• Published 8th Jul 2015
  • 995 Views, 112 Comments

Memories of Midnight - Sylvian

Squad Six of the Wonderbolts are, at best a group of oddballs, at worst they are like bickering siblings. Yet they are loyal to each other and the Wonderbolts as a whole. yet, tragedy looms on the horizon for one of them.

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Chapter 3: Say Cheese!

“Midnight!” Riptide shouts as she tosses a punch at the other mare, “Stop defending and hit me!” she aims another punch at Midnight who deftly sweeps the punch aside and steps out of Tide’s effective range. “Why won’t you hit me!?” she lashes out blindly and Midnight uses the opportunity to counter and deliver a strike to Tide’s gut, knocking the wind out of her.

“Because, Captain,” Midnight says as she takes a few steps back, “I don’t want to fight you.” She eyes Tide warily as she starts to circle, “Besides, we’ve been at this for two hours now.” She comes up behind Tide as she attempts to turn and get back into a more defensive stance instead of the aggressive one she had been using.

“We need to be ready, the Shadowbolts…” Tide starts but is cut off as Midnight jumps her from behind, latching her front legs around her, knocking Tide from her hooves and to the ground.

“No, we need to be able to fight without sore bodies,” She says, leaning over and nuzzling Tide’s neck from behind, the training armor slightly dampening the effect, “Besides, you’ve been training with me almost exclusively for two days now.” She chuckles as Tide struggles to get out of the grapple, “If you wanted to wrestle with me, all you had to do was ask.” She whispers into Tide’s ear, “We both have beds for that sort of thing, after all.” Beneath her Tide stiffens, her ears going straight up and her eyes going wide. Chuckling Midnight taps her hoof against the side of Tide’s face, “Surrender, O’ Mighty Captain?”

“No fair.” Tide mumbles, “You promised not to do that to me.” Tide attempts to get out from under Midnight, but ends up rolling and ending up on her back, face to face with Midnight ontop.

“I promised I wouldn’t hold back, too.” She says as she leans down, “And didn’t Silver always tell us to use our opponents weaknesses against them?”

“I…” Tide starts, but once more she is cut off, this time by another voice nearby.

“Are Mommy-Tide and Mommy-Midnight going to kiss now, Dancer?” Sky says from where him and Dancer had been resting after their own spar. “Because I kind of ho...Oof!” as if on cue, Dancer’s wing flies out and swats Sky in the face hard enough to send him backwards.

“Sorry about that, Ladies.” Dancer says with a smirk, “Go ahead, don’t mind me.” The two mares sigh and Midnight rolls off of Tide, the moment ruined.

“Kind of hard to kiss in front of the Stallion you consider your brother,” Midnight says, sticking her tongue out at Dancer, who smiles and laughs. Sky, from where he is laying on his back also bursts into laughter.

Tide, on the other hoof, just stands up and walks a short distance away, her face turning a few shades closer to scarlet. Midnight makes to go after her, but Dancer steps up next to her and taps her shoulder. She looks over at him and he looks to Tide.

“Have you had any luck on what we talked about?” He whispers to Midnight, his eyes never leaving Tide.

“I’ve tried to broach the topic a few times,” Midnight replies as she sits down and sighs, “She seems driven on taking the heightened alert seriously, which I agree with, but she also seems Tartarus bent on taking us through our paces in combat training to make sure we’re ready for whatever is thrown our way.” She shakes her head sadly, “And I can’t find any way to make her stop working us this hard.” She instinctively reaches out with her right hoof and puts it against Sky’s mouth since he had come up on her other side and opened his mouth to say something doubtlessly raunchy, “No. Sky. That wouldn’t work.”

“Mffft!” Sky says with narrowed eyes causing Midnight to lower her hoof, “You’re hooves taste like sweat and cooties,” he says as he sticks tongue out, “Besides, you didn’t even know what I was going to say!”

“You want me to bed her.” Midnight says without missing a beat, “And no, I am not going to do that.” She sighs again and stands, “I’d best go check on her, make sure I didn’t break her.”

“You do that.” Dancer says, “I’ll resume beating some sense into Sky.” He looks to his male wingmate with a smile as he cracks his neck, “I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me, I think.” Sky smiles weakly and starts backing up as Dancer starts advancing.

