• Published 4th Jul 2015
  • 854 Views, 55 Comments

I Prefer the Term Freelancer - One of the Crowd

Let's follow Isaac and his group as they protect the main six from some unknown danger. Well at least unknown to them because the princess obviously knows but thats besides the point. Anyway will Issac get over his and twilight's past? probably not.

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The spirit's domain part 2

Chapter 10: The spirit's domain part 2

"Let's dance mother fucker" Isaac aimed his crossbow for the unicorn's knees in hopes of cutting off its ability to move properly. Just before Isaac could pull the trigger however he felt the air around him grow colder as he was lifted off the ground. "That's cheating!" Isaac yelled before he flung across the room into Silver who was about to slam her staff into Luca's head. After landing both Isaac and Silver were dazed by the sheer force behind Isaac as he sailed through the air.

"Pitiful that the first thing I kill in a thousand years doesn't even have a fighting chance, oh well" The unicorn said with an evil grin as it slowly walked over to the two that were just then getting back their bearings. The unicorn picked up both of them in his magical grip once again and began to slam them into the various walls as hard as he could. Luca just stood beside the unicorn staring at the spectacle before her grinning at seeing her friends being thrown about with bone splintering force as if she was enjoying it. Isaac started yelling for Luca to help them but she just stood there completely invested in watching what was going on as if it was the greatest show to ever exist.

"Would you care to finish them, my dear" The unicorn said as he turned toward Luca who's grin grew wider at the idea of killing these two, and they could do nothing about it. The unicorn dropped the two from a good few feet up knocking the wind out of them before he forced them to stay down with his magic. Luca walked over to Isaac first before lifting up a hoof and making a small flame appear which caused Isaac to jerk around wildly in an attempt to move away from the fire. The unicorn just sat back enjoying everything happening before him especially the way Luca was planning to kill these two. Isaac knew that this wasn't Luca anymore because of that thing she is going to kill them when before she'd do anything to protect them. Isaac realized he had only one chance to get out of this alive so he began with,

"Luca, before you do this I want you to remember everything that we've gone through"

"You can't reach her, I've made sure of that" The unicorn said as he walked over to them before he continued, "She is rather easy to manipulate, I see why you kept her around for so long Isaac"

"She could leave whenever she wanted I didn't manipulate her into coming"

"From what her memories are showing me you came out of the blue and took her away, and every time you needed to deal with others you've designated that task to her instead. You've promised her a friend and all I've seen is you taking advantage of her."

"I send her to talk because they wont freak out around her, Sure I make her do things I don't want to but she still is my friend"

"Oh really, Luca what is your opinion on Isaac here" Luca walked up to Isaac's face before stating,

"I thought you were my friend, I thought you cared about me, but you can't even see when I need to talk to you all you do is think about what our next contract is going to be. You never gave a damn about me"

"Y-You're right Luca, I have been a horrible friend to you but you have to realize that he is using you"

"Why should I believe that"

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that you are going to kill me because you choose to not because he tell s you" Luca looked straight into Isaac's eye and was about to begin when she realized she didn't want to kill them.

"Isaac I want to kill you because I want to not because he's told me to" Isaac was shocked at the fact Luca really said that and he bagan to lose hope in their situation when Luca winked at him. The fire in her hoof began to grow bigger and bigger until it could engulf an entire pony before she spoke, "Isaac before I kill you I want you to know that you should grab that necklace" Luca then tossed the fireball at the unicorn which competently consumed him in the fire. However the unicorn slowly walked out of the fire completely unscathed by it and began to speak to Luca,

"Tsk, tsk, you shouldn't of done that my dear" Luca was then thrown up by the unicorn before he blasted silver with a bolt of magic sending her into the wall. "You've met with a terrible fate haven't you" the unicorn said as he walked closer to Isaac who respond with,

"First off I don't think you're name is Ben and I don't think you've drowned. Secondly what goes up must come down"

"What" Luca then dropped on top of the unicorn and attempted to grab at the necklace before she was thrown off again. The unicorn now had to fight to of them at once which he realized was unfair so he made a duplicate of himself. "That evens the odds rather nicely don't you think"

"I swear magic is basically a life hack" Isaac then rushed the clone on the right while Luca went toward the one on the right in an attempt to keep them from teaming up on one of them. Silver had finally recovered from the magical bolt and snuck up on one of the unicorns before attempting to whack it in the head with her staff which sailed right through it. "Jesus Christ will you just take a hit" The unicorn just laughed before both Luca and Silver were lifted back up into the air as the unicorn said,

"I grow tired of this so I'm just going to kill you one by one and force the others to watch, starting with you" The unicorn then created a sword of solid black from his magic before another one appeared before Isaac, "I like it when they fight back" Picking up the sword Isaac said,

"Then you're going to just love me" The two rushed toward each other which resulted in their swords clashing together causing sparks to fly in every direction. Isaac however remembered that the necklace he was wearing was the key to beating him so everytime they clashed Isaac would use his free hand to grab for it which would result in it being nearly cut off every time.

