• Published 23rd May 2012
  • 4,765 Views, 60 Comments

A Beacon of Light - Nobrains

When tragedy befalls a Paladin of Azeroth, will a crazy pony be able to pull him into her reality?

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Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

There they stood, in front of the giant doors leading into the greeting room of the dreadful castle. Runes were carved on the door in what appeared to be Lunar symbols. Titus couldn't make anything out of it. He had no interest in archeology or back in his own world. He looked to see if Lyra had any idea, and she just shook her head.

“Well I suppose we've seen worse.” Titus said.

“Maybe you, but not me. I was just a simple pony obsessing over humans before you came along...” Lyra said, resting her chin on Titus' shoulder.

“I never thought your world would be this dangerous, actually.” he patted her on the head lightly.

“Yeah, well let's just get this over with...” She said roughly.

He nodded and walked up to the runed doors. He pushed them open slowly, and they were showered in dust. Titus and Lyra coughed violently as they pushed through the cobwebs littering the entrance.

Moonlight poured into the decrepit castle and Titus noticed that the place had clearly not seen any sort of maintenance for quite some time, and he began to worry that Eleii wouldn't be here. The place reminded him of the regal castles back in Azeroth, with a huge greeting chamber for guests, and rooms littering each side of the dusty and cobwebbed walls. A huge staircase led to even bigger runed chamber doors, which more than likely led to the throne room or such.

Lyra studied the ceiling while hanging from his back. The canvas of the ceiling depicted a moon and clouds stretching across a sea of darkness and stars. She noticed a huge bright star near the moon, shining much more vividly than its other celestial companions. It seemed to tell a story, but Lyra couldn't get a hold of what exactly the painting was trying to tell. Still the thing was fascinating and she couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of it while Titus studied the rest of the greeting chamber.

Pictures hung loose or fallen, dust and cobwebs hid in every corner of the pale and gray stone that made up the walls. Doors leading into backrooms were barely distinguishable in the pale moonlight that supplied the only means for sight in the chamber. Titus knew that this place had been dormant, but with their trespassing he could not count on that for much longer.
They were so busy ogling that they did not notice the shadows quickly making an incursion through the very door they had entered. They quickly climbed up the walls and surrounded the two companions. Titus soon noticed their presence and quickly let Lyra drop to his legs again so he could ready his hammer. They laughed as they flew across the walls and the canvassed ceiling, twirling and swirling in unnatural ways.

Titus bent his legs, preparing for the confrontation. Lyra simply whimpered below, and he knew he couldn't have her run away this time, it would be way too dangerous in a place like this. Then again the dead town below hadn't really been a great supplier of true protection either. He looked around and found no way for Lyra to get out.

He sighed and spoke to her softly. “Just stay close... okay?”

She smiled up at him. “Can do!” grateful for not being sent off again.

As they both prepared for the Shadows to finally make their attack, the doors supplying the only light to the chamber slammed closed suddenly and powerfully. The the sound was deafening, but Titus could hear the cackling and hooting around him and Lyra. On impulse, he felt for Lyra and found her still by his leg. He quickly picked her up and guided her fore-hooves around his neck.

Fear dug into his stomach as he realized what he had to do. He was going to be forced to fight his enemy in the dark, he couldn't summon a light source for long and even then he would have to have a hand free. This was going to be tricky, and possibly disastrous if they were going to surround him from all sides. He was nearly hopeless when he heard Lyra begin to talk to him.

“Just a sec...” A light soon shone over Titus' shoulders and over a small radius as Lyra's horn began to glow its familiar green light.

“Impressive!” Titus called back to her.

“No flattery now! I need to concentrate!”

Titus nodded and looked around through his new found pocket of light. Shadows soon crept through into sight, but also Skeletons accompanied them. Titus raised his hammer in traditional fashion and brought it down with extreme force on the first pygmy skeleton that came into reach of his bludgeoning weapon. Then a quick flash of light from his hands dispatched the shadow trailing after it.

Lyra's horn began to hiccup in out of illumination as Titus' movement threw her about upon his back. She was multitasking between keeping hold on her Paladin, and keeping the area visible so he could defend them. It was a tough task but she made it through for the most part.

Titus swung and shot forth his light in a violent barrage, killing and wounding all that he came into his killing zone. He knew that the way out of this one would be even more difficult than the last confrontation, and he couldn't do anything drastic with Lyra hanging at his back. So he dug in and continued to bash, bludgeon, and burn through their assailants.

He soon was dancing around the room, parrying, swinging and side-stepping attacks. It was a dance of death, a bloody dirge in his honor, and he knew he wasn't going to make it through if he didn't do something truly devastating soon. He bashed a skeleton's skull in with the butt-end of his hammer and quickly shot forth a bolt of light through a shadow crawling across the dusty ground. But an unseen shadow was soon crawling up his leg.