“Now...Dancer...you know we’re under orders to take it easy…!” Sky says as his plot runs into a wall, “We..don’t want to be sore for tomorrow's patrol…”

Shaking her head at her two companions she trots over to Tide who is still standing and staring, a slight glare on her face to mask the bright scarlet on her cheeks as anger, at a wall. Coming up beside her Midnight instinctively puts a wing over Tide’s shoulder, pulling her close and smiling warmly.

“Being a sore loser, Tide?” Midnight’s voice is soft as she steals a few glances around at the door to the small private gym they had scheduled to used.

“No.” Tide replies, the pout clear in her voice, “I am angry you got me flustered so easily. I’ve never been tossed off balance like that before.” her glare hardens a little more as Midnight winks to her and continues to smile, “You don’t have to look so proud you know.”

Leaning over and kissing Tide on the cheek, which causes the other mare to stiffen again in embarrassment, Midnight chuckles, “I am not proud that I was able to pin you,” She says softly, “I am proud with how I was able to.” She chuckles and sighs trotting around to sit in front of Riptide’s face, “But, on a serious note. Tide, it's time for a break.” Tide’s face instantly becomes serious and she sits down, raising an eyebrow and actually glaring, though it’s softer than the glare she’d have given Sky or Dancer.

“Midnight, we’ve been over this.” She says, her voice low, “You all need to be in peak fighting shape if the Shadowbolts make a play.” She gestures a hoof over her shoulder towards Sky who is currently under Dancer and pleading to be let up, “Sky can fight, but he goofs off too much. Dancer I know can hold his own, but he is too soft on everypony.” She points to Midnight, “You...you I…”

“I can hold my own,” Midnight says as she reaches up and places a hoof on the side of Tide’s face, “I get it, you’re worried for us.” She smiles seductively, “For me, especially.” She shrugs, “And you’re falling into the habits your father instilled into you. ‘Be prepared for the worst, because your foe will always be,’ kind of stuff is his mantra.” She lowers her hoof and continues to smile, “But, you are our Captain, not him. And, you’ve trained us well.”

Tide sighs and nods slowly, “You’re right.” She pokes Midnight with a hoof as a small smile graces her features, “As usual.” She turns to Sky, still beneath Dancer and sorely losing, and Dancer. She whistles once and the two stop what they’re doing instantly, Dancer letting Sky up and both going to attention.

“We’re stopping for lunch, Commanders.” Tide’s voice is back to its usual hard-edged command, both of the Stallions to flinch a little before walking over to join Midnight and Tide as they both start towards the door.

Going down the hallway and to the lobby Tide gets ahead of everyone while Midnight slips back to speak with Dancer and Sky.

“So, I think she’ll settle down for a bit,” Midnight says softly, “Or, at the very least not rush us out of lunch.” Dancer nods and Sky smiles warmly.

“I get to eat my lunch in peace?!” He whispers excitedly, all but bouncing as he walks, “Yes! At last! I can take my time and not inhale an entire bowl of salad!” Dancer shakes his head and pokes Sky in the side lightly.

“You always inhale it anyway, Sky.” Dancer shrugs as he looks to Midnight, “Its a start, I guess. Now we just need something to really distract her.”

And, as if on cue, they catch up to Tide who is standing and glaring at a mixed group of ponies, unicorns and earth ponies, walking into the the compound through the front door.

“Those better not be who I think those are.” Tide growls, her eyes narrows and ears back against her head.

“Oh, no those are totally who you think they are!” Sky declares in a giddy voice before leaning over to Dancer and whispering, “Who are they?” Dancer puts a hoof to his face and shakes his head.

“How the hell did you ever get nominated to be a Commander?” He replies before pointing at the group that is -still- coming in, “They are photographers, Sky!” He sighs and deflates a little, “Which means….”

“Wunderbar!” A very excited voice comes from the entrance, quickly followed by Photo Finish herself, “Let us get to ze weight room!” Dancer shivers as the professional photographer and her staff walk by.

“Why, of all times, is she here?” Dancer moans, his ears flicking back in annoyance, “Of all the times, a high alert has to be the worst time to li…” he trails off and looks over at Midnight who is smiling widely, “Oh.” He shakes his head, “No, I know what you’re thinking.”

“Dancer, its perfect!” Midnight says with a mischievous smile. “This way, we can get Tide to loosen up!”