"You do got fight in you after all, too bad you have to die you'd of made a wonderful body guard"

"Make up you're mind damn it, first I'm pitiful now I have fight in me. Just shut the fuck up" Isaac the swung his sword in a large arcwhich connected to the unicorn, but again passed right through him. However it did carry the necklace through the unicorn as well which caused the unicorns eyes to widen. Frantically he tried to grab the necklace before Isaac could, but the sword had thrown the necklace to the otherside of the room. "Race, ya" Isaac said before sprinting toward the necklace in hopes that Luca was right about it being helpful here. The unicorn however wouldn't have it and started to charge up a magical bolt before a stone went sailing through his head. Turning to see what had thrown the stone he saw both Silver and Luca had gotten free before another stone had been thrown at him causing him to lose his focus on the magic in his horn.

"You insolent mortals, I'm going to kill you then bring you back just so I can kill you again"

"Hey Mr. all powerful"


"Like my new necklace" Isaac held up the necklace in triumph before putting it on which resulted in both him and the unicorn falling to the floor unconscious. Silver and Luca quickly rushed over to Isaac to see what had happened to their friend, but the only thing that was noticeable was the fact the necklaces glow was gone and that the unicorn no longer phased through everything since they tested this by giving him a swift kick in the family jewels. They decided that it'd be best to try and find a way to wake up Isaac before the unicorn could wake up and cause any more harm to them.

*** Inside of the unicorn's mind***

"Where am I?" Isaac questioned as he looked around the unfamiliar landscape which looked a lot like a city made of crystals. Isaac tried to find anything that he recognized but nothing stood out other than the giant spire standing in the middle of the city. Deciding that was his best bet in finding anything Isaac made his way there only to find that a large wall had been erected around it. "That is a big ass wall, well time for a little human ingenuity" Isaac started looking for anything he could use to overcome the wall when he spotted something off in the distance approaching him insanely fast. "Yeah, that's a nope so I'm just going to nope right the fuck out of here"

Isaac then started to run parallel to the wall to see if he could find any point that was damaged or weakened in some way but found that there was no such thing. He soon noticed however that a set of buildings were slightly taller than the wall so when he got them he ran into the door forcing it open to reveal a frozen tundra instead of a house.

"What the fuck" Isaac realized that this was his only option in escaping though so he went ahead and continued in before slamming the door closed which resulted in a thud from the other side of it. "Ok, so a house leads into a frozen wasteland. Even by pony standards this is weird" Looking around Isaac could see that same spire from before except this time a bubble was emanating from it which seemed to stop all the snow and ice from entering. "Well that's my best bet"

"Excuse me, but who are you" A voice behind Isaac asked.

"I'm Isaac, Hey do you think you could...tell...me" Isaac turned around as he was speaking to see the same unicorn he was fighting earlier was standing their. "You fucker" Isaac picked up the unicron by the throat and started his questioning. "Where the fuck are we, why the hell are you obsessed with trying to kill everything, and why shouldn't I kill you right now" Isaac started to squeeze the unicorn's throat even tighter as she waited for his answer.

"You're in my mind, and I'm not the one who's trying to kill you"

"Why should I believe you"

"Because he stole my body and I'm willing to help you beat him if you help me" Isaac let the unicorn drop to the ground before saying

"Alright, but try to back stab me and you kiss your ass goodbye, understand"

"Alright Isaac, my name is Sombra by the way"

"Well Sombra Since this is your head you lead the way" They began to make their way toward the city since Sombra said that was where the thing was controlling him from. It wasn't long before they arrived at the bubble shield thing that prevented them from entering Sombra had attempted many different things to get in but no matter what her tried it wouldn't do anything.

"Now if I focus enough I might be able to crack this open with a spell" Sombra then Looked over to where Isaac was standing a second ago before looking back to the shield where Isaac was now behind. "How did you get in their?"

"It can't bare a lot of weight just lean on it and you should fall through"

"You're got to be kidding" Sombra leaned on the shield expecting nothing to happen but instead he just phased right through as if there was nothing even there. "I've been trapped out here for over a thousand years and it was THAT EASY"

"A thousand years? Dude you look like you're in your twenties."

"Well it takes a lot for that spirit to posses a host so it's understandable it'd extend the life of it's host"

"Fuck modern medicine get an evil spirit and you wont have to even worry about death"

"It's not something to take lightly Isaac"

"I was joking Sombra, calm down"

"You're joking about the torture I've had to endure"

"Look I'm sorry ok, just trying to lighten the mood since you seem to be really stressed" They stopped talking after that since Sombra didn't want to talk about the situation anymore and Isaac felt that if he spoke he might piss of his only hope out of here. They finally had re-entered the town and gotten back to the wall when Isaac noticed that black smoke from earlier was now covering the spire. "Is that normal."

