• Published 8th Jul 2015
  • 994 Views, 112 Comments

Memories of Midnight - Sylvian

Squad Six of the Wonderbolts are, at best a group of oddballs, at worst they are like bickering siblings. Yet they are loyal to each other and the Wonderbolts as a whole. yet, tragedy looms on the horizon for one of them.

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Chapter 1: Patrol


Something was bothering her, but she could not put her hoof on it. A feeling of...inevitability. As if time was precious, a finite thing that was quickly running out.


She almost felt like she could hear the sands of an hourglass slowly running through the divide, but the source of this feeling illuded her, as it had the entire time she had been sitting eating her lunch.

“Midnight, seriously, have you heard anything I’ve said?”

The voice finally gets through as the dark blue mare realizes somepony has been talking to her almost the entire time she has been off in whatever little world she had been catapulted into. Looking up and smiling sheepishly, a pancake hanging out of her mouth, Midnight does her best to not look like she had completely missed the entire conversation, even if her ears fold back in embarrassment.

“Sorry, Captain,” a light chuckle escaping her as she rubs the back of her head, “I...must have spaced out. You were saying about our patrol today…?” Her Captain, a light red mare with short cropped black mane, shakes her head and sighs.

“You weren’t paying attention, were you?” The annoyance is clear, this isn’t the first time in the past few days, “First; Don’t talk with your mouth full, you know better.” Midnight quickly eats the pancake with an embarrassed smile and blush, “Second; We’ve been scheduled to patrol part of Canterlot, near the lower class districts.” The Captain goes takes a bite from her breakfast and a sip of her drink - an omelet and a mug of tea - before continuing, “We’ll likely be out until lunch, so you’d better eat. Don’t want you getting hungry halfway through and proposing we stop at Rusty’s mid-patrol.”

Midnight aims a smile at her Captain, “Aww, but Mama Tide, I have to have my morning snack if I am to keep up my strength!” Captain Riptide simply rolls her eyes and ignores it, “Besides, I figure the other two will want to stop by Rusty’s anyway for lunch.” She leans over towards her Captain, “I hear they’re serving tacos for lunch here, today.” Riptide’s ears perk up, “And I know you just can’t resist them, but they just don’t agree with you.”

Riptide blushes and mutters into her tea, her ears perked forward in annoyance, “Perhaps I can put up with that...annoying old Stallion for one meal.” Midnight smile warmly as she finishes the last of her food, going so far as to wink at her Wingmate.

“That’s the spirit, Tide!” she says with a content sigh, “Besides, I know you enjoy Rusty’s hijinx. The way he makes the foals smile!” Riptide mutters more as she finishes off the last of her tea before standing heading over to place her tray in the collection bin, Midnight in tow. Making their way from the Mess, Midnight keeping her smile as they walk, comments of what she’ll order from Rusty being pointedly ignored by Tide. Passing Wonderbolts only smile at this routine show, the sight being a common occurrence whenever Six has to patrol.

Before too long they’re in the lobby and looking for their wingmates.

The first, and most obvious one, is a Stallion pacing back and forth in the middle of the lobby, starting from the corridor to the West Wing and traveling over to the one leading to the East. This Stallion is just a bit bigger than average, but not by much, and is the medium grey color of forming stormclouds with a mane the dark brown of freshly wet earth after a rainstorm. He is wearing his Wonderbolt Uniform, a few spiderweb-like scars are visible extending up his neck from beneath his uniform. His gate is even, though stiff speaking to other old injuries beneath the uniform, perhaps even related to the ones on his neck. There is a content, friendly smile on his face, as if the pure motion of his pacing is relaxing to him.

Walking up to him, and off to one side of his path, Midnight and Riptide sit down and wait to be noticed. After a few more passes the Stallion stops and turns, his smile growing and reaching his dark blue eyes. He trots over and stands next to them, “Morning Captain,” He salutes his Riptide, “Midnight.” he inclines his head to Midnight, “Ready to get out and patrol.”

Tide smiles slightly and returns the salute, “At ease, Storm Dancer,” She says in a professional voice, “And good, I’d rather not have any delays. We’re on a schedule, after all.” She looks around, “And where is your young partner in crime?”

