• Published 4th Jul 2015
  • 851 Views, 55 Comments

I Prefer the Term Freelancer - One of the Crowd

Let's follow Isaac and his group as they protect the main six from some unknown danger. Well at least unknown to them because the princess obviously knows but thats besides the point. Anyway will Issac get over his and twilight's past? probably not.

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The spirit's domain part 1

Chapter 9: The spirit's domain part 1

***Deep within the cave***

"I don't understand why we cant go ahead and rescue Isaac" Rainbow said as she hovered near the group traveling further into the cave. It had been a day since they had gotten the necklace off of Isaac who was slowly becoming possessed by the evil spirit that resided within him.

"We could save him now, but the spirit would simply find a new host." Sombra said from the front of the group looking for an entrance to some of the ruins found throughout the badlands.

"We can't just let it control him like that though"

"That's why we are hoping to find a way into the old ruins around here, because we might be able to save him and capture the spirit"

"That doesn't seem likely considering that Isaac is going to try to kill us on sight, and in order to capture a spirit it has to be contained in a gem with powerful enchantments" Twilight added as she started going through her saddlebag for something.

"If we get to the right ruins we should have one"

"What makes you so sure about that?" applejack asked without being cold toward him for once.

"I may have been in these ruins before"


"It's where Isaac saved me"

*** 1 year 1 month ago ***

"Finally, we got that over with" Isaac said while stretching his arms as he was leaving appleloosa. Luca was behind him carrying a large bag of bits from their delivery. "Who would of thought that apple trees were so valuable in a town that literally has a thousand of them."

"Well it was for one of the apple family" Luca said as she trudged along with Isaac beside her.

"True, but did he have to yell appleloosa every ten seconds. I swear if he didn't do that I'd of offered him the chance to join us"

"Yeah, thats why you didn't let him. It definitely wasn't the fact he was making you question your sexuality"

"Hey, I'm straight even if he was extremely good looking for a guy i wouldn't do that"

"Sure you wouldn't"

"Besides you know I don't date horses" Luca looked away from Isaac at that because she has been developing feeling toward him ever since they saved Silver all that time ago. Of course she never told him because of that rule and she was scared he might think it was her trying to get more emotions out of him. Silver knew of course even if she couldn't directly speak the three had developed a system of her making various gestures for different things.

"Have you ever thought about that though. Think about it Isaac do you really want to be alone forever"

"Of course I don't want to be alone Luca, but what can I do I'm the only human here and-"

"Don't get defensive about it Isaac. I was only saying that maybe you could at least try it"

"Why do you even care about this Luca. I don't think it should even matter."

"I'm just saying because I-" Before Luca could finish Silver had finally caught back up to them and was making various motions toward the barren desert. What she was telling them was that she over heard a rumor of a cave that led into some old ruins that no one had looted yet. Isaac always liked going into old ruins and caves because it reminded him of days when he would sit at home playing various RPG games, and that's not even mentioning the payout that they would receive from the various artifacts that they would discover. As they walked across the desert toward the cave as the sky seemed to grow darker and darker as well as the winds seemed to become more wild.

Upon entering the cave the three realized that they may of made a mistake as the entrance was sealed behind them after taking just a few steps. Knowing that they were not going to be able to go back that way the group proceeded deeper into the cave in hopes of finding a way out or find some loot, Both would be great too. As they went further into the cave they could sense that something in there was just unnaturally wrong, and they just tried to get out of there as soon as possible. The further into the cave they went the colder it became as well almost as if something was stealing the heat from the air around them. Normal this kind of cold wouldn't be acknowledged by any of them except snow doesn't typically fall inside of caves.

"I got a bad feeling about this" Isaac said as he pulled his jacket tighter onto him to prevent him from getting any colder than he already was. Luca on the other hand wasn't doing to well in this cold as she by technicality was still a bug and the cold had a devastating affect on her ability to move properly. Isaac didn't take notice of Luca's distress until they had found an actual entrance to the ruins they heard about. "Damn it Luca, why didn't you tell me you were freezing?"