"Since he took over, yes. Now can you help me get over that wall" Isaac keeled down and cupped his hand waiting for Sombra to get on. "What are you doing?"

"Giving you a boost,duh" Sombra didn't argue with the rather rude way Isaac was speaking because this was his only chance to take back control of his body. Once Sombra was on top of the wall he used what little of his magic he had left to levitate Isaac up aswell. "Thanks, now where too next"

"The throne room,"

"Great, hey do you think I can find a crown in there?"

"Why are you asking"

"Because I want to say I have authority even though I actually have a much authority as a rock"

"That has got to be the stupidest thing I've heard in a thousand years."

"It's the only thing you've heard in a thousand years" They were finally standing outside a set of giant wooden doors that led into the throne room when Sombra spoke.

"You know we are probably going to die, right"

"You sound like Silver whenever we are exploring lost ruins"

"she sounds like a smart pony"

"She's a zebra, but i'll let that slide. You ready to get out of here"

"Yes" With that they kicked open the doors which caused the Sombra in the throne room to jump. It then grinned before saying,

"Ah, Sombra good to see you again, how was the frozen wasteland"

"I'm here to take my body back you monster"

"How should I put this, Your body is now mine, your mind is now mine, your life is now mine, and you are mine so how exactly do you think you're going to take any of it back." The other Sombra then looked at Isaac before saying "I see you've made a friend as well, too bad I'm going to kill him"

"Yeah I don't die that easy" Isaac said before rushing toward the evil Sombra who made multiple shadow guards appear around him with spears at the ready. Isaac was being surrounded by the guards when the two Sombras began to converse.

"I'll give you one chance Sombra leave and I wont throw you into the dungeons"

"I can't do that, You are a threat to everything and I will stop you" Sombra then attempted to headbutt the evil version of himself only for it to teleport away.

"That's to bad, guards kill the human and capture Sombra" The guards all pulled out spears and attempted to impale Isaac but due to evolution Isaac was much more agile and was able to side step them rather easily before grabbing onto one of them and yanking it away.

"Thanks for the spear mate" Isaac then proceeded to swing the spear more like a sword to move some guards out of the way so he could get out of the circle. Sombra however was having a more difficult time dealing with the guards as he was unable to use very powerful spells without almost killing himself However Isaac tossed him a spear which Sombra used rather effectively on the guards that were trying to apprehend him by using it to force the guards into one another. The guards didn't pose much of a challenge to them as they were quickly dispatched which caused the Evil Sombra to reappear in the room with them.

"As they say if you want it done right you've got to do it yourself" he said before forcing both Isaac and Sombra up against the wall which knocked the wind out of the two. They struggled as hard as they could against the magical grip but to no avail they were stuck. Isaac had an idea however.

"Sombra since this is your head think of something"

"That wont work anything I think of he'll just turn it against us"

"Then think of something he can't" Sombra then began to think of anything that could be used to get them out of this situation when finally he had an idea and began to focus on it. A crystal heart appeared in front of them which Isaac responded wit,


"Do you want out or not?" The heart then began to glow with a brilliant light as Sombra focused more and more on it. The evil version of Sombra was only laughing at their attempts to free themselves with such a mundane object because it's effects wouldn't work in Sombra's mind or at least that is what it thought. The Crystal then began to pulse with light before the light expanded across the throne room throwing the evil sombra up against a wall and letting both Sombra and Isaac fall to the ground.

"How could you-"

"Dude it's in every type of story. good always triumphs over evil" Isaac said before turning toward sombra, "Care to do the honors?"

"Why thank you" With that a doorway appeared next to the evil Sombra which the real Sombra proceeded to kick him into which resulted in the spirit being expunged from Sombra's mind though the damage was already done.

***Back with Silver and Luca***

Sombra and Isaac awoke at roughly the same time which startled both Luca and Silver who was watching over Isaac. Upon seeing Sombra they both got ready to fight when Isaac stopped them and attempted to explain what happened. They were skeptical but after a lot of questioning they let it pass. Isaac realized that Sombra had been trapped for a long time and had nothing left to go back too so he offered him the chance to join him which Sombra humbly accepted despite Luca and Silvers protests to his joining.

***Back to now***

Sombra still remembers when Isaac offered to let him join their little adventure and realizing he had nothing left to lose he joined them in hopes of becoming someone that would be respected not feared. The more he thought back to then the more he realized how much Isaac had given him over their year long journey , and that wasn't only including the money but rather the fact he'd listen to his concerns about what was happening and offer what he could. Sombra realized that Isaac was a little like him before willing to sacrifice everything to protect those around him not because he had to, but because he chose to.

Author's Note:

Sorry if the end seems a bit rushed because I really couldn't think of any other way to get them out of there so yeah. Anyway thank you for reading and I hope to see you all in the next chapter.