“He isn’t that much younger than me, Captain,” Dancer says with mock exasperation, his smile remaining, “He is checking his mail.” The Grey Wonderbolt nods his head towards the mail counter, specifically at an off-white pony wearing a Wonderbolt uniform, his charcoal-grey mane tied back and out of his face. He is learning on the counter, a smile on his face as he talks with the mail pony behind the desk with an enthusiastic tone, “He is expecting a package from home. Could hardly keep up with him he wanted to get down here and check so badly.”

Nodding Riptide stands, “Well, we better go save the poor Stallion from Clear so we can get on with our Patrol.” There others likewise stand and follow after her.

Upon reaching the mail counter Tide clears her throat and nods to the Mail Stallion, who returns the greeting, before fixing her eyes on her excited wingmate, “Clear Sky, you ready to go, or am I going to have to have Dancer drag you out the door. Again.”

The Stallion turns and offers a quick salute before turning back to the mail counter as he speaks, “Almost, Captain,” He says the title in a somewhat sardonic, but excited, tone, “I am just waiting for our friend here to hand over the package that was delivered for me.” The Mail Stallion looks up from behind the counter, having had knelt down to pick some stray mail that had fallen on the floor.

“I was just telling him it is in the back,” The Mail Stallion says with a professional smile, “But if he is required for something right now, I can hold onto it.” Sky gives him a clearly disappointed pout, to which the Stallion simply laughs, “Sorry, but your Captain trumps you.” Captain Riptide nods to the Stallion and puts a hoof on Sky’s shoulder.

“Sorry, but orders are orders. And right now our orders are to go out on patrol.” Her tone is stern, unwavering, but not without some sympathy, “You can pick it up when we get back before lunch.” Sky sighs dejectedly and puts his head against the counter.

“Yes, mother.” He says in a tone of mock defeat, which quickly turns into a chuckle as Tide raises an eyebrow at him.

“I mean, yes ma’am.” He says, standing at attention and saluting, “Commander Clear Sky reporting for patrol duty, ma’am.”

“That is what I thought you said,” her reply slightly exasperated, but clearly used to this sort of disrespect. She motions with her head towards the doors, “Right, Squad Six, let's move out.” The squad, including Clear who is smiling happily at not being reprimanded, follows in the wake of their Captain, the few other Wonderbolts who are crossing the lobby nodding at them or offering passing greetings as the four head out the front doors. Once outside, they get into a loose Flying-V formation, Riptide and Midnight side by side with Clear Sky to Midnight’s right and Storm Dancer to Riptide’s left. They raise their hoods, lower their flight goggles, and take off at the same time in a well practiced and oiled maneuver. They quickly gain some altitude before heading out over the high-class district and towards the lower-class districts.

The change between the high-walled estates and white stone walkways of the High-Class district -- where the Wonderbolt Compound is located -- to the well-off Middle-Class district with its single family homes, and even apartment buildings, is a mostly smooth transition. Both are well kept and patrolled regularly by the police, with the Royal Guard tossed in nearer to the Palace in the High-Class district. The change between even the Middle to the Lower-Class districts was like walking, or in this case flying, into a whole new world. The buildings are far from well kept. Nor could many, if any, of the ramshackle old buildings be called anything remotely close to a ‘single family home’. The majority were apartment buildings, some even perhaps classified as tenements.

It was an environment Midnight had been in before; not by choice, but rather by birth. having been born into a family that had not been well off, she had been raised for the better part of her childhood in a single-room studio apartment. In fact, if she really searched, Midnight is sure she could find it during this patrol.

No, she had no time for that, she needed for focus.

Shaking her head and trying to see everything at once, like she was trained to do. They’re looking for Shadowbolts, and with their dark uniforms they’re going to be hard to spot.

But, at least this wasn’t a combat patrol, at least she hoped it wasn't. Last time they had fought the Shadowbolts -- it felt like about a year ago now -- they had nearly been dealt a sound defeat at the hands of the dark-uniformed Pegisi. If not for the fact that Soarin and a few others had fought their leader, and caused her to apparently explode, the battle could have turned out much worse.

The image of that...creature that had taken the form of a Mare, for Midnight could not find it within herself to call the ‘captain’ of the Shadowbolts a pony, exploding had stayed burned into Midnight’s mind for weeks after the event. She had woken up in a cold sweat more than once to find herself safe and sound, not back in that battle. She had apparently caused a commotion a few of those times, as he roommate had been awake when she had risen from the grips of her nightmares.