Pain shot forth through his body as he tried to kick the thing off his leg. It had little effect however as it seemed to just sit upon his leg, filling it with unbelievable agony. It was as if his flesh was being killed while it still stood upon his leg, under the protection of his plate boots.

Despite the pain and his off balanced position, he managed to clear himself of several more skeletons, and tore through a couple of shadows. But then a second shadow managed to assert itself onto his other leg, and he was soon on the verge of being brought to his knees.

A mad thought crossed his mind as he began to collapse. Lyra. She needed to be safe, she needed to be away, but she wouldn't leave him willfully at this point he knew it. He also knew that she had feelings for him, he had finally pieced together the evidence, and he was flattered. Much more than he should have been, but he couldn't help but find the thought of her loving him sweet. It made him happy, which was a rare occurrence in his life, and he knew he couldn't have her in harm's way much longer.

There was only one option. He quickly stood up to his full height, screaming in agony. He dropped his hammer, where it fell under the veil of the shadows racing up his body. He quickly pried Lyra's hooves off of his neck. It was now or never. He pulled her in front of him and looked her in the eyes.

She was crying, she knew what was coming. “No...” she whimpered desperately.

He looked off into the distance, far out of the light that Lyra had been providing. It was time. He threw her as far as he could, hoping she would be okay after this. He sure hoped he would be, he was falling apart, and the pain only got worse.

“No!!” She screamed as she flew back, along with her Light. As soon as she hit the ground, the Light she had been
supplying had distinguished. She had landed hard as was trying desperately to get up, to rush back to Titus. She couldn't get her horn to work however, she couldn't lose him. Not now, not ever. She struggled and concentrated until her horn was able to give off the faintest of glows. It was better than nothing.

But then, a blinding light began to shine from the center of the chamber. Lyra was forced to cover her eyes, but not before she got a glimpse. She couldn't believe what she saw, it was the silhouette from her dream, the one that had started her fascination in humans, but... it was different somehow. Magical hammers spiraled around the silhouette, tearing through the shadows and skeletons that were already burning from the blinding light. It was amazing, and she wished she could have seen more, but the light, it was like a beacon... it was too strong. So she cringed and shielded her eyes from the light, hoping with all her heart that it would end soon and she could see if Titus was okay.

After several minutes, she heard a door cringe open. She cracked an eye and saw Titus pulling open the front doors again, so moonlight could shine once more in the castle. Something was different about him however, he seemed to be glowing ever so faintly, but then it faded away. It must have been one of his powers. Lyra still didn't know if he was telling the truth when he said he did not use magic, but right now wasn't the time to be wary. He was okay, and that was what really mattered.

She started after him. “Titus! You're okay!”

She wanted to cry yet again, but thought better of it. She was strong. From this moment on, no more being weak, no more letting Titus down. She would sooner scold herself than he would her, but it did nothing but further motivate her. It was time to be serious.

He looked over himself and then back at her. “Yeah, I suppose I am.” He laughed a bit. “I didn't think that would work.”
She trotted circles around him, brushing up against him in affection. “Well I for one was sure whatever you were doing would work.”

Titus eyed her suspiciously. “Really? Then what was with all the whimpering huh?”
She pawed at the ground nervously. “Nothing, just... dramatic tension from the situation was all...”
He smiled and patted her on the head. “Yeah.... Sure. We better get going.” He gestured towards his back, but Lyra shook her head.

“I don't feel like getting thrown off or jerked around. Maybe when we're done here, eh?” She batted her eyelashes, trying to send the message of the innuendo.

Titus just stared at her blankly. “Okay...”

She gave a look of defeat. The flirting technique had failed. She hung her head in defeat. “Alright... lean over... I'm getting on.”

Titus scratched his head and pulled her up to his back again. Women sure were strange. If she wanted to be romantic she should have something flattering or of the like. That was what he had been told by his mother back in Elwynn. He certainly did not miss those days, hormones and teenage girls were all that had mattered back then. He scolded himself everyday his mind brought it up and this day was no different.

He was so busy reminiscing that he was bonked on the head several times, and gave no response. Lyra was obviously fuming that she was not being noticed and simply hung on behind him, intentionally trying to kick him in the back. Luckily for her, it worked like a charm.

“What are you trying to do?” He asked peacefully.

“Get your attention.” She said, not stopping at all.

“Well you got it. What did you want to tell me?”

She had a mental block. “I forget....”

Titus sighed. “Well, we better get looking in this place.”

They did just that, going wall by wall, opening and looking through abandoned anterooms. They found nothing however and with each vacant room, Titus grew more and more helpless. What if Eleii wasn't here? What if she was gone forever? He couldn't stop looking now, and he was running from door to door in the greeting chamber looking desperately for some sign some clue to let him know that this wasn't all in vain.