“What about me loosening up?” Tide asks from beside Midnight, her eyes narrows, “Is this about me training you three so hard?” She looks ready to continue and Midnight reaches over and hooks an arm around Tide’s neck and starts pulling her towards the weight room.

“No time to explain! We’ve got a photo shoot to watch!” Midnight declares in a voice that leaves no room to argue, even for Tide who is glaring daggers at her beloved. The rest of the Squad follows behind, Sky -- for once -- pulling Dancer along as the larger pony grumbles and mutters under his breath.

Crossing the threshold of the weight room Squad Six is witness to the confused, yet somehow also controlled, chaos that is the photographers setting up. It takes a few moments for a path to clear, but once it does Midnight drags her squad over to linger near the cameras, but off to one side so they can see who is having their photos taken. Which, at the moment, is no pony as it seems Photo Finish is still setting up while at the same time asking where Fleetfoot is.

Looking around, an arm still around Tide to keep her in place, Midnight looks for the Commander of Squad One, but does not see her lurking around anywhere as is her usual want. But then, for the amount of space that the photographers are taking up, its going to be more than just Fleet in the photoshoot, so perhaps the mischievous Commander is seeking more victims.

“Why are we here?” Tide grumbles from under Midnight’s arm, though she doesn’t seem to be trying to escape, in fact she is drawing closer to Midnight almost...protectively, “Photo never asks us to be in any of the pictures, and I doubt whatever poor pony Fleet convinces to be in it with her will want a large audience.”

“Aw, I don’t know, Tide!” Sky says from where he is sitting next to a very disgruntled Dancer, “I know I want to watch Fleet pose, and whoever she ropes into this will doubtlessly be good looking!” He winks and nudges Dancer in the side, “And I know despite Mr. Glum here’s attitude I know Dancer wants to see Fleet pose.” Beside him Dancer only grunts, but his face lights up in a light blush.

“I...just don’t like big crowds...you know that.” Dancer mutters, “I prefer to...see her in pictures...less ponies around to crowd around her.” Sky smiles warmly and wraps a hoof around his friend’s neck, pulling him close as Dancer grunts again, “Personal space, Sky.”

“Yeah...sorry Dancer,” Sky says as he lets go and scoots over slightly, “Forgot how you get when you’ve not had time to prepare for all the noise and ponies.” He lightly puts a hoof on Dancer’s shoulder, “Going to be alright, big guy?” Dancer nods and takes a few deep breaths.

“So long as no one tries to take my picture in the next ten minutes.” he cracks a small smile and shrugs a little, “I’ll be fine.”

Midnight smiles at the exchange. For all his acting Sky could be very mature and look out for his squadmates, especially Dancer, when it counted. Its how he became a Commander instead of her, he was dogged in his defense of his fellows and would lay down his life to protect any one of them.

“Well, looks like Fleet has arrived.” Tide says from beside Midnight, causing the other Mare to look around. She spots Fleetfoot, with Rainbow Dash -- who is the new Recruit Squad’s Captain -- along with three other recruits and the brand new Elite Storm Front. They had stopped not far from where Squad Zero, or at least the three Stallions of the squad, were lifting weights to harass poor Calm Wind. The large light blue Stallion was turning a few shades of red while nervously shuffling around, his two compatriots attempting in vain to get him to move and apparently join Fleet in the photoshoot.

“Looks like she is up to her usual antics” Midnight says with a chuckle as she glances over her and Tide’s shoulders to look at Dancer and Sky once more. Both of Squad Six’s Stallions were watching Fleet with rapt interest, Dancer especially having a particular look in his eyes. Midnight could not put her finger on it, but if she was a betting pony -- which she wasn’t -- she’d say that Dancer had a small crush on the Commander.

What she did know, is that she wished she could get Tide to look at her like that more often. She had caught glimpses -- small peeks through the cracks of her Captain’s armor -- when Tide thought no one was looking. The inner light of her deepest and most true thoughts and feelings for Midnight flowing forth in the way her eyes changed when they fell upon the mare of her affection.

Those moments made her heart swell with pride, with an unbridled joy that made her body feel as if it was weightless. As if all the world was right, was on its correct path, because Tide loved her so deeply that even her thick, straight laced and drilled, exterior could not hide her feelings.