The feeling of a wing gently poking her side stirs her from her deep thoughts, and she looks over to see Tide raising an eyebrow at her. The silent question of where he attention is clear on the Captain’s face. Shaking her head she looks forward again, doing her best to keep on task.

The patrol continues mostly in silence, a few times Tide uses hoof or wing signals to have the squad fly lower and investigate a particular area. More than once she asks Midnight her opinion on places to investigate, as even though Riptide also grew up in Canterlot, she had stuck mostly to the higher class areas.

Looking back once or twice, Midnight notices that she is really the only one having any trouble focusing. Even, surprisingly, Sky is on task and focusing, which is something that Midnight has only seen him do on occasion when they’ve been sent on patrols.

Though, as they pass over Rusty’s on their way back through the middle class area, the entire squad except for Riptide stares at it as they pass over, one or two stomachs grumbling for Rusty Stove’s food.

“Eyes up, everyone. No time to stop yet.” Tide’s business tone cuts through their hunger, and the squad flies on, albeit hungrier than a few moments before. Thankfully the trip back to the compound is a short one, sped by a tailwind springs up in their wake, as well of thoughts of Rusty’s being in their near future.

The moment they touch down on the front lawn of the Wonderbolt Compound, they’re through the door at a brisk trot and heading for the stairs to shed their flight apparel. The majority of the squad is talking about heading to Rusty’s, a topic brought up by Midnight as they landed, and the other two are more than willing to agree that they should go there for lunch.

As they reach the top of the stairs leading to the offices and administrative wing Tide starts off towards her office, and is stopped by Midnight putting a hoof on her shoulder.

“Captain, you’re joining us, aren't you?” Midnight says with a smile, “I mean, you were the one who said she didn’t want to eat the tacos here on base.” Tide rolls her eyes and sighs at the comment, attempting to remove the hoof.

“I need to write my report on the patrol before Captain Spitfire returns.” She again tries to get away, but Midnight keeps with her, “Midnight, I need to go write the report.”

Midnight responds by wrapping an arm around her Captain’s neck and smiling, “Oh, no miss Captain. You’re coming with us to lunch.” She points to Sky, “I mean, Sky wants to spend more time with you!” Sky raises an eyebrow and rolls his eyes, but Midnight continues, “Besides, Spitfire shouldn’t be back for a while, we can at least eat lunch and be back in more than enough time to write the report!” Tide opens her mouth to shoot a retort, but her stomach loudly voices its opinion, causing the Captain to narrow her eyes.

“Clearly I am going to lose this argument.” Riptide says in an almost a growl. She then sighs and throws her wings up in exasperation as she rolls her eyes, “Right, let's just get going so you all can watch Rusty have his fun.” Midnight smiles warmly starts pulling the Captain towards the stairs that the Elite Wonderbolt’s have their rooms on, followed by the rest of their squad.

A few minutes, and much more of Midnight keeping Riptide on track, the group is once more in the air and off towards the diner. Midnight, Dancer, and Sky are all casual, with their Captain wearing her officer’s uniform. Tide gets a raised eyebrows from her squad, except Midnight, upon spotting the uniform, but she ignores them and just heads to the front door.

The flight to Rusty’s is short, since they are not performing a sweeping patrol, and just past the midway-point of noon they step through the door of the diner. They are quickly greeted by the familiar voice of the namesake coming from the kitchen.

“Well, look who has decided to grace my humble diner!” The old cook’s voice comes from where he is cooking as the group goes and takes a seat at the counter. The place was, for the most part, still empty as the lunch rush had not yet started.

“Yes, we have come down from aloft to grace your fine establishment,” Midnight says in an overly dramatic voice, a warm smile on her face, “For we have heard the food is beyond compare!”

Rolling up in front of Midnight Rusty offers Midnight a smile and a hearty laugh, “Flattery will get you everywhere, as always.” He pulls the pencil out from behind his ear, “Usual, Midnight?” Midnight nods, and Rusty heads down the line, “And you?”

“Grill cheese and soup, Rusty.” Sky says with a smile, “And I do mean tomato, not cheese soup.” he adds as Rusty chuckles and slides down to the next in the line.