Lyra tried to comfort him, but he was just getting more and more frantic by the moment. Then there were no more rooms to look through, except for the one leading into the throne room. It did not spark any kind of hope in him, however. He almost knew that it was going to be empty and that he put himself and Lyra in needless danger for a wild goose-chase.

He slowly ascended the dusty stone steps, feeling more hopeless each step. He came to the huge, runed doors, the lunar symbols seeming to glow ever so faintly. He shook his head, it was time to get this over with. To figure out if everything had been for naught, and then... to find out what would happen next in his life here.

He did not know exactly what would happen after all this. The thought frightened him slightly, and he couldn't help but think about the green unicorn on his back. He knew she would more than likely follow him wherever he traveled. The thought was comforting, but he did not know if he could see her in harm's way anymore. She meant a lot to him, even after this short time he had begun to admire her ability to stick with something until it was done. That was what they were going to do. Get this done. He took a deep breath, and pushed himself to the doors, the final doors.

His hands were just inches away from the doors when a chilling voice echoed across the chamber. “Ahh... It seems that have managed to make your way here...” Titus stood there, hesitant. “Well... go on and open it... you must be dying to speak with me...

He pressed his hands against the smooth, dark doors, and pushed with all his might. The doors silently creaked open and slammed against the walls adjacent to the sight of the opening. With a careful step, Titus entered the throne room. This time he had his hammer ready, no more getting caught off guard.

The throne room was extremely simple, yet beautiful in a sort of mystical way. Stained glass depicted legends of ponies and other such tales. They also provided light from the moon outside, making Titus exhale in relief that he would not have to put up with another “match in the dark” encounter.

There was also intricate glass doors on each side of the room, leading to small balconies, looking over the dead, decrepit land. Before this land was deserted, this room must have been even more magnificent than its current state. Still it was a nice little haven in this pale, dark land.

So the Beacon finally comes to greet me at last...

Titus quickly looked towards the source of the voice. Upon the crumbled throne, sat a hooded and robed being, leaning on one of the throne's arms. He was humanoid, but extremely short, and blood red eyes looked out from under the shadow of the hood. It wasn't human, but then again nothing here was besides him.

It shifted its arms and quickly looked over the approaching companions.

“It's good you came. Saved me the trouble of picking through the rest of this land to find you.

Titus simply stared at him with fire in his eyes. “Say what you will. I would have my friend back from you, fiend.”

The hooded figure began laughing violently in convulsions. “Is that what lead you here? Not some random claim to duty or upholding your beliefs?” The being stood up slowly, seeming almost frail. “You have become selfish and blind, Beacon. It seems that your hindrance would not be as critical as once thought.

Titus rushed up to the being and stood just inches away from little creature, looking down upon with anguish and hate in his contorting his face. “You will tell me where Eleii is now or suffer the consequences.” He gestured towards the hammer he held in one arm. “I am a man of the Light, and I will not hesitate to smite you down if I have to.”

The being reached a robed arm up to the tabard laid across Titus' chest. “Threats won't work on me, Human. They never have, not since the day she left.

“Who are you talking abo-” and Titus and Lyra were flying back into the wall, he turned at the last to hit the wall face first, saving Lyra any pain. He slid down, resting on the wall. Lyra scurried off of his back and turned him around to a sitting position.

“Are you okay?” her face showing severe concern.

“Yes, yes I am.” He wiped blood from his mouth, and quickly pulled himself back up. His hammer laid by the robed being who simply stood by his throne, waiting for Titus to confront him once more.

He quickly rushed at the being again, and bolt of shadow energy was flying towards him. He ducked under it, as it hit the wall he and Lyra were just recuperating near. He was glad he had decided to press the attack now, or he might have been dead. He looked back to see Lyra hiding in a corner, afraid. He couldn't blame her, but he needed her help. In any way, shape, or form.

He pulled himself up, and quickly was forced back down to the ground as more of the shadow bolts shot forth from the being's outstretched claw-like hands. It was mad dash as he hopped and jumped and ducked around the Throne room, trying to gain possession of his weapon once again. He finally got close enough to the robed creature and found himself fist-fighting the frail thing. Its strength was surprisingly overwhelming. Titus was forced into a defensive position while the creature showered him in clawed attacks.

He suddenly took a hit across the face, and he felt blood streaming down his cheek. It hurt more than it should, but even then the adrenaline flowing through him managed to numb his cheek in time for him to counter with a hook, sending the creature reeling away, allow him to grab his hammer. He turned to find the creature no longer there.

Claws wrapped around his neck, and bit into his skin. He cried out and threw off the robed being. It burned and bled, but he was fine. He knew the Light would fix anything minor to serious. He quickly got the being off guard by not falling back and bashed it in the face with the handle of hammer. It quickly vanished and Titus was forced to swivel around, looking desperately for his enemy.