"I'm f-f-fine. D-d-don't w-w-worry about me." Isaac felt bad about forgetting such a simple thing and took off his jacket and wrapped it around Luca before picking her up in his arms. "I s-s-said don't worry"

"I'm not letting you freeze yourself to death, besides I always liked cold weather anyway" The feeling of everything being wrong was only amplified as they went further and further into the ruins. Finally they entered a large room that had a lone unicorn looking over a table mumbling something about getting revenge and crushing them all. "Hey, can you point us towards an exit" The unicorn's head snapped toward them and it glared at them with unnatural red and green eyes. He wore a necklace that seemed to have a dim glow around it that contrasted to his very dark gray coat.

"Welcome to my home" He said as he walked over toward the group a hoof extended toward them. Isaac not wanting to be rude to the unicorn shook his hoof just to be polite. It looked like looting these ruins might not be something they'd be doing after all considering that it'd now be considered theft instead of grave robbing. "May I ask what you are" The unicorn said rather politely to Isaac. Of course Isaac had a speech ready since he had to say this way too often and was getting tired of having to repeat himself.

"You live down here, why?" Luca asked a she observed many of the weird symbols on the walls of the room.

"It's where I was born" Isaac was about to say something when Silver grabbed his attention to tell him something. Isaac wasn't exactly sure what she was saying as a lot of the motions were rarely used.

"Silver, What do you mean by Unicorn eyes" Silver just shook her head side to side before pointing at the unicorn stallion who was getting uncomfortably close to Luca. "Hey, can I ask you somthing" Isaac called out to the Stallion. The stallion didn't respond and just stayed really close to Luca which led to Isaac saying "I'm talking to you" Again the unicorn didn't speak and just stayed near Luca. Isaac finally realized that there was something up here and he decided to investigate by forcing the stallion to answer his questions when. As he walked closer to the stallion he noticed that a black smoke was coming out of the stallion and was forcing itself down Luca's through. Isaac decided that this was in fact something that was not normal in any way and probably should be stopped so Isaac pulled out his crossbow and aimed it at the unicorn when it and Luca spoke in unison.

"You can not kill us that easily mortal."

"Luca?" Isaac asked his friend who was definitely not acting normal.

"She is mine!"

"You fucking let her go or i'll-"

"You'll do what? Try to kill me, because you can't"

"Like hell I can't" Isaac then fired a bolt into the unicorns head going straight through. The unicorn however pulled the bolt out with it's magic and flicked it away as if it was nothing.

"Like hell, eh. How about I show you what hell really is" The unicorn then motioned for Luca to attack Isaac. Luca didn't argue with the unicorn she just did as he said a if she couldn't think for herself.

"Luca, please don't do this" Isaac pleaded to the changeling that was slowly moving toward him baring its teeth at him. Isaac didn't want this to happen again, he didn't want to hurt one of his only friends in this world but he couldn't just let her kill him. Luca pounced onto Isaac knocking him onto his back where she proceeded to stomp on his stomach. Isaac started to cough up blood as Luca and the unicorn laughed at him when Luca was smacked in the head by a staff being used by Silver. Silver helped Isaac back to her feet as she glared at the unicorn that had turned their friend against them. she then began making various motions to Isaac who actually understood what she was conveying, kill the asshole.

Isaac whipped the blood from his mouth as he got ready for a fight with the unicorn when Luca came back and dropped into a fighting stance. Silver however whacked Luca in the head which redirected her attention toward her rather than Isaac so he could fight this bastard one on one.

"Let's dance mother fucker"

Author's Note:

Gah getting to actually seeing Sombra in this was a nightmare to write and I want to get to sleep so this is being split into two parts. maybe I should stop writing these past midnight anyway as always I'm glad you took the time to read this and I hope to make it worth your time.

ps. sorry for the short chapter today, but don't worry I'll try to make tomorrow's chapter a little longer to make up for it.