“And you, Mister Lighting Bug?” He asks Dancer.

“Salad, with some apples and strawberries?” He says the last as a question as he leans forward onto the counter and looks at Rusty who strokes his stubble.

“Hm, you always seem to come in when I’ve just gotten a fresh batch of apples from Sweet Apple Aches.” He narrows his eyes, “All that lighting you’ve absorbed given you premonitions?”

“I don’t know Rusty.” Dancer says, returning the eye narrow, a smirk on his face, “If it had, why do I keep running into doors?” Rusty laughs and shrugs as he writes down the order.

“Good point!” He then rolls down to the last, which is a visibly unhappy Riptide. As soon as Rusty reaches her, he dusts his apron off, stands up straight and snaps a to attention. “And what are you orders, Captain my captain?” his voice is now very military like. Tide just rolls her eyes and puts a hoof to her forehead.

“Salad with grilled chicken.” She says curtly.

“Sir yes sir.” Rusty says, before breaking down into chuckles as he rolls around to fill the orders. The rest of the squad is holding back their own laughter, which only makes Tide’s expression grow a little more annoyed.

Dancer looks to Midnight, then back to Tide and smiles a little.

“Say, Midnight, why don’t we trade seats.” His voice just loud enough to be heard over the din of the kitchen not that far off, “Captain here looks like she is ready to chew a hole in someone, you’re immune to it, and I’d like to keep my ears attached to my body.” Tide just glares, but Midnight chuckles and stands up as Dancer does.

“Of course. Can’t let that pretty face of yours get anymore scars!” She says with a wink before trotting over and sitting down next to Tide. As soon as she is situated Rusty rushes past, and suddenly they all have their food. Midnight picks the sandwich up with one hoof, the other she sneaks around Tide’s neck and pulls the annoyed Captain closer.

“M’on ‘ide.” She says around her BLT, “s’not like ‘usty ‘s ‘oing it outta spite.” Tide just folds her ears back and levels a glare at Midnight.

“Midnight. Don’t speak with your mouth full. I know you weren’t raised in a barn.” Midnight just shrugs and swallows her food.

“As usual, Rusty, best BLT I’ve ever had!” Rusty just offers a salute with his spatula from behind the stove as Midnight looks over to Riptide, “And some of the places I lived could have been a barn, Tide.” She leans over and rests her head on her Captain’s shoulder, yellow mane flowing down Tide’s back, and blinks her amber eyes up at the other mare. “Can’t you just relax and enjoy one meal, for me?” Riptide’s face turns a little deeper shade of red, though the look in her eyes does not lend it being out of embarrassment.

“Last I checked, Midnight, I was the Captain,” Tide says as she picks up a fork that had been delivered with the salad, “And you were not in a position to give me orders.” She looks back over and finds Midnight’s head still against her shoulder, with the addition of a sandwich in her mouth, her eyes large and puppy dog-like. Tide’s ears fold back and she sighs, “Fine,” she says, admitting defeat, “I will try and relax. No guarantees.”

“I’ll believe it when I see it!” Rusty says as he zips behind them to deliver an order to a family that had come in shortly after Squad Six. Tide grits her teeth and growls slightly at the comment, then takes a deep breath and lets it go.

“See! You can relax!” Midnight declares as she sits back up and returns to eating her sandwich, her faced propped up on one hoof, her eyes fixed on Tide as if there is no one else in the room, a small small barely reaching her eyes.

Looking over at her wingmate, a deep red once more rises on Tide’s cheeks once more, her ears flopping back against her skull.

This time, to everyone present, it’s clear it’s not because she is annoyed.

Author's Note:

Well, I might as well say I've never written in this universe, or the MLP fandom, ever. So, if you spot any mistakes in terminology or anything please let me know and I will do my best to fix it! Other than that I hope you all enjoy this, the first chapter in what will be a five (Or six, depending on some things) chapter story-set.

And while I am sure you all know where this is going with Midnight (Though if you don't remember re-read Chapter 92 of Calm Wind's "Piercing the Heavens" and if you've not gotten there yet I won't spoil anything :derpytongue2:), I felt like exploring Squad Six and its members would be fun! Even if I had to make up 3 out of the 4 squad members!