Draping a wing over Tide’s body Midnight pulls her close, nuzzling into her neck and whispering, almost too softly to be heard over the noise in the room, “I love you.” Tide’s ears stick straight up in confusion at the wing, and at the words she lowers her face to Midnight, a full blush on her face. Her eyes, oh her eyes, Midnight cannot get enough of the look in those eyes. The confused, yet truly and deeply consumed by the feelings Tide has for the mare she is pulled up against. It takes all of Midnight’s strength to not be pulled in and become lost in them, even if that is all she wants to do right now.

“I…” Tide starts, her voice trailing off forcing her to clear her throat, “I...love you too…” the blush grows deeper and Tide looks down at the floor, one hoof scuffing against the floor beneath them as Midnight’s heart soars to new, almost unimaginable, heights. She pulls Tide closer and just basks in the warm feelings.

And there she stays for the majority of the first part of the photoshoot, Tide continuing to look like she is going to melt into a puddle beside Midnight. Dancer and Sky eventually settle down, having done a few whistles at Dash and Fleet when they were getting their pictures taken, Dancer especially when Fleet was up there. Eventually the two Stallions got their turn in the spotlight, and Midnight had to admit the Fleet had chosen her victims well as usual.

The new Elite, Storm Front, was quite a handsome Stallion to be sure. He seemed to radiate charisma and always looked sure of himself even if Midnight had seen what had happened at the end of the Graduation Ceremony.

Yet, even as all the ponies in the shoot gathered for a group set, they were not the group Midnight was looking at. Off to one side and behind the photographers, a group had gathered and was talking in hushed whispers. Those who made up the group made her chuckle under her breath, as it was all high ranking Elites like her Squad, with Commander Soarin of the Lead Squad even joining them in whatever chaos they were planning.

Though, if they were planning what she thinks they’re planning, she’ll get a chance to do something she’d really been wanting to do for a few days. Sending a silent prayer to Celestia and Luna, tartarus even Discord since he is the God of Chaos, she snuggles against Tide again and watches the group of Elites as they finalize their plan. Her amber eyes watch as they break and start towards the photographers, their progress the most interesting thing in the room to her right now.

And then they strike. Soarin latching onto the legs of one of the Earth Stallions that had been taking pictures, pulling him down as the camera was taken from above by Lighting Streak who tosses it to Surprise.

As Surprise starts flying around and snapping pictures Midnight steels her resolve and whistles sharply to Surprise, who looks over. She waves a hoof as Tide raises an eyebrow, her eyes quickly widening as she realizes Midnight is about to do something. However, before she can say anything, or even attempt to get away, Midnight has a hoof on her cheek and pulls Tide’s face over to look at her.

“Midnight what are yo…” Tide starts, and is cut off as Midnight leans in and plants a passionate kiss on Tide’s lips as Surprise cheers loudly and takes pictures. Tide’s face quickly turns a few shades of red, her eyes wide and ears back against her head as her mind clearly races a thousand miles a minute.

“Aww, look at that, Dancer!” Sky says from behind them with an exaggerated sniffle, “Our little Midnight is all grown up and kissing her marefriend!” And for once, Dancer doesn’t bap him in the face or reprimand him. Instead he is sitting there next to Sky, a look on his face that can only be described as the kind that a proud older brother would wear watching his sister find love. Sad, but above all proud and happy for her.

Eventually -- what feels like hours and yet is only moments -- the kiss ends. Surprise giggles and says how ‘cute you two are!’ before rushing off to go take pictures of ‘Serious Squad’ which is being herded by the other elites. As she leans back Midnight sees Tide narrowing her eyes, which she had expected, and settles herself down to be berated by her commanding officer.

“Midnight,” Tide says, her voice cracking slightly as she does her best to sound serious, “You...kissed me i...in pu…” She trails off and looks down at the floor her face growing more crimson by the moment, “Now everyone knows…” She says softly, “What will the Lead Captain think of me…”

Gently placing a hoof under her love’s chin Midnight gently pulls Tide’s face up so her eyes are level with hers again before gently kissing her forehead, “She’d tell you that it’s about time.” She gives tide a loving smile and continues as she brushes a hoof over Tide’s cheek, “And besides, you cheered just as loudly as the rest of us the day after the party. When Spitfire and Wave Chill were found in bed together.” Tide shakes her head and looks down again, her eyes lidded.

