........this is the being you discover in the snow Faust '' said Sombra with an curious gleam in his eyes '' Interesting''

Author's Note:

sorry it took so long for this to come out and the fact it's so short