• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 4,764 Views, 60 Comments

A Beacon of Light - Nobrains

When tragedy befalls a Paladin of Azeroth, will a crazy pony be able to pull him into her reality?

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Chapter Two

Chapter Two

He stared into yellow eyes for what seemed like minutes. He didn't know what to think. Was this for real? Or was this some kind of hallucination? He didn't know what to make of the situation, so he just laid there staring at the small creature, dumbstruck by the notion that it even spoke. It wasn't possible. None of this could be possible.

Then the unicorn in front of him began to beam as her eyes reflected in sudden realization.

"You... you're a human!" She squealed.

Titus eyed her strangely and finally stood up. She began to study his physical features all over. Looking him up and down, fascinated. Titus felt awkward but still had no idea how to react to the situation he found himself in. So he simply stood there, waiting for the unicorn to be through with her examination.

She finally pulled back and couldn't help hopping around in glee."I can't believe it! You do exist! I can't wait to tell everypony and show you to everypony around Ponyville!"

Titus was getting confused; he needed to start getting a grip on things, to see where he was and what he needed to do to get back to Shattrath and Eleii.

"Whoa, slow down there. Would you mind explaining things before going on a rant like that?" Titus asked shakily, bringing a hand up to his head. Too much was happening too fast.

She finally sobered up out of her excitement, ceasing her hopping altogether and focusing on him once more. "Oh... uhm sorry about that."

The awkward moment was over as she began chatting him up at an unbelievable pace considering the events that had just transpired.

"My name is Lyra... Lyra Heartstrings actually... and I was out here looking for fireflies last night! But I guess I might have fallen asleep out here..."

"Uh huh... Quite the name.." Titus said. Strange that her name was two separate inanimate objects put together.

The green unicorn took it as a compliment and only got more excited. "Thanks! Well, my name wasn't really Lyra Heartstrings... it was just Heartstrings before I got my cutie mark. I added Lyra to it after."

Again, Titus was beginning to get confused. So many terms were being used that he was not familiar with. He felt as if he was going to lose all sense if he didn't start dictating the conversation.

"Look, can you tell me where I am? I’m so lost. I don't even know where I am.." Titus couldn't help but feel like he sounded a little too desperate. Not the right way for a Paladin to sound.

Luckily, the unicorn was more than happy to continue with the conversation, even if it regarded a different subject. "Oh, yeah! Of course! Why don't you follow me into Ponyville and I'll tell you everything I know about this place?" She began to make her way towards the village she called Ponyville. She stopped and gestured for the Paladin to follow.

Titus sighed, and trudged on at her side. What had he gotten himself into? This wasn't going to end well. He still had to pry for information, however.

"So how about that little lesson you promised me?" He hinted at.

Lyra's eyes flashed in realization. "Sorry! Let's see... where to start..." her snout scrunched up in concentration.

Titus knew a flood of words was coming and braced himself, and by the Light, it wasn't enough.

"This is Equestria, where Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi all live in peace under the rule of Celestia and Luna. Celestia controls the sun, while Luna obviously takes care of the moon."

Titus eyed her as if she was saying blasphemy. A whole world of these humanoid horse creatures? That couldn't be true. Horses were mounts for humans, and nothing else! What were they doing here, as the dominant and most intelligent creatures of this vibrant land? It didn't seem possible, but here he was... talking to a unicorn right now! The very thought of it hurt his head and he found himself phasing in and out of the flood of information Lyra was feeding him.

"....and that’s how Equestria was founded! In a cave!" She said, swelling with pride.

Titus felt relieved that he hadn't had any more of the history of Equestria trickle into his mind. He had a feeling he would've run off screaming bloody murder and hopped off a cliff, falling to his death once again. Or the first time... he didn't know and didn't want to think about it.

"Well," Lyra finally said. "You'll learn more once we get to Ponyville, I promise." She turned to Titus now. "But how about you tell me about where you came from? I've spent so much time learning about humans and now you're right here walking with me!" She was shaking from excitement.

Titus saw no harm in really telling her about himself. She told him everything he asked her about, even though he tuned most of it out, so he at least owed her a bit about himself.

"Well, I'm Titus, a Knight of the Silver Hand." He explained.

He was ready to go on, but the mention of a 'hand' seemed to get her squealing again. Titus waited patiently as the tiny unicorn tuckered herself out, and then continued on.

"I'm from a land known as Azeroth. There have been many wars throughout its history, some more harsh and brutal then others. I myself, am an adventurer of sorts, finding people with problems that need them fixed for the greater good. It was a rewarding life, if a bit... isolated.” He coughed awkwardly following his brief overture.

He had barely said a few sentences, yet he felt like he told her everything she needed to know. She didn't seem to mind the short explanation, however. She seemed more than happy to just be able to talk to him at all it seemed. No argument from him, he was just waiting to finally arrive in Ponyville. He may have died, or at least had something occur of the ilk, but that didn't mean he wasn't exhausted from the whole ordeal getting here. He could really use a nap after all this.