“That was different.” Tide’s voice is soft and unsure, “She was having problems...they were impacting her ability to lead.” She shivers a little, leaning in closer to Midnight instead of away, “I...its the opposite for me. I can do my duty...but...now…” she trails off and looks Midnight in the eyes, the mist of forming tears in Tide’s eyes, “The thought of losing you…” She looks like she wants to say more, but just trails off as if ashamed, which prompts Midnight to pull Tide close and wrap her arms around her.

“You won’t.” Midnight whispers into Tide’s ear, “I won’t be going anywhere for a very, very long time.” Tide’s ears stand up at the comment, but Midnight continues, “Trust me, it’d take something truly disastrous to pull me away from this.” She releases Tide and smiles, “Now, put those worries from your mind, let’s watch the havoc.” She points up to where Dancer and Sky are -- already hovering with other Wonderbolts -- just outside the reach of the frantic photographers and the enraged Photo Finish.

Sighing and reluctantly stepping away from Midnight Tide spreads her wings and jumps up to join her wingmates up above the fray, Midnight joining her a moment later with a smile.

The photoshoot lasted a while longer, eventually the cameras being given back to the photographers who give the Wonderbolts annoyed but resigned looks at this latest in the long line of shenanigans. Squad Six watches, and even participates in some of the goofing off, from the safety of the air and the cloud of fellow Wonderbolts who are just as eager to let loose some of the tension that has gathered. Midnight, of course, stays close to Tide the entire time, and Tide eventually stops blushing, even taking part in some of the fun!

Yet, for it all, Midnight could see that there was still a deep, profound, worry in Tide’s eyes. It was a heavy expression reflected in the way she carried herself. She had always been proud, sure of herself, but Midnight could see her shoulders slumping and her wings working harder, as if a great unimaginable weight had been dropped onto her shoulders.

And for all the smiles, all the laughs, and all the warm feelings that Midnight felt radiating from all the Wonderbolts around her having fun. She could not shake the feeling that the look in Tide’s eyes was her fault.

The time between the photoshoot and dinner was an awkward one for Squad Six. For starters, they had lunch in mostly silence -- Tide and Midnight were the only ones not talking or laughing in the entire room -- with Dancer and Sky doing their best to lighten the mood and keep them from having to return to combat training right after.

Luckily, or not depending on your point of view, combat training did not happen again after lunch. Instead, it was weight training, with Pec Bounce. This, like many other training sessions with the Wonderbolt’s trainer, was mostly the others watching Pec pick on poor Sky who, while not out of shape, was not exactly a very muscular pony. Of course, there were others in the weight room still, mostly those who had gotten their routine interrupted by Fleet’s photoshoot. Not that anyone was complaining, it had been a fun distraction from the feeling of danger that had been looking just over all their heads for the longest time.

During all of this, Tide and Midnight kept close, yet there was still some distance between them as if they had something on their mind that they both felt they needed to work out. What that is, though, is anypony’s guess.

Or, rather, one very specific one.

Tide stirs the salad on her plate for what seemed like the fifth time in ten minutes she had been sitting down at dinner. Beside her, and a good pony length away, sat Midnight who had been staring into her bowl of chicken noodle soup for about the same amount of time. Across from them Sky and Dancer are laughing joking like any normal night, the topic of choice tonight being the photoshoot.

“Seriously, Dancer, you face was the color of Tide’s fur!” Sky is proclaiming for the fifth time, “I had no idea you liked Fleet that much!” He gently punches Dancer’s shoulder as the older Wonderbolt blushes a little but doesn’t lose his edge.

“Oh, well I wasn’t the only one!” He says winking at Sky, “I swear, if your jaw unhinged anymore when she started flexing to the camera Bliss would have to wrap your head in sports tape so it wouldn’t fall off!” Sky laughs at that, a fork worth of food falling back to his plate with a clatter as he tries not to fall out of his seat. Regaining his seat and his breath, Sky looks over towards the two mares of the Squad and smiles widely.

“Well, speaking of jaws that just about fell off of faces.” He says, Tide’s eyes snapping up and narrowing, but Sky just keeps going, “I just about thought our dear Captain here was about to die of shock earlier.” His tone is very smooth and he leans over towards his Captain, “I mean, I am surprised the entire thing didn’t just stop and cheer!” Dancer places a hoof on Sky’s shoulder, eyeing Tide grinding her teeth in rising ire.

“Sky, I think we’d best leave that topic alone.” Dancer cautions.