He quickly caught it standing near the doors to the room, firing more of its spells at him. Now he could parry the projectiles, however, and had little trouble closing the gap between them, and he quickly swung his hammer in a full arc waiting for the contact of flesh on hard refined stone and metal. But it never came and he saw that he was alone again, with Lyra still whimpering in the corner.

Your allies are pathetic, Beacon. How do you expect to defeat a king with no help?

“You're no king!” Titus cried out.

Oh that's where you're wrong, Beacon. Have you not been stepping through my domain? The shadows and undead of my race are my loving subjects. Each and everyone, I'm sure you know firsthand just how faithful they are to their king..... to their Shadow King...

This man ruled the undead. He was the one that sent them into the forest after them. Why did everyone keep referring to him as Beacon? He wanted time to sort all this out, he really did. He did not know why this thing wanted him out of the way. What was he to this supposed king? or to this world? He was just a Paladin, nothing more. The Light help him through all this.

He soon was met with another assault from the shadow king, now back near his throne. Titus charged but this time the King had been shooting at his feet and one caught him squarely in the foot, sending him flying over onto his back. The air had been knocked out of him and tried to get up but found no footing. The hooded king was upon him, holding his claw up menacingly.

It begins with the end of you, Beacon. Then I can drain the rest of this land of its life.

Titus' held back his attacker's claws valiantly and they were forced into impasse. He gritted his teeth, and his arms were shaking violently in protest to the descending claws. He had no way out of this, he could not call upon the Light without a free hand. All he could do was used the last of his strength to hold back the Wretch.

His arms screamed in agony, and he was about to lose control of his arms when he saw a glowing green hammer floating well above the shadow king's head. He gave a sly smirk, and the King turned around and looked to see what he was so amused about. But it was to late, the hammer came down on his head, and he screamed in pain. Titus broke his grip and shot forth of blinding light into the King's eyes. He howled in pain, and Titus was able to throw him off.

Lyra took the liberty of continuing the bludgeoning. She smashed the robed face several times until he finally collapsed. She was going to continue when Titus quickly told her to halt her assault.

“I still need him alive.” He told her in a commanding voice. She nodded in understanding, and quickly backed off.

She was so proud of herself, She finally saved Titus! This certainly didn't even the score though, he had like a five to one advantage on her. Still it was a start and she was sure she would get more chances if this kept up. She mused about all the great times she would have together with him, swinging the hammer she still controlled around unconsciously.

Titus was forced to dark under a quick sweep of the hammer. “Be careful there!”

She dropped the hammer on the ground in sudden realization, “Oh, I'm sorry!”

After he was cleared to progress further, he picked the being up by the front of his robe. He was unconscious, and the exposed portion of his face was already caked with blood. He was in no mood to wait, and he began to shake the disappointment of a king violently.

“Wake up damn you!” He yelled at the comatose figure before him. He was on the verge of throwing his limp body back onto the ground, when the defeated king suddenly opened his eyes. He looked around in confusion, and then focused in on his captor.

Oh, you seem to want something from me is it?” He coughed.

Titus picked his frail body up, until his feet left the ground, dangling. “Where is Eleii?”

The red eyes showed confusion. “I know no Eleii, Beacon. Now do your damn job and kill me.”

Titus looked offended. “This is for no one but me.”

“And.... for me.... kind of...” Lyra trailed off behind him.

The defeated king pulled his bloody head back in laughter. “You have no idea, do you?

“What?!” Titus demanded.

It was your destiny to kill me. Why do you think you were brought to this world?” Titus looked away in pain. “Is that it? You think your death an accident? No... No destiny has had its way with you, Beacon. You were its puppet without even being aware of it. How pathetic, my rule ends because some fool of Human went on a self-fulfilling search for a friend that was never here.

“NO!” he roared, tearing the being's hood off.

What stared back at him was hauntingly familiar. It wasn't a Human, it was obvious that it never had been. It was something he thought he'd never have to see unless he was on the battlefield against the forces of Horde. It was so familiar it struck home, but it also gave him comfort, knowing that this thing would die soon enough.

Hanging by an inch of his life, was a gray shriveled goblin. What was one of them doing here? It didn't make sense and what had it said? His friend that was never here... could it be true... could Eleii have not made the journey to this strange world also? But there was one statement that chilled him the most was the one involving his death. He couldn't be dead, he was standing right here. There must have been something wrong... something... anything...

During his monologue, the goblin dangling from his grip had already died, the head trauma and hemorrhage had finally got to him. A fitting end for one that would command the undead, Titus thought bitterly. He dropped the corpse stared at the ground for what seemed like hours.

“Why am I here? How did I get here?” He said to himself.

“We can answer that.” A commanding voice from behind him said.