“Oh, come on Dancer!” Sky persists, “I mean, Midnight looks like she could use a reminder of what she scored!” Midnight doesn’t even react, she just keeps staring at her soup. “Our dear sister looks like she has a very bad case of down in the dumps!” He looks back to Tide, his smile staying, “So. O’ Mighty and Powerful Captain of ours. What was it like? Hm?” Tide starts growling, her hooves on the table which groans as she slowly presses down, “From the blush you had on your face I dare say you were enjoying yourself.” He continues to smile, resting his weight on one elbow, “So, when can we expect some foals?”

Midnight’s eyes had looked up at that one, and a blush spreading across her face. That, if not anything else, made Tide mad for some reason. Very mad. With a roar she rears up and slaps her hooves against the table, breathing hard. And if her day couldn’t get any worse, another voice chimes in.

“Oh, you should have seen them in the hallway a few days ago! I swear, if Spitfire hadn’t have told me not to, I would have gone out and declared them the cutest couple!” Fleet says from behind Tide, “Next to perhaps Dash and the prettiest Princess Soarin.”

Turning with another roar Tide raise a hoof to strike the owner of the voice, only to pale and stop as she realizes it’s Fleetfoot.

“C...Commander Fleetfoot...I…” Tide sputters as she snaps to attention, “I...did...wasn’t going to…”

Fleet waves a hoof at Tide, as well as a couple of other Wonderbolts who had risen when they had seen had seen Fleet and Tide about to get into a fight. Fleet then just waits a few very tense moments before sighing and looking over her shoulder, “Right, I’ll leave this to you,” She then smile to Midnight who is looking at Fleet with an embarrassed look, “I meant what I said, Midnight, you two are really cute.” She winks, “And, Tide here has quite a temper, you’re very brave.” Fleet then starts walking off, “Which, I would love to talk to you two about, but I fear my duty to my Princess outweighs my desire to gossip!” She chuckles and trots away.

In her place, standing with a very concerned look, is a grey pony with a blue mane wearing sapphire rimmed glasses. Tide spots her, and instantly deflates.

“It would be you.” Tide says as she takes her seat, “Might as well take a seat, Doc.” Tide pats the seat between her and Midnight who is smiling at the grey pony.

“I’m just worried, Tide.” The pony says as she sits down, “I swear I could feel the tension from where I was sitting with Bliss!” The grey pony chuckles as she looks to Midnight, “Evening, Midnight!”

“Hi Witchy,” Midnight replies with a less than enthusiastic smile, “How are you doing?”

“I am doing alright,” Witch replies, her own smile reflecting her concern, “So, I heard about the photoshoot.” Tide visibly flinches at the mention of the earlier event, and Witch turns to look over at her, “Something wrong, Tide?” Tide shakes her head and goes back to stirring her salad. Rolling her eyes and shaking her own head Witch looks over to Midnight, “Right, so what is going on Midnight?” Midnight opens her mouth and closes it again, “Oh, no, not you too. Midnight what is wrong?” Witch says in her professional tone, “If you don’t tell me, I’m not talking you out to tea tomorrow.”

Midnight sighs and focuses on her soup again, “You heard about the photoshoot?” Witch nods, “Then you know that Tide and I kissed, and Surprise got a picture.” again Witch nods, “Tide was worried about her professional standing.”

“That is ridiculous.” Witch says with a sigh, “Just because you like someone in your squad doesn’t mean you’ll get in trouble.” Witch looks to Tide and smiles reassuringly, “I mean, look at Blaze and High Wind!” She gestures over in the direction of Spitfire’s half-sister and her narcoleptic marefriend. Currently the two are eating dinner with their squad, or rather Blaze is. High Wind is asleep in what looks to be a bowl of soup. “If anyone were to get in trouble for that sort of thing, it would be them.”

Tide continues to stir her salad, but she mutters something quietly. Witch shakes her head and pokes Tide in the side with one hoof.

“Hey, is this Captain Riptide I am talking to? Or am I talking to Calm Wind with Fleetfoot ontop of him?” Witch says with raised eyebrow.

“I said, she is Spitfire’s sister.” Tide says, her eyes never leaving her salad.

“You think that matters to Spitfire?” Witch demands, leaning over and pulling Tide’s face up. Tide looks anywhere but Witch as she continues, “Spitfire is the Lead Captain, she wouldn’t let her half-sister get away with anything that was against the rules. You know how strict she can be.” Tide continues to avoid her gaze, and Witch sighs, “But that isn’t want is bothering you, is it, Tide?”

“She…” Midnight starts but Witch holds a hoof up to stop her.

“I want to hear it from her.” Witch says, her tone professional, “Besides, she needs to admit it to herself it seems.”

Tide sighs and looks up and beyond Witch, her eyes locking onto Midnight’s. All the tensions of the day, all the annoyances -- especially Sky -- melt when she meets those eyes. Yet, in their place rises the fear, made worse by the high alert. It wasn’t a few of being chewed out by Spitfire. No, it goes deeper, radiating from her very core, her very being.

She is afraid of…

“I...don’t want to lose her.” Tide whispers, half to herself and half to Witch, “I..with all the talk of Shadowbolts, and how badly they almost beat us last time…” She wants to lower her eyes, but Midnight’s keep her focus. She just wants to get lost in them, forget all the stupid fears, but Witch presses her forward.

“You’re afraid that when the Shadowbolts attack, she might not come back.” Witch says, a sad smile forming on her face as she pats Tide on the cheek, “Tide, she isn’t going -anywhere-.” She leans back and looks at Midnight who is staring at Tide with a look of pure love mixed with worry, “I mean, if love was magical armor, I’d say Midnight here would be beyond harm.” She stands up and nods to her seat, “Now, trade seats with me and sit next to your mare, or I swear I am going to go get Fleet and Soarin and they’ll make sure you sit next to her.”

Tide sighs and slides her tray over, then takes the seat that Witch just vacated, with Witch taking the seat Tide left empty. It takes a few minutes, but Tide eventually reaches over and gently hooks her left arm around Midnight’s right. Nothing is said, both of them simply eating their dinner in silence. Yet, at least to Witch Hour, something had changed. Tide was calmed down now, even if she herself couldn’t see it, and Midnight was smiling widely as she ate.

Nodding Witch stands up and looks around, spotting Fleet sitting with Soarin and Spitfire. The Lead Squad Commander looks up and Witch winks and nods her head, Fleet returns the gesture with a wide smile and goes back to eating.

“Well, Ladies,” She says to Tide and Midnight, “Dancer and Sky.” She nods to the two Stallions who have been sitting in somewhat shocked silence the entire time, “I’ll catch you all later.” She starts off, then stops, “Just, not as patients, okay? Come in too much more and Bliss will have to make up a code just for your Squad.” She turns and regards the squad, as well as the two lovers who are quietly eating, “And I’ll see you tomorrow Midnight. Should bring Tide, too. I am sure my mother would just love to meet her.” Tide’s ears go up at that, but Midnight pulls her closer and looks over her shoulder, simply nodding with a soft smile that says ‘thank you’. Witch inclines her head and goes back to where she had been sitting before Fleet had found her, her job complete.

Midnight could almost not contain the happiness that was inside her right now. If not for being so tired she would likely be bouncing around like Sky, or even Surprise, right now. But, it was late, and what Midnight wanted right now -- beside perhaps to be in Tide’s arms -- was a shower.

Tide had gone ahead already and was likely already pacing their room. Fretting over something or another. If nothing else, she was going to get her shower and then help Tide settle down from all the stuff that had happened today.

Turning the corner towards her room Midnight stops as she nearly runs into somepony. She takes a few steps back and lowers her ears in embarrassment as she sees she has nearly run down Misty Fly. Smiling warmly, though really embarrassed, Midnight does her best to sign ‘sorry’ to the deaf Wonderbolt.

‘It’s Okay’ Misty replies back, her signs much more practiced and quick, though she has slowed down from her usual pace due to Midnight’s inexperience, ‘You okay?’

Midnight nods and signs back slowly, ‘Yes. Distracted.’ Misty leans her head to one side at that and makes a few signs that Midnight doesn’t quite catch, or know. ‘Sorry. What did you say?’

Misty looks around and spots Fire Streak walking down the hallway, actually right towards them, and gestures for him to join them. He does so with a smile and inclines his head to Midnight, “Miss Midnight. What can I do for you?”

“I fear I didn’t catch what Misty asked me,” She says with an apologetic smile, “I...really need more practice with signing.” Fire smiles warmly and nods.

“Well, you are trying, Midnight. That counts for a lot.” He looks to Misty who repeats her signs, “She says she saw you two at the photoshoot.” Misty makes a few more signs, “She wants to know how things went at dinner, as Captain Tide seemed off.”

Midnight sighs and chews her bottom lip as she thinks, concluding she doesn’t have the proper knowledge to answer Misty directly. She looks to Fire and smiles, “Well, it was a little rocky. But...well Commander Fleetfoot stepped in, and me and Tide are doing well.” She blushes a little, which causes Misty to lean her head to one side in curiosity, “Better than alright, really.” Fire smiles warmly and nods.

“That is good to hear,” He relays the information to Misty, whose eyes brighten instantly. The older Wonderbolt actually pulls Midnight into a tight hug for a few seconds, which Midnight returns, before she breaks away and signs to Fire. “Misty says she is very happy for you.” He pats Midnight on the shoulder, “For both of you.” Misty makes a few more signs and Fire translates, “She says she hopes you two are happy for a long time.” Misty then makes a few more signs, followed by a clear shooing motion, “She says go to your marefriend, Midnight, she doesn't want to keep her from you.”

Midnight nods and signs to Misty ‘thank you’ before trotting off down the hall. Glancing over her shoulder once she smiles as she sees Misty and Fire walking closely, one of Fire’s wings draped over Misty and holding her close. The sight put a warm feeling in Midnight’s heart, causing her to make haste to the room she shares with Tide.

Once back she finds, as she expected, Tide pacing back and forth on her side of the room. She stops as she spots Midnight, a worried look back in her eyes. Shaking her head Midnight comes right up to Tide and wraps her arms around her neck, the neck of her marefriend, and pulling her into a tight hug. Midnight holds onto Tide as if she is the only important thing in the world, and slowly Tide reaches up and wraps her own arms around Midnight to return the gesture.

“I love you,” Midnight whispers into Tide’s ear softly before pulling back and kissing Tide’s forehead, “And, after a shower, I am not going anywhere else than to my bed. So don’t worry about me going anywhere any time soon.” Tide nods, her face turning a slightly darker shade of her natural fur color.

Midnight then goes about her business, taking a quick shower to wash off what was left of the day’s grime as well as to relax. Once done she towels herself dry, making sure to take extra care around her wings, and walks to her bed. She grabs a comb she keeps on the bedside table, and does her best to work some of the knots in her mane and tail out.

She spies Tide watching her in the bathroom mirror as she brushes her teeth. Midnight slows down the brushing and hides her face partially behind her mane, color rising on her cheeks.
After a while, and a little preening on her wings, Midnight slips beneath the covers of her bed, facing Tide as she gets into her bed. She waits for Tide to get settled, and smiles as she props herself up on one arm, “You look as beat as I feel.” Tide snorts, but chuckles warmly.

“I blame you and that stunt you pulled at the photoshoot.” Tide replies with a good natured smirk, “I swear, I was walking on eggshells the rest of the day…” she trails off and sighs, “I am sorry for dinner, though.”

“Its okay,” Midnight says with a shrug, “We were both out of sorts.” She reaches over to the lamp on the bed side table next to her, “You can make it up to me later.” She says with a wink before clicking the light off.

“Yeah…” Tide says as her own light clicks off, “I really should make it up to you…” Midnight just chuckles and rolls over so she is facing the wall, finding her right side more comfortable to sleep on.

Then, suddenly, she hears Tide’s bed creak and hooves come over to her bed. For a moment Midnight is confused, but then the covers on her bed get picked up a little, and she feels Tide get into bed with her and snuggle close, one arm wrapping around her and pulling Midnight close with a surprised squeak. And, once she is against Tide, Midnight just melts into strong embrace and body that is suddenly wrapping her in its presence. She feels Tide rest her head on her shoulder and nuzzle her ear before, softly as if afraid speaking loudly will ruin the moment.

“I love you, Midnight.”

And with those four words, Midnight knew. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, this is where she belonged.

Author's Note:

*Sighs and slumps over* So, there is Chapter Three! Felt like it took forever!

Anyway, please everyone give a warm thank you to Witching Hour! Who not only helped me edit this beast of a chapter, but also allowed me to borrow her OC! She was a big help with this!

Edit: Added new art by Witching Hour to the chapter!
I hope you all enjoy this update! Because I fear it is the last real happy 'normal' thing that is going to happen in this. :pinkiesad2:

If you see anything that we missed please tell me and I shall do my best to edit it! Until then, I shall go drown my sorrows in soda in prep for the next chapter.